Princess of the Night (Discon...

By redbutternut

2.5K 70 21

Disclaimer I do not own My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. It belongs to Hasbro. Including all the character... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Not a Chapter but Please Still Read
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter One

431 8 7
By redbutternut

I do not own My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. It belongs to Hasbro, including all the characters that will be mentioned in this story.
I do not also own the picture I used as a cover for my book. Credits to the artist. It is really beautiful, whoever you are.


Darkness surrounded her everywhere. No amount of light. Just nothing but emptiness.

She used her magic as the spiraling line from the bottom to the tip on her horn glowed a white light to emit light through the darkness that was everywhere. At the very pointed tip of her horn it glowed a small ball like shape of the brightest white light. Her bright teal eyes wandered to the right side. There she saw a tiny spec of golden light far away from her. She made careful hoofsteps following the light. Each step she took the light would grow brighter than before. As soon as she was very close to it, the light suddenly began to spread everywhere, blinding her. She used her wings to conceal herself from the blinding light. Her eyes tightly shut.


Her ears twitched at the sudden sound that she heard. Out of curiosity, her eyes opened slowly as she folded her wings back for her to see where and whom the laugh came from.

To her surprise she was back at Canterlot. She stood in the middle of the crowd outside of the castle. The sky was clear not a cloud in sight, then there was the sun, shining bright at its highest peak. There was a party. Everypony were having a good time, smiles written on their faces, their laughter echoed through the air accompanied by others joyous melody of singing. Her eyes kept wandering around as she observe the ponies present in Canterlot. Out of nowhere she then heard again the laughter that caught her attention from the start. It belonged to somepony all too familiar for her.

Upon the stairs of the entering to the castle stood Princess Celestia. The pink pastel shade of her mane and tail flowed down gracefully. Magenta eyes, pure white fur, the striking sun as her cutie mark, a golden crown with a diamond gem attached to the center upon her head having the same shades of color her eyes have, a matching necklace on her long neck, golden fleur-de-lis like design on her hooves and a seemingly equivocal smile on her face.

"Sister," It came out a whisper from her mouth the moment she saw Celestia. The blue violet mare alicorn smiled.

She felt relieved and began to approach Celestia. But somehow she noticed the more she tried to get closer to Celestia the more she feels further away from her. She looked down and found black shadows emerging from the ground taking hold of her. They tied themselves around tightly onto her hooves then crept rapidly to her body and slowly to her head. She screamed and panicked. Her head turned its way to seek help from her sister.

"Sister help me!" she screamed as loud as she could. The shadows already pulling her into the ground. She watched in horror as her sister did nothing but smile and laughed sweetly as the party continued to commence.

"Somepony please help me!" the sound of despair clearly heard from her struggling voice. No pony seems to hear her or even care to help her.

"NO!"she cried in restraint as the shadows began to cover her sight from everything. A tear escaped from her eye and the last thing she saw was her sister, Celestia, smiling at her.


Her eyes immediately opened to find herself in her bed. Drenched in sweat and tears. She breathed heavily as she tries to catch her breath.

"Just a nightmare..." Luna said then sighed.

She got off from her bed and yawned, stretching out her wings. She made her way to the door that leads outside her bedroom. Using the magic from her horn, she opened the door. Luna gasped and the eyes from her pupils quickly shrunk as she is met by a shadow with crimson lime green glowing eyes and purple mist flowing on both sides away from each other. She slowly backed away from the door until she is then met with a black crystal wall behind her. There was no escape. She was trapped. Fear undeniably on her face. The shadow laughed maniacally and pounced towards Luna. She closed her eyes tight and screamed.

Okay so, *cough* this is my first fan fiction. I have been directly too indulged with My Little Pony for the past few days and now my mind is set on this story rather than the first one I published. Ridiculous right? I just really love Princess Luna so much! She's my favorite character from the series and I really adore her so much. Well I hope you all enjoyed reading Chapter One.😊

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