An Angel's Lover

By TomlinsonSPNTWD

219 13 0

Olynn Winchester. Daughter of Dean Winchester. Niece of Sam Winchester. Granddaughter of John Winchester. And... More



109 9 0
By TomlinsonSPNTWD

It took a lot of convincing, but Dean convinces John it was best to keep the baby.

Olynn is five months old now.

John throws the lore book across the motel room, scaring Olynn. She stares at him as he runs his fingers through his hair. John hadn't once held Olynn. Usually only Dean & Sam even watch her, but Sam was at school & Dean had decided that his dad could watch his daughter long enough to go get some stuff.

Olynn needed diapers, wipes, & clothes. She'd out grown all her onesies, she no longer needed formula, & she needed toys so she'd stop playing with hunting stuff.

"Dada?" Olynn spoke, looking around the room. She was slightly scared & confused. John throwing the book woke her up.

John sighed. It was his first time alone with the babygirl. He'd never admit it, but he actually adored the child. She'd always watch him, her eyes always following him & her arms always reaching out for him.

He growled as he got up & walked over to the bed. Olynn reaching out to him. "Pa!" She squealed. John smiles slightly & picked her up, holding her for the first time.

"Hey, sweet girl." He cooed, kissing her forehead. She smiled at him. Her skin was slightly tanned, Dean had stated that Eva's was too. Her hair was a sandy-blonde, like Dean's had been when he was younger. Her eyes was shaped like Mary's, Dean & Sam's mom, but they still were their hazel-green color.

John brushes her long hair from her face. "Swmmy? Dada? Pa." John looked away, his granddaughter asking him where her dad & uncle were. She was so fast with talking, it was unnatural. She was growing so fast, also. She was 2'9 & 23lbs. She was turning into such a big girl & the older she got the more she looked like Sam. "You look just like Sammy." John mumbled, reaching for her jar of abc cookies.


Dean went by the school to pick up Sam on the way back. Once they got to the motel, Sam helped Dean with the bags of Olynn's things.

Walking in the front door, both boys jaws dropped as they saw their father laying in bed, with Olynn on his chest, both asleep.

Dean had barley got the hang of this whole dad thing, he figured he was still doing it wrong, but walking in seeing his daughter on his dad. He knew that he must be doing something right if he comes home happy to see her after he shopped for her all day.


Dean rembered Sam's first birthday clearly. Sam & him were stuck in a motel room while their dad was hunting. A family friend-Bobby Singer had promised to watch the boys.

Bobby has brought two cupcakes. Sam got really messy & Dean laughed st his baby brother.

But now he was watching as his own dad walked in the new motel room with a small little cake. It read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLYNN!' across it.

Dean nor Sam could believe that John wanted to celebrate Olynn's birthday. Nor did they believe just how far she was wrapped around their dad's finger.

They all laughed as Olynn stared at her cake- a wide grin on her face. John was smiling, So was the brothers.

Dean moves next to his daughter. "Dada! Cake!" She squealed, swing her arms & legs.

All three men laughed.

"Dig in." Dean told her, a wide-proud smile on his face.

Olynn turned back to the cake & sneezed. Her face going into the cake. Her coming back up with cake all over her face, icing up her noise.

She smiled & giggled, while the men doubled over in laughter. It was true family moment, the best one they'd ever had. No one thinking about the fact that Olynn could be a witch.


"Daddy!" Olynn called out. The Impala pulling in Bobby's driveway.

Her dad & grandpa had a big hunt they were doing. Olynn was now 6. Sam had left the family for college a few weeks ago. Leaving John & Dean alone with hunting.

The two had dropped Olynn off at Bobby's, they trusted him to watch her for a few days.

Olynn jumped into her fathers arms. "Where's Pa?"

Dean couldn't hide his frown. His dad had went off on his own hunting trip yesterday & hadn't contacted Dean since they went their separate ways.

"He's hunting a monster."

Olynn knew about all things that go bump in the night. She was-against her dads wishes-training with her grandfather to become a hunter.

"Ok, when will he be back?"

"We'll meet him at some new motel."

Dean was sad that he was lying to his daughter. He hated lying to her. He'd been lying to her about her mom. He wished he knew if his daughter had powers. So far she shown no signs of any.

Bobby has been home-schooling Olynn once a week. It was the best they could do since Sam left. They couldn't put her in a school, if she showed signs of any powers-it would be to hard to explain.

"Are we leaving, Daddy?"

"Yeah, let me just go tell Bobby." Dean day her back on the ground, taking her hand in his. "Did you have fun?"

"No. We did math." Olynn let go of her dad's hand to cross her arms. "I like Pa's lessons better."

Dean chuckled at her, but he could feel his heart falling to his stomach at her words. He knew John was her favorite & her John's, but he didn't like knowing she liked hunting training.

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