Nerd Model Killer; BOSS 2

By BlueHunter02

644 6 0

Carmen/Ivory: Not what she seems. As Carmen Lockwood she's bullied for being the school nerd. As Ivory Ashmor... More

1- Secret Art Friend
2- Paired
3- Smirk To Bloody Nose
4- Carmen And The Teen Killer
5- Dinner With Carmen
6- She Knows The Diablos
7- Miss Diablo Substitute
8- A Break In Carmen
9- Relieved Of Punishment
10- Her Life Is Hell
11- Dante Win
12- Talking To Ashmore
13- Lies To Cover Up
14- Diablo + A Table Leg
15- Revealing Herself
16- You're A Nerd, A Model, A Killer
17- Bellegardes Alive... Still
18- Dead For Good
19- Maybe It Won't Be So Bad
20- Jacob Is Screwed
21- Family Business: Extermination
22- A Trashed Home And A Box
23- Back For More
24- Jacob Is Ivorys Fantasy
25- Ivory Hates Water
26- Bringing Happiness
27- Lunch With Carmen
28- Insanely Competitive
29- He's Gone
30- Jacob Meets Dante
31- Saving Jacob, Breaking Jacob
32- Carmen Ashmore
34- Girls Like That Are Leeches
35- Winter Wonderland And Pepperoni Pizza

33- Jacob Admits His Love

7 0 0
By BlueHunter02

Jacob Fleming

It's been hell not having Ivory around. I've tried to get over it but the harder I try the more it hurts. The more I realize how incredibly hard I'd fallen for her.

Campbell and Taylor were going nuts about the new girl. She had black hair and dark blue eyes. Her eyes looked familiar yet there was so much pain in them that they obscured the slightly. Preventing me from figuring it out. She was there in the hall when I got my soccor jacket from my locker. The jacket Ivory had. There was a note saying turn around. When I did, there was the new girl. She turned away so I could only catch a glimpse of her.

She turned up during PE. The teacher and her fought after she gave him a note. Then suddenly he was on the ground groanigg and Taylor looked as if she'd seen a ghost. She started talking about him being an exterminator and it wasn't long before I realize she was talking about Ivorys business. The guy worked for Ivory. Ivory did say she had people in the school. Then she walked away and easily jumped the fence after saying something about Taylor talking to her brother for instructions. When she walked away and was in the distance she pulled off what was a black wig to reveal blonde hair. There was something about her voice too. It was so familiar yet with all the pain I couldn't make out where the familiarity came from.

My mind is working so hard to make everything click that I was getting a headache. When we asked Campbell about her he was both excited and angry. He refused to tell us her name only saying we needed to go to the far corner of the school at lunch.

So that's what we're doing now. Waking across the field to the spot Campbell had said. He and Taylor were talking to each other quietly to avoid anyone else hearing. "Jacob you should eat something. You haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday." Jamie prods my side and I glare at him.

"I'm not hungry alright. Don't push me." I didn't mean to sound so harsh but I didn't apologise either.

"Jacob Fleming I swear on the dead devil's grave if you don't eat something voluntarily right now I will forcefully shove food down your throat." At the voice snapping at me from ahead of us everything clicked into place and I stagger.

My whole body going weak. Jamie and Max grab hold of me to stop me from falling completely. "Ivory." I lift my head to see the girl who disappeared from my life walking pit of the shadows. She looked as bad as I did.

She stops and rested against a tree. "It would have been easier if you told them the fake new girls name. It would have given him time to prepare himself at least." Everything about her screamed pain. Not physical pain, but emotional, mental pain.

Campbell shrugged. "He would have choked on air if I told him the new girls name was Carmen Ashmore. I wanted it to be a surprise."

Ruby stormed forwards and Ivory stumbles back. Her footing slipped and she fell to the ground, now it was physical pain that etched itself onto her face. "How could you just leave us all like that?" Ruby yelled as she stopped in front of Ivory, fists clenched tightly. She seemed oblivious to the fact Ivory was injured. Everyone did it seemed. They all looked angry. "Why the hell did you come back? I thought you said youd never come back because being around Jacob would kill you because it was your fault." Ruby threw her hands into the air.

Everyone seemed bewildered by how angry Ruby was right now. She's never been like this. Ivory looked down. "I came back because I'm half dead alright. I'm tearing myself apart." She forced herself up and I could see how much it hurt. Her dark clothes seemed darker in places. When she lifted her shirt we all cringe. Her stomach was laced with cuts and bruises. All dripping blood down onto her clothes. None of them were bandaged.

"I've been punishing myself every single day because of what I did. I thought Jacob would get better. I thought leaving would be better for him. But every day he gets worse. I never really left. I've been watching all of you from a distance." She let her shirt fall back into place and her eyes find mine.

I was crying yet I couldn't figure out why. "Why are you suffering so much Jacob? I don't understand." She was soon crying. Tears streaking down her face.

Nobody really knew what to do. I shrug Jamie and Max off, slowly walking over. "I'm suffering because I fell in love with you." I spoke the words aloud for the first time and everyone seemed shocked. None more so that Ivory.

Her whole body went rigid and she took a reflexive step back. "What?"

Sighing I slide my hand through my hair. "I know I'm only 16 but never have I felt like this towards anyone. Never have I felt something this strong towards one person. It started with when you were Carmen. I fell for the small things. The way you'd tuck your hair behind your ear when you were concentrating on your work. The slight scrunching of your nose when you read a book. The way your lips curled into a scowl at the sight of a mistake in an assignment." I stop walking in front of her. "Then I fell for everything else. It was your eyes that really had me. When your angry they go so much darker that you look almost demonic, yet you would never show it on your face. Your eyes change with your emotions. Like right now. I couldn't recognizer them fully through all the pain. I've never seen your eyes this pained before." Reaching up I run the back of my hand over her cheek where a dull bruise was slowly fading.

She bit down on her lip to stop it from quivering. "I'm sorry."

Smiling I let my hand drop and continue. "When I saw the real you I didn't know what to feel. I was scared until I saw past it and saw the way you missed being yourself. I saw everything from Carmen in you. All the little things I fell for came from you. Not Carmen. When you left it felt as if a hole had been torn from my chest. This is the first time I've smiled since I heard that you'd gone. These guys have been trying to make me smile and laugh but never came close. Yet you just had to show your face as you for it to happen. You make me happy Ivory. You make me feel like me. Don't leave me again. Please. I need you." I wanted to kiss her but by the look on her face I don't think she'd quite be able to handle it.

Ivory slowly smiled back. "I won't leave. On one condition."


"You start eating and get back to the Jacob I love so much." Her words made my smile grow wider.

Pulling her into a soft hug I close my eyes, relishing the feeling of her against me once again. She seemed to fit perfectly in my arms. "That I can do."

I became aware of whispers behind me and I turn my head around to glare at them. They smile sheepishly and back away. "Good to have you back Ivory but we'll just be going. You know, to leave you two in private. So. Yeah. Bye." Amy gave an awkward wave before they all rush off, leaving me there with Ivory still tightly secured against me.

She lifts her head, "We should follow so you can get something to eat," yet she made no move to let go.

Resting my forehead against hers I smile. "We should. I'd love to see how the school reacts to see you and I walk into the cafeteria." I stare at her eyes, watching the pain ebb away.

"I'm covered in blood."

"So? It'll just show them all how much of a bad ass my girlfriend is." We don't move away.

"Girlfriend? But you never asked." She gave me a cheeky smirk and again I want to kiss her but pull back the feeling.

"Would there be any point in asking? Do you plan on saying no?"


"Then I don't need to ask. You are my girlfriend and you can't do anything about it." Pressing a soft kiss to her forehead I step back to find some of her blood had gotten onto my shirt. Thankfully it was bla k so it didn't really show up.

Sliding an arm around her we walk to the school. She doesn't speak and neither do I. All we do is smile. "I liked the think you did with the lockers." I glance at my locker to see my name in a heart. It was a cute touch.

She flushed slightly. "I thought it would help things along."

When we get to the cafeteria she pulls me to a stop. "If Belle approaches you I will punch her. Just warning you in advance."

"I won't stop you."

"Good." Nodding she takes my hand and we step through the doors, an instant silence was commanded by our presence.

An instant silence was given. Ivory kissed my cheek and pulled me towards our table. "What was that for?" I whisper in her ear.

She smirks and shot a glare at a group of girls who were watching me. They quickly look away. The words she spoke made me feel giddy inside and I smile wider than I have in ages. "I'm marking my territory Jacob. You are mine. Nothing will change that.

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