Love on Christmas/YoonKook

By mentolsuga

12.1K 1K 103

BTS AU Texting Snapchat sub.yoonie3: Vianoce? Čo s nimi kookie69: Deň kedy sa do mňa zamiluješ ;) More

SeVeNtEeN (♥)
TwEnTy OnE
TwEnTy TwO
TwEnTy ThReE
BoNuS 6th AnNiVeRsArY

TwEnTy FoUr

397 39 3
By mentolsuga

Sedel som na gauči a pozeral neprítomne pred seba. Zrazu mi zavybroval mobil. Vzal som ho a pozrel kto mi píše

Poď nám otvoriť


Znudene som sa postavil a šiel. Otvoril som ale tam nikto. Vyšiel som von a započul zvuk piana. Boli to krásne jemné tóny.

Otočil som sa a na predzahradke bolo krásne biele piano za ktorým sedel Jungkook. Pozrel na mňa a usmial sa

Lately I've been thinking, thinking about what we had.
And I know it was hard, it was all that we knew, yeah
Have you been drinking, to take all the pain away?
I wish that I could give you what you deserve.

Nikdy som si nemyslel že mal tak krásný hlas. Ale nechápal som čo tu robí

Cause nothing can ever, ever replace you
Nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah
You know there's no one, I can relate to
I know we won't find a love that's so true

Bolo to o nás. Pekná symfónia hlasu a piana. Bolo to nádherné

There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you and me
together through the storm
There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you and me together, oh

Z hrdla sa mi vydral vzlyk a mne sa podlomili kolená

I gave you everything , babe
Everything I had to give
Boy, why would you push me away? yeah
Lost in confusion, like an illusion
You know I'm used to making your day
But that is the past now, we didn't last now
I guess that this is meant to be yeah
Tell me, was it worth it? We were so perfect
But baby I just want you to the see

Rozplakal som sa viac. Nezaslúžil som si ho

There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you and me
together through the storm
There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you and me together
There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you and me
together through the storm
There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you and me, together...

Ľúbim ťa, Yoongi

S tými slovami sa postavil a šiel ku mne. Kľakol si a objal ma. Plakal som mu do hrude a on ma hladkal.

,, Tiež ťa ľúbim, Jeonggukie"

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