The Bold and The Beautiful th...

By boldfiction

11.4K 158 32

Follows everyone from the Bold and the beautiful but focuses on Steffy and romance and fashion. This is volu... More

The Bold and The Beautiful (team Steffy) V2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
part 16
Part 22

Part 2

800 7 1
By boldfiction


There was silence as Ally processed the information, her jaw dropped she looked at Steffy who knodded letting her know that what she heard was true.

Ally finaly spoke "Brooke looks nothing like Hope how could you not know?"

Oliver looked around and responded "does it matter it was so long ago,  you never cared or even mentioned how Hope and I used to date any way."

Steffy and Wyatt stood there shaking there heads thinking what a stupid response.

Ally suddenly bolted up the corridor and though the halls of Forrester Creations followed close behind by Steffy.

Before she ran she asked Wyatt to keep Oliver from following so he did.

"dude you slept with Brooke she is like 50, how has this never come up before?" asked Wyatt.

Oliver took a deep breath and tried to word a good response.

"At a party ladies were all dress the same and guys were all dressed the same too. Brooke was wearing Hopes necklace I guess we were both horny freaks and got it on on the balcony."

Wyatt just stood there "dude you should send that story to American Pie writers that stuff is so wack."

Oliver quickly added "make things worse I didn't even realize till a few days later." as Wyatt was almost falling on the ground from laughter Oliver walked off.


Ally had run in to the office and looked the door behind her.

"Ally please open up I am here for you." Steffy yelled while struggling with the door handle and banging in the door. "Please sweety we can get through this together."

Running to find out what the noise was came Rick, Caroline and Carter.

"Steffy what are you doing?" yelled Rick.

Steffy while trying to open the door still answered in a whisper "Ally knows about Oliver and Brooke having sex."

Caroline and Carter both shouted "WHAT?"

"Happened years ago." replied Rick.

Caroline asked Rick "how could you not tell me this? I encouraged Ally to date him. Would never have done that if I knew."

Steffy spoke while still whispering "he thought the person he was with was Hope but actually was Brooke. Brooke thought Oliver was My dad."

Ally was making loud banging noises.

"Ally let us in. What are you doing in there?" shouted out Caroline.

"making my self a drink mmmmmmmm scotch." she shouted out. Ally was making her self a alcoholic drink.

"Ally don't please that's is not the answer."replied Steffy.

Carter chimed in "we all got to charge at the door at once it worth a try." they all knodded a day walked back as Stefano walked up.

"need a hand?" asked Stefano.

"Ally locked her self in we need to bash the door down." said Carter.

So the guys prepared then selves as the girls counted down "three two one"

On one the thee guys all ran up and shouldered the door it budged a little back. So they repeated it again and they were in.

Steffy ran past the guys to get to Ally an walked her over to the couch and sat down with her.

Caroline joined them on the couch, the guys left together they sensed it was a female moment and they would get in the way.

"You have taken in some big news so just relax and process it while you are here in a safe place with family who love you." Spoke Caroline.

"Why have I missed out on so much? Why did Hope never tell me?" asked Ally. "I always got the idea you were the mean one and Hope nice but she has physically hurt you Steff."

Hope of course just walked past and heard Allys last sentence so of course butted in.

Her arms waving in there air as she spoke "Steffy was the one always playing games. She will make it sounds like I pushed her just cause she was pregnant which is so untrue I didn't know she was pregnant we just argued in the office I pushed her."

Steffy just looked at Hope and shook her head and said "wow you never spoken of that since it happened Hope, but she meant in the snow when you were all drugged up Liam accidentally told her."

Hope felt bad jumping to conclusions like always, "oh well what is going on here then?" asked Hope.

Ally was getting angry and agitated, Caroline was getting worried "Hope if you don't mind can you please leave so we can calm Ally down." Said a stern Caroline.

"what did I do?" snapped Hope.

Ally yelled back "more like what you never did. You never cared about me your so selfish. how could you let me date Oliver"

Hope yelled back "but you love Oliver what is the big issue he is great."

"He slept with your mum! and you never told me" Ally yelled back. "just leave." she pointed at the door.

Hope spoke back"but Ally." then she was cut off by Ally "Leave Hope leave us Forresters alone."

Ally was very upset hands shaking and her face was bright red.

"Hope best you go I will call you later." said Steffy.

Hope left although she wanted to stay and talk it out.

On her way out she bumped in to Wyatt.

"Hope are you OK?" asked Wyatt.

Hope replied "Ally is mad about me because of Oliver."

"ouch Yeh she would be finding out Brooke sleeping with Oliver." replied Wyatt.

Hope realized he may be angry at her to "oh guess your mad at me too so I am sorry for not telling  you."

Wyatt help her chin and looked her in the eyes "Hope don't be silly, your stronger then ever in my eyes, your mum has been romantically involved with so many and you forgave her and became a strong beautiful woman."

They hugged and arranged to meet up for dinner later.


"Ally we are here for you what do you want right now?" asked Steffy.

"don't know but feel safe with you both here just, I know I can't date Oliver And Brooke just why can't she stop sleeping around she always hurts people. people she is meant to love." replied Ally.

Steffy tried to think of a positive reply but she couldn't think of one "Brooke is a complicated person I don't know why she does what she does."

"hey guys Brooke really has hurt so many people just from sleeping with them, she went after Ridge when he was with my Aunt Caroline." added Caroline.

Steffy added "she hurt my grandma when she went after Grand dad all those times, hurt my mum when she went after Ridge."

"she went after my dad as well and Deacon when he was Bridgets husband and Nick as well, now poor Katie she stole Bill." cried Ally.

Steffy sat there in silence how could one person do so much damage and her son in the president of there family company.

"I feel so sorry for Hope we should go after her have a girls night what do you girls think?" asked Caroline.

"To much on with our new line but we will do it as soon as possible." answered Steffy.

Ally felt worried "was I to harsh on her?"

"Not at all she should have told you and she has said way worse things to me than what you said to her so don't worry and let's get out of here get some lunch." Spoke Steffy as she walked up and headed to the door.

Ally looked guilty "I may of accidentally told Liam I would talk you in to going to lunch with him it will be romantic."

Steffy smiled "oh Ally really?"

"yes yes he deserves to be happy I thought Hope was the one to make him happy but I was wrong it is you, I never knew you two as a couple but I want to so please go to lunch." Smiled Ally.

"yes I will thanks Ally." they hugged and Caroline joined in to she was loving feeling like she had sisters.


Steffy arrived for her lunch date she was a little nervous. She walked up to waiter "table for Spencer."

"Right This Way Miss." said the waiter as they walked through the restaurant.

She arrived at the table nervously looked at her lunch date and took a deep breath.

"Bill what are you doing here?"

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