Overprotective Glynda Goodwit...

Par ChrisReiniger

141K 1.3K 1.5K

Glynda Goodwitch x Male child reader I said I was going to wright this in a comment and I meant it as a jok... Plus

Take Your Child to Work Day
Finding (y/n)
Remnants of the Soul
Sins of the Father
Wrath of the Reaper
Parent trapped
The Date
The News
The party
Worst Case Scenario Part 1
Worst Case Scenario Part 2
The Trip (Day 1)
The Trip (Day 2)
The Trip (Day 3 and Day 4)
The Break Up
The Queen
Evaluation Day
Devil's Advocate
Dead Man Walking
The Vital Festival Begins
And Make It Double
The Princess and the Cat
Broken Promises
Hell's Apostle Part 1
Hell's Apostle Part 2
Hell's Apostle Part 3
My lie to April
The Visit
Relics of the Past
New Threat
Of Fire and Ice
Chaotic Blaze
Threat Rising
Long term Commitment
The New Kid
Mothers Battle
The Godfather
The Mortal God
The Bloodless Battle
Fallen Angel
What happins in Soul Society Stays in Soul Society
Welcome to the Family
A SHOCKing Experience
The Incident
The CATastrophe
The Next New Addition
Stranger Cinders
Shadow's Melody
Day With Grandma
Babysitter Blake and Friends
The Final Battle part 1
The Final Battle part 2
The Final Battle part 3

Pass or Fail: Beat Akame in the Battal Royal

326 2 4
Par ChrisReiniger

(y/n) POV

"AND FURTHER MORE YOU'RE FAR TOO YOUNG TO BE HAVING CHILDREN!" Mom scalded, " G...Glynda calm down let him explain this to us." Mama said calmly, "Thank you mama. Look I don't want to have kids just yet, Akame is the one who's trying to get me to have kids with her! Now I not only have to win the tournament, but I have to beat Akame so I don't have to get her pregnant!" I said, I soon realized that I sounded completely insane, "What do you mean you have to beat her so you don't have to have kids with her?" Mama asked, "Well the long and short of it is we made a bet that if she beats me in the tournament than I have kids with her and if I beat her than she and I will be friends and nothing more." I said, "Oh ok, Kali sign this." Mom said as she handed mama a piece of paper, " Glynda this better not be another adoption paper!" Mama yelled, "It's not! That's a form that with my signature, the signature of at least one parent or guardian, and the signature of the head of the combat course, gives me full control over our son's grades." Mom said, "Oh I get it now!" Mama said as she signed the form, "Good and now, (y/n) in order to pass you must beat Akame!" Mom said sternly.

"GO (Y/N)!!!" Blake yelled, for some reason she decided to dress up like a cheer leader and cheer me on, and somehow she convinced Ruby, Weiss, and Yang to do it too.

The arena we used transformed to represent the four kingdoms of Remnant. For Vale forest area. Mistral, mountains. Vacuo, deserts. And for Atlas ice area. "THREE! TWO! ONE! BEGIN!" Qrow yelled over the intercom.

Akame and the others all rushed at me, "Overdrive!" I said, my faunus traits disappeared and my hair turned black, I drew Salem's blade and slashed in the air at my three attacker's. A wave of black and red energy slammed into them draining the aura of two of them completely. Akame's aura was holding strong at around 92%, "Looks like I saved the strongest for last." I said, "I'm not gonna hold back!" I said as I threw off my clock, "OVERBOOST!" I yelled, a spiral of black flames surrounded me, my eyes turned a piercing red, my hands turned black and claws formed on my finger tips, and large demonic wings formed on my back. "I'm glad I can control my demonic power now!" I said as I clenched my blade, I slashed and dispelled the flames. "If it's a fight between demons you want than I'll indulge you!" Akame yelled as she placed her blade against her throat and sliced herself. "AKAME NO DON'T!" I yelled, but I was too late, black runes formed on her body from where she cut herself. She began to scream a demonic scream and the runes disappeared, suddenly the whites of her eyes turned black, red markings formed on her body, and the runes circled around her pupils. 

"This is my semblance, I call it demons advocate." Akame said as she lunged at me, her speed had increased exponentially making her as fast as me if not faster, I parried her strike and cut her cheek, "While my semblance is active I can't use my aura to heal or to defend myself, but that's fine I don't need it!" She said as she slashed at me rapidly, I caught her blade. "Don't you dare say that!" I yelled, "In a world where you can be killed at any second you cant afford to discard something as valuable as your aura!" I yelled as I kicked her in the stomach, she let go of her blade as she flew backwards. I threw our swords away and flew over to her. I grabbed her throat and threw her at a mountain. She regained her composure and landed safely on the mountain. She sprinted over to her sword and grabbed it not losing her momentum. She rushed at me and prepared to stab me, I smirked and held my right hand out. The scythe I used to kill Beelzebub formed in my hand, it's blade burned with black flames, I slashed at her and a slash of flames slammed into her knocking her aura level down to 34%. I flew at her rapidly, as I flew I began to spin and eventually I became a spiral. I flew past her slicing her arm which knocked her aura down to 16%. I tried to circle back to hit her once again, but this time she dodged my attack. I stabbed my scythe into the floor to stop myself. "One final attack to decide the winner." I said as I returned to normal, she nodded and returned to normal as well. I drew Nexus and we rushed at each other. "You're done." She said, "No you're done." I said with a smirk, I revealed my second sword, "But how?!" She asked in shock, "You were so focused on me that you failed to notice my second sword was directly in my path, and you didn't notice when I grabbed it." I said as her aura meter dropped to 2%. "AND THE WINNER IS (Y/N) GOODWITCH BELLADONNA!" Qrow yelled over the intercom. Fireworks went off in the background. 

"I'm so proud of you kitten!!" Mama yelled as she ran and hugged me, "What was that weird ability you used? I think you called it overboost or something like that." Yang asked, I sighed, "Well you guys were gonna find out eventually. I'm cursed, I learned to control it though." I said, "I can't die, my wounds heal almost instantly depending on the wound, and I can channel the power of E.N.D. to an extent. My curse has four levels to it, Overdrive, Accelerate, Overboost, and E.N.D., until recently I couldn't go past level two." I said, "So let me get this strait your cursed, immortal, and you can channel the power of an actual demon to an extent." Weiss said, "Yep pretty much." I said, "Cool." Qrow said as he took a drink from his flask. "NO IT'S NOT COOL!" Mom, mama, and Summer all yelled as they hit Qrow in the back of his head, "Also I don't have any aura anymore, I kinda lost it after I killed E.N.D. when I was little." I said nervously, "YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT NOW!" Mom and Mama yelled, "I'd like to point out that Blake knew and didn't tell you." I said, "You little!" Blake began to say, but was cut short by being hit upside the head by mom. "So you finally found out." Chris said as he exited a void with Sky, "Wait you knew?!" I asked in shock, "Yeah, I'll tell you how I found out someday." He said, "Now all of you calm down his curse is insanely strong, that also means it has a specific way to break it. Once I find out how to break it he'll be fine." He said as he placed his hand on my head. 


Glynda Goodwitch

Cinder Fall

Blake Belladonna

Pyrrha Nikos

Nora Valkyrie


Every girl in Beacon


Rangiku Matsumoto

Retsu Unohana

Rukia Kuchiki

Yoruichi Shihouin

Kali Belladonna

Vanessa Fullbuster

Eve Fullbuster


Neliel tu Oderschvank

Summer Rose

Juliet Summers

Amanda Summers

Scarlet Winters Fullbuster

Amber Winters Fullbuster

Ava Winters


Rose Scarlet

Erza Scarlet

Raven Blake

April Black

Neo Politan

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Coco Adel

Hope Adel

Tory Adel

Continuer la Lecture

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