it's a good day, isn't it?

By sweetlittlebeans

15 0 1

Junhoe (Ikon) x reader named : Jae hwa Jae hwa : a girl that just lost her parents by a car accident. She the... More

chapter 1 : how it begins.

15 0 1
By sweetlittlebeans

Jae hwa P.O.V
I have to get out of this house. Or atleast im going far away from here. I can't even go through my parents bedroom. I can't hold my tear anylonger. But where should i go?


Im not an extrovert. I love being alone in school, well because for me, there's a bunch of fake people there. I hate socializing. That's why i talk to my parents a lot. They're the only person that i trust. You know i kinda have trust issue. I love my parents more than anything. They know exactly everything about me. And they're the best parent i could've ever ask.

It was on my 17th birthday, that they get over excited and thought of buying birthday present for me as a surprise. I'm in school that time. Was thinking of what should i ask them as a present for my birthday, thinking they should've known what i wanted before i could even ask.

And suddenly i heard the headmistress called me. "Jae hwa, please come to my room.."
I thought i fucked up, And was thinking hard of what did i do wrong that the principal called me. You know i never do anything in school either than studying. So why am i being called?

"Umm.. excuse me sir, you called me?" I said looking at my headmistress

"Oh yes.. Jae hwa, i'm really sorry but i have to tell you this"

"What is it sir?" I said worriedly. You know i kind of had this odd feelings since an hour ago. Its like something had been missing.

"You parents die due to the car accident they had an hour ago.. im sorry Jae hwa."

I freeze. I don't even know what is he saying.


Tears start to fill up and i hold it. I know i have to be strong. My parents won't be happy if I cry again and again. But those memories could never be erased from my brain.

Suddenly my phone starts to ring


"Oh Jae hwa. Its me, your grandma"

"Oh, hi grandma, how is it going?" I madeup my sound so it doesn't sound like i just cried.

"Uh, I'm thinking about you recentky Jae hwa. You're alone now in seoul. Do you want to come and live with us? And exchange school here"

"I would love to grandma, it's getting quiet here. But right now is on the middle of the semester, how can i change schools?"

"Actually, I've spoke to your headmistress about this yesterday, and I just got home from the school here in busan. And they could exchange you, so what do you think?"

"Omg grandma! You really do want to meet me do you?" I smiled. You know, besides my parents, my grandparents is the best. They love me as much as my parents love me and im so thankful for that.

"Better pack your things now! Cause the train ticket is on 1p.m. I'm going to make you your favourite food once you got here"

"You even bought me ticket?! You're the best! Okay im going to pack my things now. See you soon grandma grandpa, love you!"

I hang up.

I pack my things and suddenly realise that im going to leave this house for a long time. Leaving all those memories that i build with my parents here.

I got up and open my parents bedroom, i saw her wedding picture there.
"Eomma, appa.. i miss you so much"

I can't hold the tears anymore. I cried and cried. Tho its going to be my last day here. In this house.

I wipe my tears and smile. Its a good memories, why am i crying? I should be strong.

After I packed my things I go outside my house and locked it "goodbye house. Goodbye eomma, appa. See you in the future."


I give my e-ticket to the guard and he let me in. You know, it's kinda hard for me to leave my house. I grew up there after all. Having those sweet memories makes me homesick already. But i know i have to moveon in live and try to pursue my dreams.

"Eomma, appa, im going to make you proud. Better watch me from heaven!" I said to myself.


I watch the sky as the train goes. "Oh look at the sky, It's so beautiful." I admired and thinking when is the last time i see the sky.

You know, i love seeing the sky so much. It felt very peaceful, forgetting all the pain and the sadness that ive been holding for so long. Before, when im sad i would cry and lock my bedroom. And my mom would try to talk to me and said "baby, if you ever feel sad, try to see the sky. Its a good day isn't it? Why should you cry? The sky is smiling. Look" and i would stop crying and see the sky for 2 hours lol.

That's why i love seeing the sky so much "it's a good day isn't it"


The train has arrived. I took my things and get out of the train while suddenly..

"Jae hwa! Here here!"

"Grandma! Grandpa! Omg i miss you guys so much!" I hugged them and leaving my things behind

They laugh and say "we miss you so much little girl",

"I can't wait to see you so I told grandpa to bring me here" she said

"Your grandma can't stop talking about how she missed you since 1p.m.! I have to check my ears now, lets go to the doctor" he said teasing my grandma

I laughed "omg grandma! I missed you too! A lot!" I kissed her cheek

"Let's go home, you must've been really tired Jae hwa, and I've made you your favourite meal! Chicken soup!" She said cheerfully

"Thanks grandma!" I smiled. Thingking at why am i forgetting them and swelled up in my sadness.

We got to a cab and i saw the sky, "it's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"It sure is!" My grandma said

HEY GUYS! I really hope you enjoy the first chapter!😭😭 it's my first ever fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoy this. Don't forget to vote and like or even subscribe haha

P.S. : junhoe is going to be in the 2nd chapter. 💕

Have a great day yall!

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