The Omega Prize (The Legion O...

By LeannRyans

51.7K 1K 72

**This story is just a sample. Only the first 10 chapters will be available here to see if you enjoy it. It i... More

1. Brie
2. Brie
3. Brie
4. Brie
5. Zander
6. Brie
7. Zander
8. Brie
9. Brie

10. Zander

2.8K 100 6
By LeannRyans


fter a day of hard labor loading the last of the supplies into his ship, Zander was looking forward to having a few drinks and seeing a certain sexy little female. He had gotten a few offers of help for work at the mine, but still no interest in contracts for the ore. He was a little frustrated but wasn't too worried about it.

His reaction to the girl was more worrisome.

Zander was levelheaded, but Rainor's comment last night had him almost ripping his friend's throat out. Zander figured he just needed to fuck her and get her out of his system. He didn't plan to be on the station much longer, but she seemed hesitant to admit to the attraction he knew she felt, and he wasn't sure how to get her to give in.

When they got to the club, Zander sat at one of the tables he had seen her tending the previous night. He was assuming she worked the same section every day, and he wasn't disappointed when he saw her making her way over to him. He was having fun teasing her, and had almost forgotten he wasn't alone, when Rainor spoke up.

"She's got spirit, I like her. I bet she can take you."

"I can take an order," she responded sassily.

Immediately Zander had images of her submitting to him and following his orders flashing through his mind.

"If you're going to take my order, then kneel at my feet, hands behind your back," he growled at her.

Her eyes widened in shock as she gasped and stepped back from him, but he could smell her arousal. He would bet his ship and mine that slick soaked her panties.

Though she fought against his order, her body couldn't hide that she liked the thought of kneeling before him. She didn't smell or act like a typical beta, and it had Zander confused. She seemed more submissive and responsive but fought to hide it.

Once again Rainor broke his focus on the girl. If he hadn't been growling already, he would have with frustration.

Zander barely even heard what his friend said to her. She lifted her eyes to his for either confirmation or permission, he wasn't sure what was going through her head, but he gave her a nod and she left the table.

He watched as she made her way to the bar and noticed he wasn't the only one with his eyes on her. It infuriated him that others were watching her, smelling the arousal on her that was for him.

Zander's claws started to extend, and he barely restrained himself from following her to hide her from the other males. He didn't understand the possessiveness he felt towards the girl and couldn't stop the growl that continued to rattle from his chest.

As she headed back to him, he was able to fight it down to barely audible.

She said something to a group she passed that had been watching her before making it back to their table. She was avoiding him as much as possible, looking to Rainor to pay the tab.

Zander held his wrist out as Rainor motioned for her to get it from him. Her blue eyes met his and he could scent her arousal increase.

As she passed the scanner over his wristband, he gently wrapped his hand around hers. He forced himself to stop growling and said, "My name is Zander Endariel. I would love to know yours."

He could almost see the thoughts behind her eyes. After a few moments she breathed out a single word.


He was glad she had finally given in and given him her name. Zander could hear a low thrumming sound as a pleased warmth spread in his chest, and Brie leaned closer to him. For a moment he thought she was going to press her pink lips to his, and his cock throbbed in his pants.

Her eyes started to slide shut as he realized the thrumming sound was coming from him.

His purr ended with his shock at producing it for some girl he barely knew, and he cleared his throat in mild embarrassment, twitching his eyes to Rainor to see if he had noticed. Rainor was looking away, though Zander could see the corners of his mouth tip up and his shoulders shake with silent laughter.

His draka flashed pink for a moment, advertising his embarrassment.

Brie mumbled something he missed, and he turned his head to look back to her. She seemed just as uncomfortable as him, but appeared to be waiting for something, so he nodded his head.

As she turned and went back to the table she had spoken to before, Rainor looked back at him.

"So, you're just going to let her walk away like that? Go talk to other Alphas smelling like that?" Rainor asked him with his eyebrows raised, a look of disbelief on his face.

"She's working," Zander replied gruffly.

He didn't want to let her walk away but couldn't come up with a reason to stop her. Rainor mentioning her scent just irritated him more.

He sucked down half of his drink, barely tasting it as he thought about his reaction to Brie. Zander couldn't explain it, wasn't sure he even wanted to, he just knew he wanted her.


He looked back in the direction she had walked. When his eyes found her, two Alphas had cornered Brie at the table she went to when she left his.

As Zander leaped to his feet, he saw her bring her tray up to block the one in front of her from grabbing her. She managed to slip away before the Alpha recovered and reached for her again, or the one behind her had a chance to grab her.

Zander's draka flared bright red with his rage. He saw Brie sprint to the bar, but he focused on the Alphas who started to follow her from the table. Rainor scrambled to get up and follow him as he moved toward the two who dared to try to touch what was his.

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