How love found me (Niall Hora...

By AlyssaPaige1

804K 12.1K 1.5K

Carsons moving to London for a year to travel and have fun. After her new roommate shows Carson the famous bo... More

love picked me (niall horan)
chapter 2: unexpected new friends
chapter 3:break down
chapter 4: unexpected tragity
chapter 5: finding a new home
chapter 6: starting over
Chapter 7: fan girls and embarrising momments
Chapter 8: little bird
Chapter 9:start of something new
chapter 10:An almost movie perfect night
Chapter 11: Busy mornings
Chapter 12: Friends Secrects
Chapter 13: Movie Nights
Chapter 14: Rude awakining
Chapter 15: summer love
Chapter 16: Love and Hate
Chapter 17- sleepless nights
Chapter 18: past returns
Chapter 19: Painfull reminders
Chapter 20: Just another day of Drama
Chapter 21: He never leaves
Chapter 22: Confession.
Chapter 23: Mobs and Media
Chapter 24:A night with Charlie
Chapter 25: Me a model? No way!
Chapter 26: A photoshoot, the past and Love?
Chapter 27: a baby surprise
Chapter 28: Ride home
chapter 29: this is embarrising
chapter 30: A father?
Chapter 32: going home
Chapter33:He kissed her?!
Hes getting married?!
Chapter 35: not going to happen.
chapter 36 moments
Chapter 37:surpise surpise
chapter 38 romantic get away
Chapter 39: Isolated get away
chapter 40: life with him
chapter 41: drama as always
Chapter 42: Movie Night
chapter 43: a day inside
Chapter 44: Back home
chapter 45:i love him
chapter 46:pratice
Chapter 47: fair day and a new girlfriend?
chapter 48: big performance
chapter 50: i wouldn't do that!
chapter 51:birthday surprise
chapter 52: more than just a surpise party
chapter 53: double package
chapter 54: big fight
chapter 55: always here
Chapter 56:Birthday surprise
chapter 57:kiss me im irish
Chapter 58:Be with me forever
chapter 59: the crash that ended lives
chapter 60: still sleeping
chapter 61: Awakening
chapter 62: out of the hospital
chapter 63: the end
chapter 64:meet Alex
alternate ending

Chapter 31: who is this man?

10.3K 162 9
By AlyssaPaige1


> Chapter 31:


> Niall POV:


> I opened my eyes to see Carson's eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. She was sleeping with Jacob and Natalie between us. Our arms were tangled together above our heads. Makayla had decided to leave the kids with us after they begged her to stay with us. So Carson and I helped cooked their dinner give them baths and then we all laid down in Carson's room and started watching Natalie's favorite movie tangled. They all had fallen asleep during the movie and I lay watching them all.


> Seeing Carson with them and how they acting she was so motherly. She played and acted like a mother toward them. It was so sweet. I could tell she loved these kids. I loved them and I had only know them a day. It was hard not to. They just had that thing about them.


> Natalie made little noises in her sleep and huddled up closer to my side. She was so cute. Her little brown curls were all in her face. I moved them so she could breathe. The sun was started to come in the window and the light shinned on Carson's face. She started to sir because the light was in her eyes. She opened them and raised her hand to block the light.


> "Good morning." I smiled to her.


> "Morning. What time is it?" She yawned and still held my hand.


> "Almost 9." I whispered not wanting to wake up the kids. She just nodded and looked at me smiling.


> "Sleep good?" I asked her. "Very good." She replied.


> "Me too."


> "Niall?" Natalie asked me stirring lifting her head to look at me.


> "Yeah?" I looked down at her.


> "Can I have pancakes?"


> Carson and I laughed getting up. "Yes you can." I told her. Jacob woke up as Carson got up.


> She grabbed her phone and checked it. "Hey guys your moms going to be here soon she just left your guys's house."


> "Aw I don't want to go home!" Jacob whinnied.


> "I'm sorry bud." I told him patting his head.


> "Also Louis says he misses us." Carson laughed. I shook my head he's been texting us non stop since we left. Saying he loves and misses us. Him and all the other boys. They kept trying to video call us but we've been busy since we got here.


> They were surprised to wake up and find us gone. Louis was mad because he wanted to take us to the air port to say goodbye. So his payback was texting us twenty thousands times a day.


> "Well lets go get you guys some cereal before your mom gets here." Carson told them taking Jacobs hand and leading him downstairs.


> Natalie and I followed her.


> Twenty minutes later we were helping makayla get the kids into the car.


> "Will you come see us again?" Natalie asked me as I put her in her car seat.


> "Of course." She smiled at my reply and then pulled against her seat trying to hug me. I leaned down and hugged her.


> "Bye kiddo. Bye Jacob." I waved to him. He smiled and waved back.


> "Bye Niall!" He smiled as I waved one last time to them both.


> "Bye guys I love you!" Carson told them as she hugged Jacob.


> "We love you." Natalie told her kissing her palm then blowing a kiss to Carson.


> These kids were to smart for their age sometimes. Just how they spoke and acted.


> She waved and slide the van door closed and I did the same.


> "Thank you. They love you guys. They still don't want to leave." Makayla told us.


> "Their cute little kids." I told her.


> "Yeah they are. Well you need to come back and visit us again Niall." SHe leaned to hug me and I hugged her back.


> "I will."


> "And you Carson, you need to call more. We all miss you. You have a big family who love you. Don't forget about us as you have an amazing time across the world." She told Carson as she hugged her.


> "I know I'm sorry. I'll try to call at least once a week." She hugged her.


> "Well you two obviously make a cute couple. I'm glad she has you Niall. She's had a ruff past. I'm glad she has you to make her happy now." She looked at us both.


> "Me too." I grabbed Carson's hand.


> "Well I'll see you two later. Maybe before you leave back to London." She waved getting in the car.


> "Bye." Carson and I told her.


> We watched them pull away. After they did we headed into the house but my phone rang.


> "Hold on." I told her taking out my phone. I didn't recognize the number.


> "Hello?" I answered.


> "Listen." A mans voice deep and husky told me. "You stay away from her. She's mine. I'm the one she loves. She doesn't love you. Leave her alone or you'll both regret it." Then the line went dead.


> I pulled the phone away from my ear. Who was that?


> "Who was it?" Carson said my thoughts out loud.


> "Wrong number I think." I lied.


> She shrugged it off going inside. I couldn't get that voice to get out of my head. Who was that and what did they mean Their the one she loves. They meant Carson they had to. She was with me though. Who ever it was a liar. There was no way that she would be lying to me. I could see it in her eyes. The love and joy that filled them. And why would I regret it? What were they going to do to take her away? No they couldn't they wouldn't. She wouldn't leave me.


> Would she?


> Just as I thought this I got a text saying 'believe what I say. You will regret it.'


> I tried replying stay away from us. But the text bounced back to me.


> Whoever this was needed to leave me and especially Carson alone.


> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Hey guys


> So My views have me like dancing around the room. I love you alll so much and last night I was editing my book and I accidentally voted for my book and im like wtf nooo unvote but I couldn't so oops.


> I'm still a sick little dog. My throat hurts and my nose decided it likes me to sit with snot running down it. I hate it. I can't breathe or anything cause it hurts and im like fml and I feel so sore. Any time I move it feels like I did like a hardcore work out the day before.


> So I'm laying here writing and watching the hunger games for the 1000000000 time. I love this movie so much. i can't wait for the second one to come out. I just loveee it. Their my favorite books ever. And I've read a lot of books.


> So I guess I talk a lot when I'm sick. Like I never go on this long. Sorry. I'm boring I know.


> Oh but I forgot I was texting this guy and he was like you like me and im like you wish and he was like maybe and im like...... (: cause hes really cute but hes like...a whore. So yeah thats never ganna happen.


> anyway keep voting and commenting and making my day by doin all that stuff! It makes me like scream everytime I get some new stuff from you guys. I'm not scary. I'll talk to any of you! I'm a nice person I swear.


> Also I know this is really short But i just don't feel good or anything.


> Xx-alyssa

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