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❝i like you cause i'm lifted and you like me cause i'm gifted❞ Еще

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o n e
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f i v e
s i x

s e v e n

876 31 8


SATURDAY'S HAD soon became Graces favorite day of the week. Instead of dreading the tiring night shifts that awaited her, she began to look forward to them weekly and even enjoyed staying up until midnight. Though, it was all because of one person...and it was Frank Adler. He had made it his duty to come in every Saturday and sit at the bar until the last hour so he could walk Grace home. She even stopped riding her bike to work on Saturdays so she didn't have to worry about leaving her bike at the restaurant and there being a chance of someone taking it.

Which brings Grace to her current state— midnight on a Saturday as her shift came to an end, and Frank patiently waiting for her by the bar. She quickly bid Rachel goodbye while hanging up her apron before making her way out of the kitchen. Frank was already standing up and leaning against the countertop as he gave her a warm smile, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her walking towards him.

"Sorry that took so long...Rachel needed me to help her mop up a little incident that happened in the kitchen." Grace quickly apologized as they both made their way out of the restaurant and into the misty air of the night. Frank shook his head quickly before speaking.

"Don't be sorry at all," he assured her and Grace smiled thankfully at him but he didn't see the gesture as his eyes were glued in front of him. "Plus, at least I get to see you. All that waiting is worth it." Grace bashfully rolled her eyes all while blushing furiously.

"If I were right— I'd say you were flirting with me?" Grace teased while eyeing Franks side profile as he laughed before turning to look at her.

"I wouldn't say you were wrong..." Frank trailed on, his eyes locked on Graces, and he continued to speak. "Is that bothering you?"

"No, not at all." Grace said almost suggestively, and Frank took a double take of her as she looked away— smirk playing dangerously at her lips making him gulp as nerves suddenly took over.

With Grace having the final word, they continued to walk down the deserted street in a comfortable and calming silence as they simply enjoyed each other's company. They also seemed to be walking rather close, their hands kept grazing every other moment, way too many times to be accidental. Half an hour went by as they finally arrived in their neighborhood, and Frank continued to follow Grace to her now familiar house without question despite her always telling him that she can manage by herself. As the both of them came to a halt in front of her doorstep and he was about to bid her goodnight, she was quick to speak up.

"Would you like to come in?" She said abruptly and felt a blush begin to coat her face as surprise overtook his features. She quickly added onto her words, "I uh...I just bought a new bottle of wine and Sunny is with Roberta and Mary, so I was wondering if maybe you'd like to have a drink— if not that's completely fine."

"I actually don't drink wine anymore but I'm still up to come inside if your alright with that." Frank told her as scratched the back of his neck, raising his eyebrows in question. Grace nodded her head in agreement, and without another word she was unlocking her door before opening it, letting them both in.

Frank was immediately hit with different smells all at once that just screamed Grace and seemingly made him feel more at ease. It was the sweet scent of oranges and a hint of peppermint along with an rustic yet comforting aroma. He wasn't in the least surprised by the interior of her home because it all just seemed so much like her— warm, relaxing, and positive. It was almost like nautical decor with a bunch of unfinished wood for the tables along with chic linen upholstery as furniture. There wasn't much but he could tell how much effort she put into decorating the house to make it a home.

She guided him through the small house and into the kitchen, her immediately going to the fridge to grab two bottles of water. Turning around, Grace let out a quite gasp as Frank was directly behind her, and she had to look up at him from where she was— more than she did anyways. Clearing her throat, she practically shoved the water bottle into his chest as she spoke.

"Here you go," she said quietly, knowing he could hear her from just how close he was. Frank thanked her, a grin tugging at his features because of her flustered state making her look away from his eyes that were just about the same color as her blue yankee candle on one of the countertops. "So, I uh don't have a couch or anything yet so if it doesn't make you uncomfortable we could just go in my room? Unless that's stepping over some sort of boundary-"

"Grace, it won't make me uncomfortable. And since when did we have boundaries or anything like that?" Frank told her as he had to contain the smile that wanted to break free from its confines.

"O-okay." Grace agreed halfheartedly and felt a sudden nervousness bubble up from the pits of her stomach making her feel almost nauseous, but not the sick type. Grace then turned away from him, looking back for a second as a signal for him to follow, and began walking towards the hallway connected to the kitchen. The first room on the left was her bedroom, and she softly opened the door causing the hinges to squeak in the slightest.

Frank walked into the surprisingly large room and admired the decoration and decor of it. There was a large king sized bed in the middle of the room under a windowsill. The room was rather deserted beside a few framed pictures on a small wardrobe in the corner, and a few pieces of artwork framed on the walls. Frank watched as Grace sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair, and he could obviously tell she was holding something back from him.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked as Grace took a seat on her bed, setting her water bottle on the nightstand.

"Nothing— it's nothing." She told him and gave him a false smile but Frank shook his head quickly, before taking a seat beside her and setting his own water bottle on the nightstand.

"Grace, I know you well enough to know that there's something bothering you." Frank told her and she scoffed out a laugh under her breathe, eyes avoiding his gaze as she bit the inside of her cheek, thinking about the next words that were to come out of her mouth.

"It's just...Roberta told me about Mary visiting some college in Boston in a week or so and I was just wondering exactly why your mother, Evelyn, was really here." Grace said to Frank and he stared into her eyes before biting his lip while looking away as he let out a heavy breathe.

"I was actually going to tell you about everything that's happening right now, I just didn't know when the right time would be." Frank then told her, and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Before she could ask what he was talking about, he continued, "My mother Evelyn is going to take me to court to gain custody of Mary. She believes that she's "one-in-a-billion" and wants to take her to Massachusetts so she can be prepared to solve the same problem Diane died for."

"But that— that's not fair. She can't just suddenly show up and decide that she wants to take Mary away from you!" Grace practically seethes as she stands up, a sudden rage boiling in the pit of her stomach.

"Well, Evelyn seems to already have everything figured out..."

"What do you mean?" Grace asks as she turns to Frank and watches as he stands up while running a shaky hand through his hair. Frank doesn't answer right away but instead fidgets with his hands which were suddenly very sweaty. "Frank..."

"Remember that day when you had your first encounter with Evelyn?" Frank then says and Grace nods slowly, a look of confusion written across her face. "You know how she mentioned me getting a bucket of beer...and then when you asked if I wanted to have some wine and I said I don't drink anymore. Well, what I really meant is I can't drink anymore...and Evelyn is going to use that against me." Realization hit Grace almost immediately and she suddenly didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry if that changes your prospective of m-"

"No," Grace says as she approaches him quickly and found herself standing in front of him with both of her small hands on his scrub covered cheeks. "It just makes me think even more of you because you fought an addiction. You might have been an alcoholic before but that doesn't change my perspective of you in the slightest."

Frank is dumbfounded by her words, and feels fire on his cheeks from where she's touching him and can't help but let his eyes roam her face, mesmerized by her features and especially her eyes. Staring into them, he realized that her eyes have more green in them than blue and it's the prettiest shade he's ever seen in his entire life. Grace seems to let her breathe hitch in her throat as his eyes trail down to her lips, and she can't help but bite them subconsciously making his nostrils flare in the most dominate way. Grace was quick to pull her hands away, leaving a tingle that started from the palms of her hands and up her arms eliciting a fire throughout her body, and took a step back from him. Her eyes averted to her wardrobe where her picture frames where and she felt a sudden ache in her heart at them. Walking past Frank and to the wardrobe, she picked up the frame before turning to him.

"I used to live in Virginia with my dad and Sunny. My mom died giving birth to me so pretty much it was just him and I my whole life. Then, a few years ago, we found out he had lung cancer." Grace said to Frank quietly and she showed him the picture frame before setting it back down on the wardrobe, but she didn't turn around to look at him. "...soon after he passed away I developed attachment issues and began to withdraw myself from making friends in fear that I'll get too attached and they'll just— you know leave me. So, as a result, I moved down here for a new life."

Frank was silent and that made Grace terrified. She thought that maybe she went too far and that she shouldn't have shared that, but a firm touch to her waist made every thought in her mind disperse. Frank's large and extremely warm hands wrapped themselves around her small waist making a shiver run throughout her as he pressed his body against her, entrapping her completely.

"I guess we have shared trauma." Frank whispered in her ear as his lips trailed against it, goosebumps arising as his scruff tickled her neck.

"Ya, I guess we do." Grace agreed as she turned her head to look into his eyes, and she found a lustful gleam in the pits of his now darkening blue orbs. His lips then brushed hers, not in any means innocent like the simple brush of his lips against her ear. No, it was hot, fiery, passionate, and demanding. Grace should pull away before she loses herself, but her senses are seduced and she can no longer think straight. She's already lost.

As he angled his head slightly to the side and their breathes began to mingle making both of their heartbeats quicken in pace, Frank let his lips fully encase her own. At first, it was a delicate butterfly kiss. Gentle— careful, as if testing the waters but Grace was touch starved and wanted more. She let her hands roam slowly from his chest and up towards his neck, wrapping her hands around it and pulling at the hairs on the back of his head. Her actions made Frank deepen the kiss, a gasp wanting to escape from the bottom of his throat and the feeling of her hands on him.

Frank couldn't explain what her touch did to him. Couldn't explain the electrifying feeling that seared through his body, igniting a thrill across his skin and through his vein, connecting with the flow of his bloodstream causing it to spread throughout his entire being with a single beat of his heart. It was impossible to explain. The only thing Frank knew with certainty was that no one had ever been able to touch him the way Grace did.

With something as simple as a touch, Grace pulled everything in him solely to focus on only her, and even if it rendered him incapable of breathing whenever her touch burned through the fabric of his clothes or fell upon his bare skin; he couldn't get enough. Frank couldn't get enough, and when he touched her, the sensation amplified by a tenfold, seizing his sanity in its wake, and there was only one thing he wanted to focus on. And that was her— he was addicted.

Utterly and helplessly addicted.

And Grace sought it just as much, craved his touch, merely leaving Franks addiction to amplify touch by touch. Whenever Frank thought the feeling couldn't grow stronger, clog his veins heavier, fill every corner of his being, he was proven wrong. As clothes were discarded on the floor until both of them were clad in nothing but undergarments, Grace pushed him to lay down on her bed as she crawled on top of him and began worshipping his body with kisses along his chest.

He let out gasps of pleasure as goosebumps were left in her wake upon his body. Grace was so delicate yet passionate as she kissed every inch of him— eyes locked on Franks in the most intimate way. Having enough he flipped the two of them over so he could do the same. He started from her thigh, hands touching everything he could, and began to trail kisses along her body. She let out a strangled gasp when his lips glided over her covered labia slowly, teasingly. His fingers began playing with the edge of her black panties making her whimper in eagerness before he fully pulled them down her legs and they were soon thrown across the room. Going to cover herself up as she suddenly felt so vulnerable and very exposed, Frank stopped her quickly by holding her thighs open.

"Your beautiful, baby." He said as he climbed up her body— his beard scratching against her stomach making shivers course throughout her body. "All of you."

Just as he spoke those last words he took the straps of her bra and pulled them down slowly, Grace complying immediately by unclipping the back of it while letting it fall from her chest. A groan left Franks lips at the view of her breasts on full display and he couldn't help but lean down to nip gently at the mounds. A cry left her lips when his mouth attached to one of her nipples— kissing and biting in the most pleasurable way.

"Frank, please." Grace whined as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Please what, baby?"

"I need you inside me, please..." Grace practically begged and Frank had to stop himself from convulsing from her words, them sending his whole body aflame. Without giving a seconds thought, Frank was pulling down his boxers making his hard cock slap against his abandonment, and Grace bit her lip at the sight of his impressive girth— flushed red and leaking from the tip with pre-cum.

"Are you ready?" Frank asked her softly as he pulled her hips up to align her entrance with his awaiting member. Grace nodded and began circling her hips up so that his cock slid against her soaking clit— lubricating him immediately and he shuddered at the feeling. "I need to hear you say it, please baby."

Normally Frank wouldn't spare another second before completely ravishing her and taking what he wants, but this was different. Grace was different and he needed to know that she was fully committed to this just as he is. Their eyes seemed to interlock and there was so many emotions swimming in the pits of both of their irises. Grace let her hand find his scruff covered face and pulled him down to bring him into a kiss full of love and passion.

"I'm ready Frank." Grace assured him as she pulled away and this time Frank didn't waste anymore time.

When her skin met Franks as they connected, the feeling grew immensely, rendering his lungs incapable of following the wave of ecstasy coursing through his body with an intensity unknown to mankind. And it didn't matter because when they became one, it was only her and the way she made him feel. Frank looked at Grace, savoring every ounce of pleasure that painted across her face with every inch his hips moved forward, sinking into her as her body welcomed him, opening up just for him— her walls fluttering painfully hard around him already as he buried himself to the hilt.

Grace pulled him closer, fingernails digging into the back of his skin, feeling every ripple of his muscles as he slowly pulled his hips back, and her mouth fell open in pleasure. The sigh falling from her lips was swallowed by his mouth on hers, and his mind began spiraling, rendering him entirely drunk on her already. And he wanted more because he couldn't get enough. A breathless moan escaped her lips, and a shiver of pleasure spiked up his spine before his skin absorbed the whole sensation, rekindling the familiar thrill of electricity through his entire body, leaving his skin on fire from everywhere she met him.

Grace's chest heaved, and Frank listened. He listened to the way her breath hitched and her body arched, knowing exactly when to snap his hips forward to earn him the most obscene sounds, breathless gasps, and moans as he repeated the motion slowly. Frank growled deeply, each sound coming from her fueling his movements, the snap of his hips harder than the prior as she clung to him. Her gasps and moans flooding to the depths of his veins. Each sound, each taste against his lips and skin, intoxicating him at once as she gave herself to him without question and he couldn't get enough.

He couldn't still the crave. He wanted to feel everything. He wanted it all, even if it meant sacrificing his sanity as a result. Because he couldn't get enough of the way their bodies moved together perfectly like they had been made for that exact purpose, nor could he get enough of the way she reacted to him. The way she urged him to keep pleasing her to the point where the only thing he could feel, the only thing he could hear, and the only thing he could comprehend was Grace. It was only her.

The deep growl rumbling in his chest echoed to hers, but he didn't hear it when it left his lips and had her shivering in pleasure underneath him. All he could hear was Grace, and his lips found her neck, her fingers digging into his back, and she lifted her hips to meet his the best she could. Intoxicated on the pleasure, he provided for her. Supporting his weight with his left arm, Franks hand roamed her body everywhere he could reach, her skin beneath his palms causing his heart to beat out of his chest, the familiar thrill so intense he didn't know where she began and where he ended.

His lips and tongue teased. Nibbling— biting to savor the taste of her skin, and the sounds he emitted from her. He straightened his back, resting his weight on his knees, and when she whimpered at the loss of his body against hers, his hands found her waist and he lifted her hips from the mattress, allowing him to thrust deeper, and the complaint resting on her tongue came to life as a moan. Her eyes nearly rolled back into her skull as each thrust dove him deeper, hitting the perfect spot that had her crying out in ecstasy.

Frank's eyes locked to her face as she gripped the sheets so tight that she tore it off the edges. Entirely drunk on the way he made her feel, she lifted her hips as much as she could, meeting him halfway and the most obscene sounds of pleasure ran past her lips, fueling the thrill coursing throughout his body like a constant streak of lightning. His hands ran along her hips to her thighs slowly, almost painfully slow as he relished in what it did to him. Her body complied to his touch as his hands moved, setting it under a trance that had him enthralled.

Everywhere his hands moved, her body sought his touch. Her back arching so impossibly high, whimpering breathlessly, desperate for his touch, desperate for him and he could never get enough of it. Frank swore nothing or no one had ever been able to intoxicate him the way she did. Everything about her was drilled into the deepest corners of his soul and when she said his name he no longer felt his heart beating in his chest, but instead, it pumped in his veins so loudly it left him trembling for her because the sound of his name was so sweet. So sugar sweet, his tongue tingled with the luscious taste. He didn't waste another second before leaning forward and capturing her lips once again.

A deep grunt reverberated from his throat as his tongue caressed hers much too delicately compared to the relentless way his hips moved against hers. The taste of his name on her tongue was by far the sweetest thing he had ever savored, and a guttural moan left his lips leaving her to cling to him even harder. Frank let his body fall to hers, not wanting to miss even a second of her skin pressed to his as they kept moving together in perfect synch. How Grace managed to keep moving against each other he didn't know, both of their sweat covered bodies should've made it impossible, but neither cared, and instead relished in the sloppy way their bodies glued to each other with each thrust.

Her body fitting so perfectly to his, he couldn't focus on anything else but every thrilling sensation she evoked within him, intoxicating him entirely, and his hips moved at their own accord in a desperate attempts to feel every inch of her as he edged her closer to her release. Grace's breath grew heavy, increasing, and his name fell from her lips like a mantra as she plead him to keep going and he did.

"You are mine," Frank practically growled into her neck. The last syllable barely left his lips as she cried out the word he craved from her like he craved her touch, and her body began to tremble in pure ecstasy sending Grace into euphoria.

"Yes, I'm yours Frank— only yours,"

It was all Frank needed.

The thrill of her admission left him in desperation for an intake of breath to allow his heart to beat steady, but he didn't let sanity crawl its way back because he only wanted her, and he growled in pleasure. The word dancing on his skin, teasing him, touching his sweat covered body causing him to shiver under the wave of cold air it elicited before it penetrated his skin and set itself in stone to his bones. Without question or fear, Grace gave her mind, body, and soul to him. All he had to do was ask.

And Frank drank it up. Drank up the feeling of her touch, her skin, her soul. Everything she offered him as if he had been deprived of it like he starved for it every second of the day. He relished in every single ounce of pleasure radiating off Grace as her chest heaved, her body writhed underneath his. Her walls clenching so hard around him he had to wonder how he hadn't followed her over the edge yet. Frank's lips found hers again in a desperate, needy kiss. She cradled his face, reciprocating the kiss with every fiber of her being as she swallowed his moans and groans while still attempting to catch a wave of air.

Frank stilled his hips, knowing she was in dire need of breath to gain a calm after her high. He could hear his heart beating in his ears as much as he could hear hers pounding against her ribcage. Grace giggled breathlessly against his lips, refusing to part from him as she held him impossibly close. Breathing into his mouth, using him as her lifeline and he would do everything in his power to be that salvation for her.

She captured his lips again in a deep, but entirely soft kiss that caused everything to fall still for a fraction of a moment. The only sound catching his ears was Grace's collective erratic breaths, her lungs and heart trying to calm themselves, but it was impossible as long as their bodies touched. He smiled into the kiss and as did Grace.

With a deep breath, she whispered tenderly— pleading Frank to find release, to take her because she was his, and he was allowed to take everything he wanted and more. And Frank knew, with the way his heartbeat increased for every second that she was the one person he would keep on taking and taking as much as he could, as much as she allowed him to because he could never get enough.

Frank's lips found hers again as he slowly pulled his hips back, she whimpered, the sound shooting up his spine as her walls clenched around him impossibly tight he didn't know how much longer he would last. He snapped his hips forward in a sharp motion, feeling her body react with each thrust and each gasp falling from her lips. A warm smile danced on Grace's lips as she relished in the pleasure he provided for her. His eyes were locked on hers, and he couldn't fathom the way her beautiful irises clouded with nothing but love and adoration.

Everywhere he touched, she mewled breathlessly, her body much too sensitive, but she wanted it— she wanted him so she tightened her grip on his shoulders. For every time his hips met hers, her mewls grew stronger, her pleas for more filling the room and every thought in his mind leaving him to comply like a puppet, and he didn't mind because there was nothing else he wanted.

He only wanted Grace.

Every sound, every taste, every overwhelming sensation of her skin against his left his body enthralled. He wanted to relish in the way she always made his blood pump in his veins; he wanted to relish in the way she had his heartbeat echo in his ears so loud it was almost deafening. He wanted to relish in the way his chest cracked open from the middle as she filled every corner, every nerve of his mind, body, and soul, embracing her the same way she did him. 

Fueled by the way she made him feel, the pace of his thrusts increased, sharp, calculated, the need to have her coming undone again because of him clouding his mind. Grace held him so close to herself and he still didn't know how they both moved against each other. His name fell from her swollen lips like it was the only thing she knew. The air surrounding the both of them hot and thick with love and pleasure, and Frank couldn't breathe.

His lungs ached for air, but with every intake of breath, the thick air only clogged itself in his throat and lungs, not allowing him to draw a breath that wasn't intoxicating him further into complete oblivion. He was suffocating. But the love lingering in the air, and the way her touch had every fiber of his being pulsated with electricity, touching him in places he didn't know existed had him entirely locked to the moment.

So he didn't care how badly his lungs begged him for air. He didn't understand the thoughts in his mind nor the sounds running past his lips. He simply didn't care. Frank's name fell from her lips repeatedly, and just like that he was pushed over the edge.  

His body convulsed, the orgasm washing over him harder than he had ever experienced before. His lungs emptying the non-existent air they held as she came with him, both of their bodies trembling in pure bliss and he pressed his forehead to hers, breathing heavily as he tried to hold his weight with his elbows. But the effort proved futile, and his body fell on top of hers.

Grace didn't let him pull back, despite the heavy weight, only whispered his name over and over again. The trembling of their bodies slowly subsiding as they held each other close. His eyes closed as they both relished in the sounds of their breaths, their bodies finding a calm together. A faint laugh left her lips, and Frank's mouth curled into a smile before he dropped his head to the crook of her neck. He breathed her in, savoring the smell of fresh oranges and a little bit of peppermint. Grace chuckled softly as his beard tickled her neck, and he smiled. His arms slid underneath her body, allowing him to carry his weight at the same time as he peppered a trail of soft open mouthed kisses from her neck to her lips.

Grace whimpered when his lips met hers, and she wrapped her legs and arms around him to once again to have his body fall completely to hers. Frank didn't fight the smile that found his lips as his huge form enveloped her small one. Grace turned so that her back was pressed against his chest, her head now laying against her extremely comfortable pillow as she let out a long sigh. Frank began to pepper kisses along her back peacefully, trying to lull her to sleep because he could tell that she was exhausted by the way her breathing slowed down and body visibly slumped beneath his. Frank then let his head rest against her back, his huge body acting as a blanket for her along with the actual sheets strewn across them, and found himself falling into his own blissful sleep.

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