
By CherryBby15

91.1K 1.7K 88

·~·~·~·~·~·~· "I love you ." said Lorenzo "I love you more ." i said "Impossible." He responded ·~·~·~·~·~... More

Authors Note 🖊
1 : The new guy 👦
2 : Getting High 🚬
3 : Drama ⚠
4 : Date 📅
5 : His Home 🏡
6 : Not My Day 👎
7 : Sleepover 😴
8 : Beggining of Hell ? 😈
9 : Could be worst ✌
10 : Coming out 🌈
11 : Breath 😱
12 : The painful Truth 😭
13 : Shopping 👗
14 : Happiness ?? Nahhh...not for you 😙
15 : Complicated 🥴
16 : More Heartbreak 💔
17 : Secrets 🙊
18 : Brother ? 👀
19 : Mexico 🇲🇽
20 : New Friends 👬👭
21: Sebasmine 💏
22 : Japan 🇯🇵
23 : Murderer 🔫
24 : Goodbye 👋
25 : I Don't Need You 💪
26 : Mad..ish 😣
27 : Mission ✔
28 : Bora Bora 🌴
29 : Forgiveness 🙏
30 : Birthday Girl 🎂 👧
31 : Suprise Mother Fricker 👶
32 : Two is better than one 👦👧
33 : Marry me 💍 ?
34 : Planning 📖
35 : Labor 🏥
36 : Bachelorette and Bachelor Party 🎉
37 : Wedding Day 💒
38 : Honeymoon 🍯 🌙
40 : Worst Day Of My Life 😭
41 : Scarred 🔪
42 : Sick 😷
43 : Breast Cancer 😧
45 : Surgery 💉
46 : Letting Go 🌠

39 : Problems ⬇

854 20 0
By CherryBby15

8 years later :o

Valarie POV

"No ." i said while still washing the dishes . "Mom , please ." said Antonio "Ya te dije que no . (i already said no .)" i said while drying my hands .

"How come Lilly gets to go to the mall and she is barley 8." He said "Im 10 you idiot. " screamed Lilly from the couch . " Watch your mouth ." i said to lilly .

"Where are you guys going ?" I asked "It's a Cabin in the woods . His mom will be there and then like 5 guys . " he said "I'll think about it ." i said "Pero ama ya es mañana me voy a necesitar que levantar temprano ( But mom its tomorrow im going to have to wake up early ) " he said. "I said i was going to think about it . Go to sleep already , you too Lilly . Better be in bed in an hour !" I said walking upstairs

"Y ustedes amores a que horas piensan dormir yas van a ser 11 (And you loves what time do you think you're going to bed its almost 11.) " i said opening the door to the twins room .

They both share a room . They like to always be together . "We are going to  ." said Damien "Where is daddy ?" Asked Kalani "He is working you will see him tomorrow in the morning " i said kissing her head. "Okay" she said

"Goodnight dream with the angels ." i said closing the door . I walked back downstairs and saw that Lilly and Antonio had gone upstairs .
I made sure all the doors were locked and then went upstairs . I took a shower and got to bed .


I woke up to the noise of someone in the closet . It's probably Lorenzo . Then i heard his phone ring . I rubbed my eyes and saw it was 1 in the morning .

"Hello?" He asked . He sounded tired . "No , i told him to add extra security . No one is a threat until i say they are . Can nobody ever fucking listen ." he said and the he hung up his phone .

By now i sat up as my back laid on the headboard . Lorenzo walked out and saw me . "Did i wake you up , im sorry ." he said "You're fine , Is everything okay ?" I asked

"Three of my men got murdered who were supposed to get someone who has really been testing me . " he said and sighed .

I saw he was moving his shoulders trying to relax them . "Come here ." i said patting the spot in between my legs . He came to my side as i started to massage his back and shoulders .

"Did you go see Kalani ?" I asked "Yeah i kissed them in their heads . By the way lilly is still awake ." he said "That little girl i told her to go to sleep , she's going to be the one sleepy tomorrow when she goes to the mall with her friends ." i said

"Antonio texted me. " he said "Yeah he was mad . I still don't know if i should let him go . " i said "I think you should . We have to trust him . He is 16 and he is trained in case something happens . "said lorenzo

"That means i have to wake up at 5 to wake him up then make breakfast for him . It's Saturday tomorrow ." i said "I have to wake up early either way i have to go see what im going to do with the things that are happening ." He said

"Don't stress a lot you're going to get wrinkles " i said . He turned around and got on top of me . "Is that so ?" He asked "Yeah ." i said "What if i do get wrinkles it's not like you're going to have a choice but to stay with me ." said Lorenzo

"Im going to run away from you old guy ." i said grabbing his face "I'll look for you and lock you up if i have to because you Mrs.Puentes are going nowhere ." he said kissing me

"Okay let's go to bed ." i said pushing him off . I snuggled him close to me and kissed his head .

In the morning

I walked down the hall to Antonio's room . I knocked and then opened it . He was still sleeping. I sat on his bed and stared at him .

When did you grow up so fast ? I asked myself to when i remember him calling me me mommy and always needing me .

"Antonio , honey ." i said shaking him lightly . "Yeah ?" He asked stretching and opening his eyes . "Go get the things you need for the cabin ." i said smiling

He smiled and hugged me making me fall in to his bed . "Thank you mom ." he said still hugging me tight "You're welcome baby ." i said kissing his cheek . "Now go get whatever you need I'll make breakfast for you and your dad ." i said walking out .

I walked downstairs and started cooking . Soon i saw Lorenzo come in to the kitchen with my phone . "Who is it ?" I asked "Denise ." he said giving me my phone and walking out .

"Wait babe can you set the table for you and Antonio ." i said "Yeah ." he said walking out .

                      Call Conversation

Valarie : Why are you up this early
Denise : Ale woke up throwing up and is throwing up every 20 minutes and has a high fever . The doctor is closed right now so should i take him to the hospital ?
Valarie :   Yeah if you want i can make Lorenzo call our doctor to go in and check on him .
Denise : Okay thank you text me when so i can drive there .
Valarie : Yeah , your welcome

Denise got pregnant two months after i had the twins . It was a boy and his name is Alejandro Emanuel Cortez .

I grabbed the food and put it on the table . I went upstairs and made Antonio come down to eat since Lorenzo was already downstairs .

"Im going to change then I'll drive you to your friend's house ." i told Antonio "Okay and again thanks Ma ." he said smiling "No problem " i said kissing his head .I changed in to my outfit and quickly did my eyebrows .

I walked downstairs and saw Antonio at the front door . "Is Riley here ?" I asked "Yeah she went to the kitchen ." he said walking out "Thank you Riley !" I screamed "No problem Mrs.Puentes " i heard her say

When i walked out i saw Lorenzo . "Stay safe ." i said kissing him "You too." He said hugging me "And you , have fun ." he said to Antonio "Thanks dad ." he said as Lorenzo got in his car . "Okay let's go ." i said and we drove to Antonio's friend's house .

"¿Aqui? (Here)" I asked as i drove in to a drive way "Yeah" he said "Im going to go meet his mom really fast ." i said walking out .

I knocked on the door and i saw a women in about her mid thirties . "Ohh hi Antonio is this your sister ?" She asked "Im actually his mom , Valarie Puentes ." i said shaking her hand "Oh im sorry you just look so young ." she said "It's okay ." i said "Come in ." she said

Me and Antonio walked in and she took me to a kitchen . "Adrian !" She screamed . I heard a lot of footsteps and boys talking "What's up bro ." said Adrian to Antonio

"Hi Mrs.Valrie." said Jesus and Jose who i met when they came over to the house . "Ohh guys this is my mom ." said Antonio to another 3 boys who waved at me .

"I must be going i have to go back home and wake my other kids up ." i said "You have more ?"she asked "Yes i have a 10 year old girl and another girl and boy that are both 6 ." i said "Twins?" She asked "Yeah ." i said smiling

"I only have Adrian and Camila they're also twins ." she said smiling "That's lovely . Well good to know you " i said shaking her hand once again . "Take care Antonio ." i said narrowing my eyes at him and he smiled back at me.

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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