One Good Girl One Bad Guy (MS...

By LisaTheVampire

51.2K 1K 129

Following The Events Of 'My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke'. Ronnie Loves Liisa, Liisa Loves Ronni... More

One Good Girl One Bad Guy (My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke Sequel)
I Have Slept With The Girl, That You Love Most!...Ronnie's Going To Kill Me
I Wrap My Hands Around Your Throat
A Deal Made With The Devil
I Love You So Much It Hurts Me Ronnie
Look Into My Eyes This Flame Will Never Die
Before That Curtain Call I Just Got One More Thing To Say...I Love You Mrs.Radke
Adrenaline Kicks In, Shifts Into Overdrive
I Feel Like A Lady That Is Pregnant With A Baby Cause I'm Always Throwing Up
I Got A Couple Of Things I Would Like To Get Off Of My Chest..Ronnie I'm Pregant
I'm Sick And Tired Of Fighting Each Other. The Lying, The Crying
Something's Standing In My Way Hoping For Better Days
This Boulder On My Shoulder It Got Heavier And Colder
I Apologize About Last Night I Really Did Not Mean To Disrespect
One Day You Must Look At Yourself In Mirror
The Baby In Me Belongs To You, I'm So High On Happiness Can't You See
I Felt The Darkness As It Tried To Pull Me Down
This Dark Cloud Is Still Around My Thoughts Wander In And Out
No, I Won't Let You Win Not This Time
Wipe The Tears From Off Your Face Because The Cops Are Knocking On The Door
See Through Bloodshot Eyes, You're Left Empty Inside
Oh I Still Don't Think You Are Hearing Me Clear
I've Been A Bad Boy And It's Plain To See
Some Way, Somehow, We're Falling Out
Hi My Name Is Ronnie I'm A Fruit Snack Addict
Goodbye Graceful, I'm So Grateful, I'm So Grateful
It Comes So Naturally So Smooth And Casually
I Just Wanna Kiss Your Lips The Ones Between Your Hips
And With Every Grain Of Sand Time Is Slipping Through My Hands
I Know You're Jealous, And You Wish You Could Be Me
My Fate Is Something I Can Escape
My Head Is Always Spinning From This Dizzy Blurry Vision
Picking Up The Pieces Of My Life Up Off The Floor
Authors Note

Death Do Us Part

1.7K 29 4
By LisaTheVampire

"I'm glad you and Ronnie are back together", Ryan smiled at me from across the resturant table, FIR had decided to dine out tonight, in all honesty the place was lovely but the prices would give you a heart attack.

"Me to Ryan", I smiled sideways in Ronnies direction as he and Jacky share a joke together.

Ronnie looked at me smiling, "You OK Babe?".

I rubbed his hand on my leg nodding "I'm fine", i smiled back.

"Good I love you Good Girl", Ronnie grinned leaning into me kissing me softly, there was just something about Ronnie that always made me feel like i was melting into a puddle in my seat.

"D-do you always spend this much money on one meal?", i asked breathlessly, i didn't know what else to say my brain felt like it turned into mush everytime he kissed me.

"If i can afford it then why not", Ronnie lifted his hand up off my leg to play with the back of my hair, "I hated missing you Lis", Ronnie said quietly against my ear.

"I hated it to", i pouted remembering the pain, the feel of Ronnie stroking the back of my head sent tingles down my back and i shuddered.

Ronnie grinned shaking his head "I also missed how i can make you cream yourself just by touching you", his eyes darkened.

I blushed wildly, "Uh- not only touching just by looking at you too". i flirted back winking at him, slowly a huge grin spread across Ronnie's face.

"If i could prevent you from ever leaving me again", he seemed to be far away thinking as his hand kept up the soft stroking of the back of my hair his fingers gently brushing my scalp.

"If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it", I teased lifting my glass of peach ice tea and drank, it tasted amazing.

"Maybe i should", His sudden response made me spit out my ice tea all over the table.

"W-what, Ronnie i was kidding", I looked off towards everyone around the table, Jacky & Ryan laughed at me as i coughed chocking on my drink.

Ronnie patted my back softly, "I'm not kidding, I love you and i want you to be mine fully".

I turned fully around in my seat looking at him now, his eyes darkened with seriousness he wasn't joking at all, Marry Ronnie?, Be Mrs. Radke?, Wow i felt light-headed just thinking about it all, he reached forward trailing his knuckles across my paled cheeks smiling.

"Marry me Liisa", he said softly brushing his lips off mine teasing me.

"Marry you?", I sounded shocked, of course i was, just yesterday we made up after breaking up plus me and Ronnie weren't together for more then 2 months and he wanted to marry me, but something deep inside of me wanted every part of him, just remembering how much i missed him gave me the response i needed, "Yes", i said abit to loudly.

Ryan and Jacky turned in there seats staring at us just as Ronnie lead in kissing me hard and soft, "Wow guys save it for the bedroom". Ryan teased.

"Like they haven't already, they kept me up last-night with there constant foreplay", Derek joked, Ron laughed beside him.

"That's it then", Ronnie grinned at me "Thank god were in Las Vegas tonight then".

I retreated staring at him, "TONIGHT?".

Ronnie nodded grinning "Tonight".

"Whats tonight?", Ryan leaned back into his seat staring at us.

"Ye what?", Jacky raised his eyebrows.

"Me and Liisa are getting hitched tonight", Ronnie said simply like it was nothing.

Ryan and Jacky blanched at Ronnie for along time before looking at each-other, Jacky turned quickly whispering to Ron and Derek, they joined in on the blank stares at there lead singer Ronnie.

Ryan was the first to talk, "Well, Damn ok, once i can be best man", Ryan smiled broadly.

Jacky frowned, "Hey what about me, come on i make a better best man".

"Ronnie knows me longer Jacky". Ryan frowned before breaking into a rant with Jacky as to why he was better suited to be best man.

I watched them debate it out literally shaking in my seat, i had been silent for the most part of there conversation, they were talking about it like it was no biggy, Ron and Derek still looked abit confused but they weren't going to tell Ronnie what to do, because he always done what he wanted to anyway.

Ronnie laughed beside me shaking his head, "Listen guys you four can all be my best-men, even though we only need two witnesses".

Suddenly i remembered my parents and froze tugging on Ronnie's arm, he looked down at me with tender eyes, "Yes Good Girl?".

"What about our family's?", it came out barley a whisper but Ronnie heard me.

"We can always tell them after, by then it be to late for them to give us doubts", Ronnie took a sip of his water.

"Ronnie what should we wear?", Ryan asked frowning.

"Our band jackets of course", Ronnie got up from his seat taking his phone out.

"What about rings?", I asked feeling dazed.

"Ye are you getting rings or tattoos?", Ryan asked.

I froze just the idea of needles and tattoos made me feel scared, i just wasn't the tattoo type, but i did love a guy with tattoos, just once they weren't on me.

"I cant get a tattoo over my Bang bang Tattoo", Ronnie held his knuckles out, "We need rings".

"Oh ye", Ryan said before looking directly at me, "Liisa you OK?".

I Nodded "I'm fine Ryan just shocked", I gave him a weak smile, someones hand brushed my cheek it was Ronnie, i leaned into his touch as he talked on the phone to someone.

"Hey man are you guys open?", Ronnie paused, "Cause i need rings me and my girl are getting married", another pause, "Dude il pay big money we only take up afew minutes of your time", Ronnie dropped his hand from my face to my shoulder, "Cool man we will be over there soon". Ronnie swiped the screen to his phone and shoved it back into his pocket, "We better be going".

Ronnie took my hand as the guys left in front of us, My legs suddenly felt like jelly as we walked out of the restaurant and in the direction of the jewellers.


The rings me and Ronnie had picked out where a beautiful Gothic matching style, they  cost alot of money but Ronnie had insisted we get them to my annoyance at the price but honestly they were amazing i wasn't going to lie i did like them, i listened to the guys talking on the other side of the door as i finished off the finishing touches to my make-up when i was done i joined them in the sitting area of the bus, Ronnie and the guys looked like a hot gang as they stood waiting for me, i walked forward in a black knee high dress that i paired with a white belt, instead of my usual black biker boots i actually wore cute small heeled black pumps, My hair was down and the lose curls flowed carefree down my back, i felt nervous with all the guys eyeing me this way.

Ronnie stepped forward all in black his feathered hair perfect, "Wow baby you look gorgeous", his eyes lite up, i noticed he had even decided to wear eyeliner for the occasion

"Uh-Ronnie we better be going", Derek shouted as he followed the guys out of the bus.

Ronnie took my hand pulling me forward into his arms "Are you ready to be a Radke?", His grin was gorgeous.

"I'm ready", i breathed nauseously "Are you sure about this Ronnie?".

"More then i ever have been in my life", He turned pulling me along behind him out of the bus towards the awaiting jeep, the drive to the Las Vegas wedding chapel wasn't long, Ronnie got out of the jeep first helping me out behind him and it wasn't long before he was dragging me through the doors to speak to a woman behind the counter, she looked up at Ronnie blushing before her eyes scanned the other faces of Ryan, Jacky, Ron & Derek behind us, to be honest i was jealous when she kept eye fucking Ronnie i wanted to punch her, apparently we were the only couple here tonight getting Married so it wasn't long after Ronnie paid her that we were walking into the chapel room.

"Stay here Rev.Homles, will be in shortly", she eye fucked Ronnie again before  she left.

I made at face at her retreat "I'll slap her", i whispered.

Ronnie raised his eyebrow staring down at me, "Why?".

"She eyeing you up, i don't like it, doesn't she have respect?". i huffed.

Ronnie laughed wrapping his arm around me pulling me into his side, "Calm down Good Girl", he purred.

I Pouted as Rev.Holmes walked into the chapel room, thank god Ronnie didn't chose a chapel where the guy was dressed like Elvis, instead Rev.Holmes was wearing a black suit and Dicky bow, he looked at least sixty and he was bald.

"You ready Good Girl?", Ronnie kissed the side of my head before leading me up the the arched chapel in-front of us.

"Ready Bad Boy", I Grinned up at him positioning myself in-front of him and suddenly all my nerves went to be replaced by excitement and happiness.

"Are these all your witnesses?", Rev.Holmes pointed towards the guys.

"They sure are", Ronnie smiled running his hand down my cheek making me shudder, he laughed when i caught my breath, "Later" Ronnie winked.

Rev.Holmes set into the usual vows as the rest of FIR listened in, Ronnie kept his eyes on me the whole time most possibly wondering what i was thinking, we both said the right things at the right times, expect for my slip up on the words now again, and before we new it, it was nearly over.

"The rings" Rev.Holmes asks, Jacky walked up to the alter handing Ronnie the rings that we had both picked out, the details were beautiful and so us like, Ronnie slipped my ring onto my wedding finger before bowing his head to my hand and kissed the ring, flushing i returned the gesture they fitted just perfectly, Ronnie's eyes light up with devilish thoughts and i knew where they were heading i grinned back.

"You may kiss your wife", Rev.Holmes said loudly.

Ronnie grabbed around my waist pulling me into his chest roughly kissing me, the guys let out whoops and cheers, Ryan and Ron dramatically hugged eachother and pretending to cry which made me laugh against Ronnie's lips, Ronnie smiled stroking my cheek, "Mrs. Radke", he purred.

My cheeks blushed the words sounded to weird yet so good to here, "I guess i am", i laughed

"If you to wont mind signing here", Rev. Holmes caught our attentions from the side table near the alter, "Just need to sign your names and it official.

Ronnie and I walked over to the table i watched as Ronnie signed his name first. 

Ronald Joseph Radke.

 When he was done he handed the pen over to me to write down my new last name.

Liisa Christine Radke.

i lingered the pen on the page smiling happily before leaning back up to look up into my husbands face, Ronnie wrapped his arms back around my waist drawing me into him as he kissed me with a fierceness i never felt before, the guys snapped a Camera as Ronnie continued to rock my world with his beautiful lips...


This Song Just Seemed To Fit While I Was Editing >>>

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