By PortableFavour

2.5K 253 20

A teenage girl thinking she is different from other teenagers...and suddenly things took turn when she met so... More

Crash and crushed
Moving on
Jake's Problems
Lots of Love❤️
Quick message

Big decisions

91 14 0
By PortableFavour

Anna's POV

Two weeks later.........

After Jake left the hospital a week after he was admitted, I learnt that someone found him on the streets took him to the hospital and found his phone and contacted me thank God he had no password on his phone then he also told me about his dad and his mum issues I felt sorry for him cause he has really gone through a lot and he doesn't show it on his face,he is so brave and fearless covering up his father's assaults. Because of that my parents allowed him to stay at our guest room and since then Jake has been staying with us.

Am happy he stays with us now, not because he is my boyfriend but because he is safe from his Dad and he recovered quickly, Jake already packed his remaining stuffs at his house when his Dad was not around successfully which makes me sooo glad, I see Jake every blessed day, he helps with my homeschooling when he comes back from school and am also recovering gradually too. The cast on my arm has been removed and every other part has recovered except my legs which are still covered in heavy cast so am still wheeling around but at least I can use both arms better now.

But am also sad because I won't be able to go to college this year again,no more scholarship,no more running on the track,no more doing the best thing I love to do am so devastated on the inside, its still a shock to me that I might not be able to run again but all I have to do now is just wait and heal and see if I can still make it, I hope I can.....

After my brief thoughts I wheeled myself into the living room waiting for my younger ones to come back from school and Jake too.
Mum was sleeping in her room after she came back from Russia early this morning and Dad was at work too.

'Annabelle, babe' I heard someone calling my name from sleep,I gradually opened my eyes and saw Jake.
'hey' I spoke up while adjusting my hair with my fingers

'How is my favourite doing' Jake asked as he pecked my temple

'well the usual' I shrugged 'i missed you today'i say blushing

'aww i missed you too annabelle i could not concentrate in  school today' he replied me rubbing my arms leaving goosebumps all over

'Mum is back but she is sleeping in her room presently, she asked of you' I told him still shivering under his touch

'Thats great, i will see her when she wakes up' he said as he leaned in to kiss me annnd boom we were interupted by my two little demon brothers

'ewwww' George said with an irritated look on his face

'Plssss watch before you leap next time, there are kids around the house' Martins said grinning

'sorry guys, it won't happen again' Jake spoke up smiling

'just get out of here you boneheads' I say getting angry at them for spoiling the moment for us

'ouch.. don't bite us ok, we are out of your sight already' George said raising his hands up and laughing

'yeah don't bite us' martins also said smiling

'whatever, but before you guys wander off, make sure you walk scuddy around the park for a while'i told them

'okay' They chorused while leaving the living room........

'so, hm-hm' Jake muttered so I helped him out

'Jake, we need to talk and take some big decisions, you  know about college and moving on in life and well you know what am tryna say right?' I breathed out

'Annabelle, i don't want to talk about that now,i want to you to be okay and upright before we talk about that' Jake spoke said irritatingly

'Jake this is not about me, i don't feel like talking about this too but we have to jake, we have to talk things out and decide'

'Babe but am not ready please lets stop talking about it, i can't leave you all alone and go to college, i can't abandon you Annabelle'

'Jake you don't need to worry my family will take care of me and you're not abandoning me ok?, we will work this out'

'I want us to go to college together,stay together in an apartment,go on dates and have fun, i don't want to be all alone through it pls listen to me ' he spoke pleadingly while holding my hands in his

'Jake, you know its not like i won't go to college forever, you'll just be a year ahead of me ,c'mon jake we will pull this through and  more so if this accident never happened we would have gone to different colleges remember?' I said now soothing his hands and my eyes pleading with his

'Jake i want you to go ahead and start college, do you know its even a good start cause i want to spend the rest of my life with you and am sincere about that, i want you to go ahead, cause you're the man okay? Remember you'll need to take care of our family in all ways' I say smiling as he returned the smile

'You're right babe I also want to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you so much, i never thought of the matter that way geeez, i'll miss you alot annabelle, will miss everything about you'

'I love you too and I'll miss you too sweet' I hugged him smiling tooooo wide like I won't smile again
'Don't worry things will work out fine'

'But i haven't taken you out on a proper date and you know other things couples do' he said wiggling his brows

'Don't be a bad boy Jake' I said while hitting him playfully

'only for you Anna' he pecked my lips and I laughed

'So how was home school today'

'The usual, I have even done my assignment since there was nothing to do am so bored' i say pouting

'Aww well since i don't have any homework, lets visit the park'

'finally, thanks Jake i would love that, go change am ready to go'

'Be right back' he said standing up to leave as Mum came down the stairs rubbing her sleepy eyes

'Hey mum'

'Anna, how are you darling?'

'Am fine mum,you?'

'I'll be good too just need coffee and some pancakes in my life'
'Hi jake, hope you are good and how is your health'

'Am fine Mrs Hagins and am getting better too'

'Thats good to hear and please call me victoria okay?'

'Alright Mrs Ha- Victoria, thanks for allowing me to stay here too'

'Pfft, you don't need to thank me, you're always welcome here dear'

'Thanks Victoria'

'Mum, Jake and I are going to the park for a while' I say wheeling myself towards the kitchen where Mum has started preparing her pancakes, Jake also left to change his clothes
'Mum how was your fashion show at Russia?'

'it was great but tiring, but all was a success and its taking my designs  to the next level,  i have to go London next week for at least a month or two for another fashion show and my designs will dominate the event'

'Great am so happy for you mum, thats a big achievement am so happy for you but you've got tons of work load on your table'

'Yeah, don't worry mummy will survive, thanks baby girl. What about your brothers and i haven't seen scuddy this afternoon'

'Oh they have gone ahead to walk scuddy to the park and dad said he will come back a little late tonight'

'Okay, just make sure you guys are right on time for dinner am making lasagna'

'Yay!! Thanks mum, i love that dish a lot ' I said with joy as Jake came back changed and ready to wheel me out

'See ya later mum'

'Alright my babies' she says as she pecked us
'Jake take care of my princess alright?'

'Yes victoria i'll take care of our princess' he replied muttering the last part as he wheeled me out of the house

'i heard that Jake'Mum shouted back as Jake closed the door and we bust into fits of laughter.......

Hello guys, I know it's been a while but I have been so lazy and thinking about what to write next, but there you have it and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Watch out for the next chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment your heart feels.

Thanks for reading 😘✌️✌️✌️

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