The Billionaire's Ballerina

By Leekay27

161K 3.3K 313

Oliver Woodling is a handsome and charming bachelor who wants more to life than money and business. After ado... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

21.9K 726 79
By Leekay27

The picture above or on the side is Kimberly Wingate.


I leaned back into the comfortable armchair in my study as my eyes skimmed through the contents on my computer screen. The way things were looking, I needed to contact the Human Resource Department to deal with finding a new closer and lawyer for the next conference.

My father had signed a contract with Inofex last month and that meant that another branch of Woodling Inc. would be made in Egypt. Stretching my arms above my head, I yawned and dropped my arms before staring back at the computer. I loved this job and all, but it really took a toll on me sometimes.

It was Friday and despite my roudy social circles, I haven't had the leisure to go out for a while now. With all the paperwork that I was bombarded with, going out to a pub or somewhere lively to enjoy my night would be almost sinful.

"What a lousy Friday you are," I muttered under my breath, wishing that I could unleash my wrath onto the week.

I sometimes wondered if my sister regretted leaving everything behind. She even refused the fortune, saying that she didn't want a family full of business folks and would make a new generation of laid back Woodlings. I didn't understand her point because there are plenty of laid back Woodlings.

Now she's married to a famous artist and has two kids. Her music dream was a success and she even started her own record label. Even though our family is respected everywhere and our businesses flourished quickly, Rebecca deserved the spotlight that shone on her. Not only is she a very talented singer, but she worked hard to follow her dreams.

I heard the door open and my eyes shifted there immediately. Walking towards me was Lora Woodling with small smile gracing her pretty face. Her dark brown curls were in a ponytail and her equally brown gaze danced nervously.

"Hi, Dad," she greeted.

I returned her smile while ignoring the hands that she suspiciously hid behind her back. "Hello, Lora. What brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be on a playdate with Jen and Robby?"

"I am." She stopped when she reached the front of my table. "But I need to ask you for something before I go."

My eyes widened in surprise. Lora rarely asked for things. "And what is that?"

She freed her hands from behind her back and put a pink flyer on my desk. I looked down at the black words printed on it and Lora pursed her lips as she fiddled with her fingers timidly.

I got it and begun to read aloud.


Ravida Ballet School. School of classical ballet and elegance.

Attire must be of the colour white or baby pink for the females and black or navy blue for the males.

Classes are on Tuesday, Thursday (at noon 2pm) and Saturday (in the mornings, specifically 10am).

Classes are for 2 hours.

Fees are to be given according to how long you would like your lessons to be.

Deadline of entry: 7th April, 2019.

Accepting people of all ages.


I put it back on the desk and stared at my daughter. "You want to learn ballet?" I asked, confused.

She nodded. "Yes, please. Jen already signed up."

I laughed. "Last time your nanny suggested ballet dancing, you refused viciously. What did you call it?" I thought for a while then it came. "Ah yes, a dance for sissys."

She looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please, Daddy. Pretty please with chocolate and rainbow sprinkles on top." I pretended to think it over and she continued, "Most of the girls at school have signed up and it seems to be a lot of fun. Everyone is talking about it and I don't want to miss out."

"Okay." I chuckled. "I'll have your nanny have you signed up later today and then take you shopping for some attire."

She smiled from ear to ear at my words and walked around my table to give me at tight hug. "Thank you."

I kissed her cheek. "Anything for you, my dear."

It was a Tuesday afternoon and Lora insisted that I take her for her first class. I had work to attend to but Lora went puppy dog on me and I reluctantly agreed.

She wore a cute, white leotard with short sleeves and her hair was in pigtails. Lora insisted that I look casual to make her teacher more comfortable with me so, I had to change into black jeans and a white T-shirt. I tied my long, black hair into a ponytail.

We got out of the car and walked towards the building after making sure that Lora had everything that she needed. Her ballet slippers were in her backpack together with her phone, a bottle of water and some snacks.

When we entered the massive building through the revolving doors, we were greeted by soft classical music that drifted into the halls from the classrooms. Simply stepping inside completely changed the ambiance and I felt myself relax.

I couldn't savour the feeling for long because Lora gently tugged at my hand and pulled me to the receptionist's desk. A young, brown skinned woman with a short, curly afro sat there and she straightened up in her seat at the sight of Lora and I.

"Good afternoon," she greeted with a signature business smile. "Welcome to Ravida Ballet School. How may I help you?"

"Thank you," I said. "My daughter just enrolled here. Her name's Lora Woodling."

She looked at her computer screen and searched for whatever details were needed. She then nodded and looked at Lora. "Beginner?"

"Yep," she answered, popping out the 'p' sound.

She handed her a black ribbon. "Tie this on your wrist and go down the hall to the last room to your left. That is Miss Kimberly's class and the door is marked J2."

Lora nodded and I tied the ribbon loosely around her wrist.

"Thank you," Lora said and we made our way there.

After a short walk down the hall, while staring at each door, we finally reached the door with J2 printed on a metalic sheet. I opened the door and stepped in after Lora.

"In ballet," a feminine voice explained, "there are five basic positions of the feet. Before we start dancing, you need to master how to carry yourself, how to position your bodies and - ah!" she stopped talking when she noticed us and excused herself from her students.

The woman walked towards us. She was a tall and slender, with her dark hair tied in a messy bun; she wore a black leotard with long sleeves and black ballet slippers with silk crisscross straps.

She walked with grace and elegance and I couldn't shake the feeling that she looked oddly familiar. Only after she stopped in front of me did I remember her beautiful grey eyes.

She seemed to have remembered me as well because her smile faltered for a moment before she regained her composure. "Welcome," she said with a wide smile.

"Hi. I a-" I began but Lora interrupted.

"Hi, I'm Lora Woodling and this is my daddy." She smiled before holding up seven fingers. "I'm seven years old."

The woman laughed lightly. "Hi, Lora. I'm Kimberly Wingate." Her gaze shifted to the ribbon on Lora's wrist then back to her face. "I'm going to be your dance teacher."

Lora nodded eagerly and looked up at me. "I've seen Jen," she said, pointing to some place in the room.

I got down on one knee and gave her a hug before letting her go. She smiled at me and said her farewells before running to Jen. It was always nice to see her happy, and I was glad that I succumbed to her wanting me to bring her here. Children always seemed to grow so fast.

"We never had a proper introduction," Kimberly said, making my attention shift to her. "You know my name, but I don't know yours."

"Oliver," I said. "Oliver Woodling."

She looked a little confused, as if remembering something. After a little while, a look of realization washed through her features and her cheeks turned red. "The Woodling family?" I nodded and she bit her lower lip nervously. "Nice to meet you."

I smiled. "Likewise, Kimberly. Please take care of my girl."

"Rest assured, Mr. Woodling."

"Please, just call me Oliver."


Hope you're having a good time.
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