Naruto of the Rinnegan

By Tijaru

53.6K 637 146

Armed with the Rinnegan Naruto bides his time before returning to the underworld to bring the Uzumaki clan ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

6K 65 27
By Tijaru

Let me start by clearing something up, now I'm going by what I've read online about the evil pieces here so bear with me. Someone brought up a good point, Gasper needed a mutation piece to be reincarnated, Moka is much stronger and she only needed a bishop. Same with Grimmjow, we know they're ridiculously strong. I saw that Ajuka said there's many secrets to the evil pieces. I think one of them if that the stronger the king gets the stronger the pieces, therefore requiring less powerful pieces to reincarnate someone. That's what I'm going with anyways that's why Grimmjow and Moka needed regular pieces as opposed to mutated. Anyways on to the story.

In the Occult Research Club room we find two ladies playing a game of chess and conversing. They were the heiresses of the Gremory and Sitri clan respectfully. Sona and Rias are playing chess like they normally do when they wish to talk about anything happening around them having to do with the supernatural.

"So what is this is I'm hearing about a nun?" Asks Sona as she moves a piece on the board.

Rias sighs as she thinks of a strategy before replying. "Issei made friends with a nun, she was recently captured by the fallen angel that first killed him and now he wants to go save her."

"What are your thoughts about that?" she asks.

"I'm going to let him go, he'll most likely go even if I tell him no, Yuuto and Koneko will go with him no doubt." She replies "If she proves useful I'll add her to my peerage. Issei keeps his friend and I get a potential new piece. It's not a bad deal."

"While we're here I'd like to discuss another issue." Rias says with a serious face.

Sona isn't stupid, she knows what the 'issue' is but will go along with it to tell Rias the news.

"What issue would that be?"

"Namikaze Naruto. He's operating in our territory without permission and from what I gathered from our talk he doesn't seem to be affiliated with the underworld if he hasn't been there in Maoh knows how long. He's a threat and needs to be eliminated." She says


"Yes, not only is he in our territory but no one has heard of him. He needs to be dealt with."

Sona decides to have a bit of fun with her friend/rival. "I'm surprised you want him killed rather than to get him to join your peerage."

Rias tsks "I did ask him to join but he refused, he told me he had his own peerage which I don't know how that's possible."

"He didn't say anything else?" Sona asks curiously

"He just said he's a special case and left. Anyway back to my point he needs to be dealt with."

Sona allows herself to chuckle a bit. "There will be no need for that Rias. He has permission to be here." Sona says shocking Rias


"I am allowing him to be here. He's my ally after all." She says with a smirk.

"He allied himself with you?" Rias asks, why didn't he ally himself with her? She wonders

"Please don't take this the wrong way Rias but even if you tried to deal with him you wouldn't be able to."

Rias narrows her eyes and crosses her arms at her chest. "And why not?"

"Yesterday when he first offered to ally himself with me I asked what I would get out of it since he felt so weak. He had Tsubaki and I erect a barrier to contain power. He raised his power to a level that made it hard for me to breathe, and he was just sitting there not even trying. He's out of our league." She explains

Rias just stays quiet to focus on the game. "Damn, if only I could get him to at least ally himself with me, he'd be a great help."

"Do not be so upset Rias, you already got Hyoudo and you're probably getting another piece later tonight. I think it's about time I got something."

Rias grumbled about needing him more and kept playing.

-With Naruto-

Naruto is currently in his room laying down. "The others should have been here by now but only three have shown up." He thinks to himself before getting up. He stretches and heads down stairs to the common room of the house. Everybody is doing their own thing. Grimmjow is lounging on the couch watching COPS. At one of the tables in the corner of the room Moka is silently reading a book while drinking tomato juice. This time there are three others among them.

Noticing that there's still some members missing he asks, "Where are the others?"

Grimmjow responds, "I got word that they heard about someone who might be interesting for our group, they went to go see for themselves."

He nods.

"So, anything interesting going down?" He asks as he too sits on the couch just in time to see a man get tased by the police.

"Actually yes, some of my connects have informed me of a fallen angel gathering tonight. They're supposed to sacrifice some nun I think." Replies a young man. He's a young man with blonde hair, he wears glasses atop his head, and he has a blue short sleeved button up which he keeps open revealing his toned body. He has grey pants which are held up by a belt. This is Salvatore Doni, Europe's greatest swordsman, Former Exorcist of the Vatican. He is also Naruto's other Knight.

"You still have connections? I thought everyone turned their back on you once you exiled." Said a female voice. Naruto looked over at her, she is an average sized woman. She wears black leather pants, shin high black boots and a black bustier which draws attention to her breasts if he's honest. She wears black arm guards and also has blonde hair though hers reaches to her mid-back. She has two pistols she regularly uses. She is a former demon hunter, who at one point even targeted Naruto. Her name is Trish. One of Naruto's rooks.

"Trish." He says, scolding her.

"I wasn't mocking him this time it's a legitimate question." She defends herself. Let it be known that she can be cruel at times mostly to her enemies but occasionally makes a snide remark at her fellow members.

"Yes I still have connections Trish." He says not at all bothered by her question. He's the always in a good mood kind of person.

"So the fallen are going to sacrifice someone. What for?" He asks mostly to himself. Deciding it's worth looking into he speaks up.

"Doni. You know where they're meeting right?"

Doni nods.

"Good, then I'm going to send two of you to the location and I want you to see if the nun is worth being reincarnated." He says. Suddenly a figure jumps up from his position on the other couch.

He is a tall individual with black hair slicked back with one strand hanging down in the front. He has collared armor around his neck, shins and crotch. The crotch having a jewel in the center. He wears colored bracers on his left arm as well. He also wears white baggy pants and black shoes. He is Askin Nakk Le Varr. A former member of a German human faction called quincies. Humans with unique powers. He found him on the verge of death after being left for dead by their leader. He's one of the more unique members of his peerage. He required a mutated Rook to reincarnate him.

"Grimmjow, what do you say we go investigate this together." He says pointing at Grimmjow with both hands in a gun like motion. (Google Askin vs Grimmjow. Third picture).

"No you annoy me." He replies.

"No, Askin, you're over qualified for this job." He pauses to think, "Wait all of you are over qualified, however there's no use sending you, you're arguably the strongest member of the peerage besides myself. Doni, Grimmjow, you two will go. If you think she's worth it bring her back, if not do as you please."

Doni nods enthusiastically, Grimmjow just grunts in acknowledgement. Naruto leaves them to their own devices and continues watching TV. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Usually when sending Grimmjow on a job he tends to piss someone off.

-Later that night-

If one looked very closely or had incredible senses they would be able to make out the silhouettes of two figures approaching a dark church. Either they had one of those two or just ears in general since the two people seemed to be bickering.

"Damn, we're late. Way to go Grimmjow." Complained Doni.

Grimmjow burps before looking over at the man. "It's not my fault I got hungry on the way here, besides what are you bitching at me for you also ate so shut up, look we're here."

The sounds of fighting could be heard from inside the church, both men looked at each other before sneaking in and hiding on the support beams of the ceiling of the church watching the action unfold. Doni noticed a small blonde haired girl on an altar of sorts and tells Grimmjow, "Look we came too late, they already sacrificed her." In a whisper.

Grimmjow ignores him as he watches a brown haired boy attack a scantily clad fallen angel. The attack caught her off guard. He hit her hard enough to send her into the air before grabbing her by the arm bringing her back to him.

He heard 'BOOST' and felt as the boy's power double and hit the woman again knocking her out.

Doni comments "That was a good attack, but it was a lucky hit."

Grimmjow agrees "Yeah she was caught off guard by his sacred gear and paid the price. If she knew it was coming he'd never have connected."

They watch as the boy goes to check on the nun, he's crying. They hear the woman stirring again and she comes to. They also see a voluptuous red head come up and stand next to the boy. They look down on her and she transforms into an innocent looking girl and talk to Issei.

"Issei you wouldn't kill me would you? Look I still have the gift you bought me." She says trying to manipulate the boy into sparing her.

"I think Trish would like this girl's style." Says Doni.

"President, do you mind." He says walking away.

Grimmjow nods his head down and they jump down right in time to see the Red head kill the fallen angel. To an average devil that kind of power would've been impressive but to them it was mediocre at best.

They observe the girl while the others are busy. "So what do you think? Should we take her with us?" Asks Doni

Grimmjow looks her over once, "Nah, there's no way she'd survive with us. She looks way to fragile. She'd be killed quickly."

"And who are you?" Asks the red head looking right at them, her power still flaring. Grimmjow allows a big grin to spread across his face as he sees her direct her power at him.

"I'll tell you once, get away from Asia." She says menacingly. Doni shakes his head because he knows Grimmjow is going to rile her up by ignoring her. He too stays in place.

"Yuuto. Take the blonde one, I'll deal with the blue haired one." She says.

In a burst of speed a blonde boy attacks his fellow blonde with a downward slash with one of his swords. Doni doesn't move from his spot, he just summons his own sword and raises it horizontally with one hand, not budging. He then waits for the blades to connect before swinging his blade sending Kiba away from him.

Meanwhile Rias fires her power of destruction at the blue haired man intending on ending him. What she didn't expect was for him to just casually smack it away with one hand. He looks at her, his facial expression gone and asks in a bored voice, "Is that all? All that build up for a pathetic attack like that?" He says disappointed.

"C'mon we're leaving."

They disappear in a burst of speed not caring that she was going to reincarnate the nun. She was worthless to them anyway.

They arrive back home in no time. Naruto is the only one in the common room, everyone else is either asleep or just in their room doing whatever.

He looks up and sees them entering. "Report." He commands

"You didn't miss much, there was nothing interesting. The nun was dead already when we got there. Doni wanted to stop by and get some food so we were late" He lied "We didn't bother bringing the nun with us, she was too weak looking. She wouldn't last a day here."

Naruto goes over what he's told ignoring Doni in the back claiming that it was Grimmjow's fault they were late.

Naruto nods trusting Grimmjow's word. He's usually a good at knowing if a person is strong or not. Doni heads to his room while Grimmjow stays behind.

"Something you need Grimmjow?" Naruto asks curiously

"When are you gonna reveal those freaky eyes to everyone so we can head to the underworld? I was promised a lot of strong opponents." He says

"Soon. We only need a few more members to complete the peerage and we can head down there. Do not worry I'll keep my end of the deal, you will fight a Satan I guarantee it." He says flashing his purple ringed eyes briefly. Grimmjow smirks before heading upstairs.

-The next day-

Naruto is walking down the hallway of Kuoh Academy heading to class when he sees Sona standing outside his first class.

"Good morning Sona-Chan. Were you waiting to see me? I'm touched." He says smiling

"Good morning Naruto-Kun. There is something I'd like to discuss with you." She says keeping a straight face ignoring the shocked looks others were giving her. It's not every day that they hear the student council president act so familiar with someone, a boy at that.

She motions him to walk with her, they had plenty of time so he figured why not.

"I'd like to introduce you to my peerage today. If we're going to be allies I'd like to know who I'm working with." She says

Naruto can understand that, it wouldn't do any good if she accidentally attacked one of his members. Not that they would die but still.

"That sounds fine, when would you like to do it?" He asked.

Some of the students around them stopped in their tracks. The new kid and the student council president were planning when to 'do it' the rumors would be spreading like wildfire by tomorrow.

"How about after school today in my office?"

"Hmm yeah that's fine, though not all of my peerage is here just so you know." He says

Once school was over Naruto sent a small pulse of power, just strong enough so that those in his home could come to the school. Heading to Sona's office he wonders what her peerage is like. Upon entering he notices that there are some other people here besides Sona and her peerage.

It seems Rias Gremory decided to attend this little get together.

"Gremory Rias, I didn't know you'd be attending." He says with no malice.

"I hope you don't mind but I felt that since we do share the territory it would be best if we both knew your peerage." She says calmly

"I don't mind at all Sona-Chan" He replies.

"Sona-Chan? I didn't know you two were that close." Rias comments, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Before Naruto could reply he felt his peerage arrive at the school. A few seconds later he says "Come in."

The door opens up and five individuals walk inside. Sona takes the time to analyze them quickly as they each enter the room. Rias does the same thing, though when she notices two certain men enter she gets upset.

"You guys again?!" She says looking at Grimmjow and Doni, mostly Grimmjow.

"You guys want to tell me what this is about?" Naruto asks

"Oh yeah we met her and her peerage at the church last night." Says Doni

"And you didn't tell me this because?"

"I told you there was nothing interesting. She attacked us we took care of her and left" Says Grimmjow shrugging.

Naruto could feel a vein threatening to emerge on his forehead. Of course Grimmjow pissed someone off. Taking a breath to calm himself down he speaks.

"I apologize for their behavior." He says to Rias. She calms down but remains on guard.

"Anyway, this is my peerage. Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, my Knight. Salvatore Doni, my other Knight. Trish, my rook. Moka Akashiya, my bishop. Finally Askin Nakk Le Varr my Mutated Rook." He introduces them. "Some of the others are not here at the moment."

Both Sona and Rias were in slight awe at the members. They could feel the power radiating off of them. Not only that but Sona couldn't help but wonder, how did Naruto attain Europe's greatest swordsman? She knew of him, she liked to know of strong people from around the world. She's not surprised Rias doesn't know, what with her fiancée problem and what not.

Clearing her throat she decided it was time to introduce her own peerage. "Nice to meet you all, this is my peerage. Tsubaki Shinra, my queen. Hanakai Momo, my bishop." The following was a medium sized girl with brown hair with two short braids, she wore a thin blue headband on her head and had a medium sized bust. She also wore the standard woman's uniform. Kusaka Reya. Sona's bishop.

Up next is another girl. She had shoulder length maroonish colored hair in two pigtails with two bangs adorning her face, one strand sticking up at the top of her head. She has a big smile and waves at the group happy to meet them. She's her Knight Meguri Tomoe.

Next up is yet another girl. This one had shoulder length blue hair and blue eyes, a somewhat large bust. She wore the women's uniform though she opted to wear thigh high black socks with it. She is Sona's rook Yura, Tsubasa.

This one was a male. He wears the boy's uniform, though he forgoes the blazer, and instead wears a vertical striped white long sleeve button up with the sleeves rolled up. He has short somewhat spiked hair and grey eyes. He's Sona's pawn worth four pieces Saji, Genshirou. (He doesn't love Sona in this story.

Finally there was one more girl. She has brown hair worn in two twin ponytails. Like Meguri she seemed to be happy, a little too happy. She wears the woman's uniform although she wears green striped thigh high socks, which Naruto was sure was against the rules. She too is a pawn Nimura, Ruruko.

Rias follows suit and introduces her peerage as well. Once everyone was introduced they just took some time to get acquainted. Some more than others. Grimmjow was being asked multiple questions regarding his jaw fragment and hair by the cute little girl Nimura. It was funny seeing him try to keep his composure and not tell her to shut up as she bombarded him with questions with an innocent smile on her face.

Interestingly enough Naruto saw Tsubaki look at Doni. He'd smile at her and she'd look away. Maybe this girl is into Knights. They stayed there for half an hour more since Sona and Rias were going to compete to see who would go to the familiar forest tomorrow since only one group is allowed at a time.

-The following day-

Students of Kuoh academy were not to leave the school grounds until classes were dismissed. So we find Naruto once again in the student council room, by himself this time, playing chess with Sona. Chess is not his favorite game even though he's good at it but if Sona liked chess he liked chess.

"So you're upset that Rias beat you in dodge ball and is at the forest right now?" He asks moving a piece.

"Yes." She says

"Well look at the bright side, you get to spend time with me." He says pointing at himself while smiling. She stares back with a blank face.

"Great" She says in a monotone. He deflates. There's got to be some way to cheer her up. Suddenly he's hit with an idea.

"Hmm, how about we make this game interesting." He says leaning back in his chair. She raises an eyebrow and asks "How?"

"If you win this game I'll answer any question you may have about me."

He sees her contemplating it. If there's one thing a girl like her likes is knowledge.

"And if you win?" She asks

"If I win, you let me take you on a date." He says looking her dead in the eyes.

Her eyes widen a bit and a barely noticeable pink appears on her cheeks. The thought of getting some answers was too much and she agreed. They played for about ten more minutes, Naruto turning the heat up a bit to finish the game swiftly.

It was a pretty good game but he would set traps within traps to get her cornered. She never thought she'd meet someone who could beat her like this.

"Well looks like I win. C'mon we're leaving." He says standing up.

"We can't leave now we're not allowed to." She says scolding him.

"Come on live a little. We're just going for lunch we'll be back in a jiffy." He says before he grabs her by the hand and they leave the school unnoticed.

They ended up at a buffet in the middle of a shopping center. Sona served herself one plate of food and sat down at their table waiting for her blonde haired date to come back. She didn't have to wait long.

He returned balancing three plates before placing them at a table. She blinked rapidly, was he going to eat that all by himself? He was.

They talked about anything they could think of whether it was Naruto telling her about some of the adventures he's been on with his peerage or what Sona's hobbies were. At first she was hesitant to leave school but the more time she spent with Naruto she relaxed and enjoyed herself.

She told him about how her queen seems to have her eyes on his knight, while eating. When she looked up she noticed him staring at her. Not a hard stare, nor ogling. Just looking right at her with a small smile on his face. All the attention was on her.

She was not used to this attention, mostly because she'd never been on a date before. Most of the people at school usually only look at Rias and Akeno. Not that she has a problem with them but no one pays attention to the smart girl, almost every guy at school just look at a girl's body.

She remembered before she broke her arranged marriage even her former fiancée would look at her body only. Not as bad as Rias's but still it annoyed her. Naruto was different though, he was looking at her face. Not only was he stronger than her but he beat her at chess too.

She wouldn't have minded if it was him that she was engaged to. "No, no, no, where did that come from? I just met him a few days ago. His kindness is just refreshing that's all." She tells herself trying to reason.

She notices him make a face. "What's wrong?" She asks him

"Well we kind of missed two classes." He says chuckling rubbing his neck.

"Idiot." She says before they head back to school quickly. As they head back to school Naruto doesn't notice she has a smile on her face. It's been a while that she was able to enjoy herself as much as she did today. They arrived at school relatively in time for the last period of the day. Before Sona left he called out to her.

"Hey Sona-Chan. We should go out again soon, you're fun to be around." He tells her.

That's the first time someone has told her that she's fun. Usually people tell her that she's too stiff and that she's boring. That she should be a little more like her older sister.

She pushes her glasses up and turns back around. "I'll consider it." She says. Naruto just smiles and heads to class. Though at this point he's not sure why even bother. The rest of the day Naruto just thought about how he actually got a date with Sona.

-The next day-

Naruto had found Issei in the hallway in the morning. The two got along fairly well so he struck up conversation noticing that he looked kind of upset.

"Hey Hyoudo, something wrong?" He asks. For the next few minutes he had to listen to Issei rage about what happened last night.

"So let me see if I got this straight. You were about to have sex with Rias." Issei nods. "Then this Grayfia woman shows up in your room."

"Uninvited" Says Issei.

"Uninvited, then proceeds to insult you." Another nod "and you just sat there and took it."


"Hyoudo if that were me, this Grayfia woman would've been kicked out of my house in a heartbeat."

"But she's the wife of the current Satan." Naruto's mood drops at the mention of the red head. Not wanting to draw suspicion he reverts back to his normal self.

"I don't care if it was Betty White, she'd still be kicked out." He says. The bell rings. "Alright I gotta get to class, I'll talk to you later."

-2 hours after school-

Naruto didn't see Issei again so he didn't get a chance to give him any more helpful tips on dealing with uninvited guests. He was bored in his room so he decided to see if Sona would like to go out again.

Was it too soon to ask her on another date when they were together yesterday? Maybe but fortune favors the bold. As he stands up and prepares to head out he feels a familiar presence. He heads to the common room. "Grimmjow, I need you to open a garganta to school. Everyone is to come along." He orders.


Seated on the couch of the Occult Research Club room was a tall handsome young man. He seems to be in his twenties and has short blonde hair with two bangs on either side of his face. He wears an open maroon blazer and matching pants. He has a white long sleeve button up underneath the blazer. One button short from the top revealing part of his chest. This is Riser Phenex.

"For the last time Riser I'm not going to marry you." Said Rias as she sat next to him

"Yeah, who do you think you are coming here and demanding that she marry you?" Yells Issei, Boosted Gear activated.

Suddenly another voice spoke up.

"Well if the contracts are already set I think he's actually reminding rather than demanding."

Everyone looked to their left where they saw a black horizontal line split across the room. It then produced three vertical lines on both top and bottom of the horizontal line before it opened up revealing a black void. Out of it stepped Naruto and his peerage.

Riser smirked. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my best friend Naruto."

Naruto also smirked. "What's up"

That's chapter two. If you still haven't given your thoughts about who you would like in the peerage this is your final chance. Come next chapter everyone will be present. I'd like to thank 'Ashdoll Ren' for pitching the idea of Salvatore Doni from Campione as well as 'Kolus' for Trish from Devil May Cry. For the peerage everyone will get their own individual chapter explaining how they joined and why when the time comes for it. Last chance for peerage suggestions. If anyone is wondering the Rinnegan will show up soon, more than that little bit with Grimmjow. Let me know what you think, tell me what needs to improve, what you like what you dislike. Also I'm thinking it might be a single pairing. I'll decide by next chapter. See you guys next time

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