Because He Is My First Love |...

By nulnul_savage

28.7K 687 69

A girl named Park Nami who is a shy and naive person during elementary school met Mr Cold named Hwang Minhyun... More

Chapter 1 : We Meet Again
Chapter 2 : How Are You?
Chapter 3 : It is You
Chapter 4 : You are the One
Chapter 5 : What is It?
Chapter 6 : Jealousy
Chapter 7 : Camp? Lassgo
Chapter 8 : Such a Nuisance
Chapter 9 : Sun-kissed, U
Chapter 10 : Awake!
Chapter 11 : The Truth Untold
Chapter 12 : Unexpectedly. Why?
Chapter 13 : You. Who?
Chapter 14 : My Heart, Are You Fine?
Chapter 15 : Pit-a-Pat
Chapter 16 : O.K or K.O?
Chapter 17 : My Heart Belongs to?
Chapter 19 : Don't Mind Them
Chapter 20 : Tonight is the Night
Chapter 21 : It's Not One-sided Love After All
Chapter 22 : Why Did You...
Chapter 23 : Lassgo to Busan
Chapter 24 : Eunkyung, What?
Chapter 25 : I Love You, Pabo-yahh
Chapter 26 : You Make Me Go Crazy
Chapter 27 : Thank You, I Love You
Chapter 28 : Let's Keep It Secret
Chapter 29 : Please Tell Me What's Wrong
Chapter 30 : Round-off Love and Jealousy
Chapter 31 : You are Mine
Chapter 32 : This Girl is Mine
Chapter 33 : Merry-go-round Love
Chapter 34 : I'm Sorry. I Love You
Chapter 35 : Unexpected Guest
Chapter 36 : Please Don't...
Chapter 37 : I Miss You So Much
Chapter 38 : He Really Loves You
Chapter 39 : Sudden Encounter
Chapter 40 : Personal Maid?!
Chapter 41 : Yes, Young Master?
Chapter 42 : I Love You, Mr. Cold
Chapter 43 : I Promise You
Chapter 44 : Last Date
Chapter 45 : Never Say Goodbye
Chapter 46 : Still Loving You
Chapter 47 : Don't Go...
Chapter 48 : Sealed with a Kiss
Chapter 49 : YES!
Chapter 50 : Marry Me
Seongwoo x Luna
Chapter 51 : I'm Sorry. I Can't Stand It
Ayli x Jihoon
Special Chapter❗

Chapter 18 : Will You Say Yes?

464 14 1
By nulnul_savage

I was tiptoeing my feet and lifted my hands up to grab that book. The book is so high and I can barely touch it. Then, my body is starting losing some balance but suddenly there's a pair of arm behind me who grabbed my waist from behind. It was...

||Nami's POV||

It was.. Hwang Minhyun. We literally back hug and my heart pounding crazily right now.

I tilted my head and our eyes met. His hands still hold me tight as he didn't intend to let me go. His gaze intently deep looking into my eyes which make me lost in his eyes.

Then, a reality hits me and I broke the hug.

"Th-thanks," said Nami, looking down and went away.

But then, Minhyun caught my wrist and gave me the book. My eyes widen when I look at him.

"Be careful next time," he said then went away without looking back.

I put my hand on my chest and clenched it as my heart beats crazily. 'Why do my heart still beats for you?'

~Meanwhile. After recess. At the hallway~
||Ayli's POV||

I had to walk alone to the class because Luna had to continue her work with Seongwoo for the prom. I sighed and just walk along on the hallway.

"Aigoo, I must getting used to be alone for now."

Suddenly, I see a sausage rolling on the ground. I look around to see the owner of this sausage but no one came. I picked it up and it's a cheese sausage.

"Ohh! My favourite!"

I look around again to make sure that this sausage has no owner. I smiled happily and I keep it in my pocket. But then, there is another sausage rolling in front of me. I look down and it's the same sausage I took it just now.

I picked it up and keep it in my hand and one by one sausage keep rolling and I collected them until I reached to somewhere else.

I didn't realised until..


"Ohh! Jihoon sunbae??"

"It's so hard to see you but I never thought it's so easy to catch you, Ayli-yahh," said Jihoon, smirking towards me.

Gosh, why did you smirk like that. My hearteu 😖❤

Then he came closer and said, "Will you be my partner, Ayli-sshi?"

"Huh?? Mworago? (What did you say?)" asked Ayli, looking confused.

"Umm.. I know it's too sudden but I kind of having a hard time looking for a partner to the prom and only you that always in my mind--wait, I mean--" said Jihoon, scratching his head.

"Yes." said Ayli suddenly.

"Nae? Mworago?" asked Jihoon, shocked.

"Yes. My answer is yes. I--"

Suddenly he pulled me into a hug and embrace me tightly. He was smiling as he keep hold me tight. Then, he realised his mistake and pulled away quickly. His face is beet red and I bet mine too 😳

"Umm.. Hehe sorry. I was just too excited. I mean--I umm.. Never mind. Let's see each other then at the prom, okay? Gomawo~ (Thank you~)" said Jihoon, patting my head.

Then, he excused himself and went away. Gosh, my heart still pounding crazily eventough he's gone. Wait, OH MY GOD. DID I JUST ACCEPT TO BE HIS PARTNER?!! 😱

I keep slapping my both cheeks as I couldn't believe it. Then, my phone vibrate as a notification popped up. It was from him.. Jihoon sunbae. He said that he will look forward for the prom and he thanked me for accept him.

Then.. It's true after all that I just accept him. Gosh, my face is burning right now. I can't wait to tell Luna about this 😆❤

~Meanwhile. At the school hall~
||Luna's POV||

Aigoo, seems like I have to continue my work again. I sighed when seeing a lot of things to do today. But then I gathered my spirit and keep positive to continue my work.

"FIGHTING!!" whispered Luna, holding her hands.

||Seongwoo's POV||

While I was busy decorate the hall, my eyes can't take off from Luna. I'm still worried about her because she just got recovered today and maybe she didn't have enough rest.

Remembering what happened yesterday just.. Oh my God. It still lingering in my mind and I have to stop thinking about that. But I must to admit that I kind of enjoyed seeing her face so close to me.

Then I realised I'm smiling to myself. Gosh, Ong Seongwoo.. Hold it out yourself, will you??

||Luna's POV||

While I was doing my work then suddenly a guy came telling me that Mrs. Kim wants to see me and Seongwoo in her office.

I glanced at Seongwoo and he is.. smiling? To himself??

I went to approach him and patted his shoulder, "Yahh.. Ong Seongwoo. Gwaenchana? (Are you okay?)"

"Huh?? Mworago? Ohhh.. Yeahh I'm fine. Wae? (Why?)" asked him, looking shocked.

"Ani (No). It's just that Mrs. Kim wants to see us in her office."

"Jigeum?? (Now??)" asked Seongwoo, confused.

"Duh! Of course! Come on."

*Time Skips. At Mrs. Kim's office*
||Luna's POV||

We went into Mrs. Kim's office and took a seat in front of her. She seems happy and looks like she wanted to tell us something.

"I must say thank you for your help and I'm glad you made it. So, I think I want to give you both a reward," said Mrs. Kim, smiling to us.

*Time Skips. End of time school*
||Luna's POV||

Me and my two beloved besties are walking towards the gate while linking our arms together. Ayli just told me and Nami that she got asked by Jihoon sunbae to be his partner for the prom. Gosh, how lucky she is 😆

"But what about Luna? She couldn't go to the prom if she don't have a partner with 😕" said Ayli, looking down.

"We'll gonna miss you," said Nami, looking unhappy.

I just smiled and said, "Yahh! You can keep your miss coz I got to go to the prom 😏"

"Mwo?! (What?!) Chincha??!!! (Really??!!!)" said both of them in unison.

"I give you guys to go to the prom with or without a partner," said Mrs. Kim, smiling to us.

Seongwoo and I were jungshook and we thanked her happily. She said that it's a reward for us as we were working hard helping her to succeed the event.

She gave us words of encouragement so that we didn't lose spirit. She's an angel, right❤

"Aaaaaa Luna can attend too. Oh my God. Our group is complete😆" said Ayli, enthusiastically.

Then Nami pulled us into a group hug and invited us to go to her place for preparing for the prom. Geez, these girls really impatient, aren't they 😂

After that, we bid each other goodbye as we reached the school entrance gate.

||Seongwoo's POV||

I was walking towards the school gate with Minhyun. He seems spacing out and I can guess it must be about Nami. Haish, why can't he just confess to her? LOL me too for being a coward 😂

When we reached the school gate, I saw Luna laughing and smiling with her best friends. 'Gosh, why did you smile like that?'

Then Minhyun excused himself first and we bid each other good bye. My eyes still glued on Luna and I want to approach her but suddenly there are group of girls approaching me. Then, a girl came out to me.

"Seongwoo oppa. Please go to the prom with me," said the girl while handing me a box of chocolate.

"Ummm.. I'm sorry. I can't." said Seongwoo, scratching his head.

"Why not, oppa? Do you have someone else?"

"Actually, yes.. And that girl is over there." said Seongwoo while smiling and looking at Luna by the gate.

"Is she your girlfriend or what?" asked that girl, looking annoyed.

"I don't know. Maybe. Hey, I'm sorry but I have to go to her."

Then I was jogged towards Luna. My heart skipped everytime I see her and when I'm getting closer.. My heart skipped more crazily than ever be. Gosh, this girl can make me go crazy ❤

||Luna's POV||

I was walking home after I seperated ways with my besties. Suddenly, there is a hand clinging onto my shoulder. When I tilted my head, it was that Ong Seongwoo.

He was smiling at me and I wonder why.

"Yahh! Why are you suddenly acting like this?" asked Luna curiously.

"Wae? (Why?) Can't I?" said Seongwoo, shrugging his shoulder.

He's still clinging onto my shoulder and I just let it be since he is my friend too. Then I heard someone is calling out my name. When I turned back, it was...

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