You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanf...

By DarkWolf991

334K 10.3K 6K

I didn't blink, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. "Ha! Serves you right monster! And this is only the be... More

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 1
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 2
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 3
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 5
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 6
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 7
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 8
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 9
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 10
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 11
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 12
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 13
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 14
Chapter 14 - (REUPLOAD)

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 4

23.3K 718 423
By DarkWolf991

Yuzuki's POV

I walked to the academy with Gaara, Kankuro and Temari, people were sending us weary stares, but not at me, not all of them were for me. Even Temari and Kankuro got some, but they... Haven't done anything wrong.

"Yuzuki-san, we're here, we have to go straight to our seats, you stay with the teacher until he gives you a seat. Okay?" Temari asks, I nodded, it looked like everyone in the class was here, we were the last ones. They walk into the room and sat down in the 2nd row. I blinked and looked at the teacher, he sends me a smile. I tilt my head in confusion.

Why is he smiling at me?

Oh... He doesn't know who I am, pfft.

"Class we have a new student, care to introduce yourself?" He smiles at me again.

I face everyone, Temari and Kankuro grinned at me, Gaara gave me a slight smile, but even a smile as small as his is enough.

"My name is Yuzuki." I say, the teacher's face twists, giving me a surprised and scared look. He gulps.

I see Temari stand up, "And if anyone messes with her, they will have us to answer to! Got that?" She yells. People give frightened nods.

"And her full name is Yuzuki of the Desert, right? And what is she to you Gaara?" Kankuro grins at Gaara.

Gaara gives him a silent glare, "She's my best friend." I hear gasps, I break my blank face and give him and smile. But then as soon as it came, it went.

Ahhh life is sweet

"Yu-Yuzuki... You can sit wherever you want..." The teacher said stuttering, but I didn't mind it. It just made things even better. Being feared.

I walked to the 2nd row and sat down next to Gaara, more gasps, I refrained from rolling my eyes.

Come people, Gaara is like the sweetest person on earth, but you people are too scared of him to know.

"Okay, today we will be learning about Chakra." I listen intently, I wasn't a ninja, this was my first, so I had to know, I didn't look like I was listening but I was.

"The Lives Chakra is essential to even the most basic technique; it is the moulding of the physical energy (身体エネルギー, shintai enerugī) present in every cell of the body and the spiritual energy (精神エネルギー, seishin enerugī) gained from exercise and experience. Once moulded, it can be channelled through the chakra circulatory system, which is to chakra as the regular circulatory system is to blood, to any of the 361 chakra points (called tenketsu) in the body. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, the chakra can then be manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire or creating illusions.

By moulding different ratios of the two energies, new types of chakra can be formed. Most ninja have a natural affinity to one type of chakra, but they have the capacity to create elemental chakra apart from their own affinity. There are five basic types, each stronger and weaker to another, but their relations, weaknesses, and strengths to each other are all explored. There is also the dealing of Yin and Yang and the balance of mental and physical energies. In addition to these five elements, certain kekkei genkai can mix elemental chakra to form new natures, for example it is possible to mix water and wind into ice. While many ninja can use more than one type of chakra, very few are able to use them simultaneously."

I listened and took it all in; he started talking about the different chakra natures, and there was a special chakra paper that you could use to determine your chakra nature.

At the end of the class when we all got up, I turned to Temari.

"Do you know your chakra nature?" I asked, she looked at me and blinked, that I talked to her properly.

"Yeah, everyone does, we have some chakra paper at home, if you want to know yours." She smiled, I nodded.

"So Yuzuki, are you starting to get everything?" Kankuro asked me, I nodded.

We arrived at the kazekage's building and immedietly walked into the house, Temari opened a pouch and gave me a piece of small paper.

"What do I do?" I asked.

She giggled, "Run your chakra though it." I blink.

"How do I do that?"

She stares then bursts out laughing, "I-I'm sorry... That was just funny... Ha ha!"

I growl, "Temari."

She giggled and stops laughing, "Okay sorry, just find something power inside of you and channel it into your hands to run it through."

I nod, and do just that. It splits into half then turns brown and crumbles to the ground., I let go of it and it falls.

"Wind and earth. Just like Gaara. I guess if you ask him, he might teach you some techniques." She shrugged, I nod.

"Hn." I walk away, going to Gaara's room...I mean OUR room.

Damn that sounds dodgy.

I knock on the door and instantly it opens to reveal Gaara. He steps aside letting me in silently, I nod in thanks and sit on the bed. He closes the door and tilts his head.

"I have the same chakra natures as you, plus I need to work on the academy techniques. Can you teach me?" I ask, he blinks, looking slightly surprised. Then nods.

"Sure." I crack a smile.


I stand up and look to him.

"Transformation jutsu first. Here are the hand seals, Boar." He makes a hand seal, "Dog." Another, "Ram. Think about the person you want to transform into. And put it together it goes like this," He makes quick hand seals, "Boar, dog, ram." There was a poof and I came face to face with... Myself?

He transformed back and I saw Gaara again. "You try." I nod.

I make the hand seal of boar, dog and ram, and think of Gaara's red hair, green eyes, and there was a poof.

"Did it work?" I say, in Gaara's voice, "Yes it did..." I answer my own question chuckling. I transform back and nod to myself.

"Good, now the substitution." He gave me hand seals and I copied them, doing it very well. He teaches me a few more. And by then I could do the:

Transformation jutsu

Substitution jutsu

Sand clone jutsu

Chakra control (walking up things.)

And... When he was teaching me sand coffin and Shukaku techniques... I could already do it, which surprised us both.

When we were done I collapsed on Gaara's bed, I don't even know why he has one, he doesn't sleep and neither do I...

I have come to the conclusion that he keeps it because it's comfortable.

"Gaara, Yuzuki, father has summond us. Come on." I hear Temari's voice though the door, Gaara and I exchange glances then sigh and get up, trudging down the stairs and to the Kazekage's office. Temari and Kankuro were already there. They waved to us and walked into the room, bowing, Gaara didn't and I just stood there wondering what the hell this was about.

"I have come to the conclusion, that Yuzuki must stay with us, for the purpose of being another of the villages weapon." His voice says, I clench my fists, Temari and Kankuro glace at me with worry.

"She will always stay you three, never let her out of your sight." I clench my teeth, he's treating me like some toy. But I don't say anything.

"O- Oh course father." Temari bowed and sighs. I walked out of the room and growl.

'I hate that man.' I hear Shukaku growl I nod in agreence.

'How can HE be Temari, Kankuro and Gaara's dad? He's nothing like them. Damn I wish I could rip him apart.'

'I agree kid.'


'I know kid.' I hear his raspy voice laugh loudly, then fade away. Thank god, he was loud.

"Yuzuki! Are you okay?" I hear Temari ask, I nod to her, and she sighs in relief.

"We have to make these 5 years pleasant for you I guess." Kankuro shrugged.

"5 years?" I ask.

"We have plans of taking over Konoha. In 5 years." Gaara replied.

5 years.

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