Forged in Silence

By Shutterbug526

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A celestial day is far greater than any birthday. The day you are marked with intricate signs of the abilitie... More

Liquid Misery
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven

Chapter 3

8 0 0
By Shutterbug526

I stared at the clock trying to fathom if time was moving slower, or if my perception of clock was wrong. I didn't blink for a solid minute. There is no way in hell that it is only five thirty in the evening. I feel like I have been here for days. The rain clouds getting darker and darker. But....I just don't understand. This whole thing started at lunch period. And everything moved so fast at first, but now it just seems to drag by. The only marker I have to look forward to is a nurse checking on me on top of the hour. They view my monitors and make sure everything is looking stable. My breathing and heart rate tend to fluctuate. They also checked on my mental state. While it is improving, its still rather dismal. The seizures are painful and unpredictable. I hate them. I hate being here. I hate the idiot classmates who did this. This intricate, this premeditated, this ruthless....thing. There can't be a word to describe it. Its cruel, its cold, and its heartless. They killed Derik, and made us all sick and depressed. I hope they get whats coming to them. 

I curl up and continue to stare. A single minute passes by and the minute hand makes a mocking click. 5:32! I can't stand this. I fall back onto my bed, ignoring the pile of books at the foot of it. I've read them all twice, but then again Cait's parents didn't know that when they came by. Imogen was laying on the right side of my bed. She watched the lightning and rain as it danced across the window. Her mom leading a long chat with Kai in the corner. We munched on Chapati, and cake, and stared at the ceiling. We'd been at this for a while. Neither of us were in the mood to talk, or write (in my case). 

"This bites," Imogen gripes. I nod. "Like... really sucks." I nodded some more. "Wish we were dead?" I don't answer that one. This is miserable. And I do know what happens when we cross. Is death really a bad thing for me? I push it out of my mind. I would rather not think about that. Then a knock came at the door. Kai opened it. Two men in blue suits walk it. Their lapels decorated with pins of gold and silver. Their wands holster on one side of their belt and an electric yellow crystal on the other. An older women followed behind them in a grey dress, matching blazer, and a chunky pink necklace. Her graying hair tied up in a tightest bun I have ever seen. Manila folders full of papers in her arms. More than even the doctors have on me. My goddess.

"Alright honey," Says Mrs. Otieno, "We better go." She pulls Imogen out of my bed. A scowl that would put a demon to shame smacked itself onto my face.

"Good luck with them," She said sarcastically as she disappeared out the door. I'll need it. They look around for a second, and then move their way to my bedside. One of them pulls over the little rolling table over to me. They stand, motionless, towering over me in a flood of blue and sparkles. The woman places most her supplies on the windowsill before going to join them. She still had one folder tucked under her arm. The older of the two men put a camcorder on the table and clicked it on. The other man picked it up and aimed it at me. I didn't bother to primp myself. There was no point. Let them see me for the disheveled mess I've become. 

"Miss Brawen, I'm Larry, and this is my partner Chase from the United Police Department. And this is Judge Kiara Winkle. We just have a few questions for you about today's... incident," he stretched out the word. Incident, is not how I would describe it either. But this...this is not good. The police are involved. Clearly this goes beyond school social hierarchy and bullying. This was out of my hands now. It was out of my hands when we sat at that dining hall table. 

Larry asked Caius if he could leave for a few moments. They wanted to interview me in private. Nothing against him personally. And Caius, being who he is, confidently obliged. He promised me he'd be right outside the door if I needed him at all. And like that he was gone. And the room felt quiet, and colder. I curled my legs to my chest. 

"This will be quick. We promise," Judge Winkle said. 

"Do you recall the events of today Miss Brawen?" Chase asked me. I nodded. Chase dug into Ms. Winkle's folder and pulled out a piece of blank paper. "We were made aware that you are unable to speak, is this correct?" I nod again. "Can you demonstrate that for us? Would you state your schools name."

I have to resist burying my face in my hands. I've tried to speak several times today, and I sound like a broken record that's been submerged underwater. Its embarrassing. But I try.

"eeh-oo," I manage to sputter. I hit my face hard. I sound so dumb.  The pulsing need to weep coming over me.

"Okay," Chase puts the paper on the table in front of me. "This will only take a moment." He flips it over and its a picture of Albany. Go figure. "Can you write the name of this person on the picture?" I nod and grab the pen. In the little white box under it, I wrote it all capitol letters. ALBANY MARTIN

"I see," Chase says pulling out another piece of paper, "Can you do the same a few more times?" I nod. The next photo was a boy with a recognizably horrible ball haircut, and a cringe-y smile. SIEGFRIED FARKUS. The usual cast of characters here. 





All of whom I've interacted with solely in a negative fashion. Judge Winkle put a sheet of lined paper on the table. 

"Miss Brawen, because of your current state Sargent Larry and Major Chase have a small sheet they would like you to write your experience on while I am present. This statement will be used in a court of law, and cannot be changed. So take a moment to think before I swear you under oath, okay?" 

I nod and stare at the floor and rake through my memory. First I went to school, a few minutes late. But I got there before the teacher arrived. Siegfried was staring at me for quite some time with that dorky grin. Someone passed me that stupid drawing, which is gone as far as I know. Classes pass by. We go to lunch. I get my now ruined book. Then that first drop landed on my head. And then all hell broke loose, the rain, the color draining from us. Oh, and those black vines. Those things came from me. I don't know how or why, but they did. I think that's all. I look up at Judge Winkle and nod. 

"Cross your left arm over your chest, please." I do just that and keep my hand in a fist. The judge held out her old sandlewood wand, for me to place my other hand on. Larry, who was now in possession of the camcorder, took a few steps closer to me. "Do you Miss Emilia Olive Brawen, swear the statements you make are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? And that these statements are yours of your own free will, under penalty of law?" I nod. "Then you may proceed," She says. 

I begin to write every little detail with regard to what I remember. I write slowly as to make my handwriting as legible as possible, so that my hand wont smudge the side making it look messy. The ink of the pen dries slowly after I write a word down. The black marks fading to a dull gray as the air from my nose passes over them. I take my time. I want this to be well written considering I only get one shot at this. I dot my last period and put the pen down. Judge Winkle takes everything off the table. 

"We appreciate your time Miss Brawen," Larry said, "We'll likely be in contact with you later."

"I hope you get well soon," Judge Winkle said retrieving her supplies. I glare at them as they exit. Shortly after Caius came back in. Bringing things back to the way it should be. 

"How'd it go?" he asked turning the radio on. I gave a so-so gesture with my hand and shrugged. But he just smiled. He went to his tuba case, which was taking up quite a bit of space, and opened it up. "Mind if I buzz on my mouthpiece for a bit?" he ignored the sliver brass giant and got the equally large mouthpiece out. I shake my head. I don't mind at all. I imagine if he were allowed to play here everyone would love it. I know I would. His sound reminds me of a marshmallow. Its large and fills up a room but its also sweet and melodious too.

But as he walked around the stumpy looking spirits ran out from under my bed. I jumped slightly giving a high pitched yelp. They were darting across the room making it hard to follow them. This time it looked like they had food on top of their heads. Odd, last time it was skulls. And just as quickly as they came they were gone. I was left staring at Kai's tuba, absent minded, and unaware that I was actually staring at it. Kai leans over to turn up the radio. A Mini race was on. I hear the engines roaring and the mild mannered announcer giving detailed commentary.

"I'll play for you when we get home, okay?" he said sitting on the cot next to my bed. I snapped out of my stupor. When we get home? That lingers in my thoughts longer than it should. When am I going to go home? What if I don't get home? What if I'm here forever? I curl up with my back to him. 

Bzzz, bzz, bzzzz. 

Kai is leaning back and buzzing away. I sit up and stare at him. What is he doing? His left hand is holding the mouthpiece to his face, but his right hand is...fake driving? Listening closer... is he making car sounds? What? I lean over, he notices me and stops. 

"I'm winning the Mini grand prix," he says going back to buzzing. He's such a goofball! He picks up the act even more. He's pretending to make corners, and even screeches to a halt. When to crowd cheers on the radio he throws his hands up, "Finished, first prize! Best in the land!" He holds up his free hand for a high five. I give it to him. The corner of my mouth twitches slightly. 

"I guess that's the closest thing to a smile I'll get today," he says putting a hand on my shoulder. I feel the warmth of his hand. While my skin burns a bit, it fades quickly.  He takes the same hand and makes it glow. Then he puts in on my forehead, as if to check my temperature. But I knew by the light and airy feeling in my head that he was not. 

"You're emotional state is a little better than it was earlier," he says putting it down.  He got up and walked toward the...bathroom. Wait!! I run after him, grab his arm and pull him. "Whoa! What is it Em? You need to go first?" 

I nod enthusiastically. I have to make sure any traces of Speel are gone. Maybe that's just me being overly cautious. But I'm not about to have her hurt my big brother. I walk inside and look around. Everything seems in order. I hear something! No, its just a drip of water. Something else! No, its the fan. Okay. It seems clear. I've had to go the the bathroom all day, so I might as well do that while I'm here. After I'm finished Kai goes in. But as soon as he closes the door I hear a raspy laugh. 

No! I start banging on the door as hard as I can. But the room is getting hotter and hotter. And I feel like I'm getting smaller and smaller. I bang one last time, but the door is not there anymore. Instead I'm hitting a box. Just a plain box. I know my perception can change in a flash, but twice in one day?  Is Speel doing this, or am I? The box gets smaller forcing me into a ball. A small window is made in the box with a loud burst of steam. In the window.. decrepit lips. Another blast, another window, and an eye. Another blast, and another eye. 

"Go away!" I yell on impulse. I know where I am now! 

"Just checking in on you, Lovey," Speel says. "I told you I'd be watching you close. But you seem fine now. I'll leave you to whatever insanity this is." And like that she was gone. Good. But the heat didn't depart with her. In fact it was getting worse. I wipes a drip of sweat off my forehead. Droplets of sweat were pooling under my armpits and breasts. Then the box began moving, like I was on something. It clinked and clanked along on a straight path. A conveyor belt. Am I a package? I watched out to see nothing but grey walls.  Packages have lots of meaning to spirits as well. Usually the feeling of waiting, or the satisfaction after waiting. Or the acquisition of something important. But I was the only on inside of this package. There was no item. I stopped. When I peeked out there was a large, rusty, steel door. It creaked open. Behind it was nothing but flames! I was heading straight for those flame! The conveyor belt started to sped up. Bringing me closer and closer. Voices yelling in pain and agony getting louder and louder. Crying for help. No! No!! NO!!!

Flash. I'm back in my room. On the floor, but in my room. My breathing was heavy, and my body felt like jelly, limp and lifeless. I sigh heavily and lean back. Kai is right there to hold me up, and a nurse right beside him.

He lets out a long breath, "I'm never going to get used to that."

The nurse wipes my lips with a tissue. Nothing but red. My lips are bleeding. I try to stand but can't find the strength. Kai puts an arm under my legs, and one on my back. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. 

He picks me up, "It's okay." I hang my head. He sets me down on the bed and pulls my heavy blanket over my legs. He takes my shoulders and makes me lays down.

"Just relax for a second," he tells me. I wish I could. The nurse comes over and Kai explains the details of what happened. "I was in the bathroom, she was pretty distraught. When I came out she was on the ground flopping around. I tried to talk to her but..."  

"This will happen alot Mr. Brawen," she starts, "What you did was the best thing you could do. Just stay close, be calm, talk to her, and wait for it to pass. If possible try and roll her onto her side. It keeps the airways clear. " She checked my vitals, and said I was going to be fine before leaving. 

Kai got a damp cloth from the bathroom and wiped the blood off my face, "That better?" 

I feel the misery creep up inside of me. I moan a bit, and scratch my puffy eyes. Kai gets his mouthpiece again, and were back to where we started. Him buzzing in place of real practice, and me doing nothing but watch him. I feel like such a burden. The floodgate opens, and I'm crying....again. In spite of what I'm putting him through, he sits next to me and makes himself comfortable. 

He pulls his feet onto the bed and brushes the hair off my face. I cry even more. I don't want to be strong. I want to go home. I want my life to go back to normal. A loud clap of thunder goes off making me shutter. "Uh oh, thunder," Kai says huddling next to me, "You know what that means right?"

I do, and he starts right away. Kai plays scales between the thunderous booms. He starts one scale until the next clap of thunder. Then he starts a new one. By counting the beats in between we could tell if the storm was moving.  It was fun to listen to how low he goes when the storm blows away. It made thunder more bearable when I was a kid.  Its a little more bearable now.

I listen and counted each time. Each boom was a steady eight beats apart and going up to seven or six with each passing minutes. It's getting closer. Crap.  I stare at the window, listening and counting. Six. Its sitting at six beats in between. Hopefully it stays that way.

The clock strikes six o'clock. My nurse comes in again. This time with medicine. She says Dr.
O'Brien wants to start giving me anti-seizure meds to see which works best. I take it and gulp it down with some water. Five! The claps are five in between. I toss the cup in the trash and brace for the worst. I put my pillow over my ears.

CRASH!!! That one was too loud! I feel my body stiffen, but not like I'm having a seizure. I can't really move.  Kai isn't buzzing anymore. The nurse runs out of the room. But I see vines. They spread across the room like weeds. Covered in leaves and Ivy. They look smoky  and mysterious. But I cant help but stare at them. CRASH!!  Their stems are attached to me. Me. Their mother bulb. Their seed. But I cant stop them from going all over the place. The look on Kai's face is astonishment, not fear. Crash!

He reaches out to caress a vine, "These look just like your marks," The vine curls around his fingers, "This is pretty cool, actually. When did these start?"

I wasn't paying attention at all. I was too busy trying to move, or call them back, or do something with them. But I had no control. I felt snot run down my face. My cheeks were red hot. How do I stop this?

"Okay, take it easy," Kai soothed. "You're not doing anything bad at all. These are very pretty, just like you Em." He puts an arm around me and starts buzzing again. "I'll be here vines and all." More vines gently curl around his ankles. The thunder is fading. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The storm is moving. Its quiet again. The vines pull back, or drift into nothing like dust in the wind. I lay back, and find my eyelids closing, and closing, and closing....

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