White Lies, Red Velvet

By Shickzander

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When Bakugou loses his memory due to a quirk, Kirishima decides to convince him that they're dating to experi... More



91 6 4
By Shickzander

One year later
"Look out, Zero, there's one behind-" Kirishima halted mid-sentence when Bakugou swung his hand back and sent his patented explosions at the villain behind him.
Some things never changed.
The blond looked toward the large cargo truck, which the rest of the villains had climbed into, ready to escape. The truck started to move, slow like an old cat waking from a slumber.
"Crimson Cannonball time?" He asked Kirishima.
"Just make sure to aim me better this time."
"My aim is FLAWLESS."
"You aimed me into a manure pile last time."
"Sure." Kirishima laughed. There was no way he could be mad at that precious face.
He ran between Bakugou and the truck, leaping and hardening at just the right moment. Bakugou blasted him, the force driving his crystallized form right through the centre of the trailer. He landed roughly inside and started taking out the villains hiding within. He heard more explosions outside, probably from Bakugou rounding up the driver.
It didn't take long for the pair to clean house. Soon, villains were tied up everywhere, ready for the police to arrive.
"Damn. We haven't had a bust like that in weeks." Bakugou panted.
Kirishima nodded, pulling out his phone. He took a selfie of the two with the villains in the background and posted it to their agency Instagram account, which was basically a couples account since that was what the followers wanted to see.
Ground Riot was a celebrity power couple already.
"Anything interesting?" Bakugou asked, resting his head on Kirishima's shoulder.
"Those pictures we took in bed the other day are fuelling controversy. There's a lot of talk about if we should be so open about our sex lives."
"Yeah, well, if Midnight can prance around in bdsm gear, we can take cute, sleepy selfies in bed that heavily imply that I just rawed you so hard you forgot your name."
"I didn't forget my name!" Kirishima insisted.
"Maybe I need to try harder then."
Kirishima gulped. "Maybe you do."
"Ugh." One of the villains on the ground groaned.
"Shut the fuck up." Bakugou kicked him. Kirishima rolled his eyes.
Soon, the cops arrived and the pair was allowed off the scene. They walked through the city, hand in hand like they normally did. Sometimes people pointed, not because they were doing something scandalous, but because people KNEW them. They were famous, both city and country wide.
"You know what," Bakugou's hand twitched in Kirishima's.
"I'm glad I lost my memory."
"Not a lot of people can say something like that."
"No. But I can." Bakugou could boast about anything, and he was definitely boasting now. "If I hadn't lost my memory, I never would have been able to make new ones with you."
"That's a little sappy for you." Kirishima pointed out. "Are you coming down with something."
"I'm down with the sickness."
"Wa ah ah ah." Kirishima muttered. "You've been hanging out with Denki too much."
"He's slightly less intolerable than I initially thought." Bakugou leaned on Kirishima, laughing softly. "God, I love you."
"You better not stop." Kirishima whispered.
"Wouldn't fucking count on it, dude." Bakugou assured. "You're stuck with me forever."
"I've never been more happy about something, bro."
And despite all the lies he had told to get here, he had never said something with more truth.

Whoops I'm done writing.
I tried pretty hard to put a callmekevin reference in there because Kevo is one of our greatest gods (second to Jim Pickens of course) but I forgot just like Bakugou forgot everything when he had amnosia. Does it count if I put the reference last minute in an author's note?
Anyway. See you in the next shick fic!

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