Never Let You Go

By LeiaOrganaSolo98

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A story about Han & Leia between the end of Return Of The Jedi and The Last Jedi. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

151 3 1
By LeiaOrganaSolo98

      Han and Leia waited at the bottom of the ramp of the Falcon waiting for Luke and Cora. Luke was nervous, and so was Cora. But to be honest, she wasn't as nervous as him. She was trying to calm him down, and he was thankful for her. Leia and Han stood outside the Falcon in the hangar talking to Pooja. The rest of the family was back at the house. Luke sighed and finally walked down the ramp of the Falcon. Chewie was staying behind this time, not wanting to get in the way of their time with their new-found family.

"Luke, Cora, this is Pooja, our cousin and Padme's niece. Pooja, this is my twin brother Luke and his girlfriend Cora." Leia introduced them.

"I think Luke and I met once during the war. It's nice to see you again Luke, and it's very nice to meet you Cora." Pooja said.

"Leia has told us so much about you." Cora said, smiling.

"Oh?! All good things I hope." She laughed, making everyone laugh.

"Where is everyone?" Luke asked.

"Oh! They're all at the house. They're all anxious to meet you, Luke."

"I-I'm just as anxious to meet them."

"It's okay, Luke. Don't be nervous. You remind me of Leia the first time she met them." Pooja laughed as they all began the walk to the house.

      Walking up to the house, Luke couldn't help but be nervous. This was his family. Finally, he would be meeting the people that could help fill in the blanks, who he'd been searching for, for so long he'd waited for this moment and now it was finally here. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and exhaled as he reopened his eyes. He looked at Cora who squeezed his hand for support. They walked into the house and Luke's heart began to pound.

"Grandma! Grandpa! Aunt Sola! They're here!" Pooja announced. As they turned the corner, Luke saw them all. His grandparents, his aunt, and his other cousin. Sola and Ryoo stood up and walked toward Pooja.

"I'm Ryoo, Pooja's sister."

"Nice to meet you." He nodded.

"I'm your Aunt Sola, Padme's sister. And this is my husband Darred." Luke nodded. They walked in and sat down on the couch across from his grandparents.

"I'm Ruwee." His grandfather said. Luke nodded.

"And I'm Jobal. We're Padme's and Sola's parents." His grandmother said. He nodded once more.

"It's very nice to meet you all." He smiled.

"How have you been, Leia?" Jobal asked, turning to her granddaughter.

"I'm doing well, thank you." She smiled at her grandmother.

"You two must be very excited."

"We are. Excited and nervous." She giggled.

"I remember when I was pregnant with Sola. I felt the same way. Ruwee and I had no idea how to be parents. It's all in the moment." She smiled, thinking back.

"I'm ready to be done with it though. I can't wait until my feet aren't so sore and my back doesn't ache so bad." She sighed. Jobal nodded.

"Have you two decided where you're going to live?" Jobal asked, remembering the last time the Solos were there they were thinking of a planet to settle down on.

"We did. We chose to live on Corellia. Han's from there and I thought that since Alderaan isn't there, that our son should at least experience his father's planet. Han and I would have lived on Alderaan if it was still there."

"Corellia is a wonderful planet. Their beaches are beautiful and the people are great."

"See, sweetheart? She said I'm great." He joked, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.

"So, Luke. Leia told us that you're a Jedi." Ruwee said.

"Yes, I'm a Jedi Master. Cora and I are actually setting up a Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. We just moved there."

"I thought all the Jedi were killed many years ago?" Ruwee asked.

"That's what everyone thought. All but two Jedi were killed when Order 66 was carried out all those years ago. One Jedi that survived was Obi-Wan Kenobi. On Tatooine, we all knew him as the "old hermit" Ben Kenobi. I found out later from talking to him that he had been watching me all my life. In fact, he was the one who was with our mother when she had us. He was told by her and Master Yoda, the other Jedi that survived, to take me to Tatooine. Bail Organa took Leia to Alderaan. We didn't even know all of this about the two surviving Jedi, or that I had a twin, until fate brought us together." Luke said, giving a comforting smile to Leia.

"Your father was a Jedi. He was a great Jedi. But...sadly, he gave in to his anger, his fear." Ruwee sighed.

"He was a nice man, a very respectful, kind, loving person when we met him." Sola said.

"You were raised on Tatooine?" Jobal asked, wanting to change the subject and get to know more about her grandson.

"Yes, I was. I lived with my Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen on their moisture farm. Sadly, they're no longer with us."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Luke. What happened?" Sola said.

"I went out one day and when I came home, their house was on fire. I ran to see if they were okay, but as I got closer, I saw two bodies smoldering lying in the sand in front of the house. At first, I thought it was the sand people, but then I looked closer at the damage and knew that it wasn't the sand people at all. It was the Empire. Only the Empire could have done those things."

"Oh, Luke. That's awful. I'm so sorry." Jobal sighed.

"Thank you." Luke nodded.

"You know, Tatooine was Anakin's home planet." Ruwee noted.

"I didn't know that." Luke said.

"If he had known at least one of you had been born, he would have looked on Tatooine or headed here. Thank gods he didn't know."

"He knew at the end. He knew about me long before he knew about Leia. But at the very end, he knew about Leia."

"You talked to him shortly before his death?"

"Yes, I was with him when he died." There was silence.

"He saved me from being killed by the Emperor. He still had some good in him. It showed at that moment. The Emperor was electrocuting me and he jumped in and threw the Emperor over the side, causing himself to be electrocuted. But that was too much for him. I had to help him to his shuttle in the hangar of the Death Star, but when we got there, he couldn't walk anymore. He told me to take off his mask. He knew he would die. I knew it too. He looked at me and spoke to me. He came back to the light in the very last few moments we were sitting there, face to face. I knew there was still good in him very deep down. I didn't think he'd ever let it show again, but he did in his last moments."

"I felt sorry for Anakin when I met him. He had told us all about his struggles growing up on Tatooine. His mother raised him without a father, he never knew what happened to his father. He and his mother were slaves to some junk trader and he competed in something in order to gain his freedom to go with the Jedi. He had to leave his mother behind to become a Jedi." Jobal said.

"That's awful." Cora said.

"When I met him, I asked him if he had been back to see his mother since, and he told us that he went back, only to find her captured by these 'Sand People', left weak and dying. He freed her, but she died in his arms." Ruwee said.

"That explains where most of the anger came from in him early on." Luke noted.

"He wasn't angry at all when we met him. He was kind, funny, sweet, and he loved our daughter dearly." Jobal said.

"I could see that in his eyes, when I took off the mask. He didn't seem so cold, so terrible, so angry anymore. He was just a regular guy who looked like, physically, he had been through a lot. He was covered in scars, he'd been through a lot." Luke said. Ruwee nodded. Jobal looked at Leia.

"So, Leia. Have you two come up with a name?" Jobal asked.

"Yes, we have," she nodded. "We're naming him Ben."

"Oh?" Luke said, surprised.

"Ben was the reason Han and I even met in the first place. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have met Han and you and Han wouldn't have come to rescue me on the Death Star." She smiled.

"That's a great name, Leia." Luke smiled.

"Thank you." She nodded.

"Not much longer, now." Sola said. Leia nodded.

"About a month."

"You must be exhausted."

"I am. It's hard when you have to carry around all this weight."

"I remember," Sola laughed, "Near the end, I would take only a few steps and feel out of breath." Leia laughed and nodded. She was experiencing the same thing.

"How long will you and Han be on planet?" Ruwee asked.

"Two days. We move into our new home the day after tomorrow." Leia replied.

"We've set up a room for you and your husband and we've set up a room for Luke and Cora, too." He told them.

"That was very kind, thank you." Luke said. Ruwee nodded.

"Lunch is ready." Ryoo said from the kitchen. Everyone stood up and walked to the table to eat.

      At sunset, Han found Leia sitting outside on the patio, looking out toward the lake. She sat there sipping her tea, enjoying the cool, soft, gentle breeze. Han sat down beside her and closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a breath of the fresh air that surrounded them. Both of them enjoyed the silent moment with each other.

"I knew I'd find you out here." He said, watching a small smile come across her face.

"It's beautiful...peaceful. It's calming." She said.

"It definitely is calming." He agreed.

"I've always loved sunsets."

"I know you have." He smiled, running his fingers through her hair.

"He's calm...relaxed." She smiled.

"That's good," Han laid his hand on her stomach. "He should be. His mama is relaxed, too."

"Maybe that means I'll actually get some sleep tonight." She yawned.

"Here. Lay your head on my lap. I'll wake you up in a little while. You need some rest."

"Thank you, Han." She softly smiled, putting her head on his shoulder. He leaned over and kissed her head, smiling at this perfect moment with his family.

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