The Angel of Darkness, And th...

By kitsunesuccubus-chan

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There is a legend about two sisters. an older one, and a younger one. The sisters are both opposites, yet the... More

Prologue: A view into both worlds.
Not a chapter, but HEY! go check out this person's story!
Chapter 2: Spotted?
Chapter 3: Scary Lessons
Chapter 4: The Angel of Darkness Revealed
Chapter 5: Orgin of Friendship
Chapter 6: Betrayel?
Chapter 7: The Fun Gang vs... The Dark Fun Gang
Chapter 8: Sweet Treats, and Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 9: Thrash-Your-Own-Ass machine
Chapter 10: Good vs "Evil"
Chapter 11: Concerning Melody
Chapter 12: "Lancer?"
Chapter 13: Funny, Awkward Memories
Chapter 14: Susie vs Lancer
Chapter 15: Thoust Fools!
Chapter 16: Flirtatious Angel
Chapter 17: Chaos, Chaos!
Chapter 18: Dark Times, Bright Memories
Chapter 19: She Is Awaken
Chapter 20: Oh, This Thing... Again
Chapter 21: Near-End Story
Chapter 22: The King of Spades, The REAL Monster
Chapter 23: Farewell For Now, Dear Friends
Epilogue: Don't Forget

Chapter 1: The Legend Of Deltarune

124 2 35
By kitsunesuccubus-chan

Kris soon woke up in the dark world, with Susie nowhere to be seen. He got up and looked around for a bit at his unfamiliar surroundings. Afterwards, he decided to start searching for Susie. And while he's at it, a way to get home.

Meanwhile, the two sisters were flying up in the air, the hoods of their cloaks obscuring their faces. They've also summoned their own pairs of wings. Vixen having black angel wings, and Chara having white demon wings with black on the inner part of them. As the two were following Kris, they talked amongst themselves.

"So, you're SURE these two are the heroes of the legend?" Chara asked. "I'm positive, Chara. Why else would they end up here?" Vixen replied. "Heh, you sound like Ralsei right now, you know that?" Chara joked, laughing. "I do?" Vixen asked, only to get a nod from Chara. "Huh. Well then... Anyways, any idea as to where the other one is?" The older girl asked, to which Chara just shrugged. "Nope." She simply stated.

"Well, wherever he... She... They... Whatever, is... I'm positive that this guy will find them, so we should just follow him. After all, there's really only one way to get out of this area. So, it shouldn't be too long 'til we find the other one." Vixen stated, as they continued to follow Kris.

As Kris journeys on, he realized just how surreal this place really is. He had past by some interesting looking flower-like organisms that seemed to giggle as he walked by, and cube-shaped ground formations with holes on the side leaking a black substance. Just what was this place; he wondered. He also wondered where Susie was, and if she was holding up OK.

Kris soon found another path that went south. All he saw when he took it was another ground formation. When he looked into one of the holes, he saw a strange, glowing pink shard in it. Not sure what to do, he just took it out of curiosity. Who knows, maybe he'd find a use for it later.

Eventually, Kris walked by more of the flower things from earlier. Only this time, they attacked him. Luckily, he dodged each attack. Vixen stared in surprise after witnessing this, her younger sister had the same reaction. "How did you get past those the first time?" Chara asked. Vixen looked over at her. "I... I never HAD to get past those before... The first time I came to this world, I opened a portal to somewhere different... I didn't know those things existed, let alone attack." She explained.

"Wait, so, where did you open the portal then?" Chara asked. "Umm... Some field with red trees, I think... I don't know, its been awhile. After all, after the first few times, I started hanging out a few ways farther than here." Vixen recalled. As the two girls were talking, Kris solved a puzzle, in which he had to make the eyes pitch black by pressing the correct switches. It was quite simple, really.

After he did so, it summoned a little bridge of what looked like some kind of glass, or crystal. When he got to the other side, he slid down a slope that was awaited him by a cliff.
"We should probably follow him, huh?" Chara asked, stopping her and Vixen's conversation short. "Yeah, most likely. We'll talk about this later." Said girl replied with a nod, as they continued to fly after Kris. They kept their distance, however. Just so they didn't cause alarm.

When Kris reached the bottom, he discovered what looked like giant piles of dust... Or were they rocks...? I dunno. Anyways, he touched one, and it was destroyed in seconds. He destroyed two more afterwards out of curiosity. When he destroyed another one, however, he vaguely saw a figure retreat into another pile. "Did you see that, sis?" Chara whispered to her older sister. "Yeah, I did. I think it might be the other 'lightner', as Ralsei calls them." Vixen whispered back.

Kris destroyed the other piles before destroying the last one, which was blocking the path. When he destroyed it, he uncovered Susie, who was holding up her arms to shield her face. "H-Hey! B... Back off! Come any closer, and I'll-!" She stuttered, trying to sound threatening. But then she quickly realized it was just Kris.

"...K... Kris!? Phew..." She mumbled, relieved. "I guess his name's Kris then." Vixen whispered. "Yeah, but who's the purple chick?" Chara whispered back. Vixen shrugged in response. "No idea. But I'm gonna go ahead and assume we'll find out later." She replied. "...Hey, don't scare me like that, dumbass! Unless you WANT to get clocked in the face, heh." Susie said, trying to intimidate Kris. He was unfazed, however.

"...Anyway, enough screwing around.
We gotta find a way outta here." Susie stated, looking around for a minute before looking back to Kris. "Ummm... Where is "here", anyway...?" She asked, before looking around again.
"It doesn't matter! YOU got us into this mess, YOU get us out!" She snapped angrily, before walking behind Kris to follow him. "She's starting remind me of Undyne right now." Chara mumbled.

"Lead the way, Kris!" Susie said, sounding somewhat encouraging. However, that encouragement soon ended, after Kris had only taken eight steps. "Oh my god. Nevermind. You walk WAY too slow." She said impatiently, before she ran on ahead. "She's a LOT like Undyne, actually. Now that you mention it..." Vixen commented, referring back to Chara's earlier statement.

When Kris caught up to Susie, he found her staring up at something on the mountain-like formation that was in front of her. When he steps by her side, she looks over at him. "Hey, Kris. There's someone up there waving at us. Any idea what they want?" She asked, gesturing up at the figure. Vixen and Chara looked at each other in slight concern before looking up, along with everyone else.

Without warning, the mysterious figure begins throwing spade-shaped attacks at the two on the ground, just narrowly missing Susie as she yelped in surprise. "R-Run, Kris!" She yelled, panicking as she ran off. Kris ran after her, dodging the stranger's attacks in the process. "H-Has this ever happened to YOU before?!" Chara asked quickly with her eyes wide, trying not to attract any attention to herself and Vixen, as they flew after Susie and Kris. "N-No! I've never dealt with anything even remotely LIKE this the other times I've been here!" Vixen replied, just as frantically.

Kris ran until he found Susie, who stopped near a slope on a cliff, similar to the one he slid down earlier. He looked around, seeing there was seemingly no easy escape. "Kris, down here!" Susie called, pointing down the long slope before sliding down. Kris, with zero hesitation, followed her lead. And as quickly as they slid down, Vixen and Chara flew after them at the same speed.

As Kris slid down the slope, he had to dodge even more attacks. It was nerve-wracking, to say the least. And the fact that this slope in particular seemed to go on forever didn't exactly help. By the time he reached the bottom, the attacks seemed to finally cease. Again, Susie was nowhere to be seen. Rather than immediately get up and try to find her, Kris decided to stay put for a moment, and catch his breath.

As he did this, the two sisters took this time to calm their racing heartbeats. "Wh... What the hell was that?" Chara asked, breathlessly. "I... I don't know... Again, I've never had to get past anything like that... I also have no idea who that was, either... I mean, the only person that I usually talk to here is Ralsei, and there's really no one else in this area that we know of..." Vixen replied.

"W... Wait, what? Neither of you have any idea who that was?" Chara asked, to which Vixen shook her head. "Nope. Ralsei's the only one in this area. And even if he wasn't, he would've told me by now. And if he doesn't know someone in this particular area, then I sure as hell don't either." She explained.

Eventually, when Kris caught his breath, he got up and went to search for Susie. Vixen quickly noticed this, and turned to Chara. "Well, looks like Kris is back on the move again. We should get going." She pointed out. Chara nodded, agreeing with her wordlessly as they followed Kris from a few feet above and behind. The search for Susie didn't take long as she was just standing in front of a unique looking town.

The buildings all had slanted rooftops. But even though this place had an abundance of buildings, and the area was really calm and beautiful, it seemed not even a ghost lived here as it was so quiet. Vixen smiled, as she really loved the peacefulness and scenery of the place. It was a shame that no one lived here... Well, besides Ralsei, that is. But; it was what it was.

Susie soon noticed Kris had found her. "Oh, you're not dead. Sweet." She said, with a half smile. Vixen snickered quietly to herself. "Sounds like something you'd say, Chara!" She joked, nudging her younger sister. "Ah, shut up..." Said sister mumbled, elbowing the other. The two then focused their attention back on the two in front of them. They could mess around later, but right now wasn't really the time.

"Got any idea what the heck this place is?" Susie asked to Kris, who shook his head no. "...Me neither." Susie responded to Kris's wordless answer.
"Wonder if there's anyone in that building up there...?" She asked aloud, to no one in particular as she looked up to a castle in the small distance. Before checking it out, however, Kris decided to explore the town... Only to find it completely empty.

"Ya done yet, freak?" Susie asked impatiently. Kris nodded in response. "Good. Now, come on. We need to check this place out." Susie responded. Kris silently agreed as they walked to the castle. "So, aside from Undyne, does the purple chick remind you of anyone else?" Chara asked to Vixen.

"Uhh... No, not much, actually..." Vixen replied. "Really? She honestly reminded me of Bratty due to her appearance..." Chara said. "Eh, I can see it." Vixen replied, shrugging. "Now come on. We should be following them." She stated. "Right." Chara replied, nodding her head once before they flew after Kris and Susie.

The four of them entered the castle... Even though Susie and Kris didn't know Vixen and Chara were following them... Anyways, I digress. Susie looked around in confusion. "A castle...? Why the hell is there a castle in the supply closet...?" She asked to no one in particular. "Supply closet...? Do you think that's how they got here?" Chara whispered, looking at Vixen with a confused look. "I guess so... I mean, whatever works..." Vixen whispered back.

"You say that like its normal..." Chara whispered plainly. Vixen gave her a 'really?' look. "Chara, I think you forgot what happened to us... You fell into a mountain decades ago, got adopted by family of royal monsters, sacrificed yourself to save monster kind, and years later you basically became both half my soul and my sister. Meanwhile, I was sucked into my favorite horror game, met the characters, broke out of the game with those characters, essentially making myself a glitch with magic powers, fell into the same mountain you did years later, became best friends with an artistic universe-hopping skeleton, got kidnapped by GLITCHY skeleton, and freed the monsters. Is falling into a supply closet to get here REALLY that strange compared to that?" She summed up.

"...Well, when you put it THAT way, I guess not. Especially since that's not even everything that happened." Chara replied. "Exactly." Vixen stated. Chara was about to reply, but then... "Welcome, heroes...!" A voice called out. The voice was familiar to Vixen and Chara, but to Kris and Susie... Not so much.

"Who's there!?" Susie demanded, sounding tough. The owner of the voice did not seem fazed, however. They sounded really calm. "Do not be alarmed... I am not your enemy. Please come forward, both of you..." They requested, gently. They didn't notice Vixen and Chara, much to their relief. The last thing either of them wanted was to cause panic.

Kris and Susie did what was asked of them, and cautiously approached the source of the voice; which they now saw was a hooded figure. "Welcome. I am the prince of this kingdom... The kingdom of darkness. Kris, Susie... There is a legend in this land." The figure paused. "I guess the purple chick's name is Susie... Huh." Vixen whispered to both herself and Chara.

"A legend that one day, two heroes of light will arrive. And fulfill the ancient prophecy, foretold by time and space." The figure continued. "Please, heroes... Listen to my tale." They requested. Kris agreed. "Very well then..." The figure said, hiding their excitement very well. Vixen and Chara weren't so easily fooled, though. They could basically FEEL the happiness radiating of the cloaked person.

"Once upon a time, a legend was whispered among shadows. It was a legend of hope. It was a legend of dreams. It was a legend of light. It was a legend of dark. This is the legend of delta rune..." The figure began. Chara glanced over at her sister.

"He's been practicing this a lot. Hasn't he." She asked. Well, more like stated. "Yep." Vixen casually replied, as they went back to listening to the story.

"For millennia, light and dark have lived in balance, bringing peace to the world. But if this harmony were to shatter... A terrible calamity would occur. The sky will run black with terror. And the land will crack with fear. Then, her heart pounding... The earth will draw her final breath. Only then, shining with hope... Three heroes arrive at world's edge. A human, a monster, and a prince from the dark." The mysterious person continued. "And then of course, The Angel of darkness, and The Demon of light..." Chara mumbled.

"Only they can seal the fountains. And banish the angel's heaven. Only then will balance be restored, and the world saved from destruction." The figure went on. Chara held back a laugh due to the angel's heaven part. "What's so funny?" Her sister asked, looking at her. "I'm sorry, its just that angel's heaven bit. Its just kinda ironic given that you're the legendary Angel of darkness." Chara explained.

"Speaking of, do you think Ralsei KNOWS about you being the angel?" She asked. "I doubt it. After all, he DID say that no one's ever really seen her, so he doesn't really know what she looks like. Let alone her being me." Vixen replied, shrugging. "Heh. Sure makes Ink's nickname for you ironic, don't it?" Chara teased, nudging Vixen. "Sh-Shut up..." The older sister muttered, embarrassed.

"Today, the fountain of darkness, -the geyser that gives this land form- Stands tall at the center of the kingdom. But recently, another fountain has appeared on the horizon... And with it, the balance between light and dark begins to shift..." The figure finished. "God, I was wondering when that legend would be over..." Chara whispered.

"Kris, Susie... Thank you for listening to my long tale. I deeply believe you two are the heroes of the legend. That despite whatever enemies you face... You two have the courage to save the world." The figure said. "Delta warriors! Please, won't you accept your destiny?" They asked. Susie looked to the side before turning back and responding, "Uhhh... Nah."

The figure seemed taken aback.
"W... What?" They questioned, surprised. "Me? Some kind of hero or something...? You've got the wrong person." She said. "B-But Susie, without you, the... The world will..." The figure tried to reason with her, but to no avail. "So what? If the world gets destroyed... It's none of my damn business. Might even be kind of fun, honestly." Susie said, nonchalantly.

The figure was at a loss for words. "Somehow, I saw that one coming..." Chara whispered. "You too, huh?" Vixen whispered back. After a moment of silence, Susie spoke up.
"Anyway, Kris... If YOU wanna play pretend with this weirdo... Stick around. I'M going to find a way out of here." She said, turning to leave.

"Susie, wait!" The figure called. But right as Susie turned around, laughter was heard before a kid rode in on a bike... That was on fire... OK then. The kid rode his bike into the figure hard, sending them flying across the room. "The fuck?!" Chara whisper-yelled.

"Ho ho ho! The heroes are already running away... And they didn't even know I was here." The kid laughed. "My dad's gonna make me son of the month!" He randomly added. "Who the hell are you!?" Susie demanded.
"I'm...!" The boy paused, spinning on his bike. "The bad guy." He finished. Vixen and Chara gave each other 'wtf, is he fucking serious?' looks. "Does he remind you of Papyrus, by any chance?" Vixen whispered. "I was literally about to say, he's like a Sans-sized Papyrus... Maybe shorter... But he does kinda look like Sans, doesn't he?" Chara replied, as Vixen nodded at her question.

"You CLOWNS want to seal our dark fountain, huh!? And, -still picturing you guys as clowns- save the world from eternal darkness, huh!?" Lancer asked, loudly. "Eh." Susie shrugged. "Don't try to deny it! We both know you'll go east! It's your only way home! But, I, Lancer, won't let you get there!" The boy, er... Lancer, said proudly.

"Again, he's like a mini Papyrus." Chara commented. "Yeah, no kidding... He even did the thing Papyrus does where he says 'I' before stating his name." Vixen noted. "And I've got a flawless two step plan to ensure it. Step one, I thrash you. Step two, you lose!" Lancer claimed.

"Hmm. Nice plan, kid." Susie commented. "...Did I hear that right?" Chara asked. "OK, good
I'm not the only one that heard that." Vixen stated. "Yeah, but... Why? She doesn't exactly seem like the type to give compliments to kids..." Chara trailed off. "R-Really...?" Lancer asked, hopeful. "Yeah, actually..." Susie paused. "Mind if we use it on you instead?" She asked, darkly. "Ohh, OK... Yeah, that makes a lot more sense." Vixen commented, bluntly. "Yep." Chara replied, agreeing.

The two sisters watch as a battle started, with Kris and Susie drawing their weapons. Kris having a pink, crystal-like sword, and Susie having an ax. "Should we do something to help?" Chara asked. "No. I think they've got this. We'll step in when they need it." Vixen replied, shaking her head at 'no'. "Got it." Chara said, nodding her head.

"Halt, clowns! This bike is fueled by victory!" Lancer claimed proudly, as he was about to charge at Susie with his bike. When attempts to do so, she dodges. "Dunno how I got an ax but, like, that's cool." Susie comments, smirking at her weapon. Kris then warns Lancer about Susie's attacks. Said boy then readies himself for whatever Susie throws at him.

Susie attempted to hit Lancer with her ax, but due to Kris's warning earlier she missed. "I love to get thrashed... Just kidding! That's you!" Lancer boasted, as if he knew he was gonna win. He proceeds to try and attack with his bike again, only this time going for Kris. And again, the attack was swiftly dodged.

"You gotta admit, this looks kinda fun, doesn't it?" Chara asked out of the blue. "Er, I guess. Though, I'm not really one for fighting... But you knew that already." Vixen replied. As the girls carried on talking, all that they noticed going on was that Kris gave Lancer a compliment, and Lancer said something about wheelies.

Susie attempts to try attacking again, only to get the same result as last time. Lancer attacks again, only this time firing spades at both Susie and Kris. Chara immediately took notice of the attack. "Er... Sis? Aren't those the SAME attacks that were fired at them earlier?" She asked, pointing at the attack. Vixen made a 'huh?' noise, and then looked down. "They are... So he's the one that attacked them earlier... But something STILL doesn't make sense..." She replied.

"What do you mean?" Chara asked. "I mean, how the hell did he get in? There's a massive goldenish door that's shut all the time... I tried to open it once, but I couldn't... Maybe only darkners can open it? I'm not sure..." Vixen replied, rambling to herself. The girls returned their attention to the battle at hand. Kris attempts to give Lancer another compliment, only for Lancer to see it as insincere. And again, Susie tries to attack, but she failed.

"Did you not realize I could mask my self-esteem levels?" Lancer asked, before attacking again. One of the attacks went astray and nearly hit Chara. "Woah!" She whisper-yelled. "That was a close one... You alright?" Vixen asked her. "Yeah, no kidding. Anyways, yeah, I'm fine. I just wish that SOMEONE would watch where he aims his attacks...!" Chara muttered angrily, glaring in Lancer's direction.

"Wait! Wait a second!" Lancer cried out. "Huh?" "What's he doing?" The sisters asked to no one. "My bike's running out of fuel...!" He exclaimed. Chara gave an unamused expression. "Is he being fucking serious right now? Its a damn BIKE! It doesn't NEED fuel!" She stated, trying to keep her voice down.

"Alright, you punk-a-roos!" Lancer started. "...I don't even know what to say about that one..." Chara mumbled. "Yeah, kinda speaks for itself, doesn't it?" Vixen responded. "You had the luck of the draw this time, but... Next time the losers will be YOU!!!" Lancer exclaimed proudly. "Well, I can't really argue with the draw part..." Chara admitted.

"And the loser part?" Vixen asked, as Chara looked at her. "Oh please, that's obvious. Losing to him is like licking your own elbow!" She stated. "I take it that that's your way of saying its impossible?" Vixen asked. "Yep." Chara replied with a nod.

"Hahaha! Bye, losers! I gotta get home before dinner!" Lancer yelled before riding away on his bike. "He really IS like a Sans-looking Papyrus, ain't he?" Chara asked. "Yep." Vixen agreed. The cloaked person quickly ran back in front of Kris and Susie. "Are you two ...OK?" They asked worriedly, before stepping closer.

"Um, allow me to introduce myself more properly. I am..." "Geez, can you take off that hood? I can barely hear you under there." Susie interrupted, clearly agitated. "U-Ummm, alright..." The figure said shyly, before taking off the cloak revealing them self to a fluffy goat boy with matching green Hat, wizard-like robe, and glasses with a pink scarf. Who of which, Vixen and Chara immediately recognized to be Ralsei.

"Hello everyone. I'm Ralsei." The aforementioned goat boy introduced himself. "Kris, Susie... It's ever so wonderful to meet you! I'm certain we're going to become great friends, and-!" "Best way to leave is east, right?" He tries to say cheerfully before Susie interrupts. "Yes! That's where we'll-..." "Got it." Ralsei is AGAIN cut off by Susie interrupting.

"Geez... Rude much?" Chara mumbled to herself as Susie glances at Kris. "See ya at school, Kris." Susie said, before walking away. Ralsei then turns to look at Kris. "Umm... I suppose it's just the two of us, then..." He said, awkwardly. "Heh. Man, if only he knew..." Chara joked. "Oh, don't worry. We'll show ourselves eventually." Vixen replied. "Heheh! I can't WAIT until he finds out we're the angel and demon sisters he's been talking about!" Chara said, excitedly. Vixen smiled at her little sister's enthusiasm.

After the girl's quiet discussion, they noticed Ralsei walk to the right side of Kris. Kris looked at him in curiosity. "Kris, I'm a prince, but... I, um, currently don't have any subjects. I've been waiting alone here... Um... My whole life for you two to arrive..." Ralsei said, before looking away.

"W-Well I mean, I have a friend, but she can only visit for a few hours a day... Not to mention she's been rather busy lately..." He whispered, before turning back to Kris. "So... I'm really happy to meet you. I hope we can be good friends, Kris." He summed up with a smile. "Let's try to find Susie. She must be to the southeast. You can lead the way, Kris!" He said, cheerfully.

"He never changes, does he?" Chara asked. "Nope. But I don't mind. I like him just as he is." Vixen replied as they flew behind Ralsei and Kris. Eventually, they stopped at a training dummy. "Oh, Kris! It's the training dummy I made!" Ralsei pointed out, like a child showing their parents a drawing they did. "Now seems like a good chance to prepare for the enemy. Would you like me to train you how to fight?" He asked, politely. Kris nodded, accepting his offer.

"OK. Get ready!" Ralsei called, as he and Kris got into battle positions. Kris's soul then appears over his chest. Vixen watched as a wave of nostalgia washed over her. "See that heart, Kris? That's your soul, the culmination of your being!" Ralsei explained. "Huh. That sounds awfully familiar. Wonder where I've heard that before..." Vixen said with playful sarcasm as Chara laughed to herself.

"Within, it holds your will... Your compassion... ...And the fate of the world." Ralsei said, whispering the last part. "If it gets hit, you and your friends will lose HP. If everyone's HP reaches zero, we'll lose the battle. So, please take care to avoid the enemy's attack." He explained. "Ready? Let's try dodging!" He said, before dummy attacked... However the heck that works. Anyways, Kris dodged the attack perfectly.

"Great job, Kris! You're a natural!" Ralsei complimented. "Anyhow, after the enemy attacks, it's our turn, Kris!" He said, still keeping the same cheery tone. "First, I'll teach you how to fight. Though, fighting is unnecessary in this world... There's no harm in a thorough lesson!" He explained. "Ah man, if only he knew..." Chara quietly commented. "My thoughts exactly." Vixen remarked. "Let's try fighting, Kris!" Ralsei encouraged.

Rather than fighting, however, Kris checked the dummy's stats. "Er, sorry, it kind of looks like me... I've been alone, so I didn't have anyone to model it after..." Ralsei explained, a little awkwardly. "Kris, since it's me, please be kind to it, OK?" He shyly requested. Kris nodded in response. Kris then hugged the dummy. "Huh...? Kris, you'd rather hug it out than fight?" Ralsei asked, in which he only got a nod as a reply. "You know what, that's fine! We don't need to fight!" He said happily.

"OK. Next let's try defending. Simply defend, and the enemy's attack will hurt you less. Not only that, but you'll also gather TP! I'll explain that next!" Ralsei explained. But rather than defending, Kris simply gave a Ralsei a hug. Chara covered her mouth to keep
Herself from giggling. She then looked at her sister. "Isn't that what you did too?" She asked. Vixen nodded her head yes. "Yep. He's adorable, why wouldn't I?" She replied.

Ralsei's face turned a deep shade of pink, contrasting with his dark fur.
"K... Kris?!" He stuttered, both out of surprise and embarrassment. "Ummm, I don't think, um... This is what you're supposed to be doing. ...But..." He trailed off. "Yeah, he reacted pretty similarly when I did it too." Vixen remarked.

Kris then spared the dummy. "Kris, since you spared an enemy after acting, you would have won in a real battle, but, um..." Ralsei paused. "Don't you want to learn other things, first?" He asked. Kris simply spared the dummy yet again. "I see... Then, perhaps we can just end here. You know how to win peacefully, so... That's good enough for me!" Ralsei said brightly, as the training finished.

"Oh, that was fun! You're a wonderful student, Kris! ...And, er, in case you ever need a refresher, I..." Ralsei paused, looking for something. "Here! I wrote a manual for you and Susie!" He said, taking out a manual and handing it to Kris. Vixen smiled fondly as she looked at handmade book. She remembered how it was thanks to a similar manual is the reason her and Ralsei even met and became friends in the first place.

The two heroes of legend continued walking, the two sisters flying right behind them. Eventually, they reached a giant, gold-yellow colored door. Ralsei suddenly stopped. "Oh my! The great door is opened?!" He exclaimed in shock. "No wonder Lancer was able to come through..." He said to himself. Things for silent for a moment. "Kris, once we pass through this door..." Ralsei paused.

"Our adventure will really begin. A journey foretold exactly by the prophecy..." He said. "But, Kris, I believe YOUR choices are important, too. This world is full of all kinds of people, Kris. In the end, how we treat them makes all the difference." He explained, glancing away every now and then.

"So let's try our best to get by without fighting." He summed up. "If we can manage to do that... I believe this tale may have a happy ending. Otherwise, I fear that..." He paused again, hesitating. "...You may not... Find the result favorable." He finished.

"...Oh, I'm sorry! Is that too much to ask?" He sputtered, worrying he was sounding a bit overbearing. But Kris accepted this burden. "Kris, I knew you were a hero the moment I saw you. Let's try our best, OK?" Ralsei asked, as they were about to go through the door. Kris responded with a subtle nod. As this was happening, Vixen and Chara flew into the door.

Afterwards, Kris and Ralsei entered the door, Ralsei shutting it behind them.

Well, no turning back now.

A/n: FUCK ME SIDEWAYS WITH A TOASTER, that took me forever! Well, now you guys have a little insight to Vixen and Ralsei's relationship. I'll get more into that in the future. Thanks for reading, bye~!

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