
By WintersLove17

13.8K 397 28

Barry Allen just saved the city from DeVoe's satellite crash. All is good. Until a bank robbery is taking pla... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two


549 25 0
By WintersLove17

Izzie took a deep breath as she tried to cover the split on her lip but it was no use, she didn't own makeup and Iris lipsticks were shades that did not look good with her orange hair. She pulled her hair back and washed her face. She finished getting ready for school and left the bathroom. "Are you sure I have to go?!" Izzie said loud enough for the two to hear downstairs. "I could just call in sick and just train with you at star labs."She looked as Barry and Iris glanced over at her with a smile. "Oh, did I just interrupt something?"

"No, It's fine. Also no ones calling in, It's your fourth day."

"It's Friday, all the seniors do it. Besides, I already know everything they're talking about."

"How? You were gone almost all of the eleventh grade? We were lucky to get you to continue on in twelth." Barry asked going into the kitchen ready to make Izzie something to eat.

"Daughter of a Computer scientist slash doctor and Lieutenant Colonel. I've been ahead my whole life. The system just didn't care."

"So you're just secretly smart. Why don't we get you tested find out-"

"I just wanna get out of high-school. I don't wanna see what grade I'm in or how smart I am I just want to get out of school."

Izzie gathered her things and started making her way to the school taking the city bus. Barry pulled his phone from his back pocket and called someone he knew and trust. Iris knew the look in his eyes. He needed answers and needed to know the best way to help her. Doing that is knowing as much as possible. Even if it might break her trust with them. He needed to know everything, especially what happened to her for the last eight months when she was missing. He only knew one person who could do that for them. "Felicity, Hey, I need a favor."

Izzie ignored everyone. Teachers called on her and she just didn't respond. She didn't know how to be the high school student her parents wanted her to be, what Iris and Barry want her to be. How could she focus on school when she needed to know and get used to her powers so she could hurt the people who hurt her. Hurt those who took everyone she loved away from her. "Freak.." Izzie looked up at the girls making them quickly take a step back for a second.

"I seem to remember beating a football player, I wonder what I can do to you." Izzie said. The girls quickly walked away and she rolled her eyes. Three more periods...Three more periods. She thought. Her phone beeping made her freeze at her locker. It was another address and time. It was going to be her first fight. Putting her phone back in her pocket she looked around. Everyone still staring at her even after Three days."Screw it." She slammed her locker closed and just left. Going to the city bus stop and waiting arms crossed. She was going to wait around Star labs and would later sneak out seeing as the team was spending the night at the lab fighting crime.

"Felicity, What you sent it's almost nothing." Iris held the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she brought up the file Felicity sent.

"Yes because there is almost nothing. This girl ran off to Coast city and once reaching the inner city vanished. She only appeared on cameras every now and then. She was spotted several times downtown near an old boxing and karate gym."

"You think she was there?" Iris asked.

"Probably, have you seen her fight or defend herself?" Felicity asked Iris thought back. She hasn't seen much of anything. Then again they've avoided putting her in a situation where she would have too.

"No. But she did beat up a football player twice her size right before running, so she knows something. She doesn't talk about it. Most of what we know we found out was by looking it up ourselves. We don't have you here so we can only go so far.."

"Yeah, I remember how that feels. Give her time Iris. Maybe ask her about it. Or a shrink. Not saying that she's crazy, but that she needs a little help going through what ever it is."

"Yeah, thanks, Felicity." Iris ended the call and looked at her husband. He looked at the photos. What camera did catch a hint of her face the rest was covered by a hood. "So we know she was in Coast City. There's that."

"But what was she doing and how did she hide for eight months." Barry ran his hand over his face in frustration."I don't know how we can help her besides forcing her into a shrinks office which won't go over well."

"Barry." Iris walked over putting her hands on the sides of his arms."It's just going to take time. Just like it took time with you. The way you blamed yourself for Zoom taking Caitlyn, or took time. Let's just try and find out as much as we can before trying to commit her okay."


"Hello!" Barry looked up then glanced at his watch. Izzie was at the lab during school hours and the lab was to far away for her to just be getting lunch.

"Wha- Izzie, school?" Iris asked. Izzie dropped her bag on the ground and took a seat in the chair behind the computers.

"Yeah, wasn't feeling it. I think we should consider online school."

"Izzie," Barry stepped forward.

"Barry, everyone just keeps staring at me. Talking about me behind my back. If I stayed there any longer today I was going to hit someone. And you told me not to fight so..."

"That doesn't mean you just leave school."

"I told you I was up for home school. Nobody wants me there. The only thing I am to those idiots is the girl who got the star football player killed and who beat the center forward to a pulp. On top of it being the girl who just disappeared and reappeared."

"It's not your fault what happened to Ryan." Iris reminded her.

"Really?" Izzie challenged.

"Okay," Barry looked between the girls. "Caitlin is in the speed lab working on a few more test and simulations she'd like to run with you so at least do that. We'll talk about this later." Izzie nodded and left the room. Iris looked to Barry. He saw the wonder and admiration in her eyes. "What?"

"It's just..she has a connection with you. It's very...interesting."

"Well I did find her. Brought her here. I just wish this 'connection' would help break through to her."

"What's your fighting name?"Carson asked as she got close to the edge of the circle.

"How about..."

"Who are you?" Kyle yelled.

"Ghost of Christmas Past bitch!"

"Ghost." Izzie said as she set the tape on her hands on the final position.

"Won't see you coming. Good. " Carson left for a few moments and then returned with a smile on his face."Okay, you win this fight you go home with five hundred dollars."

"Guess working at Jitters is just to fill my time."

"Alright good luck.

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