The Angel of Darkness, And th...

By kitsunesuccubus-chan

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There is a legend about two sisters. an older one, and a younger one. The sisters are both opposites, yet the... More

Prologue: A view into both worlds.
Not a chapter, but HEY! go check out this person's story!
Chapter 1: The Legend Of Deltarune
Chapter 2: Spotted?
Chapter 3: Scary Lessons
Chapter 4: The Angel of Darkness Revealed
Chapter 5: Orgin of Friendship
Chapter 6: Betrayel?
Chapter 7: The Fun Gang vs... The Dark Fun Gang
Chapter 8: Sweet Treats, and Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 9: Thrash-Your-Own-Ass machine
Chapter 10: Good vs "Evil"
Chapter 12: "Lancer?"
Chapter 13: Funny, Awkward Memories
Chapter 14: Susie vs Lancer
Chapter 15: Thoust Fools!
Chapter 16: Flirtatious Angel
Chapter 17: Chaos, Chaos!
Chapter 18: Dark Times, Bright Memories
Chapter 19: She Is Awaken
Chapter 20: Oh, This Thing... Again
Chapter 21: Near-End Story
Chapter 22: The King of Spades, The REAL Monster
Chapter 23: Farewell For Now, Dear Friends
Epilogue: Don't Forget

Chapter 11: Concerning Melody

44 2 32
By kitsunesuccubus-chan

(Herp derp, more of Vixen and Ralsei's memories. Also, this might be a rather... Feels-trip like chapter... Sorry.)

The group all hung out where they had fought, taking a small break from their adventure. Vixen and Chara were sitting in front of each other, talking and fumbling with the grass in front of them. Kris and Ralsei were talking about what to do once they reach card castle. And as for Susie and Lancer, they were making fun of a few people.

"Heh, hey Lancer, check this out." Susie whispered, before looking over to Ralsei. "Hey Ralsei, what's that?" She asked, pointing to a nearby tree. This in turn caused everyone else to look where she was pointing. Vixen, Kris, and Chara thought it was strange, but Ralsei didn't seem to find it odd that Susie was pointing to a tree, asking what it was. Perhaps he was just excited that Susie wanted him to explain something?

"Ah! That's a tree! It's a..." Ralsei began explaining, before he cut himself off. "W... Wait, are you making fun of me?" He asked, realizing was going on. Susie and Lancer laughed hysterically. "Ahahaha! No. We're not." Susie answered. "We're just making fun of your constant explanations!" Lancer added, before he and Susie started laughing again.

"Kris... Chara... Vixen... D-Do you three think I give too many explanations?
I-I won't do it if you don't want me to..." Ralsei asked, looking away. Chara was the first to answer. "I don't have any problem with it. If anything, they kinda helped." She replied, shrugging slightly. 'She's right, Ralsei. We don't mind at all.' Kris signed, agreeing with Chara.

Ralsei then turned to Vixen, who hasn't said anything yet. "A-And Vixen? What do you, u-um, think? I-I don't give too many explanations, do I?" He stuttered. Vixen walked over, and placed a hand on his head. She was taller than him by at least a few inches, so it was pretty easy. "Ralsei, what did I say earlier?" She asked, with a slightly stern tone.

"Th-That... You wouldn't change who I am for the world...?" He answered. "That's right. And I wasn't lying, either. You're perfect just the way you are! Never forget that, OK?" Vixen stated kindly, as Ralsei looked up at her shyly. "O-Ok... Thank you..." He replied, nodding. "No problem." Vixen replied back, smiling.

"God, you two are sappier than a maple tree... Ya wanna cut the cheesy stuff?" Susie asked, rolling her eyes. "Sorry, Susie..." Ralsei apologized, as Vixen walked back to her spot next to Chara. Things were a bit silent for a moment.

Out of boredom, Vixen had started humming to herself. Chara was the only one who took notice. It wasn't long until Vixen's humming became really quiet singing, which was barely audible. Chara thought the tune of the song sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember why. Every now and then, she could make out a few words.

"So... World know... Died... Vain...
'Cause the... Around me... Blame..."

Chara then realized what the song was, and joined in. "And I know in a year, you'll forget I'm gone." She sang, a little louder. This caught everyone's attention. And Vixen, forgetting where she was, and who was around her, sang the next line normally.

"'Cause I'm not really something to be dwelled on."

This line made Ralsei jump up, fearing that whatever has been bothering her earlier was worse than they thought. He quickly approached her, which she didn't notice as she continued absentmindedly singing. Each line became more and more heartbreaking for Ralsei to hear.

"...To watch over you, and be my helpful eye. So this is it, world... Goodbye..." Vixen finished, noticing Chara looking at her oddly. "...What?" She questioned. "Sis... Did you forget where we were...?" Chara asked. "Huh? What do you...! Oh... OH!" Vixen trailed off, realizing where she was, and who was behind her.

"V...Vixen...?" Ralsei's gentle voice broke through to her, sounding like it was shaking. She turned around and sure enough, Ralsei was standing behind her, looking about ready to break down... "R-Ralsei!" Vixen exclaimed, standing up and hugging him.

"I-I'm so sorry! You weren't supposed to hear that, Ralsei... I know you don't like it when I sing those kinds of songs, because it makes you worry about me, and you think I'm going to... God, I'm an idiot... I completely forgot where I was!" She rambled, quickly. Ralsei looked up at her, sadly. "Y-You aren't... Feeling bad again, are you? Because... T-That one time you were upset, and you started singing that song, and I thought..." Ralsei trailed off, voice breaking.

"No, no! Its not like that at all, I swear... I was just... Oh god, I'm sorry, Ralsei... I wasn't thinking... Don't worry, OK? I'm fine, I promise..." Vixen replied, wiping the tears out of Ralsei's eyes that he failed to notice. The two of them sat back down on the grass, still holding one another. Vixen held onto him to reassure him she was fine, while Ralsei clung onto her as if she'd disappear.

After a minute, Ralsei calmed down, and he and Vixen sat side by side. Curious about what had caused Ralsei's sudden emotional burst towards Vixen, Kris signed something to Chara. "Hey Vixen." Said girl said, catching the attention of her older sister. "Yeah Chara? What's up?" She acknowledged. "Kris wanted to ask if something happened between you two to cause Ralsei to act as he did." Chara answered.

"Yeah, seriously. Did you almost die, or something?" Susie asked, butting in. "Because that was pretty specific, saying that Ralsei didn't like those kinds of songs... Whatever kind of song that even is." She added. Vixen and Ralsei glanced at each other. "It's... Kind of a long story..." Vixen replied after a minute.

Lancer's eyes lit up from hearing the word 'story'. "Ooh! Story?! I love stories! Can we hear!?" He asked, excitedly. Vixen and Ralsei looked at each other again. "Should I tell them, or...?" Vixen quietly asked. "W-Well, if their curious, I don't really see any point NOT to." Ralsei replied, in the same tone. "Alright, I'll tell you guys." Vixen stated, as she and Ralsei looked back towards their friends.

"Yes!" Lancer cheered, happy to get a story. "I must say, however, this story isn't exactly... Happy... But, if you insist on hearing, I'll tell you..." Vixen stated, glancing around. "It happened about two months ago..." She began.


Vixen had ran to her room, and slammed the door behind her. She was clearly upset. "Where are you going, young lady?!" Her father yelled, irritated. "To go see Ralsei! At least HE listens to me!" Vixen yelled back. Her parents reopened the door. "Why do you always spend so much time with him?" Her mom asked, in the same tone as her father. The young red haired girl went out to her balcony, and stood on the edge of the railing.

She opened a portal on the ground before facing her parents. "...Because. He's the only one that treats me like a human anymore..." She replied, coldly. "It isn't my fault I'm not perfect... It isn't my fault Chara and I died once... It isn't my fault I accidentally became a glitch..." She muttered, tears in her eyes as she stepped back slightly. "...I'll be back tonight... In the meantime, why don't you guys think what its like in MY shoes?" She stated.

Her parents' eyes softened. "W-What do you mean, sweetie?" Her mom asked. "...Everything. My old life, my old universe, my position as a warrior... Everything! I always try my hardest to live up to my title as the protector of the multiverse, and your 'perfect' daughter! It isn't easy, Y'know..." Vixen replied, wiping away any tears that threatened to fall.

"...See you later." She said, as she allowed herself to fall backwards, and through the portal. She had landed on her back, but she'd felt worse. She got up, and walked up to a rock. She sat on top of it sighing out, wondering where Ralsei. She looked at the time on her phone, thinking she came rather early.

"Guess I have some time to kill... Hmm..." She thought out loud, glancing around. She was rather close to the empty town, but she figured Ralsei would be awhile. She had decided to sing a song to get her frustrations out, since she thought it'd be awhile before Ralsei comes out.

...Boy, was she wrong.

Ralsei exited his lonely town, going out for a small walk. Similarly to Vixen, he thought it'd be awhile before he saw her. He was simply just admiring the scenery when he heard it.

(Song not mine.)

"I can't handle these pressures,
All I can say is this stress hurts.
Things are supposed to get better.
I just need to put myself first..."

He heard Vixen's familiar voice sing. It was a song he'd never heard before. "...Vixen?" He quietly mumbled, as to not alert her of his presence.

"I'm always trying my hardest,
Not to pick myself apart, this,
Energy's killin' my vibes now.
Sometimes I just wanna drown out."

He stood next to a tree, not too far from where Vixen was. He listened in as her singing just sounded more and more melancholic.

"All of the thoughts in my mind,
Too much going on at the same time.
I wish it would stop, and I've tried, but,
Life just sucks, then we all die!"

Ralsei was taken aback by the lyrics. This all seemed really out of character for Vixen... Did something happen to her? He wondered this as Vixen continued singing.

"That's just reality,
Yeah, don't lie to me.
Yeah, I'm fucked up,
But I don't wanna be...

I wonder if I'm good enough,
Or maybe I've just had too much,
To drink, to smoke, to swallow.
I'm drowning up my sorrows.

There's rules I'll never follow.
'Pretend there's no tomorrow'...

I wish there was no tomorrow!"

Ralsei's eyes widened at what he was hearing. What was making Vixen say these thing? He covered his mouth in shock as he could only stand there, and wait for the song to be over.

"But I'm empty inside!
Yeah, I'm empty inside!
And I don't wanna live,
But I'm too scared to die!

Yeah, I'm empty inside!
I just don't feel alive...
And I don't wanna live,
But I'm too scared to die~!"

Ralsei took the pause in the lyrics to comprehend what she was saying. "D... Does she really think all that...?" He asked himself. "V-Vixen... What happened, w-why are you saying these things?" He whispered, tearing up. Soon enough, the song continued.

"Wish I could erase my memories,
So I can stop feeling so empty.
I wish this shit wasn't so tempting,
But it's hard to resist when there's plenty,

Of things I could do to fuck me up,
I wanna let go, but I'm feelin' so stuck.
So all I can do, is fill up my cup,
And sit here alone, hoping no one disrupts...

...That's just reality,
Yeah, don't lie to me...
Yeah, I'm fucked up,
But I don't wanna be...

I wonder if I'm good enough,
Or maybe I've just had too much,
To drink, to smoke, to swallow.
I'm drowning up my sorrows.

There's rules I'll never follow.
'Pretend there's no tomorrow'...

I wish there was no tomorrow!

But I'm empty inside!
Yeah, I'm empty inside!
And I don't wanna live,
But I'm too scared to die!

Yeah, I'm empty inside!
I just don't feel alive...
And I don't wanna live,
But I'm too scared to die~!"

"S...Stop... Please, stop saying this... Whatever happened, I... I can help, just please... Stop saying you're empty... You're not..." Ralsei whispered, as if quietly pleading. He trembled as he spoke. "Y... You... You ARE good enough... Y-You aren't messed up, just... J-Just sad... R-Right...?" He questioned, tears dripping down as he listened to Vixen finishing up her song.

"My body's shakin'...
My head is achin'...
It feels like my heart is breakin'...

My body's shakin'...
My head is achin'...
I can't fix this mess I'm makin'...

But I'm empty inside!
Yeah, I'm empty inside!
And I don't wanna live,
But I'm too scared to die!

Yeah, I'm empty inside!
I just don't feel alive...
And I don't wanna live,
But I'm too scared to die~!"

Once Vixen finished the song, Ralsei could take it anymore. He rushed towards her and tackled her to the ground, clinging to her in a hug. Shocked, Vixen looked at the shaking fluffy boy that was holding her tightly. He was acting like if he let her go, she'd die then and there.

After a minute of silently listening to her friend's cries, Vixen had found her voice. "R... Ralsei...?" She questioned, as she was sure his shaking worsened. "Ralsei, are you alright? Please, talk to me..." She asked, worriedly. After a moment, Ralsei finally said something.

"P... Please don't..."

Vixen was confused. What was he talking about, she wondered. "...Sorry?" She asked. Ralsei finally looked up at her, his eyes shining with tears. "Please d-don't say those things... I-I heard you... You ARE good enough, a-and... And you're not empty. Just p... please..." He paused, looking down for a second before looking back up at her. "Please stop saying you don't want to live! V-Vixen, I... I don't want you to die! Please... D-dont... L... Leave me.." He pleaded, whispering at the end.

"Ralsei..." Vixen mumbled, speechless. Where was this coming from? "yo-you're my only friend... D... Don't leave me alone..." Ralsei said, voice still shaking. He was covering his face with his hands in order to hide his tears.

Vixen's eyes widened as she realized what he was on about. He had heard her sing, and thought she was actually suicidal... Quickly, she reached back out to him and and pulled him close into a hug. Which he returned just as quick as he wept into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Ralsei... I had no idea you were there... If I did, I wouldn't have sung that... God, I'm so sorry... Please don't cry... Its all OK... I would NEVER leave you like that, I promise..." Vixen soothed as best she could, lightly rocking herself and the crying goat boy. "W... Why were you singing that?" He asked.

Vixen really dreaded this question. She didn't really like talking about family issues, as she always got a bit emotional. But if its to ease Ralsei's mind, she'd do it without a second thought. "Well... I was feeling frustrated, Ralsei... My parents and I got into a fight... They were getting on my case about me being tired all the time, and for me being gone so often..." She started, taking a great before continuing.

"Before I left and came here, I went off on them, telling them it isn't my fault I'm not perfect... I swear, it's like they don't even listen to me... They act like I have to be good enough, to live up to their expectations... *sigh* I-I just wish that... That they'd realize I can't control what I became! I never ASKED to have a two colored soul...! I n-never wanted t-to be a glitch... I-I never... I... N... Never..." She trailed off, her emotions overflowing. "I never asked to be this way... A majority of my friends aren't human, so what?! All that should matter to them is I'm happy... R-Right...?" She said, tears streaming down her face now.

She then gave a weak laugh. "H-Heh... This is part of the reason I love visiting you, Ralsei... You always make it so I have someone to talk to... You're one of the best friends I've ever had..." She stated. Ralsei stared at her for a minute before taking her hand in his.
Vixen looked back at him in surprise.

"V-Vixen, I... I know that I've never felt the pain that you're feeling, and I might never know, but... I do know this... You're perfect, just the way you are... I may not know your parents very well... Heck, I don't even remember mine... But the point is... The point is you shouldn't worry yourself too much with what they think... We all make mistakes, right?" Ralsei said, looking into Vixen's eyes.

Vixen gave Ralsei a small smile before hugging him, causing him to blush in response. "Thank you, Ralsei... I needed that..." She thanked him sweetly. Ralsei smiled as well as he wrapped his arms around her. "N-No problem, Vixen... I'm always here when you need me..." He replied, still blushing.

~Flashback over~

Once Vixen was done telling the story, she scanned the faces of her friends. Ralsei was now resting a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, remembering just how much she hated talking about family problems. Chara stared at her in sympathy. Lancer looked like he was about to cry, and Kris and Susie stared at her in surprise.

"...That's really rough, sis..." Chara commented. "Seriously. Man, parents are the worst sometimes..." Susie stated. Kris said nothing. Instead, he quickly rushed over to Vixen and hugged her. When he let her go, he mouthed, 'I'm sorry you had to go through that...'. "It's OK, Kris... It happens sometimes... I really wish it didn't, but it does..."

"T-That's really sad, dark angel girl... I didn't think that story would have so sad of an ending..." Lancer commented. "As I said before. Parents. Are. The. Worst... Sometimes." Susie stated. "I've been meaning to ask, Vixen... What happened when you went home that day...?" Ralsei asked. "Well... I guess they actually took my words into account, seeing as how they seemed like they were sorry about earlier... So yeah, things are better, but... My dad still gets on my case..." Vixen replied.

"How so?" Susie asked. "Well, for starters, for the first ten years of my life, I'd never seen him ONCE. Literally, not even once. and then he just steps back into our lives, and tries to act like I'm just SUPPOSED to follow every command like some maid!" Vixen ranted. "...My dad isn't really the nicest either... He always gets mad at me, even if I try to be evil like him... I don't even know where my mom is... Dad's never told me anything..." Lancer said, solemnly.

As the conversations were going on, Kris was writing something on the grass with some leaves. "I guess it's my turn to tell a story then... Alright, so... My parents don't really approve of my habits. You know, eating chalk, beating up people, getting into detention... The list goes on. In other words, parents suck." Susie bluntly explained. Kris then got everyone's attention, and showed them the message he made with the leaves. It read;

'That's pretty rough... My parents are just split up. A lot of the time, its just me and my mom, since my brother's off at college...'

"Huh. Well, I guess its my turn then. Before I was with Vixen, like WAY before I was with her, my biological parents were awful. They always told me to hide my red eyes, saying they didn't want people to think they were raising a demon... You can blame them for my hatred towards most of humanity... You're cool though, Kris." Chara explained.

Ralsei then stepped in. "W-Well, I don't know my parents at all... I was actually raised by someone else... But then, when I got older, they just left... And now, sometimes I wonder... If something happened to my parents... I mean, are they lost? Are they alive...? Do they even... Care about me, or did they just... Abandon me...?" He questioned, sadly.

"I'm sure they do, Ralsei..." Vixen said, trying to cheer him up. "Th-Then why are they not here? D-Do you think something happened, Vixen...?" Ralsei asked. Vixen merely hugged him, unable to think of what to say. She didn't want to make any hollow promises, but she didn't want to upset him, either.

Ralsei soon hugged back. After a minute Chara then joined the hug as well. Then Kris, then Lancer, and finally Susie, much to everyone except Lancer's surprise.

One thing was for certain, though... Even though things may get tough later on, the team now knows that this moment will bring the team together, making it stronger than ever. They were ready to face whatever lies ahead...

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