Beauty And The Beast (A Raura...

By LoveliestWonderfill

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Ross Lynch was a monster inside. Sometimes he could control it. Other times it just came without warning. He... More

Chapter 1: Is He Really...?
Chapter 2: Researching
Chapter 3: The Castle
Chapter 5: I Promise
Chapter 6: The Gathering
Chapter 7: Protecting Laura
Chapter 8: Tragedy
Chapter 9: I Can't Lose You Either
Chapter 10: Nightmares
Chapter 11: Into The Magic Garden
Chapter 12: I'd Die For You
Chapter 13: After The Chaos
Chapter 14: Epilouge

Chapter 4: You're Invited

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By LoveliestWonderfill

Laura's POV:

Ross had brought me down the hall and into a big room. It looked like a normal room, just one to sit and relax in. We both were sitting down on two chairs in front of a burning fire. We've been sitting in silence for what seems to be, forever. Neither of us would speak. I didn't know what to say. Part of me was scared to start a conversation. Because when it comes to people I barley know, I tend to get awkward when I try and speak. I just stared at the flames in the fire pit and watched them flicker with sparks and crackle while they burn.

Ross's POV:

She's here. She's really here with me. The same girl I rescued only just last night. How did she get here? Her town has a strict policy about not going into the woods. Maybe she snuck out. If she did, she's a pretty sneaky girl, I'll give her that. The one thing that confused me about her, was why she wasn't scared. I know she knows who I am. I can see it in her eyes. Every time I stare at her, I can see it inside of her. She knows, I'm the one they call The Wolf Boy. They all say to be afraid. They say to kill me if spotted. But she has done neither of those things. She hasn't killed me, nor does she look like she's scared of me in any way. I turned my head to the side a little bit. Just enough to get a glimpse of her. I watched her stare into the burning fire. Her chocolate brown eyes danced with orange light as the reflection of the flames circled her pupils. Her long, brunette shaded hair that hung down a little ways past her shoulders. How it naturally curled itself at the tips, also camouflaging a shade of golden chestnut. Her clean skin, looking flawless and soft. And the way her pink, lightly plumped lips curved perfectly in shape with her mouth. Looking at her this closely now, I see that she's actually quite beautiful. In fact, very beautiful. There isn't a single flaw in sight. She seemed to notice my stare, because she lightly turned her head to face me. I quickly looked away and stared back into the fire. I don't think she noticed. We both sat in silence. It was a mixture of comfortable, and awkwardness. Was I suppose to say something? And if so, what exactly am I suppose to say? She's just a girl that I saw on the streets. I remember it so clearly. That small period of time I was with this girl. The way those men were abusing her. I watched them for a small moment. Then, I don't know what got into me. I just felt so furious watching them hurt someone so innocent. I watched them go up to her with my own eyes. How they stopped her out of the blue and began to punch her. Something inside of me just, couldn't stand seeing her getting hurt.

Laura's POV:

I don't think I can take much more of this silence. It's not that I think this is ridiculously awkward, I just don't want to sit here all day doing absolutely nothing. Before, I noticed him staring in my direction. I wasn't for sure whether or not he was actually looking at me. But it looked like it. I slowly turned a little in my chair and looked in his direction. He was looking into the fire.

Laura: C-... Can I ask you something?

He turned his gaze towards me at the sound of my voice. I suddenly felt so nervous talking to him. Being out on the spot is not something that's easy for me. Especially when it comes to boys. He stared into my eyes for a moment, then slowly nodded his head, signaling a yes. I swallowed hard before continuing.

Laura: ... Why did you stop those guys from hurting me yesterday?

He stared at me for a blank moment, then slightly turned away, breaking our gaze. I swallowed hard, wondering if I should be regretting my words.

Ross: ... I've been asking myself the same question.

I looked at him once more, then turned my head away as well. Did that answer my question? It sounds to me that he's even surprised by his actions last night.

Ross: To be honest... I don't really know.

I looked back up at Ross, to find him now staring at me once again.

Ross: I just saw you getting... beaten alive and... Something in me just couldn't bare watching them do that to you.

I could see part of his cheeks start to burn pink, as if he were blushing. He looked down, probably of embarrassment. His actions, actually made me look down at my lap and smile. Wow. He really cared about me last night.

Laura: Well... I just, wanna thank you again.

I looked up at him. He did the same. I gave him a crooked smile. He didn't smile back, but I could see in his eyes that he was sending me a silent you're welcome.

Ross: Now, can I ask you something?

I swallowed, then slowly nodded.

Ross: Why aren't you afraid?

I furrowed my eyebrows at his question.

Laura: Afraid of what?

Ross: Afraid of me.

Oh. Now I think I understand where he's going. I think he's talking about the fact that he's, "The Wolf Boy".

Laura: What's there to be afraid of?

He just stared at me, apparently a bit startled by my response. He was speechless. So, I just continued, not wanting to have to face another period of silence.

Laura: You saved my life. You've never threatened to harm or hurt me in any way... So, I really don't see anything to be afraid of.

This brought me back to all those articles I read last night. All the lies those publishers put into them. How can they call Ross heartless? It's just, awful to hear all of these untrue statements being made. Ross is still a human being. A human being with rights. He needs respect too.

Ross: But, you heard what all those people think of me. I know that you know exactly who I am.

I slowly nodded.

Ross: All those things about how I should be killed or shot on sight when someone sees me.

I nearly cringed in disgust at his words.

Ross: How I'm a dangerous killer with no soul or no heart.

Laura: But that's not true. None of it is!

Look what these people are doing to him. They're making him believe that all of these rumors are true. He can't hypnotize himself and actually believe he's a cruel, uncontrollable beast.

Laura: *sighs* Look, please don't believe in any of that stuff that they say. I've seen you attack people, yes. But you were only doing it to protect me... Right?

His eyes traveled up to mine. I could see him give me a small nod. I gave him a little smile.

Laura: Okay then. :)

He still didn't look convince by my small speech. He turned away and stared into the fire.

Ross: But I've hurt other people in the past...

Laura: Well... I'm sure you didn't mean to...

Ross: *sighs* You don't get it. It's like a tradition in the wolf life. Every wolf has a goal each year of killing at least one human. Legend has it that once we kill all the humans of Earth, we would be the rulers and finally no longer live in the shadows of the world.

My heart broke at his words. Is this all really a legend? The wolves kill all humans, then take over the world? I gulped, starting to question this situation. If the wolves need to kill all humans, then shouldn't he have killed me by now? It's not something I'd ever see him do.

Ross: My whole life, I thought that legend would actually pay off...

He actually thinks it's a good idea?

Ross: But... then... I met you. 'he says turning to face Laura'

I looked up at Ross and stared into his eyes. I could feel a little smile creep up on my lips. His comment was sweet.

Ross: Last night, when I saw you... I just thought you'd scream and run seeing the disaster that happened between me and those guys... But, you didn't run. Nor did you scream. Which kind of made me realize... there are people who'll not jump to conclusions like all the rest of them do.

Laura: You helped care for me. There was no reason for me to be afraid. Please take my advice. Don't be someone you don't want to be. I know that you disagree with some parts of those legends. I like you for who you are. And I know that inside you are a nice person.

Happiness filled his eyes. I could see them shimmer with yellow and orange light from the burning fire. I see him slowly nod.

Ross: Thank you.

I smiled, and nodded as well. Ross then stood up from his chair and walked right in front of me. He held out his hand for me to take. I placed my hand in his and allowed him to pull me up into a standing position.

Ross: Would you like to take a walk? 'he asks holding out his arm'

Laura: But, isn't it raining outside?

Ross: I just mean a walk around the castle.

I looked up into his eyes and smiled. I nodded my head.

Laura: Sure. :)

I slipped my hand through his arm and locked mine with his. He walked us slowly away from the fire and back out into the grand hallway. I still couldn't get over how amazing this place was.

Ross: This castle has been in the family for many generations. 'he says taking notice of her admiration'

I turned towards Ross as he talked and continued to walk us both down the hall.

Ross: It first belonged to a man named Sylvester Williams. He felt the need to give his castle away, because he was growing old in age and knew he couldn't take care of it much longer. It was then passed over to his friend, Martin A. Lynch. Which is my great great great grandfather.

I raised both of my eyebrows listening to his story.

Laura: Wow.

Ross: *nods* Mhm. So, for the past years and years this castle has just been passed down throughout the family. Now, my mother and father own it.

Laura: You mean... Stormie and Mark?

Ross: Yes. How did you know?

Laura: I remember seeing the painting of them in the library.

Ross: Oh, yea. Well, yes, those are my parents. If you saw their picture I'm also assuming you saw the rest of my siblings.

Laura: Yea. You have quite a lot.

Ross: I do, but they're good siblings. I only have one sister out of the three other brothers I have. She's good with them though.

I smiled and nodded. One girl out of four boys. She must get a lot of protection from them. Ross and I walked a little more down the hallway. He led me over to the stairs I used to come up here. We both walked down them and made our way back onto the main floor. We circled around to the right and started to walk down another hallway. As we walked, I noticed a room catching my eye. I stopped in place to get a look a it. Ross stopped with me, and turned towards the room.

Ross: Oh. This is the ball room.

Laura: What's it for?

Ross: Well, every year we kind of have this, sort of, gathering. Where wolves come from around everywhere for a small get together. It's like an actual ball when you think about it. Come in nice, fancy clothes, talk with people, then we have a small dance.

Laura: *smiles* Sounds wonderful. :)

Ross gave me a crooked smile.

Ross: Would you like to have a look around?

Laura: *nods* I'd love to. :)

Ross and I walked through the doors and into the ball room. Just like all the other rooms, it was breathtaking. There was a gigantic dance floor, a small stage off to the side of the room, and a long curved staircase leading up to another part of the second floor.

Ross: Speaking of the get together, I think it's tomorrow.

Laura: Really?

Ross: Yea...

Ross's POV:

Now that we brought this conversation up, I realized I had an urge to ask her to attend tomorrow at the gathering. I don't know if she'd want to or not. Would she find it awkward that I asked her to come? Would she take it the wrong way? She doesn't seem like the person who would, but still. I'm being cautious. I then realized I was straight up staring at her. She took notice, which made me snap out of it.

Laura: Yes? :) 'she asks taking notice of his stare'

Ross: *shakes his head* Oh, uh... nothing, I was just, gonna ask...

She stared up at me, patiently waiting for a response.

Ross: ... Would you like to, come to the gathering tomorrow?

Laura looked up at me with surprise in her eyes. I suddenly got nervous. Was it too much?

Laura: Really? :) 'she asks starting to smile'

Seeing her smile made me calm down a little bit more. It made me think that I wasn't creeping her out.

Ross: Yea... If you would like.

Laura smiled wide.

Laura: Yes. :)

I nodded my head and lightly smiled at her. I was actually very happy inside knowing she was going to be coming.

Laura: What time would you like me to come.

Ross: You might want to come a bit earlier than when the party actually starts. I'd say around 5:30. Does that sound okay?

Laura: *smiles and nods* Yea. :)

Ross: Okay. If you'd like, you can borrow one of my sister's dresses.

Laura: Will she mind?

Ross: I'm sure she'll be okay with it.

Laura: Okay. :)

Laura's POV:

I was super excited to come to this gathering with Ross. I'm just glad about the fact that I'm going to see him again. My thoughts were cut off by a clock starting to ding. I turned around and saw a clock hanging on the wall near the doors. The clock struck 10 o'clock. Maybe I should be going. I know if I don't check in with my dad soon, he'll start to get suspicious and wonder where I am. It has been raining for quite some time now. So he probably expects me a my grandmothers house if I'm not at home. I slowly turned back to Ross.

Laura: I guess I should... go now.

He stared at me for a moment, almost looking upset that I had to leave. But all he gave me was a simple nod.

Ross: Okay. Would you like me to walk you out?

I smiled.

Laura: Yea, thanks. :)

He seemed to lighten up a bit when I said that. We both made our way back over towards the door. He walked me down the hallway 'til we came into the main entrance room. He pulled me towards the front doors. I grabbed ahold of one door as he grabbed the other. We both pushed them open. I looked outside to find it now, only sprinkling. It wasn't pouring like it was before.

Ross: Are you sure you want to leave now? It's still raining.

Laura: I'd love to stay, but, my father would expect me to be at my grandmothers house by now. I told him I was out on a walk, and that if it started to rain I'd go to my grandmother's house.

Ross: *nods* Oh. Okay.

Laura: But, I'll see you tomorrow, right?

He looked up at me, with a facial expression mixed with both sadness, and happiness.

Ross: Yea.

Laura: *smiles*

I already couldn't wait for this gathering. It'll be me, Ross, and... a bunch of other wolves. Wait... Ross said that wolves are always looking for humans to kill. Oh no... then that means... I'll be the target at the party. I looked nervously up at Ross. I could tell he was sensing my worry.

Ross: Are you okay?

Laura: Um... Ross?

Ross stared at me, waiting for me to finish.

Laura: What if, people at the party figure out that... I'm a human?

He didn't speak. How was I suppose to hide my actual identity in a room full of wolves? I'm no scientist, but I think wolves may be able to sense my human flesh. Ross looked down into my eyes.

Ross: Don't worry. I'll take care of that.

I swallowed hard, but slowly nodded. I knew I could trust Ross with my safety. He's proven he can really protect me if he has to. Which surprises me, since I haven't even known him for one full day.

Laura: Well, I'd better be on my way.

I gave him a little smile, then started to turn towards the door.

Ross: Wait.

I heard him say 'wait', and I immediately stopped. I turned towards him again.

Laura: Yea?

Ross: ... I never got your name.

I thought about that. Wow, he's right. I never told him my name. I looked up at him and lightly smiled.

Laura: Laura. :)

Ross's POV:

Laura. A name that seems to fit her perfectly. I slowly nodded.

Ross: Pretty name.

She looked down and blushed a little, which I found strangely attractive. She looked back up at me.

Laura: Well, I guess I'll, see you tomorrow.

Ross: *nods* See you tomorrow.

She gave me her glowing smile, then turned and walked outside. I watched her as she pulled up the hood on her sweatshirt and started to jog in the direction of the woods. I felt a little bit bad for letting her go out in the freezing cold rain. But, if she needs to get home, then there's nothing I wanna do to try and get in her way. I didn't take my eyes off of her 'til she disappeared through the vines and trees of the forest. I came back to reality, then shut the doors once again. To be honest, I was pretty excited that Laura was coming again. I don't know why it's just, something about her presence that lightens up your mood every time. And her name. Laura. I thought it was a nice name. I just turned around and walked in the direction of my bedroom, not taking Laura off my mind.


Aww, Ross was daydreaming about Laura! Cute. <3

So, how'd you like the chapter? I'm trying to put some extra effort into this book cause I know how much y'all are liking it. Which really surprises me!

Hope to be back soon with a new chapter! :)


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