Sanders Sides x Reader Onesho...

By HiThereFellowKids

115K 2.5K 11.9K

{Currently on permanent haitus} Just another oneshot book! If you have a request, there is more information i... More

||REQUESTS CLOSED|| Request Page
Thomas Sanders x bullied!Fander!Reader
Patton x sick!Reader
Logan (Logic) x Suicidal!Reader
Roman x Reader
Virgil x abused!child!Reader Part two
Virgil x abused!child!Reader Part three
Deceit x side!teen!Reader
Virgil x extremely childish!Reader
Vrigil x abused!child!Reader Part four
All x Reader
Patton x Reader
Patton x Reader Part Two
Virgil x soulmate!Reader
Logan x soulmate!Reader
Another A/N
Roman x soulmate!Reader
Patton x soulmate!Reader
All x childish!teenager!Side!Reader
Patton x internet friend!Reader
Short Oneshot
This is for you
Patton x blind!Side!Reader x boyfriend!Virgil
Deceit x soulmate!Reader
2K reads?!?
Patton x self-harming!Reader
Patton is such an innocent bean
Roman x servant!Reader
Not an update!
Selfharming!Virgil x Reader
Logan x fluffball of anxiety!Reader
Deceit x Patton-like!Side!Reader
Selfharming!Virgil x selfharming!Reader
Thomas x bullied!sibling!Reader
Roman x selfharming!Reader
Logan x abused!Reader
Roman x assassin!Reader
Patton x Reader
Thomas x actor!Reader
Virgil x tutor!Reader
Deceit x Reader
Thomas x Reader x Sides
Virgil x singer!Reader
Platonic!All x Winged!Reader
Q&A for 10k
Virgil x Reader
Roman x playwright!Reader
Logan x deaf!Reader
Roman x grieving Reader
Virgil x significant other!Reader
Thomas x All Sides x Reader
Everyone x Reader
Virgil x Reader
Virgil x harassed! Reader
Virgil x Reader Part Two
Logan x adopted!daughter!Reader
Criminal!Roman x Partner in crime!Reader
Human!Remus x Reader
Child!Logan x child!Reader
Patton x roommate!Reader
Human!Deceit x Reader
Demon!Virgil x Reader
Positivity Palace

Virgil x abused!child!Reader Part one

3.2K 57 1.3K
By HiThereFellowKids

A/N: In this, you are about 10. I decided to split this into multiple parts since it was getting pretty long. Enjoy!

WARNING: Cursing and abuse.

Pain. Misery. Fear.

Those three words summed up your life, ever since your father died in a surgery gone wrong. Your mother had gotten angry, and she took it out on you. 

At first, she just yelled at you a lot more. Then she started insulting you. Then she started hitting you, kicking you, burning you with cigarettes that she used.

This had been going on for 7 years. You are 10.

You had been planning to run away for a long time, and had been saving as much food as you could, which was very little since Mother only fed you scraps once a week.

The clothes you were wearing were much too small, torn and bloody. You had a hidden first aid kit in your 'room', in the table thing next to your 'bed'.(The picture above is your room, except the rusty bed frame is replaced with a thin tattered matress, with springs poking out.)

You had at least two broken bones, a rib and your leg. You had cuts all over your body, along with bruises and scars.

Today was the day.

You had enough food to last three days, and enough water to last a week. The only other item you needed was your golden heart shaped locket, which had a picture of your happy fmily, inside.


With every word, your mother hurt you. You heard a crack as she broke another rib. A couple minutes later, she finally let you go, so she could go do her own stuff in her room. 

Probably drugs.

You limped down to your 'room' in the basement and bandaged yourself as best you could. You grabbed the backpack that held what little you had, and put on your locket. You shoved the first aid kit (What was left of it) into your backpack and limped upstairs, being as quiet as possible.

You managed to make it outside before your mother heard you and started chasing you.

You ran, pain pounding through your legs as they hit the pavement. You kept running, even as your mother screamed at you to come back. You felt raindrops on your face but kept running. Your mother screamed about how she would find you again, and how you'd regret leaving her.

You didn't care. You were free.

You found yourself at a park, with a kids playground in it. You decided to take shelter in the tower and wait there. 

☯️Time skip brought to you by our favorite shawdowling!☯️

You woke up the next morning when you felt a pair of eyes on you. You opened your (E/c) eyes and saw a green pair staring back. You jumped back and fell onto the slide, sliding down. You were clutching your dirty (F/c) backpack all the way down. The kids at the top giggled at you then went down the slide backwards like you had.

You panicked, seeing people there and bolted. You got a few strange looks and a couple "Hey, are you okay?". You ignored them, threw your backpack on your back and ran faster, leaving a trail of blood from the cut on your foot. Little did you know, someone was following you and that trail.

You sat down in a bush, and hid from the world for a couple minutes, before two hands pried the leaves and branches apart, letting in the light.

Your breathing quickened and you took shallow breaths as you began panicking, thinking is was Mother.

A face stared down at you, and you were frightened by it.

The man who has pushed the leaves aside had brown hair, with hints of slightly faded purple at the tips. His eyes were chocolate brown. He had a dark eyeshadow underneath his eyes. He wore a black sweater with purple patches on it.

"P-please.... D-don't h-hur-hurt m-me... I'm-I'm s-sorry-y..." You croaked out a sentence, covering your head and scrunching up into a ball.

"I wouldn't hurt you... Are you...Okay? I uh... Saw that you were bleeding there," the strange man spoke.

You stayed silent before remembering Mother hurt you when you didn't answer a question.

"I-I'm s-sorry...I-I-I'm f-fine," you stuttered more than you would've liked to, since Mother hurt you for that as well. 

You uncurled a bit and saw the man still standing there looked very worried, scared and anxious. You pulled your bleeding foot up, leaving a small trail of blood on the grass. You hugged your knees to your chest and looked up at the man.

The man saw the bruises on your skin, along with all the gashes and burns.


"Hey...." I thought about what I was going to say. The others would wonder why I had a 10ish year old kid with me and why they were hurt so badly. But it looked like something bad had happened to this poor kid, and strange as it was, I wanted to help.

"Do you want to come with me? I could help you, and give you food, water, new clothes that fit and shelter...?"


....whAT. This stranger was offering me a... Home? Why? I'm worthless, ugly, stupid, and a waste of space! 

Those were your thoughts as shock covered your face.

"I-I can't give you a-anything in r-return though..." You looked down sadly.

You knew the world as "Give a lot, get a little" which wasn't entirely true. You thought you had to give a lot for a new home, so you figured you'd give him what you gave your mother. Yourself.

"I don't want anything in return. I want to... Help you." The man held out his hand for you to grab.

You hesitated before grabbing his hand and pulling yourself up. You grimaced as you stood on your leg, and the man took note. Breathing hurt as well, since you had at least two broken ribs.

The man crouched down in front of you, with his hands out behind him.

"Here, get on my back. There's something wrong with your leg, you shouldn't be walking," the man told you, gesturing to his back with his hands.

You didn't understand so you stood there confused.

"Uhh, okay. So uh, just kinda, sit on my back?" (I'll just call him 'Man' for now until he tells you his name) Man tried to explain it to you.

You sat on his back and grabbed his shoulders. Man stood up (Hehe 'up' is the 1111 word) and you slid down a bit before landing on he caught you, holding your legs gently to keep you from falling.

Man began walking, and started talking to you as well. You told him your name, which is (Y/n), and he told you his, which was Virgil.

You guys got a lot of strange looks, but for once Virgil didn't mind. He kept walking, not caring that there was going to be some blood on the back of his jacket. It was a strange day for both of you.

You finally got to Virgil's house, and he opened the door.

A/n: I hope you enjoy this part, because I'm making a second part! Yay! Well, that's all and thanks for reading!

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