Why Does Love Hurt

By kacchan_midoriya

715 12 5

Hey guys yes I know I was suppose to post my other story of Hurt and Betrayed but I got a message for joining... More

Seeing Him Again (chapter 1)
The Job (Chapter 2)
Getting To Know Him (Chapter 3)
Author's Note
My Stressful Classes (Chapter 5)
Breaking Up Chapter 6)
Authors Note Again😅
Hello very important

Seeing Him Is A Joy (Chapter 4)

62 1 0
By kacchan_midoriya

Yelllow Zombaes (if you know her I love you) btw that isn't my catch phrase it's someone else's so don't come for my beautiful weave anyway how have you guys been

If you have been good then that's good I'm happy for you but If you aren't I'm sorry I hope this story doesn't make you even more unhappy ('^~^) anyway hope you like

Keith's POV:

It was the next day since I met Blake he is cute but I don't know if I should get involved with him since what happened with lance but I don't I feel like he could be different from lance but I'm not sure the last time I followed my feelings it lead to pain and bad things so I'm not really sure. Should I take the risk or not? ~Keith 2/2/19

I put my pen down and put my journal away where no one could find it but me. As I put it away I got ready for school I liked to get up early so I could watch videos on YouTube and to write in my journal Shiro tells me that it helps when you feel stressed or don't feel like telling anyone so I considered it and started to write in journals. I already know going to high school is going to be hell and so tiring.

As I'm getting ready for school I can hear Shiro cooking breakfast it was currently 5:50 I know that it is early but we like it, after I put my cloths on for school, which was a red long sleeved shirt and some black sweatpants then washed my face and brushed my teeth, I put on my black converse and I go downstairs "Hey Shiro" "Hey Keith breakfast is almost ready" I nodded "What's for breakfast?" Shiro was cooking some bacon "We have bacon, eggs, toast, sausage, and French toast" I inhaled the air it smelt good because of breakfast "It smells good" Shiro laughs "Yeah I know I'm hungry too......annnnddd breakfast is done"

Shiro took the bacon off the stove and put it on a plate, then put it down on the table with the rest of the food. Shiro took out 2 plates from the cabinet and passed one to me "Here make your plate" "Thanks" I said, I put everything on my plate "Tabemono o arigato" (it means thank you for the food" me and Shiro had our hands together as if we were praying, after we said that we both started to eat.

"So what do you think about Blake?" I was a little startled that he asked that question "Uhhhh I think he is an awesome guy" I replied after I finished eating a piece of bacon. "Do you don't think that he is cute?" Shiro raised his eyebrows "Shirrrrooooo" I whined "What! I'm just asking" Shiro smirked "Gine okay, yeah I think he is cute he gave me his number at the Cafè" I blushed poking my toast in my egg yolk and eat the toast with the egg yolk ( does anyone do this when they have toast and an over easy egg? I do I like it) "I could tell by the way you looked at him and blushed" I looked at him "There is no way you could have saw I made sure I hid my face!" Shiro gave the look as 'Really? Are you stupid' "Keith I have been your brother since birth so I know how you act" he went back to eating "Whatever" I pouted. We both finished eating, washed our plates then watched some T.V.

My alarm clock went off to tell us to start driving to school, Shiro got up to go get his backpack and I did the same, I went upstairs to go get my backpack but I checked to make sure I had the things I needed My binder, books, my charger for my phone, my earbuds, my cigarettes, and my lighter. Yes I smoke it's a habit and I haven't got rid of it yet, anyway I walked downstairs to see Shiro by the door "let's go" I nodded and we both walked out of the house, went down to the car and went to school.

Lance's POV:

The day Keith came back I was happy but he wasn't happy and those cuts on his arms were my fault. I feel really bad because of my stupid choice I.....I messed up bad and this is a mistake I can fix. - Lance 2/2/19

I put my book up and skipped breakfast I was already dressed up for school I was wearing a white shirt with a blue button up over it, I had blue jeans and some blue converse I grabbed my backpack that had my phone charger and my binder and some books. Bye Mama" I waved bye before leaving "Adiós, qué tengas in buen día" (Bye have a good day). I walked the way I usually walk to go to school. I put in my earbuds and listened to music 'I think Keith is going to this high school'. I got to school and saw Pidge and Hunk hanging out by the lockers across for where I hang out with Bianca and them, I walked past them but I turned around to look at them and Pidge had her middle finger up mouthing 'Fuck You' and then I turned back around and went towards my other group "Sup guys."

Pidge's POV:

I saw lance walk through the doors and walk towards his group but this time he turned around so I flip him off and mouthed 'Fuck You' he hurt Keith and I hate him even more because Keith was my best friend and a brother to me besides Matt but yeah you get what I mean.

"I can't believe he would do that to Keith" I told Hunk "Me either and he used to tell me how much he liked him every single day" I shook my head "Unbelievable" then Keith and Shiro walked in looking around "Hey guys over here" I yelled waving my hand in the air. "PiDgEeEEEeeeeE" I heard Keith yell and he ran towards me and hugged me "KeEfFfFffffFf" I screeched back. We both laughed while Shiro and hunk shook there heads "So how do you guys the of schools design?" Shiro and Keith looked at each other and said "It sucks" I gave a little giggle "I know it's trashy" we all backed to our original spot where me and hunk we hanging out at. Me and Hunk we're leaning against the lockers Shiro was standing by mean and Keith and Keith was in front of me and Hunk, I saw lance glance over at us and I filled him off agin and Shiro and Keith looked back to see who I was flipping off "Oh" Keith looked back with sad eyes.

"Don't worry about some low life" Keith looked back up and smiled "Yeah your right anyway I met someone-" Keith was picked up.

Keith's POV:

I looked back up at pidge "Yeah your right anyway I met someone-" I got picked up and it startled me "AHHHH MOTHERFUCKER" I got put down, I spun back around to see who picked me up ready to punch them to only see it was Blake "Dude what the fuck you scared me" I put my fist down "Hahahaha oooh that was funny" he laughed, I turned around and crossed my arms pouting "Hmph" "Aww don't be mad kitten" he wrapped his arms around my waist "Woah Woah Woah what do you think your doing?!" Pidge yelled in his face I smiled "Woah calm down I'm not looking for trouble" he took his hands off my waist and held them up in the air I could tell he was sweating then me and pidge looked at each other and laughed

"HahahahahahahHahahHahha oooooh my god that was hilarious" Shiro and hunk were also laughing, then I looked at Pidge's face and it was red that made me laugh more "oh *wheezing* my *wheezing* god" I pointed at Pidge's face and laughed more. She also saw my face and started to laugh more "Brruuuhh" She stopped laughing but she still giggled, I had to breath in and out "I can't"

We all stopped laughing I stood close to Blake, I could feel eyes staring into my back so I turned around and saw lance staring at me his girlfriend saw me look at him and kissed him it hurt me and made me stress, so I reached out into my backpack and pulled out a cigarette and my lighter. I put my cigarette in my mouth and was about to light it when Blake took out the cigarette "No smoking in the halls kitten" I rolled my eyes "Then can we go out side? So I can smoke?" Shiro looked at me "I thought you quit?" I looked at him "Yeah well it's kinda hard to stop, and I'm stressed since my ASSHOLE OF AN EX is staring at me" I yelled so he could hear "Fine let's go" I grabbed my cigarette from Blake's hand "Thank you" and I put it back into my mouth.

Then the bell rang "You've got to be shitting me" they all laughed "Alright Keith come with me I have your schedule and you have all of ur classes with me" and Hunk looked at Shiro "Surprisingly we both have the same classes too" "I have 1st, 3rd, period with Shiro and hunk 4th with all of you and 2nd, 5th 6th with Keith and Blake and then we all have lunch together"

"Alright so let's all go to class bye guys" I waved "Let's go" Blake said then we both walked into a math class. The teacher called me up to the front.....

TO BE CONTINUED hope u guys liked it I know that it is shorter from the other chapters but I hope you still liked it have a good day or night byeeee~
(Btw Yellow Zombaes is from the Yt GlamandGore)

Word count:1697 ha 69

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