The Unordinary

By elephant576

2.8K 113 16

Six high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else i... More

Character 1-1
Character 3-2
Character 1-3
Character 2-6
Character 5 and Justin-7
Joseph and Justin-8
Character 5-10
The Hospital Visiter-28
The Hospital Vist-29
The Argument-30
Everything Has Changed-31
Still Unbreakable Twinship?-32
The Meeting-33
The Encounter-34
My Family Hates Me-35
Is she dead?-36
What's going on?-37
It's Dad's Fault...-38
Calm, Taliah Calm-40
Newspaper Report
I'm Glad I have you-41
My Brother is Super Annoying-42
My Sweet Little Sister-43
Why am I Friends With Him?-44
Coming here was a mistake-45
What happened? Who did this? Where?-46
Do I have to be here?-47
That blonde girl-48
If only I could-50
You Ok?-51
Doesn't matter-52
Questions Need Answers-53
Pain, Stop-54
Where did they put it?-55
I'm Ok-56
What's wrong?-57
Argh, Stupid Joseph-59
What-60-is happening?
Breathe. Breathe-61
My Precious Crystal-62
Questions Leave!-63
Why not have two 63?
What's Your Name?-63
Beauty Turns to Chaos-64
No Butterflies Aloud-65
The Old Me-67
His face-68
No...This is my fault-69
Don't Let This Happen-70
What am I Supposed to do?-71
I wish I did-73
Be Ok-74
Why Do They Want Me to Say Something?-75
Calling my mum shouldn't be this difficult-77
Who is he?-78
Her Room-79
Are you fine with small spaces?-80
Water isn't always a friend-82
I Hope everything is alright-85
This time I am-87
I wish I could say-88
Is it possible to trust?-89
What have I done?-90
I'm just a child-93
Hot or Cold-94
I hope-95
I shouldn't-96
I Don't Think I Could Feel Safer-99
Take me-100

Oh Oh-39

21 2 0
By elephant576

Taliah's Pov

After bumping into who Luc thought was Joseph we circled around the convent building that is central in this area between languages,  sports and Bakewell. We walked down the path next to the sports building down to the main building. She just keeps on talking. She won't be quiet for a second. Sometimes I'm not sure if Lucy's talking English or another language. There is one thing I always admire about her she can keep a conversation going. She just needs to learn how to let the other person talk.

"I could swear if Ellie spreads any nasty rumours."

"Why would she want to spread any rumours against you?" I say trying to sound as naive as possible. I know the reason. Lucy seems to be really nervous about Ellie. I think what Ellie told me was true.

"I think she is jealous of my position," Lucy says boasting whilst swaying her hair side to side.  "You think I'm better than her. Right?"

"Of course!" I say pretending not to know she was a bully those few years I hadn't known her. That makes her smile delightfully. We stay in this comfortable silence all the way to the work library. It's unfair only a few years are allowed to use it. That's why there's two.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Luc says out of nowhere."Can you come with me?"

"Sure." I know it isn't a question. I've learnt these things. 

When we were younger she asked and I said no because I was in the middle of playing a game. She suddenly started to cry, it made me look at her. I was frozen I didn't know what to do. A teacher came over and asked: "What happened?"

Still blubbering Lucy said: "She-she stole my toy and insulted me!"

I knew what was going on but...I was scared...I remained silent. Looking back on the memory I...I remember seeing Ellie in the distance, looking. She was probably wondering if she should say something but...she didn't. I can now see that Lucy has always been bullying me, but I hadn't realised. She played with my emotions. She knew how to get to me. She pretends to be nice to me. She uses me. I need to break this friendship up and cut it into shreds. I need to erase it from my past. However difficult it might be...

When we get to the bathroom she runs ahead of me. I didn't think much of it. I thought she probably really need to go. I hear her kick open several cubicles. When I'm about to reach for the door she comes out.

"I thought you needed to go to the toilet?"

"I do, but I need to talk to you first." She says in a way that worries me. "Why did you just stand there behind me! You could've said it was Joseph!"

"Oh...erm-" I tried to think of a reason but she wouldn't let me.

"I was really hurt!" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I couldn't look at her. This is where I finally had enough.

"If you're going to do this I'm leaving!" I've had enough of her playing with my emotions and pretending I'm a puppet. When she looks at me I'm not sure if she sees a person or a slave or even...a toy. I tried to keep from shaking and keeping eye contact with her.

"What do you mean?" She asks like she doesn't know. I don't answer her question. I just start to stare at her right between her eyes. Then...something happened. I blinked a few times and looked away. When I look back...I saw what I had done.

 I walk through the double doors to escape that stuffy hallway. I turn left and walk through an empty door frame. However far I go I can't breathe. Then stop...I freeze up again like all those years ago. I feel the tears burning behind my eyes. Someone might be in front of me but I can't see, the tears won't leave...and I can't move. I see her. She's there behind this guy.

Justin's Pov

Sarah and I were in a deep conversation, but suddenly I got this weird feeling. I felt...I-I knew I had to find Joseph.

"-llo? Justin, earth to Justin?" 

"Huh?" At some point when I was trying to find out what it was, I forgot Sarah was even talking.

"What's wrong? You just completely zoned out on me."

"I-I'm not sure," I say looking around nervously. "I need to find my brother." I left as soon as I said that. I didn't give her a chance to respond. I walked out of the library only to see Taliah standing there. Staring right past me. It was like she was looking at a ghost behind me. It made me turn only to see... no one...

I just saw her mouth move but no words came out.

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