Neighbors - ZIAM, TopZayn (Co...

By LiliJamesTommo

68.4K 2.9K 1.9K

"To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world." ... More

New Neighbors
First Meeting
In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle
In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle: Part 2
Water War
Future Partners in Crime
First Day of School
On Top of the World
Mr. Malik
Professor Horan
When Zaynie Met Niall
The one with Perrie
Shawn Mendes, Everybody!
Winter Break
Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold
Into The Woods
The Rescuers
I Will Always Return
Gotta Be You
It is Only Through the Heart that One Can See Rightly
'Friends Like Us' and 'Lost and Found'
Sign of the Times
Here We Go Again
Two of Us
Into the Pack


2.5K 122 66
By LiliJamesTommo

"Boys, time to wake up." Louis whispered to the kids that decided to share the bed. 

      Liam didn't like sleeping alone, and Zayn didn't mind. Zayn slowly opened his eyes and looked at Louis.

"Morning, Mr. Tomlinson. Why do we have to wake up this early? It's Saturday."

"Good morning, Zee. We have guests. A friend of mine is visiting us in two hours with his family. We want to introduce Liam." Louis explained, softly shaking Liam.

     Zayn looked down at the boy that was curled into his chest and whispered in his ear.

"Li, wake up, please."

     After some muffled noises, Liam gave up and opened his tired eyes.

"Morning, baby boy. Today me and papa have friends coming over. They are so excited to meet you, Li. They also have two sons I am sure you will be great friends with." He explained, smiling at the kid.

"Zayn stay?" Liam pleaded. If you let him, he would just ask if they could adopt Zayn and always keep them together. But he didn't need to, as Zayn spent most of his time with him anyways.

"Yes, of course! It would be great and you can also meet the boys. They are younger, but I know you have no problems with that." Louis said to Zayn, pinching his cheek, earning a glare from the boy.

"How much younger? Are they younger than Liam?" Zayn asked nervously. 

     He so didn't want to deal with babies.

"No, they're not. Zac is six and Charlie is four."

     Zayn just nodded, taking a mental note to be near Liam the whole time and make sure these new boys weren't mean. They got ready for the day and went downstairs for breakfast. Harry decided to make pancakes, as it was the weekend.

     Zayn and Liam were in the living room when they heard someone knocking on the door. Louis ran to the door and welcomed the guests.

"Tommo! Haven't seen you in a while." A tall blonde man said, giving Louis a hug. 

     He was followed by another tall man, with beautiful blue eyes, and two boys.

"Hey, Lou! Nice to finally see you," the other man said, sharing a hug with Louis.

"It's great to see you guys, too. Come on in." he said and went to the boys.

"Hey, boys. Missed me?: he smiled and opened his arms, welcoming them both in a tight hug.

"Yeees, uncle Lou."

"Hey, guys!" Harry cheered, walking out of the kitchen.

     After they shared their greetings with Harry, all of them entered the living room. The two men cooed at the new member of the family, while the proud fathers bent down near him.

"You have to be the legendary Liam. We heard so much about you," said the blonde man.

"Li, this is Uncle Chris. We went to the same college when we were younger. I am sure you don't know what a college is, but we are best friends, just like you and Zaynie. This is Uncle Tom. And these are Zac and Charlie. They are Uncle Chris' and Uncle Tom's children. Say hi." Louis explained to him, sitting near him on the floor.

"Hi. I'm Leeyum." Liam said, smiling shyly, and looking at the new people with his big puppy eyes, already liking them, "This is Zaynie," he added, introducing his best friend.

"It's Zayn," Zayn corrected kindly, not wanting anyone call him that, except for Liam and maybe Louis, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Zayn," Chris said, smiling and bent down in front of Liam, "Now, what do you think. Can I have a hug from my favorite nephew?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

     Liam laughed at his playfulness and wrapped his small arms around his Uncle Chris.

"Awww, I wanna join," Tom said, joining the hug.

"Hey, you're coming or what?" Chris asked his own sons that looked hesitant.  

     But soon they ran into the cuddle session, laughing. Charlie adored the small boy already. He could already imagine them as the best of friends.

"Boys, you can go play in Liam's room, we will call you later. Just tell me if you need anything, ok?" Louis said, already walking the children to the stairs.

     Charlie immediately took Liam's hand and rushed upstairs with him. The parents smiled at that, glad that their kids got close pretty soon. Zac just rolled his eyes, because Charlie wasn't that friendly with him, but he meets Liam for less than ten minutes and is already showing his loving side. And Zayn, well, Zayn was mad. How could the four-year-old dare hold his Liam's hand? But again, he was a four-year-old. Being the eldest, he should be a good example.

     The new friends entered Liam's room, followed by the elder boys. They were still holding hands and not planning on letting go anytime soon.

"What should we do?" Zac asked, already getting bored. 

     He wanted to play with kids of his age, not his young brother and his even younger friend. But he wouldn't mind spending time with Zayn, cause he seemed really cool.

"I don't know. We can let them play whatever they want and I can bring my PlayStation for us." Zayn suggested kindly.

"From where?"

"From my house. It's right on the other side of the street. That sounds ok?" he asked.

"Yes, sure." Zac answered happily.

"Ok. Then, please, look after them while I go bring it. I'll let Mr. Tomlinson know you guys are alone."

"Ok. No problem." Zac answered, sitting down on the floor.

     Zayn just nodded and walked out of the room. Charlie was near the wall, tracing his fingers on the painting.

"This Little Prince?" he asked excitedly.

"I no know," Liam answered frowning and walked closer to Charlie. 

     He liked the painting so much, but he never knew who it was. All he needed to know was that Zayn was the artist.

"Really? You don't know The Little Prince?" Zac asked, surprised that Uncle Louis and Harry haven't read the best fairy tale to Liam yet, "If you want to, we can read it for you, Li. After lunch," he added kindly, warming up to the boy.

"Okay," Liam answered, grinning sweetly.

     It was amazing how close he felt to the two boys in no time. He was always scared of new people, but Zac and Charlie seemed so friendly and kind, just like their dads.

"Yaaay! You will love it!" Charlie said, jumping up and down excitedly and giving Liam a bear hug after. 

     Zac just smiled fondly at the younger kids. He may like older kids, but these two were too cute together. When Zayn returned with the PlayStation, he found Liam cuddled in Charlie's lap and playing with him with his toys, while Zac was just waiting for him. He was still feeling jealous of Charlie, cause Liam never let anyone that close to him immediately, except for Louis and him. Not even Harry, who had to wait for three weeks to be finally called 'papa.' But his jealousy faded away when he saw the happy smile on Liam's lips. The boys were adorable together. 

     After having fun with the PlayStation, and even playing with Charlie and Liam, Zayn and Zac took the younger ones downstairs to join the families.

"Looks like someone made a new best friend," Chris noticed, smiling at his sons.

     Zac and Charlie were confused. Which one of them? Seeing their confusion, Tom laughed and added.

"Looks like everyone made a new best friend."

"Yes! We did," Charlie exclaimed happily, wrapping his arm around Liam.

     Zayn and Zac chuckled at the boys, and smiled at each other, knowing that they would make great friends too.

"Now come on, let's dig in," Louis said, already helping Liam and Charlie sit around the table.

     After lunch, Charlie went to Louis and gave him his best puppy eyes. What? Liam isn't the only one who got those.

"Uncle Lou?"

"Yes, lad? What is it?" Louis asked, bending down near the kid.

"Can we read Little Prince for Li?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure. I guess that's a great idea. Zayn drew the picture on his wall on day one and we haven't thought about reading it for the whole time. That would be great, Charlie!" Louis answered happily and started leading the boy to Liam's room.

"Uncle Lou?"


"How long Liam lives here?" Charlie asked curiously.

"For a month. We became very close in a pretty short time." Louis answered, smiling sweetly.

     Every time he said a word about Liam, he couldn't stop smiling. Charlie smiled in return, happy to see how much Louis loved his son.

"Boys, time for reading an amazing story." Louis announced entering the room. 

     Everyone else was there, and Chris and Tom were carefully listening to Liam, who was telling them about the animals he saw the day before. Liam quickly ran to Louis excitedly. After finding the book Harry handled it to Louis, who sat on the rocking chair near the famous wall with Liam. The Hemsworth family sat down on the floor in front of them, cuddled together, and Zayn and Harry sat near the chair.

"Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing." Louis started reading in a soft and relaxing voice.

     Liam was attentively listening and looking at the pictures, while the other kids were smiling, remembering the first times they heard this story. Even Chris, Tom, and Harry enjoyed it just as much as the children. Liam was so into it. He was feeling sorry for the rose. He also loved the fox most of all, secretly dreaming about meeting it in real life. Now he loved the painting even more and could understand Charlie's, Zac's, and Zayn's passion towards the book. This was definitely a day he would always remember. Meeting Uncle Chris and Uncle Tom, Zac, spending another day with Zayn, making a new best friend, and listening to The Little Prince for the first time.

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