Recruit: Book One of the Univ...

By GeorgeMcDormanJr

13.6K 1.2K 391

Cory has always believed we were not alone. After he meets Krystal, a beautiful woman he literally bumps into... More

Recruit : Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 19

244 26 3
By GeorgeMcDormanJr

  A/N: Trilian (Tri- LEE-an) Surni's mate.                                   Davra (DAV-rah) Surni's son.     Graglia (Groj-LEE-ah) Surni's daughter


Nearing the planet the fighters split into squadrons to start the air strike portion of the attack.

  Even though a good portion of the enemy left the planet, many more remained. Scurrying through city thoroughfares, running over the rural countryside, Ruchkitay scrambled to find safety.

  This didn't help, the strike groups found the heaviest concentrations and they started to launch air to ground missiles leaving bodies and parts of bodies lying everywhere. Turning for their strafing runs, the pilots found more targets as the escaping young stopped to eat the remains of the fallen. Chain guns spat thousands of rounds, cutting down multitudes of Ruchkitay as they cannibalized their fallen and wounded.

  Days of air strikes pretty much decimated the Ruchkitay on the planet. Now came the most dangerous part, putting troops on the ground.

  "We'll stick with our group when we get down. Shoure and Chuff are in command of the platoon we'll be assigned. Surni knows the area best so she will direct the action in our search grid." Krystal briefed the squad prior to departing for the surface "We must destroy every Ruchkitay found. The only exception is if we come across the brains of the enemy. We need that one for study."

  The rest of the squad listened attentively as Krystal finished the squads briefing.

  "Alright, Surn, you lead from here til missions end." Krystal said, handing Surni command of the squad.

  "Thank you." Surni said "Pilots, to your fighters, Ground troops, to the transports, now!"

  The squad ran to their planes and scrambled into their cockpits as Shoure and Chuff double timed the ground assault teams on board the transports.

Surni led the fighters out of the hanger bay with Krystal as her wingman. Cory was next with Hawk and Rufe on his tail. The transports followed close behind as they entered the atmosphere. Splitting to either side, Hawk and Rufe slowed down to cover the transports as they came down in a rural area just outside of Surni's home village. While Hawk and Rufe circled overhead the rest of the squad climbed out of their ships while the assault teams ran down the ramps and formed up ranks.

  "Hawk, you and Rufin give us air support if we run into a bunch of Ruchki's, otherwise just keep a lookout." Surni ordered "Shoure, you take your squad and search the north side of the city. Chuff, you take your squad and search the south side. Cory, Krystal, you each take a squad and search the outlying farms. I will take a squad and search the cave system in the nearby hills."

  The teams split according to orders.


  As Shoure's squad stealthily hunted through the north side of the village they came across a building with the windows broken out. Signalling his squad to cover each other he had them enter in teams of four. As the third team entered gunfire suddenly rang out through the building. Back out in the street the final two teams were surprised when the windows on the upper floors shattered, raining glass down on them as a small swarm of Ruchkitay ran out and tried to escape by climbing up the wall. The warriors on the ground opened fire and shot them off one by one. Clearing the building they moved to the next and repeated the operation.

_________________________________  On the south side Chuff's squad heard the gunfire erupt from Shoure's squad prior to entering their first building. Getting on the communicator, Chuff called Shoure and asked what was happening.

  "Do you need assistance?" Chuff asked.

  "No." Shoure answered "But watch out inside, they try to hide out on upper floor ceilings."

"Roger." Chuff replied "Thanks for the heads up." switching frequencies on his comm he turned to his squad and said "You heard him. Teams of four, cover each other and keep at least one set of eyes on the ceilings as you sweep the building. GO!"

  The advice paid off for as soon as the first team entered gunfire erupted from the inside. Again, escaping enemy tried to climb out through windows. Shooting them off the outside walls was easy until a few jumped to the ground to attack the team members outside. At this point Hawk and Rufe strafed the  street and blew them apart with the chain guns on their fighters.

  Waving their thanks, the assault teams started to the next building the repeat the process.

  Out in the countryside Cory's squad heard the battle start in the village.

  Coming to the first farmhouse he noticed that the doors and windows were intact, leading him to believe the house was empty. Still he led his squad through the house to confirm his guess. Heading back out he saw the local equivalent of Earth style barns and storage buildings. Carefully, he led the squad to the door of the largest barn and signalled for silence. Putting his ear to the wall next to the door he listened for movement intently. Hearing rustling inside, he pulled his squad back and gave the orders to three of the teams to get ready to fire when the doors were opened. As the other team members pulled the doors open the Ruchkitay inside ran out to attack. They ran out into a hail of bullets as the warriors opened fire. Cory made a mental note to ask T'ilvesh about manufacturing grenades for the next world.

In a short time, the enemy was destroyed on this farm. Moving quickly the squad cleared the neighboring farms of the infestation of Ruchkitay in his section.

  Krystal's squad had little difficulty in her sector as only one farm had been used for hiding. Unfortunately, she was the only one to lose a team member to the enemy. The warrior stumbled on his way into a barn with no other team members for backup and paid for his foolishness with his life. The Ruchkitay inside attacked the warrior before he caught his balance, eaten just as the rest of the team opened fire.

  With tears in her eyes she chided the other team members "This is why you never, and I mean never search anywhere by yourself. Always, always work in groups!!"

  The other team members nodded as they saw the gory remains of their fallen friend. Saluting, they continued on with the extermination of any Ruchkitay they found.

  In the countryside Surni's squad crept up to the mouth of a cave. Entering slowly and carefully,  by twos, the team made their way deeper into the darkness. Watching the walls and ceiling for enemy fighters, they progressed further into the cold, damp caverns. After a half an hour Surni motioned her team to stop.

  "Do you smell anything?" she asked her sergeant.

  "Yes, ma'am." the sergeant replied "It smells smokey."

  Proceeding slowly Surni led her team to a massive cavern where it seemed the air was thick with smoke. Playing her flashlight around she spotted the ashes of a fire in the center of the floor. Putting her hand on the ashes she found they were still warm.

  "If anybody is here show yourselves." She shouted into the darkness that lay beyond her lights reach "We're here to help."

  "Who are you?" came the reply, echoing around the area.

  "My name is Surni." she called back "I come from the village below."

  "Impossible!" the returning voice shouted back "She was killed when the monsters came."

  "No, I wasn't." Surni pleaded with the disembodied voice "I got away. Now I'm back with help. We have already destroyed most of the Ruchkitay, the monsters, and are hunting down those who remained here."

  "Surni?" the voice questioned, coming closer "Is it really you?"

  "Yes, it's really me." Surni stated.

  She was stunned when a dirty figure appeared fro a side tunnel, walking towards her. She suddenly smiled when she saw her mate.

  When he got closer she had one of her team members shine his light on her. The man stopped as the light shone on her face, a look of disbelief on his own.

  "Is it really you?" he asked " You can't be real, your dead."

   "I'm as real as you Trilian." Surni stated, using his name "I thought you dead, for all this time. How is it you still live?"

  "The monsters don't like the cold and dampness of the caves." Trilian told her, still not believing his own eyes "I brought all the surviving villagers here. We are many here."

  Finally close enough Surni could no longer hold herself back. She stepped up to her mate and pulled him into a tight hug, kissing him all over his face. When her lips found his, she kissed him long and deeply.

  "By the gods, it is you!" Tril said "But, how?"

   "Later," She said "How many are here?"

   "At least half the village ."  Tril answered as he turned around, calling out "It's Surni, come on out."

   From all sides people came out of the tunnels and smaller caves. Surni squealed in delight as her children ran to her and hugged her tight. The rest of the surviving population followed her children.

  "Let's go." Surni said "We can get everyone out now."

  "How is this possible?" A villager asked "The monsters will eat us if we get too close to the entrance."

  "No they won't." She reassured the frightened villagers " I came with a lot of help. Didn't you hear the noise?"

  "Not this far in." came the reply.

  Looking at her mate and children alive and well Surni still couldn't believe it. Smiling broadly, she led them out of the cave into the sun. Shading their eyes, the survivors took in the scene in front of them. The landscape stripped of most vegetation.

  Meanwhile, Surni used her comm unit to contact the Commander and her squad.

  "Commander, I have survivors down here." She reported "Requesting medical transport for those that need it."

  "As soon as I have a pilot back,  I'll send it out." T'ilvesh "If you have severe needs use your troop transport for them."

  Seeing a few of the oldest and youngest were in desperate need. She called the squad back to rendezvous at the landing site.

  Gathering them together she led the group to the shuttle. In just a few minutes all but Corys squad had arrived.

  "Krys, How did it go?" Surni asked.

  "Good, that's why Cory's not back yet. Long walk back." Krystal told her "He'll be here soon."

  "Is now good enough? " Cory asked, from behind Krystal, making her jump. She spun around and slapped his arm.

  "Oww, I'll take that as a 'Yes' ." Cory said smiling at his mate "We cleared every farm in a ten mile area. Found a few Ruchki's, no brain though." Cory reported   "Where did you find all these people?"

   "In the caves, apparently Ruchki's don't like dark and damp." Surni told him "I found my family there. They're over there." she pointed to man with two younger children by his side.

  "That's a miracle! " Krystal exclaimed "You must be so happy."

  The transport pilot strode up his weapon held low, pointed at the ground "Let's go. Everyone is aboard."

  The squad split, fighter pilots in their planes. Wounded and sick went first. The rest would wait with fit residents of the planet.

  Surni stayed on the surface with Trilian. She would go back  with the next group.


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