Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 43: Firsts

255 7 0
By TintedLoveXOXO

The first few weeks were hard, getting Lex to eat and not cry. To find out why he was crying was an even harder matter. It seemed like the two of you had got it down now. He slept mostly through the night, which was not what you were expecting. He hated to be bathed, but didn't mind if he could see one of his toys. So, one of you bathed him while the other played with him. He had a reflexive smile, that still gave you both butterflies. You couldn't stand not being with him, though you did allow his aunts to watch him once. You just went to the doctor, though. Sweet Pea loved to hold him all the time. He honestly loved to do everything with Lexington and you knew by the happy noises that he made, that he loved Sweet Pea just as much. You took turns reading to him at night and made sure to keep eye contact. It took you a long time to recover. Your mood swings were everywhere, you sweat way more than usual, your downstairs hurt a LOT. But, soon those all faded and you were normal again. You were walking everyday with Lexington, for his sake and your own. To help lose your baby weight and give you something else to look at. Sweet Pea worked with the Serpents once a week, due to Jughead's orders. He was still going to school as well. You noticed that his whole attitude shifted and he was almost a new person. He was happy and not as moody. He told you every day how much he loved Lexington and you. He smiled. Which was the weirdest part. You kinda think that Jughead is more scared of this then the old him. Which you didn't blame him, Sweet Pea was always frowning and broody. Now he is kinda polite and doesn't even swear; normally.
When Lexington turned three months, he was smiling and laughing now. He held his own head up. He plays and tries mimicking your sounds. He loves to watch other kids play at the park and the birds. And, he gets so excited to hear Sweet Pea, when he comes home. And, he had a tooth starting to come in. There was a little red spot on his bottom gum that the doctor said was a tooth when you asked.
"Lexington," you coo. "Where did you go?" You were playing peek a boo. You pop into his view. "There you are!" He laughs as you tickle his sides. "Oh bub, you need your diaper changed. We are gonna go change your diaper, upstairs in your room." You lift him from his chair. "Up the stairs we go. Up and up and up." You tend to make songs with him. You lay him on the table. "Let's get you out of these clothes off. First your pants." He makes a cooing sound. "Yeah. Then we are gonna undo your onesie. Button... Button... I don't think you need to know about buttons yet. I'm just bored. You smell bad!" You laugh and he smiles. "Yeah you do. Alright, let's get the diaper off. Okay? One two and three!" You say opening it. "I'm gonna wipe now. Yep. It's getting really weird narrating everything to you!" You smile through it and throw the old diaper away. "Makes mommy sound crazy. Yeah, so your first word better be mommy." He coos. "Mommy. And, I'll tell you what. Your first word is mommy, I'll buy you anything you want."
"Don't bribe our child," Sweet Pea tsks making Lexington squeal. "Yeah! You hear him!" Sweet Pea smiles taking Lex. "Tell MOMmy, not to bribe you." He makes sure to enunciate 'mom'. "Don't bribe me mommy, I don't understand it." You shake your head. "How was your day?"
"It was good," you shrug. "Finished my book."
"That's great," Pea smiled. "You should write one. Write your own fantasy. Or even just a book for Lexington." You laugh. "Seriously, I've read your writing. It's good!"
"I'll think about it. I start work soon," you sigh. "How was your day?"
"Boring," he shrugged. "Missed my two favorite people."
"You say that every day," you tease. "You hiding somethin'?"
"Oh yeah," he laughed. "I'm hiding a secret sex dungeon where I keep cocaine and loads of girls."
"I knew it," you gasp. "I smelt the perfumes. Like a French whore." He laughed shaking his head. "I love you."
"You too," he smiled kissing your lips softly. "How bout we go out tonight? To Pop's with everyone... I am not taking no for an answer."
"Then I guess I should go shower," you smirk. "And, you should put him to sleep. He will need another nap." He nods as you leave the nursery to your own room. You hadn't resulted in sleeping together yet. Which was mostly because you were a wreck for a while. You didn't want to have anything make you uncomfortable, but sometimes you would go to his room. Lately at least. You grab. Your towel and brush before going into your bathroom. You turn the water on and let it heat up as you scroll through your phone and find a song. Steam fills the room before you do, so you just hit a random song. You let the water run down your back. It felt great on your stiff back. You spend a majority of your day in uncomfortable positions to play with Lex.
   "Hey, so I was looking at some stuff in Lexington's room," Sweet Pea said through the crack in the door. "What are we gonna do with all of the winter clothes?"
   "What?" You shout, unable to make out everything he said. "Come in here." You hear the door open then shut.
   "Winter clothes," he said. "It's gonna be warm soon and he probably won't fit in them by next winter."
   "Donate," you shrug, though he can't see you. You lather soap through your sopping hair. Soap hits your eyes and you hiss. "Shit!"
   "Wow, that's a big bad word," Sweet Pea chuckled. "What did you do?"
   "Soap in my eyes!" You say pulling the curtain open. "Towel, please." He nods grabbing your towel and handing it to you. You press it to your eyes and rub until they don't burn. "God, I thought that was just for kids." He chuckled. "Oh!" You we're suddenly aware how naked you were. He laughs again.
    "Wash you hair out," He shakes his head. "I'm gonna pick out your outfit. You give him a look of confusion. You were just going to Pop's. "Just go with it. You're gonna get soap in your eyes again." He gestures his finger towards your forehead. You sigh before shutting the curtain. When you get out you see the outfit on the bed. You put it on without question and meet him downstairs.
   "So, I think I look oddly nice for a Pop's dinner," You laugh. "I was just gonna wear a hoodie."
   "Well," he shrugged. "I didn't see you change."
   "Touché," You laugh grabbing a water. "So, you wanna know what I realized today."
   "What's that?" He leans over the counter.
   "So, I was thinking back to last year. Remember when we stayed at the Plaza?" You ask and he nods. "Well, I thought back to when I went off to Nebraska. It was roughly a month or so after that. Which was also the last time we did anything, you know... And, I definitely have not done that with anyone else. Which means that was when Lexington was conceived."
   "Weird thing to think about," he laughed. "What made you think of that?"
   "I spend all of my time with a baby who can't talk and TV that plays constant reruns," you explain. "There's not much else to do."
    "Touché," He said. "You know, that's my favorite shirt on you." You look down at the old top. You wore it a lot during school, didn't know that Pea had a favorite top. "You have no idea why do you?" You shake your head. "That was the top you were wearing when we went down to Florida and you kissed me."
   "Really?" You laugh. "Weird detail to remember. What made you remember this?" You mimic his previous question.
   "It's also the shirt you wore when you fell," he shrugged. "And, the one you wore when I gave you Grams ring." You hadn't thought about that. You really wear the shirt a lot. "It's just something, We should go." You nod walking upstairs to get Lex. He was still sleeping in his crib, a small smile on his face. He looked so peaceful and you couldn't help but just watch him for a moment. He slowly wakes up as you lift him.
   "Hi, baby," you smile. "Did you get a good hour nap?" He coos and smiles. "Good. I think we're gonna our you in your little leather jacket from Aunt Toni. She will absolutely love it. What do you think?" He makes a raspberry noise with his tongue. "Yeah! Me too." You put on his jacket and then socks and shoes. "Handsome little James Dean." You put him in his car seat and lug him down the steps. It never gets easier.
   "Leather jacket?" Pea chuckled looking at Lex. "He's already getting pressed into the gang life."
   "Leather doesn't just mean gang," you argue. "He looks cute."
   "I was joking," Pea shook his head. "I'll take him; his bag is in the closet." You nod passing the car seat to him before going to the linen closet to grab the diaper bag and coat. You get to Pop's and everybody was there already. They were talking amongst themselves when you walked in.
   "Hi!" They say with smiles.
   "Oh my goodness!" Toni smiled. "He's too cute. I knew that was a good gift." Lex smiles at her. "You look so good in that jacket I got you! Yes you do! Oh, Cher is going to literally eat you up. Come on." She takes him from Pea.
   "So what is the glorious occasion?" You ask sitting next to Pea and Fangs.
   "Oh, you don't know?" Fangs teases. "Really?"
    "Wow," Jughead shakes his head. "I thought you would have at least looked at the day."
   "Seriously, what is up?" You groan.
    "Happy sort of anniversary," Pea said, with a wink. You look at him for a moment putting prices together. March. It's March and the middle of the month. You feel your mouth fall open slightly.
   "Oh my god!" You sigh sadly. "I can't believe I didn't remember." You feel your whole body kinda deflate.
   "It's fine," Pea chuckled. "There's a lot going on... Lexington is just a constant energy ball." You laugh a little. "Hey. It's fine. I got everyone together so we could celebrate. Two years."
   "Two years and a baby," you laugh. "I thought that at least Betty would have a kid before us."
   "Very funny," Jughead shook his head.
"Hey," Fangs chuckled. "You made it through a lot. You know, getting over the north and south side thing. Destiny. The break in Nebraska. Carrie, Who I am glad you got rid of over the summer man. She was giving me real creep vibes." Sweet Pea gives him a glare when you look at him. "She didn't know that you got with Carrie again." Sweet Pea shook his head. "Well... I think I'm gonna go shove a foot in my mouth." He climbs over the back of the booth.
"Carrie?" You ask. "Again?"
"Carrie was an ex-fling," Sweet Pea sighed. "Before you and Ash and even Destiny."
"Ex-fling meaning, sex buddy," you clarify.
"Erm, Yeah," Sweet Pea sighed. Jughead and Betty excuse themselves awkwardly. "When we were on our... Erm, break... I may have had a few meetups with her. But, when you came back. I ended it. All of it." You nod with him. "I did. I swear."
"Okay," you say. "I believe you. I wasn't angry either. Calm down. I got with Reggie. What was Jughead's theory about he and Veronica? We can't use those in future fights, we are even."
"You aren't real," he smiled smally. "Honestly, how did I get so lucky?" You shrug and he wraps his arms around your shoulders.
"I don't know," you laugh as you look over at Lexington. Veronica and Cheryl were gushing over him. He was giving them little smiles and 'ahs'. "Happy anniversary, I guess I'm gonna have to make it up to you."
"No, you don't. You've given me enough already," he said and you give him a puzzled look. "A family, a home, love. I don't need anything else."
"You are so different as a dad," you laugh. "Happy. I was thinking something more, sensual, though." You wink and he raises his eyebrows.
Fangs joins you at the booth again. He climbs between the two of you smiling at you both as he does it. Betty and Jughead come back over too, Kevin with them. Archie now has Lex and he was trying to feed him some of his milkshake. You groan getting up to take Lexington. He wasn't supposed to have that yet, especially if it wasn't from you or Sweet Pea. During dinner, Lexington gets fussy because he can't have the food you all are eating. You lift him to his feet. He likes to look at people. Eventually, someone else takes him and you get to eat again. The night was really fun. You haven't had them all together in a while. Really, people come and go during the day just to drop something off or see Lexington. When the night was over, Lex was exhausted and didn't even wake up when you moved him from the car seat to his crib. You surprise Sweet Pea in his room, he didn't even hear you come in.
"Is this my thing?" He chuckled, eyeing you. "I think I can definitely go with it."
"Maybe," you smirk. "You know... My bed gets real lonely at night." He nods. "Wondering if I could get my old blanket stealer back?"
"Is this your way of asking me to stay in your room with you?" He threw his head back slightly, laughing.
"This is my way of asking you to stay in my room, indefinitely, not just for the night," you lean against the door frame. "Instead of is staying in separate rooms all the way down the hall."
"I would love to move down the hall to your room," he said. "It would be a lot simpler, since I wake up to you in the mornings, when I did not go to sleep with you."
"Well, I get scared," you say. "It's creepy in there." He laughed. "Seriously! There are gargoyle gangs out there and shit."
"I know," he says softly. "They won't get in here. I promise."
"Oh, I know," you laugh. "I may or may not have put alarms on the windows while you were gone. If the window opens, they go off."
"Seriously?" He looks down at you, slightly amused as you nod. "Nice... I'll have to tell my other girls." You roll your eyes backing off. "You know I'm joking. But, how about... We christen our room?"
"It has definitely already been christened," you laugh. "Remember?"
"But, that was 'Your' room. This is 'Our' room," he explained. "Totally different... Okay, I need to clarify something... You say it was already christened. Was it before, us?"
"Really, this is what you want to talk about?" You furrow your eyebrows and he nods. "Yes. Reggie and I had sex. I don't see why it matters."
"It doesn't," he said. "I just wanted to know, because I want to make sure he knows that I win." You go to hit him, but he catches your hands laughing. "Joking again. Come on, let's go to our room." He pulls you close and kisses you. "I love you."
   You hum in response as he kissed the soft spot on your neck. You hadn't realized that you longed to be touched like this. To be loved this way. The feeling of his lips against the smoothness of your sensitive neck. His hands on your sides gripping tight enough to leave marks. Your heart seemed to skip as you were indulged in his scent. It was cool with a kick of some spice. Like pepper. You couldn't help but run your hands down his clothed back then to his chest. Luckily for you, he still wore flannels all the time. With a quick motion you were able to pull the buttons loose at once. He pushes you roughly against the wall as you run your cool fingers down his now bare chest. He lifts you from the floor and you laugh a little as he brings you to your room. He throws you on the bed.
   "Eager?" You tease as he pulls his shirt off the rest of the way. He smirks before pulling you into a sitting position and connecting your lips. His hands roam under your shirt and leave a chill over you spine. He pulls it off and tosses it to the side.

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