
By Caeliwrites

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{completed} Follow Maya and Riley through a tough friendship and what seems like an impossible new start. See... More

Friends meet
Coming together
Party Time
Its final
Their babies
Keep going
Todays the day
The news
Timing's not everything
Preparation can fail
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Together at last

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By Caeliwrites

Now that Riley was home and maya and Lucas were staying there, the room felt a bit cramped. Maya hadn't been home in a few days so she said her goodbyes and left to give the couple some space for there ever growing family.

At Maya's house there were tons of people in and out. At first Maya's babies and Emersyn were going to share a room. Maya later decided it was best to keep her babies to herself, in her room. Maya had worked hard the last few months preparing, now it was time to see if all her work had payed off.

"987, 988, 989, 990......" Maya trailed off counting. She had been saving money in different stashed spots and was adding it all together. "997, 998, 999, 1000. I have a thousand dollars to get what I need for this baby. What am I gonna do? I can't wait on Josh, he's an absentee father." Maya's head was in her hands scouring her brain for anything that could get her just a few hundred more dollars. Just as she started to give up, Shawn walked in.

"Everything alright?" He asked her.
"No. I have one thousand dollars to get two of everything for two babies. I can't possibly do it!" She said giving up and throwing her hands in the air.
"Hey, hey, hey. You can't give up on them. Your mom and I are surprised to have had to wait this long. We've been saving money for you cause we knew you couldn't do this by yourself. We've collected about five thousand dollars to give to you. It's not the end of the world. You still have parents, whether you're one or not, it doesn't matter, never be afraid to ask for help." Shawn explained encouragingly.
"But - - wha" She was stopped.
"No if, ands, or buts. This is how this works. Now, if you want to get prepared, I suggest start making lists of essentials. You also need to figure out how big they're gonna be so you know what size clothes to buy." He said.
"Shawn, I'm a tiny human, and a tiny human maker, with that being said my tiny humans are gonna be tiny. They're six pounds, give or take a few ounces." She said.
He just smiled and left the room.

At Riley's apartment, it turned into the Brady bunch. People in and out, kids screaming, you name it, it was probably happening. (Keep the minds outta the gutters, the kids are awake, at least they wait until they're asleep. But wait Topanga's pregnant, no time for that she's cooking three tiny humans!)

"Mom!" Riley yelled.
"What?!" Topanga replied.
"I'm gonna go out, it's too crazy here. Be back later. Lucas is going with me." Riley said.
"Okay" she answered.

Maya had made her lists and was headed to the baby shops.

"So where do you wanna go?" Lucas asked.
"Is that even a question anymore?" Riley asked.
"To the baby shops it is!" Lucas said sarcastically.
"You can go back inside, we haven't left yet." Riley said sternly.
Lucas pushed his lips together saying he was done talking. They continued on their trek.

Meanwhile the first things Maya went to look at when she got to the shops was a stroller system that worked for two infants and cribs and a twin bassinet. She found the perfect ones and moved on. As she was walking out of the shop with the worker, she saw Riley and Lucas who didn't see her. She shot a text to Riley.

M:Hey! I just seen you, walk towards (completely made up) "Babies in a Basket"
R: You're at the baby shops?
M:Yeah loading the car. Walk that way and I'll meet you on the sidewalk.

Lucas didn't know this conversation was going on. So he was completely surprised when Maya walked up.
"Hey! Long time, no see." He said.
"No thanks to you. You cramped me and my girl. But it's okay. I got a room to make, well, remake." Maya said happily.
"What'd you get already?" Riley cut in.
"Double stroller, it's one of those system things, twin bassinet, and the cribs. Tons more to do today. I'm getting everything." Maya said.
"Well we want to look around some more again, can we join? To get an idea for what we need to." Lucas said. (Surprisingly with his attitude lately. 🙄😲)

They all headed for the next store. The infamous Baby's R Us. (🤗)

A/n: I tried my best. Been awhile but, enjoy!!!!!

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