Kidnapped, By One Direction?!

By joylesspie

42.9K 961 166

Ciara was living in a downtown apartment with her younger sister Suzaine and her mother. While her mother is... More

Kidnapped, By One Direction?!
Chapter 1, Wheres Suzaine?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Suicidal thoughts?
Chapter 5
Third Not a Chapter
Chapter 6(FINALLY!!!!)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Take Me Home
Chapter 9
Chapter 10(YEAH BUDDY!!)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15; Still Into You
Chapter 16; Vas Happenin'?!?
Chapter 17; Therapy
Chapter 18; Remembering Sunday
Long time no write.

Chapter 4

2.3K 59 20
By joylesspie

(Ciara's POV)

I am standing ontop of the largest building I can find. The wind is whipping around the dress I wore to the funeral. My little sister's. You have no idea how hard it is to even think like that. She was so little. So fragile. She didn't deserve to die. She had no one to take care of her when she goes to heaven. That's why I'm going to join her. She needs me, and I need her. It's not like anyone would miss me. Mother doesn't care. She didn't even show up to the funeral. Father is gone. He would never be a father to me again. He messed up to many times. Those boys certainly don't care. If they did then they would have let me go a long time ago.

I walk to the ledge. I had made my decision. I look down at the people walking on the sidewalk down below. I am just waiting for an open space to jump to. 'Cause... I would hate to take some one else's life while jumping. Then I would go to Hell and never see Suzaine again.

I inch my toes forward until they are hanging off the edge, and I spread my arms wide apart, closing my eyes.

(Niall's POV)

This is so depressing. The whole funeral was so sad. I don't like being depressed. It's so..... depressing.

Food would definetly make this better. Maybe Ciara needs some food to cheer up too. She's been so sad lately and hasn't eaten alot. That's probably what she needs. Just some Nandos to make her feel better.

"Hey, Ciara, wanna go get some Nandos? I'm sure it will make you feel better." I say while turning around.

She isn't there. Maybe she just went to go look at her sister one last time.

While walking up to the casket (Nikki orignally spelled that word wrong) I notice she isn't there either.

That's odd. She couldn't have run off, could she? I mean this is her sister's funeral. She couldn't just leave.

So I turn to Liam. He's Daddy Direction. He would know these things.

"Hey Li, where's Ciara?" I ask.

"Do you have eyes? Go look yourself." He retorts. Well. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I pouted.

"But Liam, she's not here..." I say.

"What do you mean she's not here? She was here a second ago! Where could she have gone?" Zayn says, obviously listening to our conversation.

"Wait, Ciara's gone? LOU CIARA'S MISSING!" Harry said, screaming the last part.

"This looks like a job for.... SUPERMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" Lou yells, ripping open his suit to reveal a superman shirt. Liam face palms.

"Louis now is not the time! This is serious! We need to find her before she does anything drastic!" Liam says, freaking out.

"C'mon mates let's go to the van and look for her. We have to be quick. Who know what she could do." I say.

                                         ~In the van~

"C'mon Louis drive faster! We need to find her." Harry says.


"Lou, you are nowhere near the speed limit! You're driving slower than my grandmother does!" Zayn says.

"Mates, whose that on the ledge up there?" I ask, peering up at a very tall building.

"Where?" Louis asks.

I roll my eyes. "Right in front of us Lou."

"Well who ever it is, she is FIT." Harry says, waggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes again. "Now isn't the time Hazza. We need to find Ciara."

"If you keep rolling your eyes, their gonna be stuck like that." Harry informs me with a smirk.


"Harry... that looks an awful lot like your mum's dress... like the one that we let Ciara borrow..." Liam trails off.

We all look at each other, horror clear on our faces.

"Mates, I think that is Ciara!" Zayn says, horrified.

We all jump out of the van as fast as we can, tripping over each other on the way. We race up the stairs, bumping into walls and falling down constantly. This is a pretty nice hotel... wait, that is way off task. Gotta get to the roof, gotta get to the roof, gotta get to the roof.

We finally make it to the door that would lead us to the roof.

Liam pushes it open. In front of us stands Ciara, whose back is to us, toes on the edge of the ledge, and arms spread wide apart.

"CIARA NO!" We all yell.


Author's note.

I am so so so so so so so  sorry! It took me forever to update! Arg! I just had huge writers block, and people kept coming over my house. Uninvited might I add. and I've been super duper busy. I know... excuses, excuses. Sorry it's so short and theres alot of dialouge in here. Um I just wanna ask you guys a favor. Could you please vote and comment? Don't be a silent reader! It gives me more motives to write.

Yours truly,

~Nikki xxx


SHAME ON YOU NIKKI! Anyway. Hi. Miriam here. ZOMG: Zombies, oh my gosh.

Um... well, Nikki, this is starting to scare me. NO MORE DEATHS. 

Anyway, if Nikki hasn't already said so, the updates will be WAY less frequent because of our school year coming up. That's a valid reason right there, Nikki. >.>

~Miriam xxxx <---- beat Nikki AGAIN.

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