The Villain born from Shatter...

By KainXander

384K 11.8K 4.2K

Months after being rejected by his hero Midoriya was in the depths of depression, but Shigaraki's question wo... More

A Fateful Encounter
The New Midoriya
The Hero Killer
Stain and the League of Villains
A Villain, a Hero, and a Killer
Planned Encounter
Midoriya vs Bakugo
Can't Be Friends
Bakugo's Reflection
Deku's Starting Line
Deeper into Shadows
For a Friend
The Girl in Bandages
To Use and be Used
The Note
Reaching for Midoriya
Those Who Care
Deku's Gamble
What's Yours is Mine
Eri and the League
A Mother's Feelings
Awkward Similarities
The Gentle and The Cruel
A Diary of Villains
The Beast
Not a Tool
Metahuman Liberation Army
The Power of Love
What I Want to Protect
Tag In
The Villainous Victors
Paranormal Liberation Front
A Game of Cards
Hero for a Day
Looking Back
Quirk Secrets
A Deal with Deku
A Moments Peace
Hero strike
Through Her Eyes
Desperate Kids

Everything is Connected

11.2K 355 131
By KainXander

A week has passed since the capture of Stain the Hero Killer. News of his capture had already spread but so did a video that was taken. After Midoriya left, Stain was delivered to some nearby heroes and attempted to escape once he regained consciousness. Midoriya had opened his phone to show Kurogiri and Shigaraki the video he came across.

It started when  Stain who was tied up and surrounded by pro heroes pulled out a hidden knife from under his sleeve he proceeded to cut ropes and flee. His escape was cut off by the number two hero Endeavor who just arrived onto the scene after dealing with the Nomus.

"You shall go nowhere Hero Killer!" Endeavor declared proudly as he stood before Stain. Before Stain could make any retort Endeavor already closed in swinging his fist at him. Stain managed to dodge but the burst of flames that came from the fist didn't allow the Hero Killer to close in.

Stain was soon cornered with Endeavor in front and other heroes behind Endeavor just in case Stain tries to flee. The mask covering The Hero Killer's face begins to fall being damaged and burnt as his face was exposed. His face made people freeze in terror as he began to speak "You are the lowest of all false heroes, someone such as you could never kill me! The only one who could ever kill me is All Might!"

At the end of his scream, Stain stopped moving and went unconscious since the bones Midoriya broke now punctured a lung. The video then scrolls text explaining his life story and his goal to bring the old ideal of heroes back through violence.

As the video ends Shigaraki unable to contain it any longer picks up a bar stool throwing it at a wall but the stool but only dust hits the wall as the stool crumbled before contact.

"I'm fed up with Hero Killer this and Stain that! The Nomus were barely mentioned, I'm being treated like a god damn sideshow."

"I'm actually surprised I haven't ended up on a wanted list yet," Midoriya said ignoring Shigaraki's temper tantrum "I'm sure the news crew on that helicopter probably took my picture at least."

"They're probably sorting out the details," Kurogiri said "You fought Stain and won, but the media only knows about a vigilante who defeated Stain."

"Those two are separate" All for One exclaimed through the television. "They believe the person who defeated Stain and the person who was with Shigaraki are different people. As for why Midoriyia hasn't appeared on any wanted list is because All Might is trying to cover it up."

As Midoriya nods his head he begins to think about Todoroki and Iida who were with him when he fought Stain wondering what they were doing right now.

Both of them were at school walking over to Bakugo's desk to ask him about Deku and what his connection was with Bakugo. Bakugo noticed the two walking over and being to scowl at them.

"What do you extras want?" 

"That is no way to speak to others calling them extras" Iida replied moving his arms in a fast but robotic motion.

"Actually do you know of a dark green, bushy-haired person who goes by Deku?" As Todoroki asked Bakugo was about to retort saying he never heard of him but stops as his eyes open wide in realization.

"It can't be him" Bakugo replies under his breath as Iida and Todoroki could barely make out what was said. 

"Excuse me could you repeat that?" Todoroki asked getting more curious now.

"It's nothing, I don't know any quirkless freak who has that name!" Bakugo shouted.

"Quirkless? The person called Deku has a quirk" Iida said.

"See don't know him now buzz off" Bakugo calmed down after hearing that Deku had a quirk believing it to be someone else now.

"Well he told us to give you a message, he would be seeing you soon," Todoroki said before walking away but making sure to look back at Bakugo's confused expression.

"Iida, do you think the person Bakugo knows and the Deku we know are different people?" Todoroki asks once they're out of earshot of Bakugo.

"No, but there is something definitely not right" Iida slipped out a sheet of paper to Todoroki who opened and saw Midioriya's missing poster.

"Midoriya Izuku, quirkless. The picture is the same person we saw." 

"I remember seeing him before as well, on the way to school with Uraraka. He wanted to join U.A but said he didn't have a quirk. I had to confirm with Uraraka making sure she also remembered him and even then he seemed very off."

"Ignoring how the quirk was obtained, if we assume they are the same person then it would make sense. I dunno what happened between him and Bakugo but considering Bakugo's personality he must have been scarred" Todoroki's hand slowly went up covering his left eye a bit "Whether physical or mental I can't help but understand how he feels."

"Todoroki?" Iida says as Todoroki began mumbling once the hand went to his left eye.

"It's nothing" Todoroki put's his hand back down to his side "What do you think we should do Iida?"

"Telling the teachers would be the best since he is endangering a student, but..."

"But he saved you, despite being a villain." Iida slowly nods his head as Todoroki finishes what Iida was thinking.

"Maybe we should talk to All Might, I'm sure the number one hero could have something to say on it" Iida suggests since they don't have many options at the moment.

Once the class ended the two of them caught All Might before he left. "All Might, have you ever had doubts about a villain?" Iida asked not sure how to start this bizarre conversation.

"Doubts? Sure not all villains are the ones that commit crimes for selfishness but a villain is a villain, if you ever face one with any doubts then you could lose your life" All might said thinking this was a simple subject of what if there was a decent villain considering the situation with the Hero Killer.

"No, we're talking about someone our age who is working with villains and we think the reason is that he was bullied back in middle school," Todoroki said deciding the be blunt about it and help the conversation along. He then hands All Might the missing person sheet. The look on All Might's face when he received the sheet made Todroki raise an eyebrow "You know him don't you."

"Well, I umm. Yes I met him before, but this is the first time I heard of him being bullied" All Might said.

"The truth is All Might we met Midoriya the day the Hero Killer was captured and in fact helped us and even saved my life, but before he left told us to give Bakugo a message that Deku could be seeing him soon. When we told Bakugo about this he said he doesn't know that quirkless bastard, but the person we met has a quirk" Iida said.

"So that man did give him a quirk," All Might said under his breath before looking at the two boys "Oh sorry about that, I was just thinking. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I will do my best, sorry I have to go" All Might quickly dashed out of the room as he felt his time begin to run out as he started to lose his muscle form. 

"Do his best at what?" Todoroki wondered as All Might quickly rushed out of the room.

"Maybe do his best at helping Bakugo and Deku?" Iida replied.

Back a the hideout a knock was heard outside the door. Midoriya, Korogiri, and Shigaraki all looked towards the door before Shigaraki called for them to enter. A man who at first glance looked like a sleazy con artist walked in followed by a tall pale man with purple wrinkles skin along his eyes and neck. A very familiar looking girl walked in along with them who's eyes shined like stars upon looking at Midoriya.

"Midoriya!" the girl yells and before anyone could react had already wrapped herself around his arm.

"T-Toga?" Midoriya replied with surprise

"Why did you leave without telling me where you were Midoriya," She said with an almost pouty face before a weird grin appears "I might have to punish you later."

"You know her?" Shigaraki asks.

"Yea, she went to the same school as me, also tried to kill me."

"Recently she is the suspect of a series of murders where all the victims were bled out" the con artist looking guy says. He then looks at Midoriya "I guess you don't know who I am, my name is Giran a broker."

"I'm Dabi" The thin pale man speaks up not even looking at Shigaraki or anyone else in the room.

"Unlike Toga, he hasn't committed any fancy crimes but he has taken Stain's ideology to heart," Grain says.

"I don't like it if your letting in that crazy girl then I don't believe any of you are serious about Stain's ideology.

"Stain, Stain, Stain It's all I ever hear about. I don't like it; I'm going to erase it!" Shigaraki slowly gets up from his seat swaying a bit as his eyes slowly focus on Toga, then on Dabi. As he gets ready to lunge at Dabi Midoriya suddenly enhances his body and quickly grabs Shigaraki's arm.

"What are you doing!? Unhand me!" 

"What will it accomplish if you attack them?" Midoriya asks.

"There annoying me."

"and what did that accomplish in Hosu?" 

As soon as those words left Midoriya's lips Shigaraki's body began to shake with anger, raising his other hand as his eyes glare at Midoriya. Kurogiri having been on standby ready to intervene if Shigaraki were to act never expected the situation to get this bad. curling his raised hand into a fist he slowly lowers it back down and pulls his other arm from Midoriya's grasp. 

"Shut up" Shigaraki walks out of the bar slamming the door behind him.

"I find it strange how the young boy acts more mature than the client" Giran states scratching his head.

"I thought he was gonna kill you hehe," Toga says walking up beside Midoriya.

"He makes me sick" Dabi added.

"Where are you going?" Kurogiri asks seeing Midoriya walk towards the door.

"Since Shigaraki left I'm taking a walk" he states before leaving.

Once outside Midoriya catches a glimpse of Shigaraki turning a corner in an alley and decides to follow. After a while, he sees Shigaraki walk into a mall and finally catches up to him.

"Shigaraki, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, why did you follow me?"

"Because you stormed off when you're supposed to be the leader of the League of Villains."

"Ugh" Finally letting out a sigh Shigaraki sits down as Midoriya sits beside him. "Why do people all care about the Hero Killer? Aren't we all just doing the same thing, destroying what we don't like?"

"People don't understand the reason you seek to kill All Might, while people understand the Hero Killer went after heroes." 

"Look at these people Midoriya, any one of them could use a quirk and kill them but they all smile and act so carefree as if that would never happen... Smiling, carefree, Allmight. Hehehaha there simply connected that's all it is. Killing Allmight would show the world just unstable it is. I was worried for nothing, hehe thank you Midoriya" Shigaraki says as he stands up.

"I'm going to stay here a bit longer and buy a few things., it gets a bit stuffy inside the bar all day" As Shigaraki leaves and Midoriya shops and accidentally runs into two other people at the mall.

"Deku?" Todoroki asks completely surprised to see him.

"Todoroki, and I see Iida is with you as well. What are you two doing here?" Midoriya asks.

"We're here for some shopping with the cl-" Todorki quickly nudges Iida before he could finish that word.

"What about you why are you here?" Todoroki asks quickly to cover up what Iida almost said.

"Shopping as well" Midoriya states.

"Thank you for saving us from before, but um I have a question. Is this you?" Iida asks slowly handing the missing person page to Midoriya. 

"No, this isn't me" Midoriya states quickly handing it back to Iida. "I would forget about that, I have to go. I guess I will see you later" Midoiya says with a smile before walking off.

"Should we report who we ran into?" Iida asks looking at Todoroki.

"No point, he isn't listed as a villain yet, I bet Allmight wants to try to talk to him first since there seems to be a connection to each other" Todorkoi responds.

"Maybe that's his illegitimate child?" Iida says half-jokingly but half serious causing Todoroki to quickly glance at the direction Midoriya went and then back to Iida.

"I dunno."


+Sorry for the late Chapter, things have been pretty busy. I do hope to start writing chapters more consistently again+

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