The Unwanted Daughter of Klau...

By KejsiK11

184K 2.8K 570

What if Klaus had a family that no one knew about it? Not even his siblings. Well Elijah cause the others are... More

4 years later
8 years later
Studying is hard
First steps and nightmare ( part 1 )
First steps and nightmare( part 2)
First steps and nightmare (part 3)
The color
The color (part 2)
The call
I needed you and you left me
I will be there for anything that you want. You have my word, love.
Back home
Get up!
Chain link fence
Hello daddy.
Not enough time
Second chances
The plan?
Little girl
Care for a drink?
How about that walk?
Out of breath
Thank You Angel
Little Girl


3.2K 49 9
By KejsiK11

Kacy's pov:

I woke up. Dad was smiling at me.

Killian: Hey little one. I thought you'd never wake up.
Kacy: Dad?
Killian: You okay?

I nodded. I looked around and noticed we were still there. I looked at the door which was still locked. I got up and went towards it and tried to open it, but I couldn't.

Killian: What are you trying to do? Remember what Mikael said that they are locked by magic.
Kacy: Where are the others?
Killian: They went to get something to eat.
Kacy: Dad I was in there.
Killian: What are you talking? It's locked.
Kacy: I was in there while I was sleeping.
Killian: Kacy you are worrying me.
Kacy: They said they could help.
Killian: Kacy who said that?
Kacy: These two girls and a boy.
Killian: What did they say exactly?
Kacy: They talked about a kingdom of supernatural creatures that was hidden from people.
Killian: That looks like a fairytale.
Kacy: That's what I said. They talked about these hybrids of two different types of magic.
Killian: How do you know about that? You were sleeping when we talked about them.
Kacy: I am one of them and so are you.
Killian: I'm not like you Kacy. I have only one type of magic in me.
Kacy: They said that you didn't knew about it.
Killian: What else did they say?
Kacy: They told me about how you became a werewolf without killing someone.
Killian: I have never told anyone that.
Kacy: They called us tribrids.
Killian: How can they help you?
Kacy: They said that we have been chosen. If you accept to be the future king of their kingdom, they will heal me.
Killian: King?! Me?! I don't want to be a king.
Kacy: Than I will die.
Killian: No we will find another way to save you.
Kacy: For how long dad. I can die every day that passes. Every second, every minute can be my last. Maybe tomorrow you will wake up to find out that I didn't.
Killian: Please don't cry.
Kacy: I am afraid dad. I am terrified. I have thought about dying every day, but now that I am so close I am afraid. You promised me you will find a way to help me and now that you have it, you don't wanna sacrifice anything for me. I guess you don't love me enough.

I walked outside.

Killian: Kacy. Please don't say that. I love you more than anything. Please don't cry.
Kacy: Nobody loves me. Not you, not Morgana, not Klaus. No one.
Killian: Klaus!

Killian's pov:

When I heard his name I got really angry. It was him who hurt my little girl so much. He broke her and now he is gonna pay.

Killian: Stay here and wait for your mom and grandpa.
Kacy: Where are you going?

I used a spell to teleport myself to Mystic Falls. I am gonna make him pay.

Kacy's pov:

Not soon after dad went, grandpa and mom came. I ran to them.

Kacy: Mommy. Grandpa.
Mikael: Kacy sweetheart why are you crying?
Kacy: Daddy went somewhere.
Morgana: Where did he go?
Kacy: We got in a fight and during the fight I mentioned Klaus and he got really angry and went away.
Mikael: We have to go to him. Do you have any idea where Klaus is?
Kacy: I do, but I can't tell you.
Mikael: Kacy!
Kacy: You want to kill him. You want to kill Klaus.
Mikael: I wanna save Killian.
Kacy: You promise you won't try to kill him?
Mikael: Fine I promise.
Kacy: Okay. Please don't break your promise cause I love you and I don't wanna lose you.

Mikael was shocked when I said that and hugged me.

Kacy: He is in Mystic Falls.
Mikael: We have to vamp speed there. Hold on to me. Both of you and close your eyes.

We did as he told us. I didn't even notice that we were moving until he told us to open our eyes.

Mikael: We are here.

We were in front of a big mansion.
Klaus always loved mansions. Mikael knew that. I ran to the door and knocked. The door was opened by a blonde girl.

Rebekah: Who are you?
Kacy: Where is Klaus?

Rebekah: Mikael.

I looked behind me and there stood grandpa and mommy.

Mikael: Rebekah. Where is your so called brother?
Rebekah: I will never let you hurt him.
Morgana: We need to talk to Klaus. Now!
Rebekah: Who do you think you are? I won't let you in!

Morgana raised her hand to cast a spell making Rebekah fall to the ground unconscious.

Morgana: Let's go. Kacy invite Mikael in.
Kacy: Can I do that?
Morgana: Klaus is your uncle which means that you are family and you can invite him in.
Kacy: Come in grandpa.
Mikael: Thank you Kacy.

He came in. We walked in and started walking towards an open door. The door was big. I walked in first and there I saw three guys sitting. One I knew. Elijah.

Elijah: Kacy!

He said shocked.

Kacy: Elijah.
Kol: Who is she and how did she got in?
Finn: Where is Rebekah?
Morgana: She is unconscious at the door.
Kol: Why?
Morgana: Cause she didn't let us in.

I walked towards Elijah and sat next to him.

Kacy: Elijah this is important. We need to find Klaus. Where is he?
Finn: Father!

Elijah raised his head to see that in the door, there stood the man he used to consider a father.

Elijah: How did you get in?!
Mikael: Believe it or not I was invited.
Kol: By who.
Kacy: By me.
Finn: That's impossible. You're not part of this family.
Elijah: You were in on this?!

He looked angry at me and I looked down sadly.

Mikael: Killian is alive.
Finn: What?! It is impossible.
Kacy: No it's not. I am his daughter.
Elijah: What does that has to do with Niklaus?
Kacy: Me and dad got in a fight and during the fight I mentioned Klaus and than he got really angry and left. I think he wants to kill Klaus.
Mikael: Believe it or not, we are here to save him. Well I'm actually here to save Killian, but in order to save Killian I have to save Niklaus.
Kol: Why do we have to believe you?
Mikael: I made a promise to Kacy that I won't kill Klaus.
Kol: Now I believe you why?

He said sarcastically.

Mikael: Because no matter how much I hate Niklaus, I love Kacy so much more.
Kol: Never thought you could say that word.
Esther: Mikael.

Grandpa turned around and he looked shocked to see this woman.

Mikael: Esther!
Esther: Killian is alive?!
Mikael: Yes he is.

Than she turned to me.

Esther: And you are his daughter?
Kacy: Yes. I am.

She smiled sweetly at me than she turned to mom.

Esther: Who are you?
Morgana: I'm her mother.
Esther: I'm Esther and I'm Killian's mother.
Kacy: You are my grandmother?
Esther: Yes. So where is your dad?
Morgana: Trying to kill his twin. Where is Klaus?
Rebekah: He is at his art studio upstairs. He can't hear anything from there. He made a witch do a spell to that room so he can be quite when he paints.

I ran upstairs trying every door until I found the right one.

Kacy: Dad.
Klaus: Kacy.

I went to hug him and he hugged me back.

Kacy: I have missed you.
Klaus: I have missed you too, but why are you hear? I thought you wanted to stay with your dad.
Kacy: I have something to tell you and please don't be mad.
Klaus: What is it?
Kacy: There might be someone you hate, downstairs.
Klaus: Kacy. Who is this person I hate?
Kacy: It might be...
Klaus: It might be who?
Kacy: It might be Mikael.
Klaus: Kacy! I trusted you!

He broke the hug and pushed me to the floor.

Kacy: Ouch.
Klaus: You promised not to tell him where I was. I believed you.
Kacy: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help.
Klaus: Are you that stupid? He will kill me.
Kacy: No he promised me. He won't.
Klaus: And you believed him?! You are so stupid.

Tears escaped my eyes. I looked down.

Kacy: I am not stupid.
Klaus: Yes you are. Look what you have done. Where do I go now? He will kill me.
Kacy: No he won't.
Klaus: Kacy. You know nothing. He has hunted me for a thousand years. He won't just stop, because a 13 years old asked him.
Kacy: My dad wants to kill you, not Mikael. Please believe me. I don't want you to get hurt.
Elijah: Listen to her Niklaus.

I looked behind and there stood Elijah.

Elijah: She is telling the truth.
Klaus: Brother. Is it true? Is he downstairs?
Elijah: Yes he is, but he is not going to hurt you.
Klaus: Than why is he here than?!

Elijah kneeled down behind me. He put his hands in each of my shoulders.

Elijah: Look at her brother. Who does she remind you?
Klaus: Mentally she is a mini me. Physically I would say she has Morgana's hair.
Elijah: But she looks a lot like Killian, doesn't she?
Klaus: She does. What are you trying to say?
Elijah: She is Killian's daughter.
Klaus: No that is impossible. Killian is dead. I know I saw him that day. They took him.
Elijah: He is alive brother. That's why Kacy is a lot like you, because she is a lot like Killian. Killian and you like the same things. You act the same way.
Klaus: That doesn't explain the fact why Mikael is here?
Elijah: Well you remember the fact that Mikael always adored Killian more than anyone?
Klaus: Yeah how could I forget.
Elijah: He still does and he also loves Kacy and he will keep his promise because of her. He won't hurt you.
Klaus: Why does Killian wants to kill me?
Kacy: Because you have hurt me a lot and he wants revenge.
Klaus: What is he exactly?
Kacy: He has two types of magic and his werewolf gene and he is stronger.
Klaus: What do you mean with two types of magic?
Kacy: We just found out that are two types of magic. One of them is really strong. We have to stop him. He must be out there looking for you.

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