Demon's Child

By flamenightivy

2.3K 101 8

The twins were born with a terminal illness. When they were infants and just inches from death the twins pare... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

614 22 0
By flamenightivy

The night was quiet, no wind, no crickets. It seemed almost too quiet. As the milky moon shined its beams across the land all seemed to be at peace. All except a small family, in a small town. Nothing seemed too special about this particular family from the outside. Though, a quick glance inside would create a much different view of them.

Within the small house deep in the cellar, an evil stirred. One that has not been around for a long time. A low pleading voice began to echo off the cellar walls. "Please help us," a middle-aged man asked begging the creature before him. For before him, stood an evil so dark, none dare mess with it. That is, had your own children's lives not be on the line.

The evil looked down at the bowing man with a calculating glance. It appeared as if the creature was thinking."If I choose to help, what would I receive in return for granting your request?" The man looked up at him, then at the woman only meters from him.

"Anything, please just save my babies," the woman pleaded, tears forming in her eyes. For right in front of them laid two infants. Both had red faces and breathing patterns much too fast for one so young. The creature knew that if he did not work with them they would surely die within the same night.

"Alright, I will grant your request. In return, you shall give something equally two me. For your twins to be saved one must be given to me." The woman cried out and the man looked to the ground. He reached a hand up to cover his face.

"No, please! Anything else, I beg of you," the woman cried out. She couldn't bear to part with either of her babies. They were her life, no matter how new to the world they were.

"No, you shall give me a child or they will both meet their end before the night is over. I suggest you make your decision quickly their time is almost up." The creature basically hissed out in a sly voice. He did not do well with humans, especially weeping ones. This had done nothing to calm the frightened mother.

The woman looked at the creature than her babies and back to the creature. "What will happen to my baby? Can I at least know that?" She asked scared, fearing for her tiny child's life. They were so new to this world, she could not let them leave now.

"I will raise the child as my own. The child will be kept happy and healthy. They will also be raised to be a great and powerful heir. It is high time I took on an apprentice to learn all that I know." He explained to the grieving parents. He hoped by offering this it would ease them into saying yes.

"Will you allow us to ever see our baby again?" The man asked since his wife could barely speak anymore. She had sat kneeling next to him her head cradled in her hands.

"In the twelfth summer of the twins life, they will unite where gravity does not reign and the mystery walks among us. " He told them in a not fully clear form, for he was not supposed to always give away the answers (where is the fun in that?). Yet not making it too hard to figure out. His voice deepened as he spoke the final words. "So do we have a deal?" His glove covered hand lighting up in bright blue flames.

They thought for a moment, which child would they give up. Which would they save? It took only a second before they knew. Reaching out his hand the man spoke. "Deal. Take our youngest child and save our oldest." He finished gripping the flaming creatures hand tight.

The creature smirked, "As you have it." With a snap of his fingers, two healthy babies appeared before the couple.

"Please, keep the child safe. Cipher." The father made glare that would make any normal human flinch terror. This, however, was no human. This wasn't even a human at all but Bill Cipher, High King of the Demons. The only dream demon.

The woman took the older twin into her arms. Holding the baby tight to her chest. Taking the youngest into his arms Bill Cipher smiled. Not the usual smirk during a deal, but a genuine smile. It was only for a second before it was gone, the couple believed they had even imagined it.

"Keep him safe Cipher. Keep my Little Dipper safe." The woman said tightening her arms around her only remaining child. Her own shooting star.

****12 Years Later****

A small green car drove down a dusty dirt road, trees were blowing wild in the wind as the car got closer and closer to its destination. It slowed down when a creaky building came into view. The words "Mystery Shack" resting on the top and looked as if it was about to topple any moment. Pulling into the small clearing that appeared to be a cheap version of a parking lot the car came to a gentle stop. Once in park three people climbed out of the small car and stretched their limbs. As one would after driving hours on end.

The three, a man, woman, and child looked around at the area. Even though the shack looked ready to topple, it all seemed peaceful. As if it all was right as it was. The woman who stepped out of the turned around facing the twelve-year-old behind her. Next, to her, the man walked up. Kneeling a bit the woman looked the child in the eyes.

Brushing some hair out of the girl's face, she let out a deep breath. "Mabel love, are ready for this?" She asked in a gentle tone.

"As I'll ever be, Mum! I am ready to meet my brobro!" She said with a large smile on her face. The woman smiled at Mabel, it was time.

"Perfect let's go then, shall we?" Grabbing her husbands and daughters hand the three walked up to the Mystery Shack.

They all walked hand in hand up to the rickety old door. Reaching out a hand the woman knocked loudly on the door. A loud crash and grumbling sounded from the inside. The door swung open revealing an old man in a crusty tank top.

"What?! I don't got any mone... Oh, it's John and Amy. What are two you doing here?" The old man asked scratching his head trying to remember.

"Remember Stan? We said we were coming this summer. We brought Mabel with us." John explained gesturing to his daughter who smiled brightly waving.

"Oh, I thought that was next summer," Stan answered sheepishly.

"No, it's this year. They're 12th birthday just passed." Amy explained to her husband's uncle.

"12th huh, he doesn't seem twelve yet. Guess I forgot, oh well. Then welcome in, the kid is being a pain today I must warn you." Stan groaned as he let the three inside. He rubbed the bridge of his brow seeming to remember something annoying.

"Wait, you've met him before?" Amy asks surprised and a little jealous. Turing to Stan waiting for him to answer.

"Yeah Cipher and the kid visit pretty often. This way the kid could have a little time in the real world. None of that crazy, dreamscape mumbo jumbo. They can only come here though because it either takes a lot of power or a summons for them to be able to leave Gravity Falls for some reason. Bill told me once but I wasn't listening." He told them as he walked into the hallway.

"Can we see him now?" Mabel asked looking up at her Grunkle. Stan smiled looking at the oldest of the siblings.

"Yeah, he finally calmed down for a darn moment. He's laying down in the living room now. Told the kid to take a nap so we could have some quiet time." He said leading them into the living room. When they walked into the room they saw a small boy curled up on the recliner with a blanket covering most of him. He was sitting on an older man's lap. The man looked to be in his twenties with golden blonde hair. He did not look quite human, not with the long set claws, pointed ears. When the man opened his eyes it revealed bright blue eyes with glowing yellow pupils. Whatever he was, it was not human.

"Who are you?" John asked the strange man before them. He held a hand in front of Mabel to try and shield her, should the man do anything.

A familiar sly voice sounded. "Aw, I'm hurt." He said in a mocking voice holding his heart. "Don't you remember me, Johnny Boy?"

"Cipher," He said as realization sounded in his voice. John stepped back, this could not be the same triangle demon he dealt with that night.

"You don't think I would leave my boy do you?" The demon asked smirking. John and Amy glared at the being when he called their son his boy.

That was when Mabel had enough. "Can...can I see my brother," she asked stepping out from behind her parents. Bill looked at the girl for a minute not even blinking. He then looked at the child in his arms.

"Dipper bud. Wake up its time." He said placing his fingers on the child's forehead. This seemed to work as the small boy's head moved a bit, closer to Bill.

"Uh? Wha...wha's goin' on dad?" The boy said sitting up rubbing his eyes. Bill helped him sitting up with Dipper sitting him on his lap.

"Remember how I said you would meet your family this year?" The boy nodded slightly after a moment. "Well, here they are." The boy turned around to look at his old family. It was then the Pines family (except Stan) finally got to see what Dipper looked like. What became of their child.

They noticed then that even though he was Mabel's twin he looked so different than her. He still had the same hair color and face shape, but that was about it. He was short, a lot shorter than Mabel. Not like a few centimeters either but more like two full heads. The height was not what shocked them the most though, it was his features. He had the same glowing blue eyes with gold pupils, he had the same claws, the same ears. Even a sharper set of canines.

"Wha...what did you do to him!? That is not Dipper!" Amy basically screamed looking at Bill angrily.

"When one is adopted by demons it is strong than being adopted by humans. For humans, they are spiritually now your child, but for demons, they become your flesh and blood. It as if they were never born from another." Bill explained, Mabel seemed interested but John and Amy seemed horrified.

Dipper got off of Bills lap to stand on the floor. He walked over to Mabel and looked at up at her. Mabel and Dipper stared at each other for a minute.

That was until Mabel asked, "Why are you so tiny?" Which made Grunkle Stan and Bill burst out laughing.

"Daaddd! Grunkle Stan! Stop laughing!" Dipper huffed yelling at the two, bearing his fangs.

"Sorry squirt but she has like a foot on you!" Stan said laughing even harder. He held onto his gut to stop from hurting himself.

"I'm not short! Dream Demons just age slower!" He said defending himself from his (much) taller twin.

"Okay brobro, whatever you say," Mabel managed to say trying to cover up a laugh. Dipper got angry and floated so he was taller than her.

"Ha, who's short now!" He said laughing. Bill just laughed at his son standing by him to be sure he didn't hurt himself.

"Wha...AWESOME!" She shrieked causing her brother to fall. He would have smashed to the ground had Bill not caught him. " A BROTHER WITH POWERS! WE CAN DO SOME MUCH STUFF! LIKE PRANKS!"

This caused Dipper to have a giant smile. "Pranks?! I think I am really going to like you!" He said with an evil grin then looked over at Stan and Bill.

"NO pranks on me or you will regret it. I will help though." Stan said with an equally evil look. Dipper knew not to mess with his Grunkle, plus he could be useful.

"Count me in!" Bill said happily at his son.

Amy and John just looked on in horror.

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