AVENGERS: Unexpected.

By AvengersJournalist

99.1K 2.7K 151

Thank you for nearly 100K reads! Infinity War didn't happen in this story and the Avengers didn't break up. T... More

PART 10.
PART 11.
PART 12.
PART 13.
PART 14.
PART 15.
PART 16.


6.5K 175 7
By AvengersJournalist

When my team arrive at the ladder we find team Bravo there waiting for us, we discuss what both teams found and head up the ladder. Since team Charlie are still walking we decide to split into pairs and check the forest a bit more, we don't find anything unusual so he head to the quinjet. When we get to the quinjet I speak to team Charlie "You guys found anything yet?" Banner responds "Still nothing, sorry."

That's strange, where is that tunnel taking them? Is the base really that large.

"Just keep your eyes peeled and be careful." "Sure." Nat passes around some food and we talk over lunch. We start coming up with a plan to infiltrate the base below us, it's a big base so it'll need a big plan. Every half hour I check on team Charlie and there's still nothing new, Stark even starts shouting at me, clearly tired and grumpy, even though he always is. When we finally get word they are out they give us their coordinates and we fly there, it's quite a distance. We head back to the Avengers facility to go through all the information we have and see what I put on the memory tick.

The night after the ice incident I have a dream, or perhaps it's a memory...

I'm walking behind a group of HYDRA Agents, there's someone walking beside me, but I'm not looking at them. That person speaks quietly in a young British voice and I can tell she's female "Where do you want me positioned?" I speak "By my side, you stay where I can see you." "You don't need to be so protective of me, I can handle myself." "I know, just following orders." "Be a rebel, don't follow orders for a change." I turn to face the female, she is wearing all black with a hood blocking her face from view, she's a lot shorter than me "Maybe you should start following orders." She chuckles "And where's the fun in that?" She walks around me and I catch up to her, falling into step beside her "You're stubborn, you know they don't like that." "Yet there's nothing they can do about it. They can't force me to do anything." "Then why are you still here?" "I don't have a reason to be anywhere else." We stop when our targets come into view, a group of S.H.I.E.L.D Agents "Ready?" I look down at the woman, she holds out her pale hands and two swords form right before my eyes, swords made of ice "Ready."

I open my eyes and sit straight up, I take a few deep breaths "Buck, you alright?" I nod, even though it's dark and Steve can't see me "A dream, maybe a memory." I feel the bed move and a weight on my right shoulder, I look to see Steve's head "Wanna tell me about it?" "The hooded figure, I knew her." "From HYDRA?" "Yeah, we worked together. Those swords she had, they were made of ice, she formed them right in front of me." "Alright. Go back to sleep and we'll discuss it in the morning." I nod and allow him to pull me onto my back.

Sitting around the breakfast table Barnes tells us about his dream, about the hooded figure and we finish our plan. As soon as we're geared up and ready to go we head off towards the forest to take on the base. When we arrive we split into two teams, team Alpha is made up of Cap, Barnes, Nat and myself. Team Bravo is made up of Tony, Sam, Loki and Thor, Bruce is staying in the quinjet to help us from there. Once we're down in the tunnels team Alpha goes straight ahead and Bravo head left, we all get to the doors and wait for the other team to be there and ready.

Cap and Barnes open the door together and the four of us step into the storage room, we head down the stairs and see a hooded figure, Barnes whispers "That's her." She's dragging a man along the ground by his ankles, she throws him into a cell and locks it. She turns and starts to leave when Barnes runs at her, Cap reaches for him but misses. The woman turns in time to see Barnes running at her, but before she can do anything he pushes her up against a wall, her wrists pinned down by his hands, we walk over.

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