The daughters of the Life and...


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Looks like there is another part to the story after all! Both parts will be out soon for those that have been... Еще

Daddy's not so little Angels
In Omnia Paratus

Only the smug survive.. LDB-Daughters pt1

552 21 10

It's been just over a month since we started college and I don't think any of us has managed to really have a social life outside of hanging out with our dad's since we got dropped off for school. Well, except our dirty little Cordie. Who knew she has such a risky frisky streak in her?

I'm just glad tonight we can unwind. I had to call my mom and beg for help to have this weekend alone, so we better enjoy it. After hours of debating where to go and one of my awesomely effective pro/con lists, we decided to pay homage to our parents and come to the famed 'Rich Man's Shoe'. However, I'm not sure what the big deal was with this place as it's quite divey. I wouldn't have expected a place like this to be our parents' "scene", but it has a nice relaxed vibe, so maybe.

We grab our first round of drinks from the bar and make our way to a back booth. Once we sit we notice there is engravings of names on the table. We think it's odd, but we look closer and see our parent's names carved in. The detail tells me it was uncle Finn. He has a love for woodwork and is quite good at it. It's weird to think I am sitting in the exact same spot my parents sat all the years, but there is no denying it. Right in front of me there is a L. Huntzberger & R. Gilmore-H and next to me is C. McCrae & S. Vanderbilt which lets me know most of the time our moms sat on our dad's laps. Not surprising as they still do. What made me giggle was that on the opposite side of mom and dad's names was F. Morgan and direct opposite him was R. I'm not going home with you Astor. We've all heard tales of uncle Finn's persistent pursuit of aunt Rose, so this causes us to all giggle.

I finish off my Martini and push Jana up so I can slide out of the booth and then quickly fix my skirt "Anyone need another drink while I'm at the bar?" I ask.

Jana downs her drink quickly and says, "Yep, I'm coming with. We need shots. It's time to get out of our heads and enjoy our freedom! We need something fun to get us started. So, girls, finish those damn drinks! We are coming back with refills and shots. Then we dance!" Jana pulls my arm like somehow, I was holding her up when it was my idea to go in the first place.

We make our way up to the overcrowded bar. I'm not at all sure how we are going to get a drink with the amount of people. But leave it to Jana. She walks right behind the bar and says, "Excuse me, love, I need drinks for me and my friends and as you seem busy I will just get them for myself." If I wasn't used to her brash actions, I would be mortified, but this is just how Jana is. No one stands in the way of her and her alcohol. I can't help but giggle at the befuddled expression on the bartender's face. She immediately turns red and then shoos Jana out from behind the bar who returns to me and says, "Well, that woman is rude. You would think she didn't need the help when it is so obvious she does."

I hear a husky voice speak just loud enough to be heard over the music playing. I turn to see an attractive, tall brunette boy with the most amazing emerald green eyes, and perfectly chiseled jaw with a smug smirk playing on his perfectly pouty lips. "Yeah, Sasha tends to frown upon people coming behind the bar and taking over. It's almost as if this is her job or something."

I take him all in and, yep, he must be society with his fitted khaki slacks and gray quilted suit jacket. He's not Connecticut society or Grandma Shira would have tried to marry me off to him by now. However, the smugness and condescending way in which he speaks screams 'rich boy', "You and Sa--sha old friends I take it? You should tell Sasha if she wants to make any tips she should serve her customers. I can't imagine a bartender who wouldn't want tips. I happen to know my friends and I are excellent tippers when the bartender does her job."

He stands up a little straighter and smiles. Before he can respond, an annoying blonde wraps around him giggling. I recognize this bubblehead from our attempt at "Rush week". It was too much to hope she didn't recognize me. She does. "I know you, you came to our house for rush week. And then you turned down our bid. Corgi is it?" She says in a snotty condescending way.

I smile my sweetest society smile, "Collins, Collins Gilmore-Hayden-Huntzberger to be exact, but Corgi was close." I give her a wink and then continue, "I'm flattered you even tried" I feign being touched as I place my hand over my heart, "What was your name again? I tend to forget the insignificant, my apologies."

The guy that she just wrapped around almost spit his beer all over the bar. She just glared at me and right as she started to speak, I cut her off, "You know what? You just save it. We will run into each other again, and I would feel bad to have forgotten you, yet again. Until next time, k." Then I turn back to Jana who is howling in laughter at this point.

"Oh girl, since when do you name drop? I mean Gilmore-Hayden-Huntzberger! Since when do you go by all three last names? If you want to go slap her and throw my dad's name at her as well, I'm in." Jana and I both dissolve into a fit of giggles thinking about the shocked looks on their smug faces. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see the same smug jerk standing there looking at me curiously.

"Gilmore Hayden Huntzberger. Isn't that an interesting surprise? Let me grab us some drinks. Why don't you and your friend join me and mine? I'm Sebastian York, Bas for short, in case you were wondering." He offers with a smile

"How chivalrous of you." I retort rolling my eyes and then say, "I'd almost be interested if you hadn't just had your tongue down some girl's throat and had asked before you heard my name. However, I'm not interested in your name or being around a social climber. I would be more inclined to accept a tea invitation from Stalin himself, thanks though."

Bas' mouth drops open and his eyes widen in bewilderment, "W-ow, who hurt you?" he comments condescendingly, "I know Parker and Beckett Huntzberger-Bishop. They said their cousins were starting Yale this year, but they failed to mention one of them had a huge chip on her shoulder. In fact, they commented many times on how fun you all were. Obviously, they must have meant the others.

I flush red hot with embarrassment and try to avoid eye contact as I quickly say, "Fantastic for you. Please convey my sincerest gratitude to my cousins when you see them. Also, kindly tell them I don't need a babysitter or playdate, so they can stop telling people about me." I know that was bitchy and not at all how it was supposed to be, but I must save face I've already embarrassed myself enough tonight.

Jana gives me an incredulous look, "Coli, what the hell are you doing? That is one FI-NE specimen of man. Turn your ass back around and talk to him. He looked like someone just kicked his puppy when you turned away!" She shakes her head and continues, "Girl, I don't know what your funk is, but you need to get over it. It's time to get back in the saddle and that delicious stallion is waiting to be mounted."

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes I wish I could believe she didn't just say that to me. She knows that I've never actually 'mounted' someone as she so eloquently put it. Sure, I have had my share of fun hook ups, but never made it to that point. Damn GG Emily and her intervention with a priest when I was 12! WHO DOES THAT?! Now, I just don't want to give my "ultimate gift" to the wrong guy and have to give the right guy a sweater, stupid sweater! How it got to me and didn't get to Cordie I don't understand. She is way more timid than I am when it comes to guys and she gave up her ultimate gift a long time ago and has been handing out sweaters left and right... UGH "Stop it, you know that is never going to happen! I think he will survive a little rejection. Who knows? It might be good for him. Ugh, I really need that drink now."

Of course, Jana starts laughing at me. I'm just thankful she was interrupted with the bartender before it got embarrassingly loud, "Are you ladies ready to order?"

In a sarcastic tone Jana responds, "Aww, thank you for sparing us a moment. Just know I could have gotten it myself, however, I would like 12 sex on acid, three lemon drop martini's, two strawberry pom mojitos. And what do you want, Coli?"

"Do you have monkey 47 or Nolet Gin? I am not a fan of Tanqueray, so don't offer it to me. It tastes like hairspray." I asked the bartender pointedly.

I may not be a huge gin drinker, but the one thing I know is a proper martini is made with Gin. Grandma Lorelai always said to get the best Gin, that no one likes the cheap stuff when it comes to Gin. Over the years I have learned the difference in the taste through a lot of trial and error so I absolutely agree with her. Label me all you want, but I'm a girl that knows what she wants and won't settle for less.

A little taken back by either my knowledge of Gin or my definitive aversion to Tanqueray, the bartender stutters out, "I-I u-uh have monkey, but that is going to make the average $10 drink $25."

"Ok-ay? That's fine. I want a Dirty Gin martini with 2 olives. Just start a tab for me and my friends," I turn and point to the table in the back corner while handing her my bank card. She nods in affirmation and then turns to start fulfilling our order.

"Just how I like my women, dirty with expensive taste." An all too familiar smug voice whispers into my ear. I move one step to the side and ignore his comment. Then I feel a hand on the small of my back and he says, "Don't worry little one, uptight princesses aren't my type."

Feigning disappointment, I say in a condescending baby voice, "Oh n—o, and here I was looking forward to my necessary early morning std check at the campus clinic." Then I roll my eyes and flip my hand at him dismissively. I turn and tell Jana that I am going back to the table and to have the waitress help her...

Annoyed I begin to rant to my friends about the jerk I met, "I don't know who he thinks he is, but it's my first night out without my dad since starting college. I really don't want it to be tainted with some arrogant frat boy!" Just as I let out an exasperated sigh Jana shows up with the waitress and our drinks. I grab two shots and throw them back and then my martini.

"Woah girl, slow down! I am all for getting drunk and letting the night get away with us, but you are really hitting it hard here. Why don't we go dance off some of the alcohol you are holding?" Sutton says as she's pulling me up from my seat which makes me feel a little tipsy and I start swaying a bit but quickly regain my composure. Sutton bounces over to the jukebox and picks a couple of songs. Before she gets back, I am approached again by an unwelcome presence.

"What do you want, Crab?" I sneer at him.

"Well, Ursula, when I told my friends I had met THE Huntzberger and regaled them with tales of your effervescent charms, they just had to meet you despite my offering of the less painful option of a fork to the eye. Anyway, here we are, this (he gestures to the cute brunette boy wearing jeans and a sweater) is Pierson, and that is Abram. We are all friends of Beckett and Parker, so we have heard a lot about you."

Rolling my eyes in annoyance I sigh, "Are you sure it's me they have told you about? I mean I am obviously a real witch." I finish with a smug smile.

Just as I'm about to start again, Cordie looks up from her phone and says, "She's actually pretty freaking fun, but we have a night to continue with, so can this foreplay banter end?"

With surprise on his face and a mischievous glint in his eye, Bas says, "Oh, look at that boys, double the pleasure. What a fun twist of fate."

I shudder with disgust, "You are repugnant. You have introduced us to the rest of your goon squad, so be gone now, k, thanks."

"C-o-ll-ins" all the girls whine, "We want them to stay and dance. Abram was it?" Sutton ask, "You want to dance? I could really use some help loosening up my body" as she pulls him on the dance floor.

To say I'm grossed out by that comment would be a gross understatement. Naturally Wren jumped on Sutton's lead and pulled Pierson out on the dance floor as well. Leaving me, Jana, Cordie and the crab! I look at Cordie and Jana and ask if they want to go dance and both of course shake their heads no.

"Sorry Coli, Declan & Cale are on their way to get us. We are going to grab a bite to eat and go watch a movie. You are more than welcome to come with us if you want. I would stay I swear and I planned on it, but it's a long drive for Declan and I don't want to disappoint him."

I grab 4 more shots and down them, "No thanks, not really wanting to be with fifth wheel. I understand, go be with your "friends" I will just sit here or find my own amusement, I guess." I look over to see HE has made himself comfortable at our table and is just staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?"

"I'm just trying to figure you out, I've never met someone so judgey before."

"WHAT! I'm not judgey!"

Smiling he says," Ri-ght, you don't know me, but you don't like me, and I'm supposed to believe you aren't judgey?"

"She's a commitment-phobe who is attracted to you and doesn't like that she is. That's why she is being judgey." Cordie squeaks out and runs toward the exit where Declan has just arrived.

Ugh, just great, now this ass is going to think I'm attracted to him and I'm interested when I am NOT interested. I look back and see it all over his face, his smug ego is inflating right in front of me. I need another drink I grab the other four shots still sitting on the table and toss them back. Screw this, I'm not going to sit here all night arguing with him about how little I like him. I need to move and dance!! I hop up and stumble run out onto the dance floor and get lost in the music...

Rory exasperatedly sighs, "Logan come to bed, we will see the girls tomorrow. Think of how you would have felt if your dad had drove up to spend every weekend with you after you started college? They are fine, let them have a little fun."

Scrunching up his face in an annoyed expression he responds with a bit of a sneer, "Maybe if Mitchum had taken an interest in my life, I wouldn't have been such a trouble maker. I just think of my past and it makes me ill to think some "ME" is having his way with either of my baby girls."

Shaking her head, Rory can't help but roll her eyes. He would die of a heart attack if he knew they were not even half as innocent as he thinks they are. She decides against destroying his illusion, "Logan, you turned out just fine, and so did I if I might add and we didn't have constant supervision. We got to experience life. The girls just turned 18 let them have some freedom. They are smart and more than capable of handling themselves thanks to Paris's insistence on teaching them Krav McGraw and jiujitsu. Do you not trust our parenting?"

Sighing and scrubbing his hand over his face he relents and says, "Yes, of course I do. I just worry about them. They haven't been away from us for more than a couple of days their entire life and now they are all on their own. I'm just going to say one more thing about it and then I will stop. I promise. But maybe if Lorelai and Mitchum had watched us closer we wouldn't have had the girls right out of you graduating college."

Sighing in annoyance Rory says, "Lo-gan... First off, they could never watch us that closely. We lived together. That would have been awkward. Besides let's think of just a few places the girls could have been conceived. They would have never been with us even if they lived in our apartment. Airplane bathroom per your insistence on joining the mile-high club, library stacks, a few different elevators, and department store dressing rooms. Shall I continue?"

Smiling broadly Logan leans in and nips Rory's ear and says, "Mmm, some of my favorite memories of my adventurous Ace." Smiling he starts kissing along her neck and jawline making his way to her lips. She nibbles at his lip until he opens his mouth granting her access to deepen the kiss. He lays her back passionately kissing her when his phone starts ringing. GRRR, "Who the hell is calling at almost 2am! If the girls are in jail, just know I am now blaming you" he says in faux seriousness pointing at Rory and then sees it's Colin calling and answers the phone slightly irritated, "Hello? I was busy Colin, what do you want?"

Laughing at interrupting his friends romantic encounter with his wife, Colin lets out a little chuckle and then says, "I just wanted to let you know the girls have discovered RMS. Sasha just called she was getting ready to close up and said a group of girls left quite inebriated. They forgot to close their tab out. Now, normally she would just leave it running until tomorrow when the girls came back to close it out, but she recognized the last name and called to see what I wanted to do."

"He-llo, we were in the middle of something. Tell Colin goodnight. You all can play super dad tomorrow." Rory says slightly annoyed gesturing her hand up and down the length of her body.

Logan looks at Rory narrows his eyes and says, "I blame the mother." Then pulls the phone away from his mouth and says, "Sorry Ace, the girls got smashed at RSM. This is important." Then returning to his call with Colin he says, "We better call Finn and Robert and let them know what the girls are up to."

Rolling her eyes Rory says, "Yeah, this wasn't important, and it's not my fault until one of the girls pregnant." Whispering conspiratorially to annoy him, "My money's on Cordelia first"

Gasping with a look of horror Logan says, "Don't you even joke about such things! What is wrong with you, woman?"

"They've been at college over a month. And they have spent all their time babysitting their dads that have separation anxiety issues. They deserve to let loose and have some fun." Then she smirks and says, "Hmm, I think getting cock blocked by Colin could be what's currently wrong." While tapping her chin in a thinking pose.

Shaking his head and sighing Logan says, "Sometimes I wonder what happened to my sweet innocent little Ace. Who replaced you with this live in the moment party girl?"

Pulling out her phone Rory sends a quick group text to Rose, Steph, and Jules telling them to meet her at the girl's dorm at 9am without the super dad rescue squad. Then looks over her shoulder and says, "You happened to me. Remember 'a person can live a hundred years without really living for a minute'? Let the girls learn to live Logan." With that she turns back and falls into a comfortable sleep.
"So, anyone want to tell me why I am here at 9am on a Saturday? I'm not Robert." Juliet comments while shivering.

Stephanie had thankfully brought coffee for everyone. She hands her one then says, "Colin got a call last night that Coli's tab was left open at RSM and that it rivaled the guys back in the day. So naturally, the Neurotic Parents Society convened and so here we are to intervene before helicopter dad's fly in on their virtuous brooms." Steph retorts in an equally annoyed voice.

"I've got bottles of water and Tylenol. The last I saw, Rory was trying to get the taco food truck to open and make the girls some tacos and burritos for hangover food. Does anyone know the plan for the day?" inquires Rose.

Rolling her eyes Juliet says, "This is getting ridiculous! I don't know how long I can keep playing along with "Daddy's Little Angel". It's time Robert puts that sweet innocent notion to bed. There is nothing innocent about that girl anymore. Plus, she's in college! The fact that they have been here every weekend is absurd and now they are freaking out about RSM. They bought the damn place because they practically lived there from day one of college, hypocrites the lot of them. I say we just burst their bubbles and be done with this."

Laughing Rory walks up with bags full of Mexican food for the girls and says, "I really miss this place sometimes. Joe is the best when a girl needs good hangover food. So, what were you all talking about?"

Shaking her head Steph says, "All these years and I am still amazed at the power a Lorelai Gilmore has over take out owners. We were just talking about the guys being ridiculous, and we should burst the 'innocent angels' bubble they live in."

Rose pipes in with "Seriously, do you know they were on the phone with each other until 4 this morning talking about how they are going to "handle" this situation?"

"Well Colin called right as we were starting to get heated. As soon as he heard about his innocent baby girls stumbling upon the evils that is college life, that was done. Honestly, I don't even know who my husband is anymore. He became this crazy, obsessed parent the moment the girls entered the world, and he refuses to let them grow up. He actually said if Mitchum and Mom had watched us better in college we wouldn't have had the girls right away."

"Oh, that's nothing, Robert told me that he HAS to be this way with Quinn because it's my fault I gave him a girl. If I could just have given a boy then we wouldn't have this issue. I decided to google how it was his fault and he said, 'like google knows everything' and scoffed. I give up, they are all crazy!"

Nodding in agreement and walking to buzz the girl's dorm, they catch sight of one Sutton Lorelai McCrae trying to sneak in her building wearing her shirt inside out. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Steph says staring at her daughter with a knowing smirk.

Sutton turns slowly and stares with eyes wide. She starts to make an excuse and Steph stops her mid-sentence, "Save it! I don't care. We come bringing gifts. Oh, and for future reference, use cash if you decide to have fun out and maybe use a bar your father doesn't own."

Juliet rolls her eyes and says, "After last night's stunts, you all will be lucky if we can stop them from taking up residence in the off-campus apartments and moving you all in with them so they can swaddle and rock you to sleep every night. Well, where is the rest of the trouble squad?"

Tearing into her tacos Rory handed her Sutton stops and says, "Umm, Quinn is in our dorm with Cordie... I think, and maybe Jana."

"But you might want to give her a bit. I'm pretty sure that cute Jagger guy from 3B visited her again last night." Wren says non-chalantly walking up and then ask, "Is one of those delicious smelling tacos for me?" as she rifles through the bag grabbing a burrito instead, and taking her mother's offering of pain aids and water.

"How many of you didn't sleep in your own beds last night? And what cute Jagger guy from 3B? I assume it's safe to say Coli is up in her bed, alone, right?" Rory ask her with a small chuckle.

Sutton and Wren cast knowing glances at each other and then shrug, "Nope, she went home with her new friend last night..."

Rory and Steph's mouths fall agape and then Steph ask, "Male or Female? I need names! Is he cute? If Coli went home with him, he must be cute, right?" Rory just nods in agreement with a big smile plastered on her face to the line of questioning.

A mischievous smile stretches across Suttons lips, "He wasn't cute, he was s-e-x-y! If she didn't give it up last night, she's crazy!"

Wren smiles and nods in agreement "What was his name? It was something short. I know that and he was tall, brownish hair, green eyes you could get lost in, and was smoking! They had crazy chemistry. He didn't let her just put him down. Instead, he really challenged everything she said. I've never seen Coli get so flustered, it was cute. Sutt, what was his name?"

Sighing and pushing past her mom Collins says, "His name was 'Bas' or Sebastian, and no I don't want to talk about it."

Laughing Steph says, "Look ladies! The Unholy Trinity is complete. Can we go in and find the other 3 trouble makers?" Then winks at Coli and says, "You will be giving Aunty Steph some details. It's the least I deserve coming to save your butt this early."

"COLLINS!! Seriously, I know you have heard me yelling your name since you left. I have jogged half way across the campus after you. You're really fast, do you know that?" Bas says trying to catch his breath.

All of the moms look at the boy who just ran down Collins and smile and Juliet says, "Well hello there, I am going to assume you must be Bas. We are Collins' aunts. I'm Juliet Grimaldi. This is Rosemary Morgan and Stephanie McCrae. And that is Supreme Court Justice Lorelai Gilmore-Hayden-Huntzberger, Collins' mother." She finishes with a sly wink.

My mom just smiles at the boy knowing aunt Jules is toying with him by using her new official title for intimidation purposes. She could have said award winning author or international attorney, and he would have still been intimidated, not that I care I am not interested in him in the least. He just helped me out by letting me crash in his bed while he slept on the couch, not that they will believe it if I tell them that. Obviously, Aunt Jules got the desired affect because Bas stands there speechless with a shocked look for a long time. Then he gives his best smile and says, "Hello, I'm Sebastian York. It's lovely to meet you all. I just wanted to catch up with Collins about some... study notes."

I'm irritated that he is there at all, but floored he chose to lie... and so badly, "Cut the crap Sebastian. They know I stayed the night with you. They all think we hooked up. That's why all my aunts look as giddy as a three-year-old on Christmas morning. What do you want? I thought the fact that I fled as fast as I could from your dorm was a clear indicator I was not interested and didn't want to talk to you?"

"You seemed awfully interested last night." He says with a cocky smile playing on his lips.

Stephanie lets out a giggle and tries to regain her composure but has the biggest smile on her face and my mom is staring at me with a quirked brow and smirk. My other aunts try not to be as obvious as them. "Bas, I said cut the crap. You and I both know nothing happened, so why did you chase me down?"

"Ouch Coli-belle. You made me feel special last night Mon Coeur, and deny me in the morning's light, that hurts. I was chasing you down because you ran away with my heart this morning. I just wanted to let you know, I'm all in." Then he kisses my cheek and turns to walk away with a smug victorious look on his face.

O--h he's good... well, two can play that game. I sweetly call after him, "Hey Bas?" he stops and turns to look at me and I walk right up to him grab ahold of his shirt and pull him down to me and instantly connect our lips. To say I didn't feel the fire that surged through my body would be a lie, but this isn't about starting anything; just finishing his game. I pull back leaving him breathless and trying to regain his composure. "Have a wonderful day, M-o-n Coeu-r," I say and linger on the last part letting the sarcasm really coat the words and then turn back to my mom.

Mom wraps her arm around my shoulder laughing and says, "You better make sure he has a huge trust fund or grandma Shira will never let you live it down."

"Ugh, I need a taco!" I snatch the bag from my mom and inhale the delicious aroma of tacos and burritos. Then I hold my hand out for pain aids and bottle of water from my aunt Rose. Once I down them, I start devouring a taco. I reach for my entrance card for Davenport College, swipe, and pull the door open.

We make our way up to our princess suite, the creme de la creme of dorms in Davenport college. There is an en-suite bathroom and four rooms. It's two doubles and two singles with an upstairs and skylight allowing just enough room for all of us to live together along with some nice perks. Just as we are starting to unlock our dorm, the door flies open to show one Declan DuGray leaving our room.

Wren and Sutton bust up laughing wildly, "OMG! Declan do you even go to Harvard? At this point you should just transfer."

He drops his head in embarrassment and starts to push past us, and Rory stops him and says, "You are Tristan's son, aren't you?"

"Yes ma'am" he says with a nod

Laughing mom shakes her says, "It's nice to meet you Declan. I am Cordie's mom, Rory."

He nervously looks back and forth and then says, "It's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Huntzberger. Please excuse me, but I must be going."

Mom lets him run away with his shame and embarrassment and then smiles and says, "I guess everything really does come full circle."

Once inside the room, we see Jana snuggled up with Cale, the red headed boy that lives in our college. She has been seeing him as much as possible since the day we moved in. We can hear Quinn telling who we can only assume is Jagger that he needs to get up and go and if he doesn't he won't ever be coming back! To say I'm mortified doesn't even cover it. We have one night out, and it looks like a cheesy episode of girls gone wild. I turn to look at our mom's standing there with Cheshire like grins firmly placed on their faces.

Aunt Jules says, "Wow ladies it looks like we gave life to the boys in female version. No wonder they are neurotic. They recognize their miscreant behavior in their daughters. If Robert wouldn't have an aneurism, I would text him and tell him I just heard his daughter saying the same thing to a guy he said to every girl he hooked up with in college!"

Aunt Steph just smiles and then shouts, "BOYS, THE GIRLS DAD'S ARE COMING!"

The two remaining boys shoot out of the door grabbing what clothes they can as they run out of the dorm apologizing and saying they will see them later. Once the room has cleared, our moms make us clean-up as apparently our mess isn't up to standards. They came to steal us away for the day for shopping and the spa, but not with a messy dorm. Bless our moms. They are amazing and just get it though so they didn't do any yelling or crying. I won't be so naïve to say they aren't angry, but at least they don't freak out about every little thing.
While the girls are showering and getting things in order, we all sit down and drink our coffee and start talking about the things we just encountered outside. When Rosemary looks directly at me and says, "So, what does everyone think of that Bas boy?"

"He's cute. I think she is in for long four years with that one though. What do you all think?"

"Oh, that boy is fine! I wouldn't be surprised if he had a waiting list for him, but absolutely nothing happened last night. He was too stunned for that not to have been their first kiss. She really laid it on him. There is something about the back and forth with them that seems familiar. I just can't put my finger on it." Steph says tapping her chin in a thinking manner with a condescending tone.

"O-o-ohh I know!!" Juliet bounces up and down. "We just went back 20 years and watched Rory and Logan's first foreplay encounter. I'm glad I could witness it this time. Now I understand how they happened. I was always curious how it started since they were so different. I have to say, I am very impressed."

I throw a pillow at her and tell her it wasn't anything like that.

"Mmhmm, su--re, we have been around you all, we know." Juliet says with a big grin on her face

The girls walk in as we are all laughing and are finally ready to go. We decide to go shopping first and then to the spa as all the girls would like new outfits first, and with that we head out for our mother/daughter day.

I needed a coffee after the very long day we had, so I stop by the coffee cart and then just hang out on the bench soaking up the fresh air and reflecting on the day. It's nice to finally have some peace and quiet. We had a lot of fun shopping and just relaxing at the spa. Well it was mostly relaxing, although I did get teased relentlessly over the encounter with Bas this morning. Ugh, meet a guy, hate a guy, get too drunk to remember your own name and guy takes you home and everyone thinks you are going to get married, HA, I'm not the relationship type. That's Cordie. Oh well, all teasing aside it was an enjoyable day. I know most girls are supposed to have issues with their mom's but we all really have a close relationship. Granted we thought they were super boring other than shopping and being pretty laid back and that was until grandma Lorelai flipped our opinions of them, but that's not a terrible thing...

...I get a tap on the shoulder as a voice that I don't recognize quickly says, "Don't turn around. Be outside your dorm hall at 7pm with this on." A blindfold and black invitation embossed in gold leaf print fall on my lap as the voice disappears. That's not creepy or anything. After a few seconds, I turn to look and there is really no one there. Wow, they moved fast.

I shrug and put the blindfold in my jacket pocket and quickly read the invitation: "Collins Huntzberger you are cordially invited to join the Life and Death Brigade." Well, that's anticlimactic. I was expecting fog, ominous music, something. Oh well, it can't be any worse than the rush week disaster...

For those of you that wanted more I have provided more. Lol

I hope you enjoy and I look forward to your hearing your thoughts and criticisms. It's all very welcomed.

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