My Love My Life [I.NY & P.JY]

By La-Belle_

17.7K 873 146

From a cheerful person to a cold hearted person. From an optimist to a pessimist. *my ceo ruined my life* ... More

@40 Ending


445 22 3
By La-Belle_

Jinyoung's POV
Kringggggg "the alarm woke me up"
As soon as I wake up I think of my dad right away. Thinking of what he told me last night made my head aches.

After the dinner I revived a call from the hospital. They said that my dad is currently resting in the ward. After hearing that I drive as fast as I can to the hospital.

Dad are u okay ? "I asked him as soon as I saw I him"
Jinyoung u are here? I'm okay son "He replied"
Thank god ! I was so worried about you "I told him"
Don't worry son. "He smiled sweetly"
I pull a chair to sit near him.
So who took you here dad? "I asked"
My disease suddenly attacked me while
I was walking on the road but luckily a young lady was there and helped me ! "He sounded so happy"
U look so happy dad! What's with that lady "I asked"
U're right Jinyoung. I'm so happy ! Today is considered as my best day ever. "He laughed"
Best day ? Dad are u really okay? "I asked to make sure"
Of course son. I met that lady and I'm so happy "he replied looking straight into my eyes"
U're in love with her ? Haha dad u're alr old "I spoke bluntly"
Son I'm not in love but u're ! I meant you will be in love soon. "He replied"
What ? Me? No way "I scoffed"
You will be married soon son ! I'm happy for you "he sounded serious"
What do you mean dad ? "I asked curiously"
Wait ! Don't tell you that THAT LADY IS HER ?! "I was shocked"
U're smart ! Right son she's here in Seoul! "He smiled widely"
After having a short conversation with my dad I go straight to my house and rest.

Today is such a tough day "I blurted"
I do my night routine and sleep!!!
*end of flashback*

I hope today is a great day for me ! I hope I won't meet her as well. I hope she'll get rid out of my life. I really hope that dad will consider about it again. "I thought"
I get out of my bed, do my morning routine and go to work.

As soon as I entered the company I am greeted by everyone. They all seem so happy.
I wish I could be like them too!! " i thought"
I walk to the elevator and press the floor which my office is located in. After waiting for a few minute the elavator's door is finally opened. I walk out of it and enter my office.
Hi sir ! " Nayeon greeted me"
Yeah. "I replied bluntly"
She walks to me and place a file in front of me.
Here is what u want me to do sir "she said"
I take the file and check her work. She did a great job.
Well done "I complimented"
Thank sir ! By the way, u have a meeting after lunch "she reminded me"
I know it ! U can return to your work now "I said"
Uh! Okay "he replied"

Nayeon's POV
I'm observing my CEO's face while working. I think I used to see this person. No matter how much I try to remember about him I can't remember anything.
I give up "I mouthed quietly and continued my work"

You can go to have ur lunch now "he suddenly said"
I look at my wrist watch and see it's alr lunch time.
Ohh right ! Would u come with us, sir? "I asked him"
No I'm busy. "He replied coldly"
Do u wanna eat anything ? I'll buy for u "I asked politely"
No thanks. U can go now! " he ordered me to leave"

*time skip*

This chapter is lame ! Sorry!

Do you want the ending to be sad or happy ???😬  (please kindly answer)

Thanks for reading!

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