Psychic Detective Team - Unco...

By frappucchinocafe

8.6K 679 1K

Shibasaki's Detective Office isn't just an ordinary detective office. The investigators at Shibasaki's Office... More

Author 's Note
Prologue 1 : The Cursed House
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 1.4
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 1.6
Chapter 1.8
Prolog 2 : Hyaku Monogatari Ritual
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
Chapter 2.5
Prologue 3: The Last Letter
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 3.3
Chapter 3.4
Prologue 4: The Bloodstained Castle
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 4.3
Chapter 4.4
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 4.6
Prologue 5: The Forbidden Ritual
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 5.3
Chapter 5.4
Chapter 5.5
Chapter 5.6
Chapter 5.7
Prologue 6: The Doppelganger
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 6.3
Chapter 6.4
Chapter 6.5

Chapter 1.7

227 19 17
By frappucchinocafe


Rui and I returned to Takano-san's house to report on the results of the investigation so far.
The first team seemed busy checking the data they had collected throughout the night.

The data the team collected is the strange sound recorded by the microphone, the temperature changed drastically, and the image recorded by the motion detector and the night vision camera. All of the data is used to determine whether there is indeed a supernatural event that occurred in the house.

Kiyoharu and Sakuya are the one is responsible for collecting data. Sakuya is an IT engineer. He had worked in large foreign companies before. So, he is very familiar with all the special electronic devices.

Kiyoharu had joined The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in the UK, before working at this detective office. That's the reason he is very experienced in investigating supernatural cases.

We gathered in living room to discuss this case.

"So, it's Fujisima Kanna, the mother who cursed the land?" Naomasa looked at the document we bought.

Naomasa has dark hair and pale skin. He is quite tall and has a slender build. He is always a reliable person and capable of doing anything. Naomasa is a lawyer and also a son of a powerful Mafia organization.

I wonder what is he doing here?

"She didn't curse this land. But, looking for her missing daughter," Kiyoharu said. "The reason is because the little girl was not buried in the family's gravestone, the mother spirit became anxious, so that her spirit wandering around to find the spirit of her daughter," Kiyoharu said while focused on reading the data on the PC screen in front of him.

Kiyoharu has light, beige-colored skin. He has feathery brown hair, with bangs that fall in front of his face. He is quite tall and lean. Compared to his appearance, Kiyoharu is a monk. At least, he as raised with high discipline in the temple. He also has a side job like Rui, but I'll leave that up to your imagination.

"We can't say this house isn't haunted, because that hateful accident happened here," Ayako said.

Ayako has chocolate brown eyes, fair glowing skin, shiny shoulder-leg caramel hair, and slender body. Her mother is a well-known designer and has a worldwide brand.

"Takano-san said about the blood smell at the Friday and according to the article from Takeuchi-sensei, that the day the mass murder happened, " I said.

"Ayako is right," Kiyoharu nodded. He turned his body from the front of the PC screen and looked at us, "Takano-san's daughter said she saw a little girl with purple limono running around in the backyard at night,"

"The temperature drops every single night the last 2 day since we doing an investigation. That's the time when the spirit becomes more active," Sakuya who was sitting beside Kiyoharu still continued reading the data.

Sakuya has a fair, light complexion and often looks either has a stoic or upset facial expression. He has icy, pale black eyes and shiny, short black hair.

Sakuya's ability to using computers is extraordinary, especially in making complex systems, applications, and also hijacking code.

"How about the poltergeist?" Rui asked while looking at Sakuya and Kiyoharu.

"We heard the knocking door and windows on the second floor, the sound of chair moved in the living room, and the sound of a little girl laughing in the backyard," Kiyoharu said seriously, "Especially at midnight. The little girl's laughter could only be heard from the second floor. When we went down to check out, the sound disappeared, but when we returned to the second floor, the sound came back,"

"I did an exorcism at the area Ayako pointed. Poltergeist doesn't occur afterward. Even so, the temperature sometimes drops dramatically. Especially in a room facing the backyard," Kiyoharu sighed and shook his head.

"If the mass murder that happened in this house, then it was clear that there might be many spirits who were still wandering around," Naomasa folded his hands while took a small breath.

We can't focus only about Nanako's spirit, but all the spirit who is died here included her mother's spirit.

I couldn't find anything in this house even though I touched several parts of this house, "We don't even have a single piece of thing from the past," I murmured while looked back at all the articles and documents," suddenly, I stopped in one article, "The khaki tree!" I shouted.

"Huh??" everyone looked at me.

"Well...yes...but...what's with the Khaki tree?" Kiyoharu looked at me confusedly. Likewise with others.

"Look! There is a khaki tree in front of the backyard even it's still small, so it's maybe the same tree," I said while showed an old article with a backyard picture and the Khaki tree on its corner. Next, to the Khaki tree, a picture of Fujisima's family was clearly visible, even though it was black and white.

"How can the tree stand for more than 72 years?" Kiyoharu looked at the picture in surprised.

"What are you talking about, the khaki tree lives up to 75 years with the great care, you know," Naomasa sighed, Kiyoharu always surprised about everything.

Naomasa must be thinking he is stupid.

"I will do it!" I said, "At least let me try," I take a deep breath, looked at them all seriously.

Sakuya got up from his seat, "We have no other choice. We can't dig all the land in this area. After all this time, finally, there is the five-year-olds kid who lives in this area. If it is true that Nanako's mother spirit is still in the wandering around, surely Takano-san's daughter will be the target, "


A few moments later we gathered in the backyard together with Takano-san and his family. I'm not sure I will get a vision. But, even though it's only a little, I'm sure there are still traces of things that happened in the past.

"What will you perform? It's another exorcist?" Ryu-san asked, looking confused.

"No. We are trying to find out more information with psychometric. Yui is psychometrist, so she will try to find out what happened in the past," Naomasa explained.

"Isn't that the ability to see the future??" Ryu-san-san surprised, "I heard about the power before. There is a lot on Manga and movies,"

They all chuckled at Ryu-san's words.

"A little bit different," Naomasa said, "Psychometry is a psychic ability in which a person can sense or read the history of an object by touching it. Such impressions can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes, and even emotions,"

Kiyoharu chuckled, "You saw Yui left hand always covered with gloves, right? It's because since she was born, whenever she touches something, she always gets a vision. Even now, she still can't control it, so she covered her hand with gloves," Kiyoharu smiled, "Well, there is no scientific evidence that psychometry exists and the concept has been widely criticized,"

"The concept is just like a ghost, right? Some people criticized, but for some people who experienced their self, they believed its that exists," Takano-san sighed, "I personally don't believe in supernatural power. Even when I told everyone, they still laughed about that," Takano-san said with a tiny smile in his face. Maybe he still didn't believe what happened to his family is caused by supernatural phenomena.

"Well, supernatural phenomena are based on personal experienced. In the case of psychometric, we believed someone with deep spiritual energy can have connections with the object that has the same deep personal feeling," Kiyoharu explained, "For example, A person who has psychometric abilities, when they hold an antique mirror, they can tell something about the history of that mirror and the person who owned it,"

Ayako added with smiled, "The psychic may be able to sense what the person was like, what they did, or how they died. Perhaps the most important, the psychic can sense how the person felt at a particular time. Emotions, in particular, are most strongly "recorded" in the object,"

"I see, it's like your keepsakes," Ryu-san nodded.

"That's why, the psychic may not be able to do this with all objects at all times and, as with all psychic abilities, accuracy can vary it depend on the object they touch," Rui said.

"Why don't you do that since the beginning? If Morimachi-san used psychometric, we will know for sure what will happen in this house." Takano-san asked.

"We can't do that. Psychometric ability is very dangerous sometimes," Kiyoharu took a deep breath, "In psychometric cases, the psychometrist can feel through their body what happens to the owner of the object they touch or experience the same painful feeling. In some cases, they even get injured in the same location as the victim. That's why we only using Yui power only after we know what exactly happened in our cases," Kiyoharu explained, "And you use a lot of spiritual energy for doing psychometric. Yui not only a psychometrist, sometimes she experienced a post-cognitive dream,"

"Post-cognitive?" Takano-san asked. His face was filled with confusion. Likewise with Ryu-san who continued to pay attention when Kiyoharu and the others explained about paranormal phenomenon.

"It's one of ESP ability. The concept is same as psychometric, but in post-cognitive cases, you saw the vision through the dream," Rui explained.

"But still, I hope that she can find something," Takano-san took a deep breath. He must have felt anxious and hoped that his family could live a normal life as before.

I slowly took the gloves off, stepped one more step, and put my hand on the khaki tree while closing my eyes.

"Please, let me see something," I murmured.

I got a deep feeling when I touch the khaki tree...
There's a woman...carrying a knife with a lot of blood dripping off ...
Is really hard to breathe...and hurt. Really hurt. My back hurts.
Like being stabbed by sharp objects.
I felt a warm liquid coming out of my back.
Blood. A lot of blood.
But, I still moving. I'm trying to run away.
Run away from the burning place.
Then I saw a green surrounding...
I don't know who is the memories I saw...
But, it's sure that the person already dead...

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