Realm Drifter: Cruel King

By AllyHarp2401

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[MATURE: READ IF YOU DARE] ~ Alannah Valos had a power. Just like her mother, Alannah could drift through rea... More

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~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
~Chapter Twenty-Two~
~Chapter Twenty-Three~
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
~Chapter Twenty-Eight~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty-One~
~Chapter Thirty-Two~
~Chapter Thirty-Three~
~Chapter Thirty-Four~
~Chapter Thirty-Five~
~Chapter Thirty-Six~
~Chapter Thirty-Seven~
~Chapter Thirty-Eight~
~Chapter Thirty-Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
~Chapter Forty-One~
~Chapter Forty-Two~
~Chapter Forty-Three~
~Chapter Forty-Four~
~Chapter Forty-Five~

~Chapter Twenty-Nine~

1.6K 56 5
By AllyHarp2401

Chapter Twenty-Nine; Save a Child or Save a Village


I landed with a loud 'thud'. I let out a loud groan, despite my bones bearing no pain or injuries, my body feels the impact of drifting through realms.  

As I landed on the ground, I ungracefully lifted my head, my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright sunlighten sky. I could hear water, the tinkling of a river bed flowing through the earth as it travelled off into the distance. 

I had fallen next to a river, large looming trees surrounding me, swaying in the breeze as if dancing to a song I could not hear. 

I didn't have time to ponder or explore, I knew I was running out of time.

 Alannah needed me, I needed to find her before she doomed the lives that depended on her. 

The fates had spoken to me, warning me of this great tragedy-


"The chosen one will go through great heartache and pain, the one won't stop searching, the one will be given a choice, one will choose wrong. The chosen one will doom them all. 

"Will it be too late?" 


I had to find her, I had to find Alannah. She was the chosen one and she didn't have a clue. She could doom thousands with a simple decision. 

But what if they got to me before I could save her...? I couldn't help the thought take over me. 


"What do you mean?" I rasped, my voice quiet as the flickering of the fire lit up her downcast face. 

"They're following me, and once they're done with me. They will be after you. You have to save her, please. For me. It is your duty. What was once mine, is now yours. You are now the Guardian of the Chosen One. 

"I will lead them away, but you must move quickly. Go to the fates and listen to the prophecy. You must have a pure heart. 

"She is counting on you. I believe in you. Now, go!" 



I couldn't help but scream, my voice cutting through the air like a sharpened sword cutting through silk. 

The three guards surrounding me bowed their heads before taking there placed far behind us. Out of sight, but close enough to protect. 

Now, just the King and I stood, facing the Guard with the little girl clutching his hand. 


Again, that same six letter word was spoken. A demand at high stakes. 

"I can't! It is deranged!" I shouted, tears starting to drip down my face. I could feel my heart pulsating in my chest. My fingers growing numb as I glanced between the village, the child and the King. 


"No! It is sick, it is wicked!" I couldn't get the facade up, the reality of my situation dawning me. 

"Choose." He wouldn't stop, the monotone voice echoing out, the word coated in evil. 

"Please, I'll do anything. Please don't make me choose... please." I begged, my legs giving out as I dropped to the ground. 

The little girl started to cry, her eyes welling up as she fought against the guard that held her hand. She didn't understand what was going on, but she could feel the tension. She could feel the darkness and her natural instincts started to kick it. As if her unconscious mind knew her life was on the line. 

"Mommy- Mommy! L-let me go- I want mommy!" She wailed, her bear dropping to the ground as she fought against the hand that held her. 

"Oh my gods, please!" I started to sob, my face turning red as I watched the child scream for her mother. Scream for someone to save her. But no one could. Only I could, but I would be damning an entire village, with mothers, fathers, children and pets inside to die. 

"I can't..." I couldn't face it, "Please."

"Choose- Save a child, kill a village. Kill a village, save a child." 

"None! I can't do it!" 

"Choose. Save a child, kill a village. Kill a village, save a child. One must go."


I was running now, my legs pumping as I screamed her name, hearing the forest echo it back to me. 

"Alannah!" I could feel time was running out. 

"Please! Don't choose!" 

"Don't choose, Alannah, save them... please!" 


Would I be cruel to save the child, this innocent little girl? But what good would that do? If I save the child and kill a village, the child would have no one left. And I will be leaving this realm soon, and I couldn't take her with me. 

But I couldn't kill the child, I couldn't handle the devastation her mother would feel knowing I chose to kill her child.

Her father coming home, waiting for his little girl to run into his arms and tell him about her day. 

The little girl sitting around the table eating dinner, her mother and father reunited together. 

I couldn't choose. I cannot cause more death and destruction. I could not kill another person. 


I could see a stone, my eyes adjusting as I came closer and closer to the medieval style wall. I couldn't care less about which decade, who was in this village, or what dangers lied ahead, I could feel the drainage of time lurking on my chest. I had to stop her. 


I could see a staircase, hope filling my chest as I ran closer. 

'Please be in here, please.' 

I came to a hurdling halt, nearly slamming into the side of the wall, but I forced my body to go faster, I pushed myself up the staircase, where I came upon a walkway. I was standing on the corner of one of four sides. 

I could see on two sides there were buildings that rested on the wall, guards towers I supposed. But I didn't care. I scanned the village, seeing creatures similar to my own mulling about. 

"Alannah!" I was attracting attention now. Curious eyes glancing my way, some in alarm. 

I had alerted the guards, their forms advancing mine as they exited their towers, their swords raised in preparation at the intruder. 

It didn't stop me, I sprinted towards one guard tower, sliding under the feet off one, my body slamming into the other sending him hurtling towards the floor. Luckily we weren't too high from the ground and he landing with a loud 'thud!'. He let out a groan; he was alive. 

"Move!" I shouted, "Alannah!" 

I ran into the building, slamming the wooden door shut behind me before quickly pulling a wooden table to block the door. I didn't stop, I quickly scanned the room, spotting a trap door before quickly pulling it open. 

'This is going to hurt' I thought before jumping through, landing with a roll at the bottom. 

"Ah!" I shouted, I was in pain, but I couldn't care less. I had to find her.

"Alann--" I was cut off by a guard tackling my body, sending me hurtling metres from where I had landed. 

'Oof' I groaned. 

"You're coming with me." 


"Please?" I begged, clutching my hands together as I sat at the feet of the King. 


I could see the sadist glint in his eyes, power shining through as he gazed down at my begging form. Begging for his mercy, begging for his power over people. 

I could not have hated a man more than I did right now. My thoughts drifting to all the ways this man has given me no mercy, given his people no mercy. And it clicked. 

I gave a merciful glance at Eirya one last time. 

"I've made my decision." 


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