
By larrissa2002

406 5 9


i am what i am
small contentments and silly joys
the world
portrait perfections
Just for the sake of it
snowy days
my best friend

for you

152 3 4
By larrissa2002

As I sit by the window

I listen to the slow melody of my life

And I realize that it's gone

What I had so long ago

That in its place lies time

Time changes things

That it goes away one day

No matter how hard you try to keep it alive

It disappears eventually

Just like the sun sets

No matter how much you much you try to save it

Once time passes no matter what it goes away

However much you cry

No matter how much you want

It leaves and that is it

It is the way of life

You can't hate it or love it

It just is and that my long lost friend is life

I hope you are reading this

Because it's for you. Everything ...

I'll miss you but it's over

Because life goes on

There are no endings even if you don't want to live on

Do it for my sake

For the little time and memories we had

Please and that is all I ask

For you and me to live on and on forever into our own lives no matter what

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