Purple Dandelion

By axiixa

697 25 21

A story based on a different out take of the works of the world. This story begins in the world we all know a... More

authors note
1 Burning dream
2 Following Plants
3 Artwork
4 Castle
5 Memory
7 Disappeared
9- water
10- transformation
11- Dad
12- Green Is Blue
13- The Naming
15- The Dead Don't Die

6 past

28 1 0
By axiixa



"Look at what I can do..." Little Believe screams for her fathers attention, but as always he is engrossed in a book. It is a book about the origin of witches. Believes father, David, has always been interested in the supernatural since he had been married to Believes mother, Lyric. As much as the family would like to turn a blind eye to his interests for the dark areas of higher powers they can not. With every book he reads a piece of him disappears, leaving a man with no sense of reality.

The bright smile on Believes' face slowly fades as he doesn't seem to even acknowledge her. The once bright and sunny day begins to gloom, this calms Believe of any negative emotion as rainy weather is her favourite. With in seconds the sky is dark with lighting brightening the sky for a millisecond and thunder roaring.

"I want to see what you can do." A voice says frightening Believe as she did not see anyone approaching her. She looks to her side and sees a pale white man looking at her. His grin doesn't seem friendly but his teeth are what peeks her interest. They look like shark teeth but thinner and they seem to be endless. His eyes are completely black. His voice sounds gritty, like he is trying to regain his speech.

"Are your teeth real?" Young Believe questions oblivious to the danger the man poses. She feels at pit of her stomach that he wouldn't harm her thus she feels safe. She walks closer to him and he gets on his knees to be the same size as her. Her father is still to focused in his book to notice the interaction.

"Yes they are real..." He slithers, sounding different from the first time he spoke, the grin never leaves his face." And if you show me what you can do... I'll teach you how to do this..." Believe watches as the mans teeth fuse to normal human teeth, then develop fangs, than all of them retrieving into the gums and returning one by one to their original look. Excitement bubbles within her and she can't help but to let out a little squeal. The mans grim turns into a genuine smile. Something within him calms.

He lost all sense of negative thoughts and negativity for a moment. For a moment he didn't feel like torturing anyone or destroying anything. He felt at peace and free. When he realises what is happening his lost the smile and a cold demeanour returns. He vowed never to allow himself to feel like that again.

"Stand back a bit" Believes little voice commands as she pulls him away from the wall. The wall is surrounded by dead plants and dry sand. Believe stares at it then looks up to the sky. Taking in a huge breathe then breathing out with all her strength towards the wall. In this moment wild blow little seeds to the area surrounding the wall. The once dry sand becomes visibly moist. Believe looks at the man, even though she couldn't see any emotions in his eyes she could tell he was confused.

"Is that it?" He wonders out loud when nothing happens. He looks down to see Believe staring at him, this makes him feel... Odd... She has a frown on her little face and he wants to know what's in her mind right now.

"This is the last time I am going to see you in a long time, but I don't want you to forget me." Believe sounds beyond her years. She is speaking from her heart and something else she quite doesn't understand. She takes off the dark purple ribbon from her head and gives it to the man. The ribbon is the exact same colour as her African thick hair. "Keep this with you and give it back when I'm ready." She tells him.

He is about to say something when she places her index finger on her little lips, hushing him, while walking to the once dry sand. Where he comes from nobody would even attempt to do what she had just done, but he can not even find a ounce of anger for her actions.

Believe touches the ground evoking her newly found power. Baby plants start to wake up from the once dead land. They mature in seconds and contest to reach the top of the wall. It is like watching the creation of the world from the beginning. Flying insects are already attracted to the reeds and white and yellow flowers blossom.

Believe seems to be getting sleeper the more the plants grow. Its seems that the power is using her energy. She is about to fall when the man picks her up. The plants stop grow but you can still sense the magic. She smiles at him, proud of her work. He smiles back.

"You did gr......" The man started choking before he could finish his sentence. He seems to be trying to get some air. "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" Believes mum, Lyric, comes screaming, running towards Believe and the man. Believe was confused as to what is going on. The stranger places her on the ground. Believe notices that the moist that was once surrounding him is drying up, something was taking away the little water surrounding him, he uses for breathing. Believe watches as he folds into himself until he disappears in less than a second.

She is still sleepy when her father pickes her up and starts running. To where she didn't know, she was just happy he finally saw her. She fall asleep with a smile on her face.

Lyric drives straight to her sister's, Melody's, house. All the way she listens to David's empty apologises for not looking after Believe. This was the last straw for her, but she had to ensure Believes' safety before she dealt with the absent father. She has already called Melody informing her that Believe is in danger and that she should prepare the ritual room.

Lyric keeps looking at Believe through the drivers mirror wondering what the man did to her to cause her to sleep. Once she gets to Melody's house Rosa grabs Believe out of the car before it even came to a complete halt.

Melody is already in the ritual circle mixing herbs and other liquids. There are spikes from all kinds of animals pack neatly in jars packed according to there sizes and quantity. Jars of liquids that vary in colour and density are packed from the blackest to the most translucent. There are herbs, bark, roots, leafs and flowers of which a minority of them are indigenous to the land around Aunties property, the rest come from all around the world. Including the places people of no power cannot reach. Everything is packed on ritual stones which acts as a shelf. Pure symbols are drawn on the stones to keep the power in control and so that its stays hidden to the humans.

Believe is placed in the center of the ritual circle. By this time she is awake but not afraid. Believe looks at her Aunty, trying to not laugh at how silly her Aunty looks in the blue and red makeup she has on.

"Take of your clothes Believe." Aunty commands in a hoarse voice. Believe doesn't object but keeps her pink undies on.


He runs into the ICU with the worst thoughts in mind. She's dead... His heart beats slower as he sees the workers of the tattoo shop either crying or hiding their faces with their hands. Brittney is covered in blood and shaking. Whose blood is that?? Lazarus wonders hoping with everything in him its not hers. "Where is she?!" He screams as he gets close to them. They all look up at him but say nothing. He repeats his question louder this time attracting attention from other people who look broken and hopeless as the employees. It seems to be to mood in ever ICU unit. No smiles or hope.

"She's in the operating room..." Bob says with a hoarse voice. "Cane was declared dead on the scene" he closes, clearing his throat from the grittiness.

After what feels like hours of walking back and forth in the ICU at doctor calls out Believes name. He doesn't seem happy or hopeful when the crew head to him. Someone starts cry before he speaks, Lazarus can feel his heart tearing.

"Believe is alive but is currently in a coma. She suffered a fatal head wound that caused swelling in her brain." The doctor informs them. Sighs of relief that she is alive mixed with whimpers that she is coma fill the room.

"That's not all I'm afraid." The doctor continues. "Believe is quadriplegic which means she is paralyzed from the neck down...."


In case you got confused *past* is a flash back from when Believe was about 6 years old

Than when Lazarus POV comes its in the present

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