Ecstasy - Connor x Reader Det...

By CeruleanWaves_

6.4K 233 97

In the early years of her detective career in the streets of Detroit, she found herself wandering alone at ni... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3: On Target
Chapter 4: Caution
Chapter 5: Broken Trinity
(Extended) Chapter 6: Torn
Chapter 7: Pressure (1 of 2)
Chapter 7: Pressure (2 of 2)
Chapter 8: Jericho
Chapter 9: Connor. (Part 1 of 2)
Chapter 9: Connor. (Part 2 of 2)
Chapter 10 - Vulnerable

Chapter 1: Angst

1.9K 55 40
By CeruleanWaves_

When the door creaked open, I felt the hard lash of the chilling wind, whip the back of my neck. It was overwhelming, sending a shiver through my entire body. Drops of rain dripped down onto the steps from my drenched tan coat as I stood fixed on the aged porch. Thunder murmured behind me and was soon followed by a sinister electrifying crackle. 

The house stood isolated, decorated everywhere in shattered glass. Patches of moonlight dimly peeked through the cracked hanging windows. That was the only light source I had, other than a small flashlight tucked in my pocket.

Quiet, and dark, but going further in, it reeked of thick blood. The neighbours reported gunshots. Now that I'm here, I have a dreadful gut feeling something terrible has happened. There were many reports of the victim outlined in simple detail. On Tuesday last week, that was supposedly the last appearance the man made outside.

Later on, co-workers confessed that the owner never returned for work. Neighbours added onto this by mentioning that he never shopped for groceries or did anything at all. From these notes, there's a high chance Joseph Adams is dead. However, it does include in the paperwork that he owns an android. Oddly enough, the model hasn't been reported. Planting light steps on the floorboards, I moved towards the lounge room.

"Gavin?" I whispered, he cocked his head to the side and tossed his cigarette. "Yeah?" He answered coolly, squishing the weak smoke flat on the wood. "Don't mess this up again."

"Yeah, whatever, let's just get this deviant." Gavin held his gun steady as I pressed on. "You don't know that yet, it could be a person." We both approached the kitchen passing by the lounge room. "You don't know that either." I rolled my eyes and forcefully held back a groan, "Focus, Gavin."

When we turned to pass the corner, I looked down and saw dry stains of a blood trail in the carpet. As we got closer, we knew what lay ahead. A dead man lay in the corner by the sink, sitting in a sticky pool of red. Blood marks stuck to the cabinets and flies roamed around.

I pushed further to get to the body. The rough carpet fades into the cold smudged tiles. "Great, mystery solved, we've got what we've wanted so let's head out." Any word he speaks sounds like he's screaming sarcasm, and from that I can never tell when he's being serious.

"Cut it out!" I hissed lowly, both of us crouched by the man and began examining the area. "You check the left I'll check the right side," He nodded in my direction, and moved off. I grabbed my flashlight and squeezed the button.

Finally, I can actually see for once. There was a tiny pocket knife stuck into him and wounds were scattered on his chest. Blood wasn't exactly fresh. Both his tie and cream shirt were painted up with most of it. Even his blonde hair soaked in the crimson substance.

"What do you think? Stabbed first or shot?" I asked Gavin. Hastily, he turned from the cabinets and glanced at the body. "Maybe the knife," I curiously studied him for a few seconds before questioning: "What's your theory?"

He stroked his chin checking the wounds on the man. "I'm thinking of an attack and go, stabbing him then grabbing the gun." He crouched to take a better glimpse, "Maybe it was an intruder? Well, nobody next door has heard any disturbance here..."

"An intruder? Gavin, he has an Android in his possession that still functions. It's nowhere to be seen." I looked at him, thinking hard. "Besides, do you think it's damaged?" He rose from the ground and lends his hand down, "Wanna go check?" I got up and ignored the open palm. "Let's keep looking here first."

Behind my back, his strange deep frown weighed on me. As he checked the counter and the cabinets, I glanced at the dining table and filled utensils. So far, it seemed that the gun and the pocket knife were the only murder weapons in sight. Didn't Joseph at least try to protect himself?

We looked around trying to find more clue. On some of the door frames, it had handprints of blood. Adding onto that, chairs were knocked over and a spilled pot lay on the floor. It was right next to the stove which made sense. Joseph must've been burnt while he was busy cooking.

"I'm done here, you?" I nodded and turned to personally face him, "What did you get?" He stepped aside and revealed an ajar cabinet door. "I don't get it." Gavin opened it wide to emphasise the empty gun case and bullet box.

"...Can we go now?" I shook my head at him, "I'm going to put down the evidence displays, you can go ahead." He stood fixed on the ground with folded arms across his chest.

Gavin paused, and silently weighed out his options. He sighed defeatedly and dug his pistol into one of his holsters. "I'll wait."

I grabbed the displays from my coat and placed it next to each thing we found. The pot, open gun case, damaged door frames, the blood trail, and the body. "Done?" I nodded and eyed down what was behind him.

"Who's taking the hallway and who's taking the bedroom?" I gestured. He glared at me and at the door next to him. "No thanks, this place is creepy enough."

"I know, but we can find it faster this way." Gavin stared hard at me, having zero intentions to walk inside. He decided against protesting and looked to the firmly shut door. Instead, he left me alone in the dark to explore the bedroom.

This was the only choice I had left. At the end of the hallway, the door creaked, swaying open and shut. I gripped my gun tightly, and walked with the flashlight off.

The door played with an unnerving repetition of being pulled and pushed from the chaotic wind leaking out of the open window. I could see a sink, toilet, shower, and a bath. At first glance, it looked unbelievably cleaner than the rest of the house.

Another door appeared beside it when I turned the corner. Drawing up the interior plans in my head, I half-guessed it led to the garage out front. Where else would the door go to? I took the other door instead of barging into the bathroom. My eyes narrowed to squint through the hole and found that my assumption was correct. I turned the flashlight on, and pushed the door wider to take a better glimpse.

There were boxes, a dusty car, and trophy sets. An open repair kit lay on the ground and tools rested next to it. Other than that, nothing else caught my attention.

Wrapping up my observation, I peeked inside the bathroom again. I turned the light off and tucked the flashlight away in my pocket.

My hands wrapped around the knob and pushed the door open carefully in a very slow manner. It creaked loudly, which made me harshly grit my teeth.

I wasn't fully convinced that nobody was in here either. Yet, it was different from the rest of the house. I planted a light step on the bathroom tiles and stood quietly. I tilted my head and peeked around while in the same motion aiming my gun.

My eyes widened as its LED glows red, "Gav-!" The android kicked the door, and slammed me into the wall. I winced and fell to the ground. My pistol slid across the tiles.

It jumped over me, desperately throwing itself toward the exit to escape the house. I couldn't grab its legs in time to slow it down. "Gavin! I-It's running away!" I shouted in a surge of sharp pain, leaning against the doorframe. He sprinted out of the bedroom looking at me in shock.

I pointed to the lounge room, holding onto my sore ribs. He ran off as I stared at the gun on the ground. That android hit me pretty good, it'll definitely bruise up. I turned and crawled into the bathroom, and slowly retrieved the gun. My body weighed on the doorframe and used it for support. I began down the hallway leaning on the walls.

When I saw the Android, I took note of the model from the clothing. A WB200. If it gets away, I can report to Fowler about it to turn in some information. Sadly, it's most likely going to escape, knowing Gavin.

I reached the kitchen aiming to get to the worn porch. Almost there, I thought. Outside I could barely hear Gavin throwing terrible curses and commands at the Android. The chaotic noises echoed faintly throughout the quiet neighbourhood.

Once I slipped past the lounge room, I peered out of the cracked glass and looked outside. How far has he gone? They're out of view, they could be anywhere. Oh god. They can't be too far... could they?

Sweat dripped into my palm as I squeezed the grip of my gun. I glided over the floorboards and opened the door widely. Quiet, again. I took a few steps outside and gazed into the night.

As they left me abandoned, I waited by the street searching desperately for a sign of them. He couldn't have gone too far. I shook my head wearing despair.

This was going nowhere, I have to find them. Instead of remaining stationary, I walked, despite feeling the fresh and tender bruising wrapped tightly around my torso. They weren't at the park and not down the street by the roundabout.

A gunshot rips through the air in the next street. No. He can't kill the Android just like that. Gavin, fuck, please don't be so stupid.

Without hesitation, I began to run to the source of the noise past the houses. A corner was up ahead, that's where they must be. Come on, don't you dare tell me you killed it.

I sprinted into the next street and halted in the middle of the road. "Gavin!" He stood still looking down at the lifeless robot. "I was meant to shoot the legs!" He dramatically turned, holding his arms up in defence. I stepped next to him and tugged at the body.

"Fowler is definitely, going to kill us."


A heavy stack of paper slams onto my desk as I take a sip of hot coffee. "Thanks." I wave to the police officer. He takes a strange look at me, wondering if I meant any sarcasm behind my remark. The man leaves hastily. 

"What did you say (Y/N)?" I shrug my shoulders at the baffled old man. "It was either going to get away or going to be shot. He said 'he was aiming for the legs'," I tell him sarcastically while signing quotation marks in the air.

"That stupid bastard. See, this is why I didn't want you to be here in the first place. You get a bunch of assholes like him." I instantly swing my chair to face Hank, "Doesn't matter where I go Hank. There will always be assholes everywhere in Detroit. But..." I sigh and trail off, slouching in my seat. "I really don't want to fail another case again, working with him is just, horrible."

I skim through my rough drafts of reports thinking of Gavin, "If only-"

"(Y/N)?" I glance to Fowler peeking out of the door. "In my office, now." He turns his glare towards the other side of the precinct. "You too, Gavin." I rise from my seat and stroll over to the steps. "Ladies first," Gavin gestures. "Then that should be you."

He walks up behind as I swung the door open. I step inside and take the empty seat in front of Fowler. "Looks like you're standing, Reed." He narrows his eyes and steps beside me.

"What's this about?" Gavin begins, impatiently. Fowler turns from his papers and looks at him, genuinely surprised. "What's this about?" He echoes, sounding almost insulted by his question, "Why would you be in my office in the first place? Any case I hand to you two, you both always come back marching here and fuck up any investigation you get. You and Gavin have been here too many god damn times you might as well pack your fucking sleeping bags in here."

"Well we got the body at least, right?" Fowler looks right through him and switches his venomous gaze to me. "I swear, you two are by far the most perfect example of what the worst pair looks like in the DPD. By far."

"Can I have a different partner?" He stares for a bit before he nods vigorously. "Sure, you can work with Hank. I'm sure this partner thing between you and Gavin has probably failed a million times. I won't risk another investigation, not again."

"Then who am I supposed to work with?" Fowler stares into the screen next to him, "You can work with Chris." He answers, "Who's he?" Fowler points outside towards the tall man grabbing a coffee. "Oh, right."

"Is everything settled now?" He nods putting his attention back to his work. The both of us steps down the stairs and return to our areas. Finally, for once I can live and breathe without Gavin at my heels. Sure he was all right, but I just can't stand how we never get a case done 'successfully'.

"Hey kid, what did Jeffrey want?" I smile proudly sitting down, "Gavin and I aren't working together anymore. I get to work with you, instead." Hank frowns and leans back into his obsidian chair, "What's wrong? Aren't you happy?"

"It's nothing." He checks the time and stands from his seat, "I'm done for the day, I'll be heading home."

"Got it, I'll see you tomorrow Hank."

He pauses, gazing thoughtfully over his shoulder, "Do you need a ride?" I eye down the piles of paperwork and gesture to it. "I'm fine, I can grab a taxi when I'm done," I lie casually. He fishes out his keys and remains to speak, "You sure?" I take another sip of coffee, holding his gaze, "I'm sure."

Hank steps through the sliding glass doors and heads to the elevators, "Don't stay out too long, kid."

When he left, I sit at my desk staring at the screen for who knows how long. There were so many cases, unfinished papers, everything was a mess. As a few months went by, I thought I was starting to get the hang of it.

At the moment, I'm one of the few people who idly remains in the office. Fowler had enough work as I did, Gavin, however, casually stands chatting with Chris. He leans against the table with Chris, and they laugh at some joke they made together, acting like their jobs are only a chore to them. Their conversations were the only noises deafening the loud clattering of keyboard keys.

Time ticked to 12 am. If I didn't have coffee, I'd probably be sitting asleep in my chair.

I never understood how Fowler was always parked in the office. Late hours and early hours. He has a house, of course, but it's as if he never leaves his seat. I turn off the terminal and walk up the steps, "Hey, Fowler?" The man looks up from his computer, "Am I allowed to leave?"

His eyes quickly examine my clean desk, "Sure, you can do the rest later on today." I close the door and walk back to collect my things. I take my keys from my drawer and lock the desk, take my wallet, and stuff the remaining papers in my file books.

"Where are you going?" Gavin asks, "Obviously, I'm going back to my house, a great distance away from you," I say, tidying up my area. "Cute, you're still mad," he smiles with folded arms. I step over to the sliding glass doors ignoring him, "See ya, Chris." The officer waves back over, "See ya, (Y/N)."

Once I got into the elevator, I press onto the ground button and wait patiently. Looks like I'm walking home. My house wasn't too much of a walk. It's good to stretch my legs out every once in a while.

The weather softens, not as harsh or windy, spitting almost. Sort of ideal weather. Detroit always looked beautiful in the rain, but hey, that's just my opinion.

I notice it growing cooler, my coat didn't help much with the temperature. I've had this coat on when the rain started at midday. Not smart, (Y/N). I'll probably wash it when I get home so I can use it for tomorrow.

Each night or even day, I always find myself walking by the river. Not exactly beside it, but where I can look from afar. I can't tell what it is, the cotton clouds or the collection of stars, maybe the colours that loom over this city. Of course, I can find that elsewhere, anywhere.

It must be that reflection that bounces off of the water, a mirror. A dimension that forms and copies the sky. But there is always that piece of darkness that lays closely underneath the water. The shadowy depth of the river. Sometimes observing the environment is a pleasant distraction from everything and it's definitely a necessary one. 

My parents always fought at home, when I turned 18, I moved out of the house and stayed with Hank for a bit. It wasn't because they hated each other, it was because of a long line of events that stirred a lot of family drama. We were all worn down from how much it affected us all. 

Hank taught me many things before I went to the academy, shooting a gun or what work was like. To me, Hank felt like the only person close to what you could call family. 

Now I've turned 25 and now I'm finally where I've wanted to be. I dig my hands into my pockets and stroll along. These memories are always going to be remembered. My parents are on my mind at times, I haven't talked to them much. Or even, close to not at all.

They were a bit eccentric the two of them. Work had them coming home at irregular hours and when we all were at home we tried acting like a normal family but it wouldn't work for so long. My parents would be exhausted and rest or go to social events or go shopping- they always had to do something and if they didn't- they'd be asleep the whole time. 

I could easily picture myself coming home from school again. I'd pass by the kitchen and sometimes they'd be there, sometimes they weren't. Never have I heard them ask one time, ask about how I've generally been and what I've been up to. Just a simple, "How've you been?" and "What time do you have work?"

I've known Hank for a very long time, he's our family friend. Whenever he swung by, they'd always be around laughing with him. Work, stress and exhaustion seemed to vanish in thin air when that man was present. Maybe I could meet them again someday, who knows. It'll probably have to be sooner rather than later, they might've already worked themselves to death. 

All of my thoughts completely slip away as I see a van swerving into the curb and slamming on the brakes. I didn't know what was going on, so I panic and out of my irrational judgement, I decide to hide behind a bench next to a tree.

"Come on we gotta make this quick, anybody around?"

They leap out of the car and throw open the back doors. "No, this street seems cleared out enough." The man hops over to help take the huge item out of the vehicle.

They open it up and reveal what was inside. To my shock, I wasn't expecting an Android to come out. He had wet brown hair, chocolate eyes, a tie, a grey coat and jeans with black shoes.

I couldn't tell what they're doing shuffling about. I stare at their jackets as the blue triangle glows.

CyberLife? They wouldn't ever throw out an Android so carelessly. No, this can't be right. The revolution got rid of that company, every news channel screamed about it for weeks.

I check the LED. It activates abruptly, something strange was happening. "What are you doing?" He asks innocently as both of the men unbuckle the straps.

"We're letting you free," they grab onto the Android and shove it into the ledge. "And we're definitely shutting you off for good." The men force him over but he holds on to the fence tightly, not budging.

They grab the Android by the legs and tip him over. He hangs off at the bottom of the fence. I can barely see his fingers. 

The shorter man stomps on his plastic hands and kicks him multiple times. "Just die, damn it!" He hisses, the other agent remains silent. After a few seconds, he stops. The agent presses on his badge and kneels, looking straight into his eyes.

"ID 11321 I command you to let go of the fence."

The android tries to pull itself up but falls the second he finishes off his sentence. I've never seen anything like that before. It must be some sort of trick to their products. There has to be more to this, for sure.

I watch and wait for them to leave. The short man walks around the vehicle and gets inside while shutting the door behind him.

The van's light flickers on as the engine starts up. One of them stands to look down at the river. "You coming or what?" He steps away and jumps into the car. "Yeah, let's go already." The van's door slams shut and they speed off.

As they turn the corner and went out of view, I run over to the ledge searching for the robot.

I have to save it, nobody else is going to help. My clothes are already drenched so it doesn't matter regardless. I lift myself over the fence and look around for the Android.

How can I find it in the midst of the storm? There isn't any light, I can barely see anything.

Wait, the LED! I can find out where it is if I try to look for it. Come on (Y/N), where is he?

The river's current became faster and tough. Water thrashes around and crashes into each other. I walk on the ledge following the direction of the running river. Far up ahead, I spot him waving his hand in the air. He knows I'm here.

I push off of the ledge and dive into the water. When I jumped, I didn't think much of it. But when I hit the river? I was consumed by the depth. Water crashes into my body, twisting the current with its wild nature. Coughing up the river from my mouth, I wipe my eyes and squint to find the red circle floating helplessly. 

Icy water grabs me and slams me further to the bottom. It gnaws away my body warmth and replaces it with the cold. I tried to kick against the water and swim to the surface but I was suspended momentarily. The waves lurches upwards and lifts me into the air, granting a singular gasp of air.

I suck in as much oxygen I can and try to breathe but the river yanks me down forcefully. Choking midway through my breath, I swallow water. Pushing myself up, my eyes peek from just above the surface level. Blinking the droplets out of my eyes, I could see him struggling as much as I was.

Swimming over to the Android, he wasn't aware that I'm stuck in the river with him. His eyes are fixed at the ledge trying to find anything of use, a way out perhaps. I lift my head above the river, using the forceful current to glide to him.

I squint my eyes, "Hey!" I yell, out of breath. He turns his head to the noise and widens his eyes. I stretch my arm out to reach him and he does too. If he swims I can grab him and get him out of here. His grasp was beyond my reach, the water separates us further.

The rain pours on top of us making it harder to look. "Take my hand!" I shout past the rain clashing with the rush of the water. He grunts and forces himself towards me.

His LED glows dangerously red as he tries to move in the water. I duck my head under and spread my arms wide to reach him. I rise to gather my breath again and barely touch the tip of his tie.

When I got a good grip, I pull him to my chest, beginning to swim to the left. I've obviously passed my house by miles. I don't know where I am anymore. We've gone far enough. The faster I get out the sooner I can get home.

For now, we need to make it to the ledge, I can worry about walking later.  "This way!" I point, I squeeze his hand and try to swim with the Android. I drag him with all I have, but, he doesn't budge. He floats helplessly in the water.

"Do you know how to swim?" He shakes his head, "That isn't in my program!" This situation could not have gotten any worse. Instead, I went with it. "Hold on to me and kick your legs!"

In the next attempt, we were moving gradually faster towards the steps.

"Keep going!" The LED glows bright yellow as he continues his pace. It's hard to fight against the river since it continues to shove us away. We fight against it as best as we can, stretching out to reach the edge.

My momentum slowly deteriorates as my muscles tire of fatigue. We're so close, we can't afford to miss it.

We grab onto the edge of the concrete with our hands before we were thrown into the water again. I help lift him up before getting out of the river myself.

As the rain sprinkles onto us, I pant loudly out of breath. The Android lays on the wet cement as I tower over him. Our damp clothes stick together and our bodies tiredly hold each other. Fans in his body immediately increases its speed and the warmth of his touch slightly burns my hands. 

He stares up at me in complete awe as I move my damp hair from my face. Soft and delicate chocolate eyes meet mine, and it widens while I cast a weak smile toward him. 

"Who are you?"

"I'm a detective, (Y/N) (L/N), the person who saved your ass."

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