Aikatsu Dreams!

By Jarthy9091

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Hana Tachibana was a normal first-year student in middle school until her life changed when she met Japan's t... More

Chapter 1: Entering the World of Idols - Part 1
Chapter 2: Entering the World of Idols - Part 2
Chapter 3: Idol Lessons
Chapter 4: The Shining Shooting Star
Chapter 5: A Chance to Fly
Chapter 6: Under the Spotlight
Chapter 7: A Summer Day Dream
Chapter 8: Miyuki's Cheer
Chapter 9: Top Star Life
Chapter 11: The Grand Announcement
Chapter 12: A Dance in the Sky
Chapter 13: Dark Heart
Chapter 14: Chef Miyuki
Chapter 15: Aikatsu Beach Party
Chapter 16: Tropical Adventure
Chapter 17: The Test of Truth
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: United Together
Chapter 20: A Gem in the Rough
Chapter 21: The Light of the Rose Quartz!
Chapter 22: Escaping Perfection
Chapter 23: A Skylight at the End of the Tunnel
Chapter 24: Guiding Star
Chapter 25: Academy Princess
Chapter 26: Seeing the Future
Chapter 27: Snow in Summer
Chapter 28: Dreaming of Stars
Chapter 29: A Stressful Show
Chapter 30: The Star-Studded Show
Chapter 31: Lost in Tokyo
Chapter 32: A Finale of Miracles
Chapter 33: Wings of My Own Colour

Chapter 10: A New Dream Blooms

181 10 8
By Jarthy9091

It was a special time at Top Star Academy; the students were eager to take some time off and return to their families. Every year during the summer term and before official exams begin, the academy lets their students have 'off time', a period that all idols are familiar with. Due to their busy schedules, be it performing or studying, idols rarely have the opportunity to relax and unwind from their stressful careers. Hana sat comfortably in the train car seat, writing in her journal she had kept with her since leaving Kazeki City. The pages had filled immensely since her first day, documenting her friendships, accomplishments and dreams. She continued to write her current entry, her penmanship clear and legible.

'Today is the official first day of 'off time'. The academy is giving us a four-day long weekend before we return to begin exam season: I wonder what idol exams are like? Anyways, I'm currently sitting on the train heading back home. I'm so excited. Tori, Akira and Miyuki saw me off this morning. I felt really bad; we had to be up so early just so I could make it on time. I might have slept in, but I have a good reason. I was dreaming of singing on stage in my own special coord.' Hana paused, reflecting on the dream.

'It was such a lovely dream. The crowd cheered my name and the stage lit up my beautiful dress that was mine and mine alone!' Hana stopped again, realising the tangent she was getting on. She took a deep breath before continuing to write.

'Ever since my friends became ambassadors for their favourite brands, I've felt like I'm missing out. Don't get me wrong Journal, I'm so happy for my friends and they've worked so hard, but I can't help but feel sad that I don't have a brand to call my own. Ms. Yasoku offered me some suggestions and organised some meetings with some brands she thought would suit me; but something wasn't right. Their coords were all really pretty and the people were so nice but, I don't know, I didn't feel like they were for me. Maybe I'm overthinking things. But Akira says that brands are important, they're what allow an idol to represent herself. Tori thinks so too, ever since she became a brand ambassador, she's been so happy and so confident. Miyuki too, I didn't think she could develop more energy!' Hana giggled to herself as she wrote that passage, the image of her friends smiling popped into her head.

'I look up to them so much, but I don't know if I'll ever be on the same level as them.' She whipped out her phone and began tapping on the screen, opening the Aikatsu Ranking. Akira, Miyuki and Tori were sitting in the 64th, 65th and 68th positions respectively. Hana clicked the words 'jump to me' and the screen scrolled to her position: 78th. Hana still was one of the highest ranked first-years at Top Star Academy yet amongst her friends, she was lacking.

'Journal, I want to be better, I want to be a brand ambassador and shine like my friends, but I don't know if I can do it. I can't dwell on that now though, what kind of idol stresses about her Aikatsu on her break? I'm going back home, and I can't wait to see my family. Grandmother must have been working so hard without me there to help, I'll make sure to give her an extra special hug. Dad is supposed to be home as well; last time we spoke he said his conference had ended and he'd be back in town for a few weeks; I'll give him a big hug too.'

"Train stopping at Kazeki Station!" an automated voice bellowed. Hana looked up suddenly, realising she had been journaling so intensely, she hadn't noticed the train had passed through the countryside and was arriving at her destination. She quickly signed off the entry with a signature love heart surrounded by a ring of flowers. As the train come to a halt, she grabbed her suitcase and exited the station.

Kazeki Station was much smaller than the station in Kirumi City, yet it was still busy as ever. The city itself was a major stop for people based out in rural areas as it was the nearest social and market hub. However, Kazeki paled in size to Kirumi or Tokyo roughly encompassing only a few of their districts. Despite this, Hana loved her home city; the smell of fresh gardens and the traditional feel always brought her peace of mind.

"Oh my gosh!" screamed a group of girls. Hana knew the gaggle of girls, they used to be classmates of hers, yet she never really talked to them. Whenever they screamed like that, it was because they spotted an idol they admired online. No relevance to Hana whatsoever. "You're Hana Tachibana!" The group raced towards her, squealing and snapping pictures of the idol.

"Huh?" she asked, blinded by the flashes.

"Oh Hana, we're such big fans! Will you sign my book?"

"Hana, sign my phone! Please?"

"Hana, Hana! Sign me!" Hana looked concerned. These girls were her age, no more than two months ago were they brushing elbows in the classroom, not a care in the world. Now, Hana was the centre of their universe.

"Um, hi guys! Nice to see you again," she said politely.

"Ah, Hana said hi to us!"

"This is the best day ever!"

"I know a real idol!" They continued to squeal and chatter with excitement but before Hana could react, a hand grasped her arm and pulled her frantically towards the exit. Hana only barely able to grasp her suitcase in time to pull it with her. The squealing fans finally turned around to face Hana again, but she was gone.

Meanwhile, outside the train station, Hana's captor had finally released her, allowing her to see just who rescued her from her fans.

"Sachi?" Hana asked, shocked to see her old friend. Sachi stood there with a smile on her face, brushing her short brown hair behind her ear. Before Sachi could even say anything, Hana leapt forward, capturing Sachi in a tight hug. "Sachi, it's you!"

"Hi, Hana," she tried to say but the tight bear hug Hana was giving restricted most of her words. The girls briefly caught up before Sachi helped walk Hana home.


"So how has school been?" Hana asked as they walked down the street.

"It's been good. It's different now that you're not there but once you left, I managed to make some new friends and whenever you perform, we always get together to watch you." Sachi showed a photo of her and a group of girls watching Hana's debut performance.

"Wow, thanks Sachi. Knowing you're cheering me on makes me so happy." Hana wrapped her arm around her friend as they walked to Hana's home. "Here we are." Her home was exactly how she remembered it; the florist on the bottom level and the upper level being the actual family home. "Are you coming in?"

"Sorry, I promised my friends we'd work on a project together, but we can hang out on the weekend, you're here a couple of days, right?"


"Awesome, well I'll talk to you later. Bye!" Sachi ran off, waving back as Hana stood outside by herself.

"Bye..." she said under her breath. Sachi had changed, she was much more energetic and excitable now, Hana almost didn't recognise her. Before she could think too much of it, she slapped her cheeks to focus and went inside the store. "I'm home!" Instead of being met with a warm welcome, Hana was greeted with silence. There was no one in the shop. "That's strange. The shop sign says 'Open', where is everyone?" Hana went to peer into the workshop, maybe that's where her grandmother was. "Hello, grandmother? Dad? It's me, Hana!" she called, expecting a response. Suddenly the shop door swung open, a little bell chiming. "I'm home!" she said to the person who walked in, thinking it was a family member. "Oh, hello."

The person was a young girl, she appeared to be a few years younger than Hana. Her blonde hair was tied in two odango buns and she wore an elementary school uniform. Her eyes widened as she saw the idol standing before her.

"Are you Hana Tachibana?" she asked, her voice high and squeaky. Hana smiled, stepping out to greet the girl.

"Hello, yeah I am. What's your name?"

"My name is Chie! It's my mother's birthday today and I wanted to get her a bouquet of flowers to show her how much I love her."

"Aww, that's really sweet of you Chie." Hana looked around but there was still no sign of her grandmother or her father. "It doesn't look like anyone is here right now to make it."

"Could you do it for me please? I saw the arrangement you made for Claire Kurioshi and I would love for you to do one just like it." Hana's eyes widened at the little girl's request. Her heart couldn't say no; she smiled back.

"Of course, Chie, but will you help me make it?" Chie gasped with excitement, eager and willing to help. Hana went behind the counter into the workshop and was happy to see that her apron was still hanging there, as if she never left. She pulled it off the hook and put it on, flattening it so it would conform to her academy uniform. She also grabbed another apron, one she had used when she was younger. She came back to the shop floor and dressed Chie in the smaller apron, which Chie proudly wore. "You look so cute Chie!" Hana pulled out her phone and the two took a photo together before Hana posted it on IdolStar.

'My new apprentice and I are going to make a beautiful arrangement! Chie looks so cute in my apron! So good to be back home!' the caption read. With that, Hana placed her phone in her apron's pocket and the two girls went into the work room.

Hana's grandmother must have been recently working due to there already being fresh flowers laid out and ready for arrangements.

"Hmm, I think grandmother might be using these ones, let's go pick some pretty ones."

"Ok," Chie smiled. She held Hana's hand as they went into the back garden which was beautifully maintained. Gorgeous, healthy colourful flowers lined the garden, brilliantly shining in the golden sunlight.

"Ok Chie, what kind of flowers do you think your mother would like?"

"Um," Chie began. She stepped forward looking at all the flowers, examining them in as much detail as a child her age could. She suddenly stopped, pointing at a cluster of flowers by the garden fence. "Those ones!" She grabbed Hana by the hand and pulled her over to the freshly blossomed pink and white peonies.

"I think they're lovely, let's pick them." Hana pulled out a small pair of gardening shears and began to snip the stems of some of the flowers whilst Chie began placing them in a basket. While this was happening many people passing by the flower shop peered into the garden. The garden layout stretched from the back of the building to the sidewalk, separated by a white fence low enough for people to see into.

"Is that Hana Tachibana?"

"The idol?"

"Didn't she grow up here?"

"Yeah this is her family shop." Before she knew it, a crowd began to form by the fence, watching Hana and Chie collect the flowers.

"Hello everyone," Hana politely said, addressing the crowd. "Is everyone alright? What's going on?" The crowd began to whisper again before cheering and applauding Hana.

"Hi Hana, wow you're even prettier in person!"

"What are you doing there?"

"Those flowers are really pretty." All the attention made Hana feel a little flustered, but she took a deep breath.

"Hana's helping me make a flower arrangement for my mother," Chie squeaked, her little basket full of the freshly picked peonies. The crowd of people, now getting bigger, awed and smiled whilst taking photos and videos of the idol. Hana smiled at the excitement of her little friend and came up with an idea.

"Would everyone like to see the process?" she asked. The crowd cheered at the suggestion as Hana invited them into the store. She looked through the workshop window to see the store completely packed with fans of all ages. If Hana's grandmother heard all the commotion they were making, she'd blow a fuse. Still, Hana knew this would be fun and despite this being her 'off time': she was happy. "Ok everyone, are you ready?" The crowd responded with excitement as Hana and Chie began the arranging process. "First we cut the stems at an angle so that any foliage won't fall below to water line."

"Why is that Hana?" Chie asked as Hana cut each of the stems, discarding the waste.

"Well, if leaves fall into the water, it'll create bacteria. That will reduce the life of your flowers, so we want to make sure these lovely peonies last and remain beautiful." The crowd marvelled at Hana's technique but also her interaction with them. She would step out from the workroom and let members of the crowd help with cutting, placing certain adornments and general chatting. A bit of time passed until the arrangement was nearly done. "Ok Chie, it's time for the last flower. Would you like to do the honours?"

"Can we do it together?" she asked. The crowd once again reacted cutely to the little girl. Hana smiled and agreed. They each grasped the stem before neatly placing it in the arrangement.

"There, all finished!" Hana declared. The crowd erupted in positive cheer, murmuring amongst themselves.

"That was beautiful."

"Hana really is amazing."

"What a talented idol." As they were talking, the shop door jutted open, the bell ringing.

"What's going on here?" an aged voice called out. The crowd began to part as a person made their way through, trying to investigate.

"Grandmother!" Hana yelled, seeing the old woman finally come into the light. Hana raced towards her wrapping her in a big hug. Seeing their intimate family moment, the crowd began to disperse, happy to have been a part of a special event.

"Hana, it's so good to see you. But why are you here?" she asked.

"Grandmother? I told you and dad I would be coming to visit for a few days, the academy is giving it's students some time off." Hana's grandmother sighed, realising her mistake.

"Oh dear, I thought that was next week. I'm sorry, but what is going on here?"

"Well this is Chie and she wanted an arrangement for her mother but there was no one around so I thought I'd help."

"But the shop is closed, I stepped out to run some errands." Hana tilted her head confusingly.

"The shop was unlocked, the sign said we were open." Hana's grandmother's eyes widened as she realised what had really happened.

"Did I forget to lock the store again, oh my memory isn't what it used to be." Hana's grandmother was always so calm and professional, it wasn't like her to forget to lock the store.

"Is everything ok?" Hana asked.

"Everything is fine dear, just age catching up with me. Now let's look at your arrangement," she said, quickly changing the subject. The peony arrangement was gorgeous, the white and pink flowers were accompanied by lush green foliage to compliment them and a few stalks of lavender to accent the colour combination. "This is lovely dear, some of your best work."

"Thanks grandmother, but Chie really helped out a lot. I couldn't have done this without her." The little girl stepped forward, showing a bright smile to the older woman. For a second, Hana's grandmother teared up, the sight of a young girl wearing her granddaughter's old apron brought back many memories of a young Hana developing her flower passion.

"Is that so, well dear, you did a wonderful job." Suddenly, the store door gently opened and in stepped an older looking woman with short blonde hair.

"Chie! There you are!" the woman said.

"Mother! Happy Birthday!" she yelled as she raced towards the woman, wrapping her in a hug.

"Thank you, sweetie, but why did you run off, I've been looking everywhere for you."

"I'm sorry, Chie's been with me," Hana said, interrupting the family moment. The woman looked up at Hana, her eyes wide.

"You're—" before the lady could finish her statement, Hana went and grabbed the project she and Chie worked on together.

"Chie wanted to surprise you for your birthday, so we made this arrangement together."

"With some help from all the nice people watching," Chie added. The woman looked at the arrangement then turned to her daughter with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, sweetie, I love it!" She gave her daughter a hug which brought a smile to Hana's face. "How much is this?" she asked, opening her purse. Before Hana could say anything, her grandmother stepped in.

"Seeing the love your daughter has for you is payment enough, please take them." Hana insisted as well, handing them to Chie.

"Promise me you'll look after them?"

"Yep, thank you Hana. When I grow up, I want to pick flowers just like you!"

"Then keep that apron, you'll need it." Hana leant in giving Chie a hug before seeing her and her mother off. The young girl and her mother walking off hand in hand made her heart fill full, a tear coming to her eye.


After helping her grandmother clean up the store, the two locked up and sat down for a nice cup of Hana's rose tea.

"Ah dear, I've missed having you around the shop. It isn't as lively now that you're gone. I see you're still wearing that hairpin I gave you. Good, it suits you," her grandmother said.

"I've missed you too grandmother and of course, I'll always wear it," Hana giggled as she sipped her tea, breathing in the warm aroma. "How have you been though and where is dad?"

"You needn't worry about me, I can handle myself. As for that son of mine, he went out this morning to run errands with me and ended up on the phone for the whole trip," she scoffed.

"Is everything ok?"

"I wouldn't have a clue but nothing to concern yourself with. Now, how are you? How is school at that fancy academy?"

"It's amazing! I've made so many new friends and I'm working hard every day."

"I'm proud of you, you never give up and work incredibly hard."

"Thanks grandmother," she said. Hana wasn't used to such direct compliments from her grandmother.

"I'm back," called a voice from the entry. In stepped a middle-aged man with slicked back hair, a colour similar to Hana's albeit much darker. He had stubble that was not well groomed but appeared presentable nonetheless. As soon as his eyes locked onto Hana – he raced toward her with open arms.


"Dad!" The two embraced in an intimate hug, Hana burying her face in her dad's chest while he cradled her head. They stayed that way for a moment before he pulled up a chair, joining the two in their tea time.

"For goodness sake Rentaro, where have you been?" Hana's grandmother shouted.

"Sorry Ikue, I was on a business call," he responded. Before anyone knew it, the woman grabbed a rolled-up newspaper and bonked Rentaro on the head.

"I am your mother, you will address me as such!" she roared. Hana clasped her teacup tightly, knowing that her grandmother's rage was intense.

"Sorry, sorry mother," he pleaded, rubbing the spot she had hit him. Ikue huffed aggressively but after another sip of tea, she had calmed down. "Anyways, I also went and got a gift for Hana." He reached into a brown paper bag he had brought with him, pulling out a pink leather journal.

"A new journal?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Of course, I know you are most likely almost through your current one and consider it a welcome home and belated birthday present."

"Thank you, dad," she said, taking the journal from him and tracing the intricate details on its cover. She went to open it and examine the blank pages before he stopped her.

"Wait, don't open it until tomorrow!" he insisted. Hana looked up at him and her grandmother, both of them looking suspicious.


"You do as your father says!" Ikue ordered, bonking her on the head.

"Ow," she winced, rubbing the injured area. "Well it's time for bed!" With that Ikue and Rentaro stood up and rushed to bed, kissing Hana on the head before vanishing upstairs.

"What was that?" Hana asked herself before returning her attention to the journal. Curiosity began to surge within as she wanted to open the journal but the lingering pain of the injury and thought of more punishment stopped her from doing so. Instead, she placed the journal on the coffee table and headed upstairs to bed after washing up. Before she drifted off to sleep, she checked her IdolStar account and replied to comments from her photo with Chie which was now trending; even her friends commented. After responding to as many comments as she could, Hana felt sleep waft over her and before she knew it, she was sound asleep.


Finally, morning had come, and Hana was eager to spend the day with her family now that her second day of 'off time' was now in full swing.

"Good morning dad, good morning grandmother. What are we doing today?" she called out as she came down the stairs. The shop floor was empty. She knew they weren't upstairs, and if they weren't downstairs so then where could they be? She called out again but there was no answer. "Where is everyone? Why doesn't anyone want to hang out with me?" she asked herself. Suddenly, her attention was grabbed by the journal she had left behind last night. She was told not to open it until it was morning, it wasn't specified if anyone had to be around when she did. After contemplating it, she lunged for the journal like a creature seeking its prey. She opened the first page to see text already written on the first page.

'Come to where your dreams began coming true,' it read. Hana wasn't familiar with the handwriting; it was neat and delicate.

"Where my dreams began coming true?" she thought out loud. "What could that mean?" She began to race through her mind of all the possibilities until finally, a lightbulb went off in her brain. "It couldn't be referring to that place?" Unsure of what she was getting herself in to, Hana quickly changed into a sunflower themed sundress and small brown boots before heading off. She made sure to flip the store sign and lock it this time, something her grandmother once again forgot to do. On her way to her destination, Hana noticed a lack of people in the streets. Kazeki City was smaller than most cities yet the lack of civilians on their daily commutes made the place feel like a ghost town. Even the local businesses were closed for some reason. The parks were empty, no cars on the road, it was as if time was at a standstill. "Where is everyone?" she asked herself. Finally, after pondering to herself for a while, Hana had arrived at her destination; the place where her dreams began coming true: Rising Dome, where Hana won the 'Fresh Idol Recruitment' campaign. The walkway leading into the doors was lined with a pink carpet, flower petals scattered on the ground.

"These are the flowers that were on the worktable yesterday!" she thought to herself. Hana could never forget a flower and those petals definitely belonged to the pansies from yesterday. The alignment of them was inviting, she felt herself being pulled inside the dome, nervous about what was awaiting her. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the doors open and went inside.


A rain of streamers came down as a cheer erupted throughout the stadium. Hana stood there astonished, as almost the entire city was there cheering her on. A pathway was illuminated for Hana which she followed, the crowd singing her praises, cheering her on as she finally stepped on the stage. A spotlight illuminated Hana as the crowd continued to applaud her. A mic rose from the stage in front of Hana and as it did, the crowed fell into a gentle hush.

"Uh, hello, I-I don't know what's going on," she stuttered, desperately searching for a clue as to explain why she was addressing a crowd at an event she was unaware. The crowd laughed at the idol's confusion. Suddenly, the lights in the stadium turned off, shrouding the entire place in darkness. The screen behind Hana lit up, piercing through the darkness. It was a montage of family photos and clips from Hana's performances since becoming an idol.

"Hana was my first friend I made when my family moved here. She saw I was eating my lunch alone and sat by me. We were friends ever since. I was sad when she left to go pursue a career as an idol, but I am so happy for her. Because of her Aikatsu, I found friends who love her as well and we will support her always!" a voice echoed. A spotlight hit the stage, revealing the speaker.

"Sachi?" Hana said, her voice weak with emotion.

"Hana is my pride and joy. Every night when I shut my eyes, I know my dreams will be pleasant because I have her in my heart and thoughts. We've been through some tough times, but she's always remained positive and I love her for it." Now a spotlight revealed Rentaro to the crowd.


"Hana, my little flower. From the day you were born, I watched you grow into a beautiful young woman. You helped around the shop and always brought a smile to your face. Even though you're now on the path of an idol and no longer have the time to work alongside me in the shop, I will always love and support you." Ikue became lit up by the next spotlight, her normally uptight demeanour now softened with teary eyes.


"Hana has touched all of our lives," a new voice said. Hana knew this voice but couldn't place it, who was it? "She made me smile when I was on the verge of quitting, she brought my creations to life and for that I am forever grateful. It is because of her that we are here today." A spotlight lit up the final person to speak; Saaya Hazukashi.

"Saaya? What's going on?" Hana asked, the speakers on stage smiling gently, Saaya's normally shy eyes now sparkling like emeralds.

"Hana, ever since you wore my designs during that film, my heart knew that you were special. Seeing you appreciate my work and doing your Aikatsu with such passion brings a smile to my face. Normally, I'd be too shy to even stand in front of a crowd like this, but I know that because of you, I have the strength to do this."

"Saaya, what do you mean? What is this?" Hana asked again.

"I just recently graduated from a design school and wanted to create my own brand, but I had no muse. I couldn't find the inspiration to design, I was ready to give up. I took jobs working on sets as a costume designer to meet idols who could fill my heart with happiness and then you walked in. After the film wrapped shooting, I couldn't stop coming up with designs for you, but I needed to know more about you."

"That's when she reached out to us," Rentaro chimed in. "Miss Hazukashi wanted to know more about the type of person you were."

"She visited the store many times after I had closed to drink tea and help me with flower arranging," Ikue added. "She was abysmal, but her passion showed." Saaya laughed embarrassingly, brushing the criticism of her floral skills aside.

"She talked with all of us next," Sachi said. "We told her all about how you brighten up our days and seeing you perform makes us smile." Hearing these compliments, these heartfelt confessions began to make Hana swell with tears.

"Hana, I'm sure I can speak for everyone here when I say how much your smile, your excitement and your passion fills our hearts with love and happiness." As Saaya said this, the crowd erupted with cheers of support amidst fans crying with joy at the sentiment.

"Everyone..." Hana snuffled, trying to control her emotions.

"So please accept this gift, please become the muse of the brand I have made for you: Floral Wonderland!" Saaya declared. The LCD screen began to shimmer in an array of colours until the logo finally appeared. Gorgeous, delicate writing with clusters of many flowers decorating the side of each of the words. The crowd erupted in applause as Hana stood there, staring at the screen.

"Floral Wonderland?" she said out loud, shocked.

"I know it's the name of the shop your family owns, but I think it's the perfect name for our brand. It'll remind you of home but also allow you to spread your Aikatsu far and wide so you can make all your dreams bloom into the light." Sachi approached Saaya holding a silver tray, on it was a set of Aikatsu cards splayed out neatly. "This is the 'Rose Tea Coord', it's not a Premium Rare coord, but I designed it with all the love your friends and family have for you." Saaya handed the cards to Hana who gushed at their magnificence. "Hana, will you be my muse? Will you accept this brand as your own? Will you work with me to help make dreams come true?" Hana stood there, clutching the Aikatsu cards close to her chest, tears now streaming down her face.

"Of course," she said. At that moment, every single person in the stadium cheered the loudest they could. Saaya, Sachi, Rentaro and even Ikue enveloped Hana in a warm embrace as the idol continued to cry tears of gratitude.


During her remaining two days of 'off time', Hana and Saaya worked tirelessly for the brand's official debut. Hana managed to contact the headmaster who was more than happy to let them use the academy hall for the stage and press event. Rentaro managed to contact business partners of his who agreed to help expand Saaya's cottage on the outskirts of Kirumi City and develop it into an official brand headquarters. It was a busy weekend as Sachi and Hana worked on an advertising campaign to spread the word all over the internet. Saaya garnered the help of a friend of hers who was a technician with the Aikatsu Stage Illusion system as he helped her and Hana design and perfect a Special Appeal.

On the Monday, her final day of 'off time' and the day before the brand debut, Hana spent it with her family. Helping her grandmother in the shop and her father with groceries before they saw her off on the train back to Kirumi City.

"We'll be watching your performance online, good luck!" her father cheered.

"Good luck, my little flower," Ikue called out.

"We'll be watching you!" Sachi and her friends called out.

The train ride back to Kirumi was filled with anticipation, Saaya and Hana continued to discuss ideas for the brand's future and marvelling at the first coord Saaya had designed. Before they knew it, they were back in the city and the promise of the event in the morning filled them with excitement.


The performance hall at the academy was at max capacity, the seats were lined with students and reporters whilst fans were tuned in on IdolStar; this was one of the biggest events in Top Star's recent years. Akira, Miyuki and Tori sat in the centre row, spreading support to Hana online and cheering for her until she came on stage.

As she stood before the dressing room doors, Hana's heart began to flutter. This would be her first performance as the muse of a brand. This brand was made for her and she had to share her excitement and gratitude with everyone. She stared at her Aikatsu cards, her eyes glittering with excitement.

The 'Rose Tea Coord' was a cute-type, Rare coord named after Hana's tea specialty. The top component was a light pink ruffled blouse with pinstriped sleeves and a small light pink ribbon choker. There were also frilled white gloves with deep pink ribbons worn around the wrists. The bottom component was a deep pink skirt with roses of various hues adorned. A white frilly apron was worn on the front and neatly tied in a bow on the back whilst a white frilly petticoat stuck out from the skirt. The shoes part were deep red pumps with light pink ribbons, roses on the crossing and frilly knee-high socks. Lastly, was the accessory which was a headband of roses designed to be the same colour as Hana's hair. After appreciating the coord one final time, Hana took a deep breath before heading into the dressing room.

"Hana Tachibana, blooming on the stage!"

As Hana entered the dressing room and began to change, the stage transformed thanks to the ASI. The normal bare stage and seating changed into the 'Sweet Heart Stage' a cute-type Live stage. The roof transitioned into a pink and yellow sunset with heart shaped stars trailing through the sky. A white marble stage in the shape of a heart formed with pillars placed around it, fairy lights hung from them, shimmering gently. The audience appeared on various heart shaped platforms scattered throughout the space. Finally, a giant plaid heart with a screen cycled through the text 'Hana Tachibana. Floral Wonderland. Heart of Love.' As the crowd's energy gained momentum, a portal of glittering light appeared and out stepped Hana. She had a massive smile on her face as she wore her new coord with pride, waving to the crowd.

She looked out to the sea of real and digital audience members and smiled before posing and beginning her song. A catchy tune began to play as Hana sang with a clear and pretty voice.





There are so many ways,

To spread the love in your heart.

A hug from you, a song from me,

No wait there's more we could do.

Why not say something nice to someone else,

to really make their day?

Or maybe we could just show the whole world,

What we want to say:

I love,

Spending time with my friends.

I feel so happy when they're all around.

I know,

That if you felt the love in your heart,

You could the see the world the way I do...

So why don't we just fill your heart:

As she danced, Hana projected her Idol Aura. The pink glow and sparkles she radiated along with the translucent pansies that accompanied her truly complimented her coord. She continued to sing with high spirit.

With love!

Spread the positivity!

You can,

Show the world who you want to be.

Full of love!

And if we work together,

We can,

Make the world a lovely place.

Filled with love!

All the flowers start to bloom.

Spread the love!

Hearts begin to dance to the tune.

Song of love!

There's no better way to show,

That we care,

And the world will sing a happy song.

A bright pink glittery light consumed the stage as Hana performed her Special Appeal, she worked so hard to create. A flurry of pastel coloured flower petals flew towards Hana before circling her. As Hana spun inside the vortex of flowers, they began to shine intensely before combining into a single bouquet above her. As she jumped towards it and clasped it in her arms, she smiled happily as more pastel coloured petals decorated the dimension. This was her Special Appeal, this was 'Aroma Bouquet' and she performed it perfectly. The appeal transitioned back to the stage and Hana began to finish her song.





She struck a final pose by forming a love heart with her hands and smiling with her eyes closed, basking in the positive cheers from her friends and fans. She politely bowed as the stage and her outfit returned to normal.

"Thank you everyone for coming today. My name is Hana Tachibana and I am so happy to announce that I am officially debuting my brand 'Floral Wonderland' today!" The crowd erupted in cheer as the reporters in the front row began taking pictures.

"Way to go Hana," screamed Miyuki.

"That was amazing!" Akira yelled.

"We love you!" Tori cheered. Hana smiled as she was escorted off stage, ready to now conduct her interview with the reporters. Before she left, her phone chimed; it was the Aikatsu Ranking. Thanks to the support she received and the dazzling stage she performed, Hana jumped all the way into 64th position, surpassing her friends and making her the highest ranked first-year at Top Star Academy at the moment. Floods of messages on IdolStar spread their congratulations as Hana received a picture from her father, showing him, Ikue and Sachi and her friends watching the performance.

"You ready?" Saaya asked, ready to officially begin their journey together. Hana smiled as she took Saaya's hand as they walked to the interview room. Hana now had a brand that was her very own, she now felt she had purpose as an idol. Her heart filled with happiness at the thought of her dreams coming true now becoming a reality.


Next Chapter Synopsis:

Chapter 11: The Grand Announcement

"With all the idols back at Top Star Academy, official exams have begun. For the first-years, they are informed of the exam process and learn that it is more than just performances and tests, but an opportunity to solidify themselves as a Top Idol."

PS. Art is owned by me and drawn by ekidoki, if you want to use my art, you need my permission. Thank You

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