Blodreina | How Far Would You...

By kaihughesreal

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Rebel kom Trikru one day finds a girl in the river who she learns to be Octavia kom Skaikru. At first she is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
A message

Chapter Six

271 3 0
By kaihughesreal

The first day of torture started an hour later. Octavia was held by a guard as I was taken to the center of the village and tied to a pole. "Tiga of the tree people, you have committed great crimes against the people of Azgeda. Shall we read this list of crimes?" Called a servant of the king. Roan sat in a throne above us all.

It was so cold outside. I shivered as I watched my breath puff out in front of me. Octavia was wrapped in fur so that the cold could not hurt her. "If you wish" I replied.

"You, Tiga of the Tree People, have slaughtered our great leader Queen Nia. You have burned down our villages and murdered our people in the name of Tree People. You Tiga of the Tree People are the bringer of death and it is time for you to meet your end" He said. The people started cheering and pumping their fists in the air.

I look passed Octavia, I could tell her eyes were watering. "what will we do about this? King Roan has chosen the death of one thousand cuts" He announced. I closed my eyes, tears coming out for the first time in my life. For the first time...I was scared. I always knew I could get out of a situation, but this time there was no running. It was time to meet my end.

I couldn't look Octavia in the eye. I couldn't. So I kept them closed. Refusing to open them as the crowd cheered. I shivered. It was so, so cold. "The great death bringer cries? I never thought i would see pure evil break!" King Roan laughed. Just then there was a popping sound. Screams were banging in my ears, triggering memories I didn't want to recall.

I open my eyes and see the people of Trikru pushing back against Azgeda. Mixed among them were the people of Skaikru. I see Bellamy holding Octavia close to him. Someone cuts my bonds from behind and my arms drop to my waist. I turn. "Nice to see you" Lexa said.


"There will be time for questions later" She said grabbing my arm forcing me to run. On our way out we pass Octavia and I grab her hand, our fingers intertwine and we run together. As far away from Azgeda as possible.


I sat in the throne room with Lexa, she sat on her throne with her legs crossed, arms rested on the sides. I sat on the floor with my legs crossed. "When was the last time we were in the same room alone together?" She asked. "When I refused to fight in the conclave for the throne" I replied nonchalantly.

"Does your wife know you're a night blood?" She asked. "No, and she's not going to know" I replied. "Why can't she know? You have a gift my friend" She said. "Because I don't want anything to do with the title of night blood. That includes no one knowing about it" I snapped. "Okay. Whatever you say. But should my reign come to an end" She taps the throne with her index finger "You know your place" She said.

I roll my eyes as the doors open. "Rebel! There you are!" Octavia said as she walked in. I stood and turned to my wife. She embraced me. "Rebel? That is what they call you?" Lexa asked snickering. "It's the name I gave her...Heda" Octavia replied, grabbing onto my hand as we let go of each other.

"I see. Well go have fun you too. And congratulations my friend" She said. Octavia nodded. "thank you, my friend" I replied. Lexa smiled at me as I turned with Octavia to leave the room.

"Did you and Lexa know each other growing up?" Octavia asked. I pause for a moment. I guess that information is harmless. "Yes. We've been friends our whole lives" I responded. Octavia nodded. I could tell that didn't put her at ease. She could tell there was a tension, some stronger emotion there. It was purely from Lexa, I felt nothing for her.

I stop us and push Octavia against the wall. My hands on either side of her head. "You have nothing to worry about my love. I married you. You are my wife. Never doubt my love for you" I said in a low voice. She nodded. I placed a soft kiss on her lips. I felt her hands on my hips as I trailed my kisses down her jaw and then on her neck.

Her hands slid from my waist, up my back. Almost clawing at my skin as her breaths came out in small puffs. "my wife" She panted. I stop suddenly, looking her in the eyes with a smirk on my face. "Not here. When we are in private. I promise my love" I said. We walked away hand in hand.


We stayed in a guest room in Heda's home, which was large. Octavia rolls over onto me. "I can't sleep" She groaned. "Me neither" I replied. "You grew up here?" She asked. I never liked talking about where I came from. I prefer to just listen to her talk.

"Yes. Not in Heda's house but in the forest" I replied. "What was it like?" Octavia asked. I swallowed. Memories all came flooding back to me. Not many of them were actually good. "It was hard. My parents put a lot of pressure on me. Aside from that it was okay" I answer. "The life of a gladiator must have been hard" She says. "It was"

The next morning there was a meeting called. I didn't know why I was there but I was. Lexa was also there and so was Clarke and Bellamy. "What is the meaning of this?" I asked. "There is something we need to discuss" Lexa replied. "No. Why am I here?" I asked coldly. "I value your opinion" She states and moves on, as if my presence was obvious.

"There is a great danger coming to us. It is a large death wave, we call Pimfiya" Lexa explains. I swallow, remembering the stories of Primfiya. "We need to find a way to protect our people" Lexa says. "There is no way. We just have to spend as much time with the ones that we love as we can" I said. "There has to be a way" Bellamy speaks up. "Well there is none, Bellamy" I answer.

Everyone is quiet and they don't know what to say. "There may be a way" Clarke says. "What do you mean?" Lexa asks eyeing Clarke. She has this look in her eyes that I recognize. I have a feeling there is something going on between them but I won't say anything for now.

"Tell us about it" Lexa says. "There is a bunker, and it can hold us for a long, long time. The only problem are we gonna get everyone in there?" Clarke asks. "No one will want to be in there. You try to stick the clans in one place and they'll kill each other within a week. They're going to want to fight over the bunker" I say. Everyone looks at me. I shrug. I shouldn't have been asked here if they didn't want to hear what I have to say. "Can't you try to be positive?" Lexa asked. "I could be with Octavia right now but no I was dragged out of bed to listen to mindless banter. If you don't want to hear what I have to say then you shouldn't have asked me here" I replied. "Then you can go" She says.

I smiled, and left. Making an obscene gesture over my shoulder as I left. I find Octavia outside talking to indra. Her hair braided at the sides and pulled up in a pony tale. She sees me and smiles as I approach her. She puts an arm around my waist and kisses me on the cheek. "Indra. This is-"

"Tiga" She says. I swallow, heat rushing to my face. "It's been quite sometime my friend. Will I ever see you in the sparing circle?" She asked. Octavia looked confused. I took a deep breath. "No. I don't think anyone will" I replied. "I trained your wife since she could walk" Indra says to Octavia while still looking at me.

"You never told me that" Octavia said. "I never thought I would have to" I replied. "I'll leave you two alone. I really do hope to see you in the circle. You were the best warrior Trikru had" Indra says, then leaves. "You're training with Indra?" I ask. "Yes. I see you beat me to it" She says. I look at her. "It was a long time ago. I left Trikru and everything in it. Including being a warrior" I said. "I would love to see you in action" Octavia says. "Never again" I replied. "What you did was years ago. You are a different person now" Octavia says. I shake my head. "I can't Octavia" I said. She nods. "I understand my love" She says kissing me on the cheek. "What did you need me for?" She asks. I smile and lean into her ear. "I need to hear my wife screaming with pleasure" I whisper seductively.

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