The Only King (RWBY x Betraye...

Oleh -_Rafael_-

182K 2.6K 700

Ner'Zhul has been bound in the Frozen Throne for too long but he is just waiting for his champion to be born... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: The Mission and Beacon Academy
Chapter 2: Meeting Team STRQ
Chapter 3: About The Legendary Sword
Chapter 4: Love is not Worth it
Chapter 5: It's All a Lie! (Story Trailer & End of Volume 1)
Chapter 6: The Confrontation
Chapter 7: Ship Battle
Chapter 8: Menagerie
Chapter 9: Y/N's Sudden Change
Chapter 10: The Attack of The Scourge In Menagerie
Chapter 12: Death Of Kel'Thuzad (End Of Volume 2!)
Volume 3 Coming Soon!!
Chapter 13: Onward To Northrend!
Chapter 14: Prepare For The Worst
Chapter 15: The Mission To Lordaeron
Chapter 16: Before Claiming The Sword
Chapter 17: Death Knight's Arrival
Chapter 18: The Rise Of Y/N
Chapter 19: Fall Of Lordaeron
Chapter 20: The New Lich King (End Of Volume 3)
Volume 4: Coming Soon!
Chapter 21: The Frozen Throne
Chapter 22: The Alliance Of Scourge and Grimm
Chapter 23: Anduin Will Never Be Yours
Chapter 24: The Future Warrior Of The Scourge
Chapter 25: ???
Chapter 26: The Two Guardians
!Important Announcement!
!!Great News!! I got it Back!!

Chapter 11: Enemy or Ally Reinforcement?

5.4K 96 30
Oleh -_Rafael_-

3rd Person's POV

Y/N:"Everyone! Fallback and form a shield wall behind me! We will hold them there!" he shouted as archers are the first one to move then footmen that wields a sword and a shield and lastly the footmen that wields spears as while they are retreating they still manage to push back some of the undead that tries to charge in...

Y/N noticed the Abomination is getting closer at each second as this monstrosity squashed everything on its way. Y/N sheathed his sword to his scabbard as he then readied his hammer as the spearmen are now position behind the shield wall but left Y/N standing outside the wall

Footman #1:"Sir! What are you doing?!" he shouted as Y/N looks back at him and smiles before charging in to the incoming wave of undead. "Damn it! Archers, provide support to Lord Y/N!" he said to the archers

Archers:"Understood!" they replied as they each grab an arrow and readied it on each of their bows before releasing it as arrows rain down to the undead

Y/N:"Come at me!" he shouted as he swing his hammer upward and it hit on the ghoul's jaw then went flying upward

He kept on swinging from left, right, upward, and even downward. He ducked as he dodges a ghoul's claws... He then stood up and punched the same ghoul that he dodged on the head... As he didn't noticed that he is being watched by no other than Sylvanas Windrunner, The Banshee Queen... She commands the undead to keep on attacking Y/N while also trying to push off the Shield Wall that is blocking their way to Rebecca's position

Sylvanas:"Well, he is a fighter after all" she complimented to the Royal Guard that he clearly didn't heard it because of him being busy smashing undead skulls. "He's distracted. Send in the Abomination" she said to the necromancer beside her as he nodded and motions the Abomination to attack Y/N

Abomination:"Meat... Fresh Meat..." he said while walking his way to Y/N while also squashing some undead that blocks his way

Y/N noticed the huge shadow is looming over him as he turns around and saw the Abomination with his weapons ready to smash him... As before the Abomination to strike Y/N, he already jump back as he safely dodges the Abomination's heavy attack

Y/N:"You're huge... But, your size doesn't matter to me..." he said before charging towards the Abomination with his hammer low and ready to swing it upward

As the Abomination looks hungrily at Y/N, he just stares at him as he raises his weapons and ready to attack again until...

Y/N:"Aaahhhh!!!" he shouted with a mix of rage as he swings his hammer upward and his hammer hits the Abomination's lower stomach but it didn't stop there, for some reason Y/N's inhuman strength has sent the Abomination flying back and landed at the undead behind him and blocks the path...

Something that Y/N just did shocks the Footmen, the Necromancer and even Sylvanas herself is shock from what Y/N's strength is... But, it looks like it has a toll for Y/N. As he drop down on his knees and he seems like he is exhausted...

Sylvanas:"What... What just happened?" she said surprised until she snaps out of it. "Grrr! That's it! I'm killing him myself!" she said in pure anger as she ran up to the dead Abomination and jumped over it and she landed on the other side with her bow and arrow ready...

Y/N:"*Breathing* Hey, I knew it that you were the one that leaded this attack" he said while catching some oxygen

Sylvanas:"You're strong... You will be perfect to be my puppet" she said as a Banshee appeared beside Y/N as she possess him... "Perfect~ Now, time to ki-" she cut off as she noticed the troubled look on Y/N's face that is now clearly the Banshee that is trying to fight for control...

Y/N:"I... I'm not... going to.... be your... PUPPET!" he shouted as the banshee screamed in pain and get off from his body as Sylvanas is surprised by this...

Sylvanas:"First, you manage to defeat a Abomination. Second, you also manage to fight off a banshee from possessing you. What even are you?" she said

Y/N:"I'm just a normal man with a pounding heart inside of me..." he said while breathing

Sylvanas:"You're perfect~" she said with a weird tone

Y/N:"What?" he asked completely confused from what he just heard

Sylvanas:"You know, Y/N. A Queen needs her King... And you're perfect fit to be my King~" she said with a seductive tone but Y/N didn't buy this as he began taking steps backward

Y/N:"I'm not going to be your King... My people still needs me" he said as Sylvanas giggles for a second before aiming her bow at Y/N

Sylvanas:"Well, too bad. I didn't need your answer for it" she said before releasing the arrow and it flew and pierced Y/N's arm where he holds his hammer...

Y/N:"Ahhhh! Damn it!" he screamed before hissing in pain as he dropped his hammer

Footman #1:"Get away from him, you monster!" he shouted as he and the other footmen helped Y/N and carried him away as Footman #1 bashed his shield on Sylvanas' face as she was stunned for some seconds but it is enough for the Humans to escape...

Sylvanas:"Agh! That hurts!" she said in anger until the same banshee that tried to possess Y/N has appeared beside her

Banshee:"Sister, we need to fall back. The rest of the human forces has somehow got here without any of our troops noticing them..." she said as Sylvanas is conflicted of what's she going to do

Sylvanas:"Signal the retreat! And find the necromancer and tell him to send a message for Kel'Thuzad to send reinforcement to my position" she said until someone else spoke up

Kel'Thuzad:"There's no need to, Sylvanas" he said as she turn to see Kel'Thuzad on top of the fallen Abomination as above The Port Town of Menagerie is a large group of Sky Barge that holds most of Kel'Thuzad's undead army

(This is what the Sky Barge looks like but bigger)

Sylvanas:"Kel'Thuzad? Where did you get those Sky Barges" she asked him

Kel'Thuzad:"The Dark Lord whispers to me... He sent this Sky Barges to our aid to travel faster on land and air" he said as his eyes glows and raised his staff in the air. "Onward! For the might of the Scourge!" he shouted


As we are now retreating back to the hill, I noticed a light appeared on top of the hill before disappearing... I noticed that the undead didn't charge or even just hunt us down...

Footman #1:"Sir, what do you say about that shield bash of mine on their leader" he said with a smirk as I chuckled

Y/N:"Amazed... You show potential boy, what's your name, soldier?" I asked him with my arm over his shoulder as he carry me

Liam:"Liam, sir" he answered as I smile and noticed that we are now getting closer to the wooden gates. "Open the gates! Lord Y/N is injured! He needs a healer right away!" he shouted until the 13 surviving Footmen and I heard the locks being removed from behind the wooden gate...

Y/N:"*Chuckles* You know, Liam. I'm sure that one day if I ever have a son... I'll gonna name him after you..." I said as he looks at me surprised before smiling

Liam:"I'm honored, Lord Y/N. I hope that day will also come that I'm gonna meet your future son" he said as I look back to the front while hiding sudden pain in my heart... but hid it by chuckling

The wooden gate is now fully opened as we all walk inside and the first person I saw is Arthas...

Arthas:"Y/N!" he called out as I waved my hand a little

Y/N:"Prince Arth- *Groan In Pain*" I said but cut off as I hissed in pain as I felt someone poke my wounded arm

Arthas:"Jaina! What are you doing?!" he said surprised to Jaina who is probably examining Y/N's wounds

Jaina:"Weird... Your wounds is... something not normal..." she said as she finished examining Y/N's wounds...

Liam:"Lady Jaina, Prince Arthas, I must take Lord Y/N to the healer" he said

Y/N:"Well, we should talk later..." I said as Liam and I walk our way to the nearest healer in the camp

Arthas' POV

After Y/N and the Footman left to find the healer, I pulled one of the Footman that is with Y/N awhile ago...

Footman:"P-Prince Arthas? Is there something wrong?" he asked surprised

Arthas:"I want you to tell me everything that happened when you and the other Footmen joined Y/N" I asked him as the Footman nodded before removing his helmet

Footman:"Well, it all started when..." he said as he told me everything that happened since Y/N woke up from his painful sleep... "And that is all, Prince Arthas" he said as I dismissed him and walked my way to Jaina who is still deep in thought

Arthas:"Jaina?" I called out to her as her chain of thoughts stops and looked up to me

Jaina:"Arthas? Arthas, we need to find a way to get the undead off this island" she said. "Looks like the only way is to kill their leader, Kel'Thuzad" she said as I nodded

Arthas:"Then we must gather every men that can fight... except for the faunas people..." I said as I motion for Jaina to follow me as I lead her to where Rebecca is...



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