
By MeYanti1

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Chapter 1: My Friend, You Are Dead
Chapter 2: Where Do You Want to Die?
Chapter 3: Say Your Last Words
Chapter 4: An Innocent Bystander
Chapter 5: Planetary Fission
Chapter 6: Lady Bloodling
Chapter 7: An Endangered Species
Chapter 8: The Baby Isn't Happy
Chapter 9: The Foodies' History of the Galaxy
Chapter 10: Weakling on the Rise
Chapter 11: A Different Galaxy
Chapter 12: The Enlightenment School
Chapter 13: Attack of the Fatty
Chapter 14: In Order to Learn
Chapter 15: Courting Death
Chapter 16: The Refined Interests of the Ancestor
Chapter 17: The Hares You Desired
Chapter 18: What a Scoundrel
Chapter 19: Ask My Sword
Chapter 20: The Common Language of the Galaxy
Chapter 21: The Old Butler
Chapter 22: The Great Elder has Arrived
Chapter 23: Let Me Deceive the Ancestor First
Chapter 24: You Can Go to Eternal Sleep
Chapter 25: Can I Beat Him Up Again
Chapter 26: I'm Your Great Uncle
Chapter 27: Strike a Cow from the Other Side of the Mountain
Chapter 28: Damn Single for Billions of Years
Chapter 29: Your Majesty Please Come to Your Senses
Chapter 30: Inter-species Melee
Chapter 31: Great God, Please Advise
Chapter 32: I want to See Your Parents
Chapter 33: Let's Go and Fly a Kite
Chapter 34: The Advertising Dogs of the Galaxy
Chapter 35: Boss, Pamper Me
Chapter 36: VIP Customers
Chapter 37: The Hostage is About to Die
Chapter 38: Being Good, Doing Good
Chapter 39: An Outbreak of Bad Luck
Chapter 40: One Use Ability
Chapter 41: Testing the Ability
Chapter 42: Inverse Ability
Chapter 43: The Galactic Beast
Chapter 44: Fan Meeting
Chapter 45: God Mu's Die Hard Fan
Chapter 46: Goodbye Caterpillar
Chapter 47: Yo-yo Planet
Chapter 48: Galactic Academy's Entrance Exam
Chapter 49: Through the Academy's Gate
Chapter 50: Student Union President's Election
Chapter 51: Organized Trouble Causing
Chapter 52: Galactic Academy's Lucky Charm
Chapter 53: Student Union's First Meeting
Chapter 54: Nephew Gu Missing
Chapter 55: On the Enemy's Heels
Chapter 56: Ability Opposite to Mind Reading
Chapter 57: Plug-in Stopped Working
Chapter 58: Research Base
Chapter 59: Intruders Detected
Chapter 60: The Reason for Research Base's Existence
Chapter 61: The Controlled Bloodlings
Chapter 62: One-sided Pressure
Chapter 63: Euphoria
Chapter 64: Bloodline Suppression
Chapter 65: Formal Declaration of War
Chapter 66: Human Transport Machine
Chapter 67: Cold War Within the Household
Chapter 68: Bad Habits Need to Be Changed
Chapter 69: Revealed Identity
Chapter 70: A Low Profile Life
Chapter 71: The Cub Is Going Solo
Chapter 72: Flaunting Love is Prohibited
Chapter 73: Tourism in the Lands of Celestials
Chapter 74: Celestials' Transportation Methods
Chapter 75: The Advertising of Celestials
Chapter 76: The Training Planet
Chapter 77: Mini Galactic Beast
Chapter 78: The Map of the Virtuous Planet
Chapter 79: Flying out of the Shadow Planet
Chapter 80: Journey to the Service Centre
Chapter 81: Traitor of the Sect
Chapter 83: The Service Crew
Chapter 84: Four Dummies
Chapter 85: Beginner Guide
Chapter 86: Unqualified Parent
Chapter 87: Mishaps While Doing Basic Training
Chapter 88: Di-di-di, Calling Transport
Chapter 89: Battle of the Pig Heads
Chapter 90: The Little Group of Balls
Chapter 91: Rescuing the Silly Kid
Chapter 92: Actual Combat Practice
Chapter 93: Inflicting Mutual Harm
Chapter 94: Chatterbox VS The Jinx
Chapter 95: Meeting the Parent
Chapter 96: Return to the First Academy
Chapter 97: Fan Antics
Chapter 98: First Timer Piloting a Real Robot
Chapter 99: Robot Training Battle
Chapter 100: The Robot Destroyer
Chapter 101: The Robot Competition
Chapter 102: Revoked Qualification
Chapter 103: Encounter with a Maniac
Chapter 104: The Counter of Foresight
Chapter 105: Luo Ying's Crisis
Chapter 106: Doomsday Virus
Chapter 107: Guider's Identity
Chapter 108: Converted Earthling vs Cub
Chapter 109: Traces of Yuan Han
Chapter 110: Crisis in the Heavenly Bestowed Yard
Chapter 111: The Sick Must Be Treated
Chapter 112: The Highest Order
Chapter 113: Yuan Han's Tea Set
Chapter 114: Fourth Elder's Eternal Hibernation
Part 115
Chapter 116: Revenge of the Thousands
Chapter 117: The Hidden Area
Chapter 118: Origins of the Virus
Chapter 119: Euphoria's motives
Chapter 120: Explosion of a Satellite
Chapter 121: The Celestial race Heavenly Demon
Chapter 122: The Jarring Sight of Heavenly Demon
Chapter 123: The Boss Behind the Scenes
Chapter 124: The War to Save the Red Planet
Chapter 125: The Real Aim
Chapter 126: Don't Take Revenge
Chapter 127: A Fake Bloodling
Chapter 128: Li Zheng's Past
Chapter 129: Second-Time Inheritor
Chapter 130: The Real Inheritor
Chapter 131: The Loathsome Inheritor
Chapter 132: Emergency in the Pugilistic World
Chapter 133: The Addicted Youngster
Chapter 134: Poetic Saga
Chapter 135: The Prettiest in the World
Chapter 136: Please Devote Your Life
Chapter 137: Galaxy-Wide Love
Chapter 138: Intergalactic Tour
Chapter 139: The Merman's Seduction
Chapter 140: The Calamity and the Beauty
Chapter 141: You Are the Prettiest
Chapter 142: Leaving the Aqua Planet
Chapter 143: The Ore Planet
Chapter 144: The Unlucky Boss
Chapter 145: Extremist Beasts
Chapter 146: Dear Warrior, You're Pregnant
Chapter 147: Double Happiness
Chapter 148: The Financial Whizz
Chapter 149: The Queen who Seeks a Child
Chapter 150: The Queen's Forceful Pairing
Chapter 151: Congratulations on Your Prize
Chapter 152: Off the Charts Luck
Chapter 153: Queen's Studies
Chapter 154: The Proud Queen
Chapter 155: What's Your Family Name?
Chapter 156: Real Bloodling
Chapter 157: Breaking Up the Heterosexual Couple
Chapter 158: Beast Harvesting Farm
Chapter 159: Dad About to Erupt
Chapter 160: Accumulating Experience
Chapter 161: Enemies Love the Red Planet
Chapter 162: The Blood Contract
Chapter 163: The Opposition's Cultivation
Chapter 164: Radical Without a Bottomline
Chapter 165: The Radical and the Ancestor
Chapter 166: Pure Breed Single Dog
Chapter 167: Creation of the King of Galactic Beasts
Chapter 168: An Explanation
Chapter 169: Bloodling from Elsewhere
Chapter 170: Post-Traumatic Stress
Chapter 171: Bloodling Coming of Age Ceremony
Chapter 172: A Plus One
173. First Checkpoint
Chapter 174: A Pro Sent by a Monkey
Chapter 175: Last Checkpoint
Chapter 176: You Became Me
Chapter 177: Please Return To Being An Earthling
Chapter 178: Your Family Will Bring Trouble
Chapter 179: Hide and Seek
Chapter 180: An Ancient Dog Leaves his Singlehood
Chapter 181: The Amazing Queen
Chapter 182: A Team of Kidnappers
Chapter 183: Let's Have a Talk
Chapter 184: No Title
Chapter 185: Toward a New World
Chapter 186: Bloodlings' Grand Prince
Chapter 187: Traitors of the Clan
Chapter 188: How Dare You Harm My Man
Chapter 189: A Great War is Coming
Chapter 190: The Reason Behind the Conversion
Chapter 191: The Absurd Grand Prince
Chapter 192: Stop the Intruders
Chapter 193 For The Bloodling Honor
Chapter 194: The War Begins
Chapter 195: Return of the Victor
Chapter 196: The Growth of the Queen
Chapter 197: The Bloodling Migration
Chapter 198: Personal Time is Needed

Chapter 82: Tell Me the Story

332 55 0
By MeYanti1

"Heh, senior apa!" Junior Geng mengejek. "Dia tidak memiliki satu ons pun energi spiritual di dalam dirinya, dia harus menjadi iblis wanita. Jadi itulah bagaimana kau meninggalkan alam setan, dengan merayu salah satu dari mereka."


"Hei, hei, hei!" Yao Si tidak bisa lagi menyimpannya. "Kau terlalu banyak, sekarang ..."

Junior Geng tidak punya niat untuk mendengarkannya. Dia mengeluarkan jimat dan melemparkannya ke arah mereka. "Tangkap pengkhianat dan iblis wanita itu."

F * ck! Dengarkan aku!

"Hati-hati dengan lingkunganmu, Si Senior," Zan Zichen mengingatkan. "Dia individu dari tipe spiritual akar, jadi waspadalah terhadap rumput di bawahmu."

Begitu dia selesai mengatakan itu, tanah di bawah mereka mulai bergetar dan tanaman merambat seukuran jari tumbuh dari bawah. Mereka tumbuh bersama angin, berayun ke arah mereka.

Di belakang pelakunya, anggota lainnya mulai memberi isyarat aneh, dan saat berikutnya, es muncul di udara, dengan barisan pedang transparan tergantung di kanan - semuanya diarahkan ke arah mereka.

Tapi itu bukan poin utama. Begitu pria itu menunjuk ke arah Yao Si, dia merasakan energi yang dikenalinya melonjak dalam dirinya. Akar spiritual yang Zan Zichen sebutkan sebenarnya adalah kemampuan! Tadi sangat menyenangkan!

"Hei ..." Yao Si mengangkat tangannya, lalu mengambil napas dalam-dalam dan berteriak, "Dengarkan aku!"

Seekor naga api raksasa melesat ke langit, aliran api merah terbentuk di belakangnya. Terlepas dari apakah itu es, pedang, atau tanaman merambat, semuanya berubah menjadi abu. Yao Si hanya memanggil kembali naga itu setelah memastikan bahwa wajah semua orang berantakan penuh jelaga. Dia kemudian menambahkan ke baris sebelumnya, "Atau ... aku akan mengalahkanmu."

Zan Zichen, Junior Geng, dan semua orang menatapnya dalam diam.

Kau sudah melakukannya!

〒 ▽ 〒

Yao Si berjalan maju, meraih Junior Geng yang wajahnya ditutupi jelaga, rambutnya meledak ke segala arah. "Bisa kita berbincang sekarang?"

"Se-Senior!" Dia terbatuk-batuk sambil mengangguk. "Geng Zhi salah, Geng Zhi berharap untuk meminta maaf kepadamu."

Geng Zhi? Nama ini ... Bagaimana dia jujur?

Dia berbalik untuk melirik Zan Zichen dan memanggilnya lebih dekat, lalu menarik mereka ke kursi. "Ayo, duduklah! Ceritakan kisahmu kepadamu."

Karena itu, dia melanjutkan untuk menceritakan semua detailnya. Situasinya sederhana tetapi keterlaluan. Zan Zichen awalnya adalah murid kelas dua di sekte Shi Fang. Dia secara luas dikenal tanpa harapan sebagai spiritual akar kelima, tetapi karena kerja kerasnya, dia berhasil secara paksa meningkatkan kemampuannya, menjadi yang terkuat di antara para murid dari peringkat yang sama.

Setelah itu, terdengar bahwa harta sekte, pil transformasi tempur, menghilang. Hanya ada tiga orang yang hadir di sana pada saat itu - pemimpin sekte, seorang murid senior, dan dia. Baik pemimpin sekte dan murid senior bersaksi melawan Zan Zichen, mengklaim keterampilannya tumbuh karena pil. Karena itu, ia diasingkan ke dunia iblis yang setara dengan hukuman mati di bagian ini.

"Tentu saja, dia harus dihukum karena kejahatannya yang mengerikan."

"Aku tidak mencurinya!"

"Buktinya jelas, beraninya kau menyangkal, kau ..."

"Sudah cukup!" Yao Si menyela. "Apakah kau tidak punya bukti, mari kita perjelas sekali lagi." Saksi-saksi penting adalah pemimpin sekte dan senior yang lebih tua.

Tetapi untuk memanggil Zan Zichen, pencuri itu tampaknya tidak bisa dipercaya. Dia jelas sangat jujur. Meskipun dia tahu bahaya yang akan dia hadapi, dia masih bersikeras membawanya. Bagaimana mungkin anak yang tidak bersalah melakukan kejahatan?

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