Alice 3000: The Tainted Futur...

By TheBlueRoseWriter

393 15 12


Alice 3000: The Tainted Futuristic Wonderland
Humanity's Decent into Madness ~ 01
Chapter Two Teaser : Before the Decent
Before the Decent ~ 02
Hello Darkness My Old Friend ~ 03
Update Edited

Chapter Three Teaser: Hello Darkness My Old Friend

33 1 0
By TheBlueRoseWriter

I wanted to scream, I wanted to kick and punch whatever this was on top of me. It looked at me, curiously tilting its head.

Then I heard something, coming from outside of the house.

The thing above me turned sharply in the direction of the sound.

We both listened intently to the sound as the silence of the night made it clear to hear.

Then a light bulb went off in my head as I knew that sound all too well.

It was the sound of heavy steel toed boots, crunching against the forest grounds.

I estimated about twenty, maybe more, maybe less. Then I turned back to the thing standing over me.

In a hushed whisper I asked. "What and who are you?"

The figure turned to me and leaned in close and whispered.

"The Rebellion." 


Hello everyone long time no see well I have been working on the story and my other stories including, drum roll yup you guessed it another original story. I really need to stop creating stories and finish the ones I have. 

But, oh well. Anyways this story will make it's debut in December. But until then I will do my best to update my stories. Including Alice 3000. I hope you all liked the preview to Alice 3000! I'll start a normal updating time and that's it. Thank you for reading the preview! :D 


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