Diary of the Gay Avenger

By acefaun

36.3K 1.4K 381

My name is Daniel. That probably doesn't mean much to you. But it just might, once you know who - what - I am... More

1-- I'm Genderfluid
2-- Behind Enemy Lines
3-- Change in Plans... and Gender
4-- Coming Out: The Story
5-- Frozen Feelings
6-- Boxed In
7-- Night Theif
8-- The Great Shifter Rescue
9-- Itsy Bitsy Daniel
10-- Interrogation
11-- Trust in Big Sister Widow
12-- He is Lookin Fiiiiiiiine
13-- Getting Spooked
14-- Haunted Party
15-- Cold Fronts
16-- Snowflake
17-- Just a Bit of Fun
18-- Smooth Move
19-- Cliche
20-- A God's Musings on a Birthday
21-- Tender Sweet
22-- Christmas Present
🎄 Asgardian Christmas Present
🤧 Daniel's Sick Day
🧛🏻‍♂️ New York's Shiki
😈 Loki's Snuffed Voice
🍰 Why I'm Beautiful
💘The Cuddler and The Cuddled
👀 Jealousy's Drug
🎆"Fourth of July" (video)
👑 Your Highness
🆕️🏳️‍🌈 MORE LOVE 🏳️‍🌈🆕️

🌧 The Sky is Falling

301 12 3
By acefaun

(Word Count: 1082)

(A/n: This is short but it was raining and I felt like making Daniel suffer since I've been working on other fanfictions. XP) 

Daniel's POV

I didn't want to do anything with the sound of rain falling outside. I was completely content with just staying in bed all day- if that was a choice. Pulling the blankets over my head, I crawled beneath the covers to Loki's position and rested my head on his stomach.

He didn't move and I frowned at his lack of a response. I began to headbutt his stomach, making him groan and try to shove me away. His fighting was successful, as I no-later found myself on the floor and out of the bed. "HOLY GOD, IT'S COLD!" I screeched as I leaped off the floor and back into the warm blankets, practically burrowing myself into Loki's side.

He finally sighed and grumbled, "It's too early in the morning for this. Why can't you do this sort of thing after our mission?"

With the blanket over my head, I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him. "What mission?"

"If you would pay any attention to Fury half as much as you took joy in touching me, then perhaps you would know what I'm talking about."

My eyes narrowed. "What do you mean? When did we talk to Fury? And I do not touch you! So stop taking pride in making things I do sound like that!"

He grumbled as he shut his eyes and rubbed his face. "Daniel, this just happened yesterday."



Loki's hair is so soft... so silky and fluffy. I could play with it all day if he would let. He's like a Renaissance statue. So perfectly built. Even his abs were perfection.

I was smushed between his back and the sofa as my legs were wrapped around his waist and my hands traveled around from his hair to his chest and arms.

"Ah, Daniel and Loki," An image of Fury appeared on Stark's big screen that he had in the living room. "Just the two I needed to speak with. We have a blah blah blah..." And that was all I heard.

My hands trailed up Loki's shirt as I traced his abs. Perfect. I almost cried.

****End of FlashBack****

"Oh... Yesterday... right..." I pursed my lips with a blush. "I guess I was only a bit distracted... Wah!"

Loki startled me as he suddenly flipped our positions and he was laying on top of me with our chests pressing together. "I distract you, do I?" I nodded silently as his lips began to trail against my neck. "Then maybe..." I laid expectantly beneath him with my heart thudding swiftly. Only he could possibly make me feel this way. "Maybe... we could continue this conversation when we return from our mission." He rolled off of me with that teasing smirk of his as he walked to the closet.

I shouted in frustration, "I really hate you sometimes!" I sat up and crossed my arms as I looked away from the closet.

He threw some pants and a shirt on the bed as he shot me a smile. "But you love me so much. You can't afford to be so distracted, love."

I sighed as I frowned at him. He was so dead to me sometimes. Why did I love him so much?

****Time Skip****

I sighed loudly as the hems of my pants were slightly wet from the rain that was pelting down on the roof. Loki and I were safe from the weather underneath a small top, but that didn't help the rain we had to walk through to get there.

"Daniel," Loki faced me as he instructed, "quit sulking. You're supposed to be scoping out the area and watching so I can disable him when he comes out."

"I could easily disable him." I transformed into a hawk as I was perched on Loki's shoulder. "Why can't SHIELD handle this themselves?"

Loki sighed as he leaned on the railing. "It's no use questioning them. We're only here to disable him so it will be easier for them to take him in." Loki pulled the rifle up against the railing as he checked out the scene below once again. "Go out there and find him. We don't want to be here all day."

"The sky is practically falling. Who in their right mind would come outside on a day like this?" I grumbled as I shot off of his shoulder and began to circle the sky while watching the grounds below. Nothing. Just as I expected. But there was one man wearing the typical villain trenchcoat. The rain didn't excuse his suspicious-looking around. "FOUND HIM!"

Loki muttered as he aimed the weapon he was given, "And you so doubted he would show his face."

"Hurry and shoot so we can get back to bed? My feathers are suffering from this."

Loki tilted his head and took the shot. The green magic stunned the man enough for him to collapse to the ground motionless. "There, Daniel. As you requested of me."

Two SHIELD agents came out of the nearby building to apprehend the fallen man. I frowned. "Why did we have to do this again?"

"You mean aside from the fact that Fury commanded it?" I cawed in annoyance at his smart answer. "That man was Asgardian and Thor is much too loud for a mission such as this. We were the best choice. You for my eyes and me to take the shot."

"Eh, sure. Let's just get home. I'm soaked and the sky is really falling now." I landed on Loki's shoulder, standing there as he took out our umbrella.

He glanced at me as we made it back to ground level. "Are you going to remain there until we return?" I nodded, nuzzling into his face. "Daniel, don't do that. You're disgusting and wet."

I burrowed myself into his neck making him groan and cringe at the sensation of the wet feathers. But he didn't bother to remove me from his neck. I smiled. I knew he cared too much.

(A/N: Give me your Daniki requests!! Is that a good ship name? I still haven't decided. I kinda like it. 😙

Also, let me know if you think I should start a one-shot book for xReaders and xOCs. I've been thinking about it, but I'd actually like some feedback on if it'd be liked!)

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