Novaletti Factor

By HaleyDea

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*Mature*18+ I could see that Micah Novaletti was no ordinary man and because of that everyone-or every woman... More

Novaletti Factor
Chapter 1~
House Rules~
Chapter 3~
Chapter 4~
Chapter 5~
Chapter 6~
Chapter 7~
Chapter 8~
Chapter 9~
Chapter 10~
Chapter 11~
Chapter 12~
Chapter 13~
Chapter 14~
Chapter 15~
Chapter 16~

Chapter 2~

2.4K 79 17
By HaleyDea

Southern Hospitality


I really didn't have time for this and I considered ignoring Micah Novaletti's invitation. I had things to pack and move, plus the demands from the studio. I wondered if he made a habit of inviting people out-through his assistant, might I add-and if they jumped at it? Probably. I had to remind myself that this little meeting with Micah would be strictly business. I kicked myself at least a hundred times-between the time I had gotten the call and by the time I pulled into the restaurant-for not telling his assistant that she could tell her boss to come to the studio if he wanted to talk about the session. 

Aside from insistent, I had a feeling that Micah Novaletti was mysterious; throughout my workday, I kept busy, tried not to think of what the meeting would entail but failed miserably. I wondered the things he would ask me... would he be borderline brooding like this morning? After the studio was closed for the day, I went home-the apartment that wouldn't be home for long-and changed my clothes. I wasn't trying to impress him at all; the change into jeans and a more professional blouse was mainly because it had gotten breezy out. 

I'd even brought prints of his pictures so that they could 'be discussed'. Really, I was surprised to find that the 'details' Tiffany Nash had sent me via email, was just a regular little restaurant close to downtown. I'd expected something so much more elaborate coming from him but I wasn't going to complain. 

The place was surprisingly packed for a weekday, with all types of people; a family of four where the little girl was stubbornly frowning down at her plate. An old couple, talking quietly to one another as they ate. There was a group of wailing teenagers...the list was long and the place was bustling with noise from the patrons and from the back. A waitress flew passed me looking stressed to the max and that was when I spotted him. 

Mr. Novaletti looked the exact same as he had this morning; handsome in his suit, in charge, and staring across at me. All of a sudden I felt anxious and forgot all about everyone else in the place. I didn't like it and the sooner I got this over with, the better. I jerked my chin towards the florescent lights and made my way through tables and had to step around a few feet and even a purse. The spot he had chosen was by the windows, secluded almost and private. His long legs were stretched under the table and when I closed in he got up from his seat. 

"Miss Connolly," He greeted me and the soft, unforced smile he gave me almost had my knees buckling. Micah Novaletti was glad to see me. Really, he could have done without the standing and I was just glad he didn't try and pull the chair out for me. Business meeting, I reminded myself and we sat down together. 

"Mr. Novaletti. How are you?" However, the smile I gave him from across the table was forced. My god those eyes were like none I had seen before. They seemed to stare right through me and something about them changed in a second. 

"You're late...again." He pointed out as I was pulling the photo's from my purse. I frowned but I didn't look at the time or acknowledge it. From the way he shifted in his seat, I could tell he didn't like to be ignored. What did it even matter? I was doing this on my own time. "What's that?" When I glanced up at him, he nodded towards the pictures. I wanted to ask him if it was obvious but decided against it. 

"A few of your photo's. You did want to meet and discuss them, right? That's what your assistant said." 

An amused smile spread across his face, those dimples threatening to come out and play. Micah shook his head, "No." 

"Then what do you want?" I demanded, letting frustration get the better of me. And in a second I could hardly stand him...He was a novel too complex for me, which was why I needed to just stand up and walk away. 

"You," Was the only word that left his mouth but I could see it in his face that there were many left that were just unspoken. "One night with you..." He added as his gazed slipped over my cleavage.

 I could see that Micah Novaletti was no ordinary man and because of that everyone-or every woman-would bend to his will. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't just anyone. I stared across the diner's table at him, brow lifted, "This was a waste of my time, Mr. Novaletti. I'm not interested." I wasn't interested in anyone for that matter. The love of my life was photography.

Displeased with my answer, Micah leaned back in his chair and pinned me with a venereal stare. "I'm not asking you to marry me, Elise. I just want to fuck you."

Deep within those winter blue eyes, I could see that he wanted so much more. My cheeks got real hot then and I tilted my head. Was he serious? Was this how he got women? Obviously and it worked too, no doubt. "Wow..." I let the word out slow as we stared across at one another. "Is this how you get all the women, Micah?" I asked, clutching my purse. I was so out of here. 


So there was a different method? I actually laughed and stood up from the chair just as a waitress was coming over to give us a couple menus. "If you want to spend a night with me, Mr. Novaletti, how about you ask me out yourself...and don't imply sex." I advised and before he could respond I turned around and stormed out of the place. A waste of time...a complete waste of my time. "Pig..." I gasped under my breath as I reached my car and unlocked the door.

There was absolutely no way in hell I would give that man another second of my time. 


It was stifling-even with every single window opened up in my new little house to let the breeze in. The central heat and air was acting up and I'd already called the owner about it...twice. No one would be out to fix it until after the weekend so I would be made to suffer while moving all of my things from the apartment to the house. Thankfully it was only about three carloads full of boxes and I already had one down.

But I didn't mind. The place was perfect, something I had dreamed about for months right along with the studio. Slowly, everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly. I stood in the middle of my almost empty living room now, building up the motive to go back out to my car and start with the second load. I really needed to get a gym membership because I was so not in shape and I wasn't even doing anything major! "Don't be lazy, Elise. This is all the time you have to do this." I told myself aloud. Monday would be the start of a busy week and I would literally have no time to do this if I stood around crying over the ache in my arms. 

I readjusted my ponytail and marched back out the front door, on a mission. I at least wanted to get the rest of my things from the apartment before the day ended. Fat chance that would happen, it would be dark in an hour.  I was just lucky Camille had been fine with me leaving work after lunch. "Hey, you!" I stopped on the sidewalk, halfway to my car and glanced over at the voice seeking my attention. A very male one at that. 

"Hi." I replied to the man who was getting out of a truck just next door. Annnd on this episode of 'Meet your neighbor...' I didn't really have to fake the friendly smile. Who knew how long I would be living next to him. He started across my yard then, long legs encased in blue jeans and an actual pair of fucking cowboy boots. Had he gotten lost and stuck in the city or something? 

"Seen you movin' some things in earlier. Figured I would come offer some help." Behind him a dog followed and when he stopped, so did the dog. It laid on my freshly cut grass as if to bathe in the sunlight while waiting for it's owner. His smile was cheeky, boyish and very charming. "Elliot." He introduced himself and held his hand out for a shake. I took it. His large hands were calloused and strong and I had every intention of thanking for the offer but insisting I could do it myself. 

But just look at those arms in that cotton t-shirt. He could do what it took me to in an hour, in twenty minutes. "Um, sure. It's mainly just a bunch of boxes but if you're up for it, be my guest. I'm Elise by the way. It's nice to meet you." 

In the next twenty minutes that followed, I learned that Elliot was a cop for the local PD, lived alone next door with his dog and had come to the city nearly a year ago from a small ranch in Texas. He was the entire definition of a cowboy...ever so polite and chivalrous. To my one box he could carry three and I was thankful. By the time we were done with the second load, dusk was ascending. Elliot stepped into my living room with the last box and sat it down. I would have to go through things tonight and put them in the right room. Why hadn't I labeled anything? 

Right, because you could only label so much when it all came out of one freakin bedroom. "Last one," He announced, running a hand through sandy blonde waves. His shirt was wet with sweat and I could relate; beads tickled the back of my neck and I silently cursed my broken A/C. 

"Thank you again. Sorry it's not cool, my central air is broken, I guess." 

"Really? I could take a look at it. Probably tomorrow, but I can." 

"You don't have to. Besides I already owe you for this right?" I asked, looking around the crowded room. There was no way I would just let him do this, free of charge. 

"Nah, just being hospitable, Elise." His shrug was nonchalant. I thought then how Micah Novaletti should come take a note or two about how to reel a lady in. Elliot was a man...there was something he wanted-it was obvious in his wondering, dark green eyes but he was too traditional to just ask for it. He wanted to work for it and that was a man. 

"How about dinner?" I blurted out but I didn't regret it. I'd put him to work, the least I could do was feed him. Elliot's mouth smiled that charming smile and he nodded. "I have a few subs in the fridge, unless you want to order a pizza or go out somewhere? Your choice." 

"I would love to share a sub with you, darlin'," Was his reply. I certainly wasn't used to a southern accent but I could get used to it. My face flushed and walked to the kitchen. After the food was on-surprise-a paper plate, we went out onto the front porch and ate. 

Elliot didn't mutter too much about himself but was far too curious about me. I told him about my photography and the studio and Sebastian. I could have sat there all night and talked with him but then I had to remind myself that I had a life to get back to and just like Mr. Novaletti, Elliot would be a distraction. Probably a worse one than Micah considering he was my neighbor. 


My very hospitable neighbor lent me more time than I asked for over the weekend; fixed my A/C unit, helped me pick up furniture from a furniture store because he had a truck and Saturday afternoon I had no other choice but to go ask for help when I seen his vehicle parked in the driveway. He was an easy man to talk to and on Saturday night when we had dinner together again, he bought it. It had been nice to sit at my brand new dining table in the kitchen, that I had yet to buy any dishes for and eat. 

Sunday was spent putting things away and hanging up blinds and curtains. I held off on hanging any pictures, as I wanted to paint the living room and bedroom before I did. Where I would find the time, I had no clue. The first official night in my new place was a success. Monday was there in a blur and I was happy to get back into the studio, where my appointment book was filled. It was the first time I had ever accomplished five sessions in one work day...I was exhausted. 

The only thing I seen in my future Monday night was a hot bath and a movie afterwards. The wine I had picked up at the supermarket a few blocks from home while I grabbed a salad had been a split second decision. When I reached home, I ate my salad at the table with a glass of wine before I went into the bathroom to run my very first bath. It was nothing special but a bath to me after a long day, was everything. 

I'd just gotten undress and was about to dip in when my cell phone started ringing on the sink. I fully expected it to be Sebastian or Camille but when I grabbed it, the number was random, meant nothing to me. "Hello?" 

"Elise. It's Micah Novaletti." The deep yet rich voice was familiar. Great, just when I was close to forgetting about our time in that restaurant together. How had he gotten my cell phone number exactly? It didn't take long before I was putting my money on my brother. I was going to kill him. 

"Oh? Is there something I could help you with, Mr. Novaletti?" I asked, drowning out the sound of my own pounding heart. Could he hear it on the other end? I didn't like it...what was he doing? 

"Please, call me Micah for now. I was wondering if you would like to get together and have a drink with me..." It wasn't the last thing I expected to hear from him. The logical thing for me to do was thank him for the offer and politely decline. For now? I wasn't even sure what that meant and I found myself nibbling on my bottom lip, staring at myself in the mirror. 

Don't do it, Elise. It would just be asking for something I had no time or energy for. I sighed heavily and glared at my reflection. "Sure that sounds great...Micah." 

"Great...I'll pick you up at nine. Send the address." He said before he hung up. Like actually hung up and I wondered if giving him my address would be a good idea....probably not. But I found myself texting the number. And then I found myself adding him into my contacts

I still had a couple of hours, so I indulged in the bath that was hot and waiting. 


There was just something about Elise Connolly. I rarely sought out new lovers-or rather playmates- but then I hadn't really been looking when I'd gotten my sites on her. I just knew one thing: I wanted her. Sure I had approached her in all the wrong ways and rather demanding but now-as she sat with me in the club that lingered with sweat and smoke-I was fixing it. How exactly did you properly ask a woman to let you fuck her? Clubs and booze was a good way and Elise knew why she was here. 

"Tell me more about your photography. Are you getting business?" I asked her. We were sitting close enough that I didn't have to yell over the music to hear her. Close enough that I could smell her shampoo and perfume...easily look right down the front of her cocktail dress that was far from modest. 

Elise smiled with her full, pink and very natural lips that I just wanted to put to work, "You really want to talk about work?" Perfectly plucked eyebrows dipped as she looked up at me. I couldn't help but study the curve in her smooth neck...thought about all of the things I could do with that neck; bite it, tighten my hand around it-roughly or softly-decorate it with a collar. The tightening in my groin suddenly became too uncomfortable in my slacks. 

She waited for me to answer. "You seem to be quite invested, I thought it would be a good topic to start with...Unless you would like to discuss what's on my mind." Like how I was using every bit of self control I had not to bend her over the table-right here-and bunch that dress up around her hips. I lifted my brow and her cheeks changed colors. 

Elise stared into her drink for a minute, swirled the ice around before she looked back over at me. "I don't do things like this, Micah." She confessed. 

"Have a drink with someone?" 

"Among other things." Good, she knew where this was headed and I was too fucking intent and impatient on getting us there. I just smiled at that before I leaned back in my seat.

"Finish your drink." I watched her then...thought of every single way I was going to break her and teach her and mold her into something more perfect than she already was. I realized then that I didn't just want to play with her and fuck her...

I wanted to take her out and buy her things...own her as my own and she didn't even have a clue yet. 


Hi! I hope you all enjoyed! 

Leave your thoughts please and vote! Let me know if you would like for me to continue this story.


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